" Tests for editing the command line. set belloff=all func Test_complete_tab() call writefile(['testfile'], 'Xtestfile') call feedkeys(":e Xtest\t\r", "tx") call assert_equal('testfile', getline(1)) call delete('Xtestfile') endfunc func Test_complete_list() " We can't see the output, but at least we check the code runs properly. call feedkeys(":e test\\r", "tx") call assert_equal('test', expand('%:t')) endfunc func Test_complete_wildmenu() call writefile(['testfile1'], 'Xtestfile1') call writefile(['testfile2'], 'Xtestfile2') set wildmenu call feedkeys(":e Xtest\t\t\r", "tx") call assert_equal('testfile2', getline(1)) call delete('Xtestfile1') call delete('Xtestfile2') set nowildmenu endfunc func Test_map_completion() if !has('cmdline_compl') return endif call feedkeys(":map \\"\", 'xt') call assert_equal('"map ', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":map