Test for various eval features. vim: set ft=vim : Note: system clipboard support is not tested. I do not think anybody will thank me for messing with clipboard. STARTTEST :so small.vim :set encoding=latin1 :set noswapfile :lang C :fun AppendRegContents(reg) call append('$', printf('%s: type %s; value: %s (%s), expr: %s (%s)', a:reg, getregtype(a:reg), getreg(a:reg), string(getreg(a:reg, 0, 1)), getreg(a:reg, 1), string(getreg(a:reg, 1, 1)))) endfun :command -nargs=? AR :call AppendRegContents() :fun SetReg(...) call call('setreg', a:000) call append('$', printf('{{{2 setreg(%s)', string(a:000)[1:-2])) call AppendRegContents(a:1) if a:1 isnot# '=' execute "silent normal! Go==\n==\e\"".a:1."P" endif endfun :fun ErrExe(str) call append('$', 'Executing '.a:str) try execute a:str catch $put =v:exception endtry endfun :fun Test() $put ='{{{1 let tests' let @" = 'abc' AR " let @" = "abc\n" AR " let @" = "abc\" AR " let @= = '"abc"' AR = $put ='{{{1 Basic setreg tests' call SetReg('a', 'abcA', 'c') call SetReg('b', 'abcB', 'v') call SetReg('c', 'abcC', 'l') call SetReg('d', 'abcD', 'V') call SetReg('e', 'abcE', 'b') call SetReg('f', 'abcF', "\") call SetReg('g', 'abcG', 'b10') call SetReg('h', 'abcH', "\10") call SetReg('I', 'abcI') $put ='{{{1 Appending single lines with setreg()' call SetReg('A', 'abcAc', 'c') call SetReg('A', 'abcAl', 'l') call SetReg('A', 'abcAc2','c') call SetReg('b', 'abcBc', 'ca') call SetReg('b', 'abcBb', 'ba') call SetReg('b', 'abcBc2','ca') call SetReg('b', 'abcBb2','b50a') call SetReg('C', 'abcCl', 'l') call SetReg('C', 'abcCc', 'c') call SetReg('D', 'abcDb', 'b') call SetReg('E', 'abcEb', 'b') call SetReg('E', 'abcEl', 'l') call SetReg('F', 'abcFc', 'c') $put ='{{{1 Appending NL with setreg()' call setreg('a', 'abcA2', 'c') call setreg('b', 'abcB2', 'v') call setreg('c', 'abcC2', 'l') call setreg('d', 'abcD2', 'V') call setreg('e', 'abcE2', 'b') call setreg('f', 'abcF2', "\") call setreg('g', 'abcG2', 'b10') call setreg('h', 'abcH2', "\10") call setreg('I', 'abcI2') call SetReg('A', "\n") call SetReg('B', "\n", 'c') call SetReg('C', "\n") call SetReg('D', "\n", 'l') call SetReg('E', "\n") call SetReg('F', "\n", 'b') $put ='{{{1 Setting lists with setreg()' call SetReg('a', ['abcA3'], 'c') call SetReg('b', ['abcB3'], 'l') call SetReg('c', ['abcC3'], 'b') call SetReg('d', ['abcD3']) call SetReg('e', [1, 2, 'abc', 3]) call SetReg('f', [1, 2, 3]) $put ='{{{1 Appending lists with setreg()' call SetReg('A', ['abcA3c'], 'c') call SetReg('b', ['abcB3l'], 'la') call SetReg('C', ['abcC3b'], 'lb') call SetReg('D', ['abcD32']) call SetReg('A', ['abcA32']) call SetReg('B', ['abcB3c'], 'c') call SetReg('C', ['abcC3l'], 'l') call SetReg('D', ['abcD3b'], 'b') $put ='{{{1 Appending lists with NL with setreg()' call SetReg('A', ["\n", 'abcA3l2'], 'l') call SetReg('B', ["\n", 'abcB3c2'], 'c') call SetReg('C', ["\n", 'abcC3b2'], 'b') call SetReg('D', ["\n", 'abcD3b50'],'b50') $put ='{{{1 Setting lists with NLs with setreg()' call SetReg('a', ['abcA4-0', "\n", "abcA4-2\n", "\nabcA4-3", "abcA4-4\nabcA4-4-2"]) call SetReg('b', ['abcB4c-0', "\n", "abcB4c-2\n", "\nabcB4c-3", "abcB4c-4\nabcB4c-4-2"], 'c') call SetReg('c', ['abcC4l-0', "\n", "abcC4l-2\n", "\nabcC4l-3", "abcC4l-4\nabcC4l-4-2"], 'l') call SetReg('d', ['abcD4b-0', "\n", "abcD4b-2\n", "\nabcD4b-3", "abcD4b-4\nabcD4b-4-2"], 'b') call SetReg('e', ['abcE4b10-0', "\n", "abcE4b10-2\n", "\nabcE4b10-3", "abcE4b10-4\nabcE4b10-4-2"], 'b10') $put ='{{{1 Search and expressions' call SetReg('/', ['abc/']) call SetReg('/', ["abc/\n"]) call SetReg('=', ['"abc/"']) call SetReg('=', ["\"abc/\n\""]) $put ='{{{1 Errors' call ErrExe('call setreg()') call ErrExe('call setreg(1)') call ErrExe('call setreg(1, 2, 3, 4)') call ErrExe('call setreg([], 2)') call ErrExe('call setreg(1, {})') call ErrExe('call setreg(1, 2, [])') call ErrExe('call setreg("/", ["1", "2"])') call ErrExe('call setreg("=", ["1", "2"])') call ErrExe('call setreg(1, ["", "", [], ""])') endfun :" :call Test() :" :delfunction SetReg :delfunction AppendRegContents :delfunction ErrExe :delfunction Test :delcommand AR :call garbagecollect(1) :" :" function name not starting with capital :try :func! g:test() :echo "test" :endfunc :catch :$put =v:exception :endtry :" :" function name includes a colon :try :func! b:test() :echo "test" :endfunc :catch :$put =v:exception :endtry :" :" function name folowed by # :try :func! test2() "# :echo "test2" :endfunc :catch :$put =v:exception :endtry :" :" function name starting with/without "g:", buffer-local funcref. :function! g:Foo(n) : $put ='called Foo(' . a:n . ')' :endfunction :let b:my_func = function('Foo') :call b:my_func(1) :echo g:Foo(2) :echo Foo(3) :" :" script-local function used in Funcref must exist. :so test_eval_func.vim :" :" Using $ instead of '$' must give an error :try : call append($, 'foobar') :catch :$put =v:exception :endtry :" :$put ='{{{1 getcurpos/setpos' /^012345678 6l:let sp = getcurpos() 0:call setpos('.', sp) jyl:$put :" :/^start:/+1,$wq! test.out :" vim: et ts=4 isk-=\: fmr=???,??? :call getchar() ENDTEST 012345678 012345678 start: