Test for breakindent STARTTEST :so small.vim :if !exists("+breakindent") | e! test.ok | w! test.out | qa! | endif :10new|:vsp|:vert resize 20 :put =\"\tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP\" :set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 breakindent :fu! ScreenChar(width) : let c='' : for i in range(1,a:width) : let c.=nr2char(screenchar(line('.'), i)) : endfor : let c.="\n" : for i in range(1,a:width) : let c.=nr2char(screenchar(line('.')+1, i)) : endfor : let c.="\n" : for i in range(1,a:width) : let c.=nr2char(screenchar(line('.')+2, i)) : endfor : return c :endfu :fu DoRecordScreen() : wincmd l : $put =printf(\"\n%s\", g:test) : $put =g:line1 : wincmd p :endfu :set briopt=min:0 :let g:test="Test 1: Simple breakindent" :let line1=ScreenChar(8) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test="Test 2: Simple breakindent + sbr=>>" :set sbr=>> :let line1=ScreenChar(8) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test ="Test 3: Simple breakindent + briopt:sbr" :set briopt=sbr,min:0 sbr=++ :let line1=ScreenChar(8) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test ="Test 4: Simple breakindent + min width: 18" :set sbr= briopt=min:18 :let line1=ScreenChar(8) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test =" Test 5: Simple breakindent + shift by 2" :set briopt=shift:2,min:0 :let line1=ScreenChar(8) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test=" Test 6: Simple breakindent + shift by -1" :set briopt=shift:-1,min:0 :let line1=ScreenChar(8) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test=" Test 7: breakindent + shift by +1 + nu + sbr=? briopt:sbr" :set briopt=shift:1,sbr,min:0 nu sbr=? nuw=4 :let line1=ScreenChar(10) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test=" Test 8: breakindent + shift:1 + nu + sbr=# list briopt:sbr" :set briopt=shift:1,sbr,min:0 nu sbr=# list :let line1=ScreenChar(10) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test=" Test 9: breakindent + shift by +1 + 'nu' + sbr=# list" :set briopt-=sbr :let line1=ScreenChar(10) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test=" Test 10: breakindent + shift by +1 + 'nu' + sbr=~ cpo+=n" :set cpo+=n sbr=~ nu nuw=4 nolist briopt=sbr,min:0 :let line1=ScreenChar(10) :call DoRecordScreen() :wincmd p :let g:test="\n Test 11: strdisplaywidth when breakindent is on" :set cpo-=n sbr=>> nu nuw=4 nolist briopt= ts=4 :let text=getline(2) "skip leading tab when calculating text width :let width = strlen(text[1:])+indent(2)*4+strlen(&sbr)*3 " text wraps 3 times :$put =g:test :$put =printf(\"strdisplaywidth: %d == calculated: %d\", strdisplaywidth(text), width) :" :" Test, that the string " a\tb\tc\td\te" is correctly :" displayed in a 20 column wide window (see bug report :" https://groups.google.com/d/msg/vim_dev/ZOdg2mc9c9Y/TT8EhFjEy0IJ :only :vert 20new :set all& nocp breakindent briopt=min:10 :call setline(1, [" a\tb\tc\td\te", " z y x w v"]) :/^\s*a fbgjyl:let line1 = @0 :?^\s*z fygjyl:let line2 = @0 :quit! :$put ='Test 12: breakindent with wrapping Tab' :$put =line1 :$put =line2 :" :%w! test.out :qa! ENDTEST dummy text