" Test for channel functions. scriptencoding utf-8 if !has('channel') finish endif " This test requires the Python command to run the test server. " This most likely only works on Unix and Windows console. if has('unix') " We also need the pkill command to make sure the server can be stopped. if !executable('python') || !executable('pkill') finish endif elseif has('win32') && !has('gui_win32') " Use Python Launcher for Windows (py.exe). if !executable('py') finish endif else finish endif let s:port = -1 func s:start_server() " The Python program writes the port number in Xportnr. call delete("Xportnr") if has('win32') silent !start cmd /c start "test_channel" py test_channel.py else silent !python test_channel.py& endif " Wait for up to 2 seconds for the port number to be there. let cnt = 20 let l = [] while cnt > 0 try let l = readfile("Xportnr") catch endtry if len(l) >= 1 break endif sleep 100m let cnt -= 1 endwhile call delete("Xportnr") if len(l) == 0 " Can't make the connection, give up. call s:kill_server() call assert_false(1, "Can't start test_channel.py") return -1 endif let s:port = l[0] let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . s:port, 'json') return handle endfunc func s:kill_server() if has('win32') call system('taskkill /IM py.exe /T /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq test_channel"') else call system("pkill -f test_channel.py") endif endfunc func Test_communicate() let handle = s:start_server() if handle < 0 return endif " Simple string request and reply. call assert_equal('got it', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!')) " Request that triggers sending two ex commands. These will usually be " handled before getting the response, but it's not guaranteed, thus wait a " tiny bit for the commands to get executed. call assert_equal('ok', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'make change')) sleep 10m call assert_equal('added1', getline(line('$') - 1)) call assert_equal('added2', getline('$')) " Send an eval request that works. call assert_equal('ok', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'eval-works')) call assert_equal([-1, 'foo123'], ch_sendexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " Send an eval request that fails. call assert_equal('ok', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'eval-fails')) call assert_equal([-2, 'ERROR'], ch_sendexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " Send a bad eval request. There will be no response. call assert_equal('ok', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'eval-bad')) call assert_equal([-2, 'ERROR'], ch_sendexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " make the server quit, can't check if this works, should not hang. call ch_sendexpr(handle, '!quit!', 0) call s:kill_server() endfunc " Test that we can open two channels. func Test_two_channels() let handle = s:start_server() if handle < 0 return endif call assert_equal('got it', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!')) let newhandle = ch_open('localhost:' . s:port, 'json') call assert_equal('got it', ch_sendexpr(newhandle, 'hello!')) call assert_equal('got it', ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!')) call ch_close(handle) call assert_equal('got it', ch_sendexpr(newhandle, 'hello!')) call s:kill_server() endfunc " Test that a server crash is handled gracefully. func Test_server_crash() let handle = s:start_server() if handle < 0 return endif call ch_sendexpr(handle, '!crash!') " kill the server in case if failed to crash sleep 10m call s:kill_server() endfunc