" test execute() source view_util.vim source check.vim source vim9.vim source term_util.vim func NestedEval() let nested = execute('echo "nested\nlines"') echo 'got: "' . nested . '"' endfunc func NestedRedir() redir => var echo 'broken' redir END endfunc func Test_execute_string() call assert_equal("\nnocompatible", execute('set compatible?')) call assert_equal("\nsomething\nnice", execute('echo "something\nnice"')) call assert_equal("noendofline", execute('echon "noendofline"')) call assert_equal("", execute(123)) call assert_equal("\ngot: \"\nnested\nlines\"", execute('call NestedEval()')) redir => redired echo 'this' let evaled = execute('echo "that"') echo 'theend' redir END call assert_equal("\nthis\ntheend", redired) call assert_equal("\nthat", evaled) call assert_fails('call execute("doesnotexist")', 'E492:') call assert_fails('call execute("call NestedRedir()")', 'E930:') call assert_equal("\nsomething", execute('echo "something"', '')) call assert_equal("\nsomething", execute('echo "something"', 'silent')) call assert_equal("\nsomething", execute('echo "something"', 'silent!')) call assert_equal("", execute('burp', 'silent!')) if has('float') call assert_fails('call execute(3.4)', 'E492:') call assert_equal("\nx", execute("echo \"x\"", 3.4)) call CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(['execute("echo \"x\"", 3.4)'], ['E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got float', 'E1174:']) endif endfunc func Test_execute_list() call assert_equal("\nsomething\nnice", execute(['echo "something"', 'echo "nice"'])) let l = ['for n in range(0, 3)', \ 'echo n', \ 'endfor'] call assert_equal("\n0\n1\n2\n3", execute(l)) call assert_equal("", execute([])) endfunc func Test_execute_does_not_change_col() echo '' echon 'abcd' let x = execute('silent echo 234343') echon 'xyz' let text = '' for col in range(1, 7) let text .= nr2char(screenchar(&lines, col)) endfor call assert_equal('abcdxyz', text) endfunc func Test_execute_not_silent() echo '' echon 'abcd' let x = execute('echon 234', '') echo 'xyz' let text1 = '' for col in range(1, 8) let text1 .= nr2char(screenchar(&lines - 1, col)) endfor call assert_equal('abcd234 ', text1) let text2 = '' for col in range(1, 4) let text2 .= nr2char(screenchar(&lines, col)) endfor call assert_equal('xyz ', text2) endfunc func Test_win_execute() let thiswin = win_getid() new let otherwin = win_getid() call setline(1, 'the new window') call win_gotoid(thiswin) let line = win_execute(otherwin, 'echo getline(1)') call assert_match('the new window', line) let line = win_execute(134343, 'echo getline(1)') call assert_equal('', line) if has('popupwin') let popupwin = popup_create('the popup win', {'line': 2, 'col': 3}) redraw let line = 'echo getline(1)'->win_execute(popupwin) call assert_match('the popup win', line) call popup_close(popupwin) endif call win_gotoid(otherwin) bwipe! " check :lcd in another window does not change directory let curid = win_getid() let curdir = getcwd() split Xother lcd .. " Use :pwd to get the actual current directory let otherdir = execute('pwd') call win_execute(curid, 'lcd testdir') call assert_equal(otherdir, execute('pwd')) bwipe! execute 'cd ' .. curdir endfunc func Test_win_execute_update_ruler() CheckFeature quickfix enew call setline(1, range(500)) 20 split let winid = win_getid() set ruler wincmd w let height = winheight(winid) redraw call assert_match('20,1', Screenline(height + 1)) let line = win_execute(winid, 'call cursor(100, 1)') redraw call assert_match('100,1', Screenline(height + 1)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_win_execute_other_tab() let thiswin = win_getid() tabnew call win_execute(thiswin, 'let xyz = 1') call assert_equal(1, xyz) tabclose unlet xyz endfunc func Test_win_execute_visual_redraw() call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) new wincmd p call feedkeys("G\", 'txn') call win_execute(winnr('#')->win_getid(), 'redraw') bwipe! bwipe! endfunc func Test_win_execute_on_startup() CheckRunVimInTerminal let lines =<< trim END vim9script [repeat('x', &columns)]->writefile('Xfile1') silent tabedit Xfile2 var id = win_getid() silent tabedit Xfile3 autocmd VimEnter * win_execute(id, 'close') END call writefile(lines, 'XwinExecute') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-p Xfile1 -Nu XwinExecute', {}) " this was crashing on exit with EXITFREE defined call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XwinExecute') call delete('Xfile1') endfunc func Test_execute_func_with_null() call assert_equal("", execute(test_null_string())) call assert_equal("", execute(test_null_list())) call assert_fails('call execute(test_null_dict())', 'E731:') call assert_fails('call execute(test_null_blob())', 'E976:') call assert_fails('call execute(test_null_partial())','E729:') if has('job') call assert_fails('call execute(test_null_job())', 'E908:') call assert_fails('call execute(test_null_channel())', 'E908:') endif endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab