" Tests for various eval things. function s:foo() abort try return [] == 0 catch return 1 endtry endfunction func Test_catch_return_with_error() call assert_equal(1, s:foo()) endfunc func Test_nocatch_restore_silent_emsg() silent! try throw 1 catch endtry echoerr 'wrong' let c1 = nr2char(screenchar(&lines, 1)) let c2 = nr2char(screenchar(&lines, 2)) let c3 = nr2char(screenchar(&lines, 3)) let c4 = nr2char(screenchar(&lines, 4)) let c5 = nr2char(screenchar(&lines, 5)) call assert_equal('wrong', c1 . c2 . c3 . c4 . c5) endfunc func Test_mkdir_p() call mkdir('Xmkdir/nested', 'p') call assert_true(isdirectory('Xmkdir/nested')) try " Trying to make existing directories doesn't error call mkdir('Xmkdir', 'p') call mkdir('Xmkdir/nested', 'p') catch /E739:/ call assert_report('mkdir(..., "p") failed for an existing directory') endtry " 'p' doesn't suppress real errors call writefile([], 'Xfile') call assert_fails('call mkdir("Xfile", "p")', 'E739') call delete('Xfile') call delete('Xmkdir', 'rf') endfunc func Test_line_continuation() let array = [5, "\ ignore this \ 6, "\ more to ignore "\ more moreto ignore \ ] "\ and some more call assert_equal([5, 6], array) endfunc func Test_E963() " These commands used to cause an internal error prior to vim 8.1.0563 let v_e = v:errors let v_o = v:oldfiles call assert_fails("let v:errors=''", 'E963:') call assert_equal(v_e, v:errors) call assert_fails("let v:oldfiles=''", 'E963:') call assert_equal(v_o, v:oldfiles) endfunc func Test_for_invalid() call assert_fails("for x in 99", 'E714:') call assert_fails("for x in 'asdf'", 'E714:') call assert_fails("for x in {'a': 9}", 'E714:') endfunc func Test_readfile_binary() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) setlocal ff=dos silent write XReadfile let lines = 'XReadfile'->readfile() call assert_equal(['one', 'two', 'three'], lines) let lines = readfile('XReadfile', '', 2) call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], lines) let lines = readfile('XReadfile', 'b') call assert_equal(["one\r", "two\r", "three\r", ""], lines) let lines = readfile('XReadfile', 'b', 2) call assert_equal(["one\r", "two\r"], lines) bwipe! call delete('XReadfile') endfunc func Test_let_errmsg() call assert_fails('let v:errmsg = []', 'E730:') let v:errmsg = '' call assert_fails('let v:errmsg = []', 'E730:') let v:errmsg = '' endfunc func Test_string_concatenation() call assert_equal('ab', 'a'.'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a' .'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a'. 'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a' . 'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a'..'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a' ..'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a'.. 'b') call assert_equal('ab', 'a' .. 'b') let a = 'a' let b = 'b' let a .= b call assert_equal('ab', a) let a = 'a' let a.=b call assert_equal('ab', a) let a = 'a' let a ..= b call assert_equal('ab', a) let a = 'a' let a..=b call assert_equal('ab', a) endfunc " Test fix for issue #4507 func Test_skip_after_throw() try throw 'something' let x = wincol() || &ts catch /something/ endtry endfunc scriptversion 2 func Test_string_concat_scriptversion2() call assert_true(has('vimscript-2')) let a = 'a' let b = 'b' call assert_fails('echo a . b', 'E15:') call assert_fails('let a .= b', 'E985:') call assert_fails('let vers = 1.2.3', 'E15:') if has('float') let f = .5 call assert_equal(0.5, f) endif endfunc scriptversion 1 func Test_string_concat_scriptversion1() call assert_true(has('vimscript-1')) let a = 'a' let b = 'b' echo a . b let a .= b let vers = 1.2.3 call assert_equal('123', vers) if has('float') call assert_fails('let f = .5', 'E15:') endif endfunc scriptversion 3 func Test_vvar_scriptversion3() call assert_true(has('vimscript-3')) call assert_fails('echo version', 'E121:') call assert_false(exists('version')) let version = 1 call assert_equal(1, version) endfunc scriptversion 2 func Test_vvar_scriptversion2() call assert_true(exists('version')) echo version call assert_fails('let version = 1', 'E46:') call assert_equal(v:version, version) call assert_equal(v:version, v:versionlong / 10000) call assert_true(v:versionlong > 8011525) endfunc func Test_dict_access_scriptversion2() let l:x = {'foo': 1} call assert_false(0 && l:x.foo) call assert_true(1 && l:x.foo) endfunc scriptversion 4 func Test_vvar_scriptversion4() call assert_true(has('vimscript-4')) call assert_equal(17, 017) call assert_equal(18, 018) call assert_equal(64, 0b1'00'00'00) call assert_equal(1048576, 0x10'00'00) call assert_equal(1000000, 1'000'000) call assert_equal("1234", execute("echo 1'234")->trim()) call assert_equal('1 234', execute("echo 1''234")->trim()) call assert_fails("echo 1'''234", 'E115:') endfunc scriptversion 1 func Test_vvar_scriptversion1() call assert_equal(15, 017) call assert_equal(18, 018) endfunc func Test_scriptversion_fail() call writefile(['scriptversion 9'], 'Xversionscript') call assert_fails('source Xversionscript', 'E999:') call delete('Xversionscript') endfunc func Test_excute_null() call assert_fails('execute test_null_list()', 'E730:') call assert_fails('execute test_null_dict()', 'E731:') call assert_fails('execute test_null_blob()', 'E976:') execute test_null_string() call assert_fails('execute test_null_partial()', 'E729:') if has('job') call assert_fails('execute test_null_job()', 'E908:') call assert_fails('execute test_null_channel()', 'E908:') endif endfunc func Test_numbersize() " This will fail on systems without 64 bit int support or when not configured " correctly. call assert_equal(64, v:numbersize) endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab