" Tests for the Blob types import './vim9.vim' as v9 func TearDown() " Run garbage collection after every test call test_garbagecollect_now() endfunc " Tests for Blob type " Blob creation from constant func Test_blob_create() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call assert_equal(v:t_blob, type(b)) call assert_equal(4, len(b)) call assert_equal(0xDE, b[0]) call assert_equal(0xAD, b[1]) call assert_equal(0xBE, b[2]) call assert_equal(0xEF, b[3]) call assert_fails('VAR x = b[4]') call assert_equal(0xDE, get(b, 0)) call assert_equal(0xEF, get(b, 3)) call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z1', 'E973:') call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z1x', 'E973:') call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z12345', 'E973:') call assert_equal(0z, test_null_blob()) LET b = 0z001122.33445566.778899.aabbcc.dd call assert_equal(0z00112233445566778899aabbccdd, b) call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z1.1') call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z.') call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z001122.') call assert_fails('call get("", 1)', 'E896:') call assert_equal(0, len(test_null_blob())) call assert_equal(0z, copy(test_null_blob())) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) endfunc " assignment to a blob func Test_blob_assign() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF VAR b2 = b[1 : 2] call assert_equal(0zADBE, b2) VAR bcopy = b[:] call assert_equal(b, bcopy) call assert_false(b is bcopy) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b2 = b call assert_true(b is b2) LET b[:] = 0z11223344 call assert_equal(0z11223344, b) call assert_equal(0z11223344, b2) call assert_true(b is b2) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b[3 :] = 0z66 call assert_equal(0zDEADBE66, b) LET b[: 1] = 0z8899 call assert_equal(0z8899BE66, b) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b += 0z99 call assert_equal(0zDEADBEEF99, b) VAR l = [0z12] VAR m = deepcopy(l) LET m[0] = 0z34 #" E742 or E741 should not occur. END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b[2 : 3] = 0z112233 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E972:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b[2 : 3] = 0z11 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E972:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b[3 : 2] = 0z END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b ..= 0z33 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E734:', 'E1019:', 'E734:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b ..= "xx" END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E734:', 'E1019:', 'E734:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b += "xx" END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E734:', 'E1012:', 'E734:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF LET b[1 : 1] ..= 0z55 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E734:', 'E1183:', 'E734:']) call assert_fails('let b = readblob("a1b2c3")', 'E484:') endfunc func Test_blob_get_range() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011223344 call assert_equal(0z2233, b[2 : 3]) call assert_equal(0z223344, b[2 : -1]) call assert_equal(0z00, b[0 : -5]) call assert_equal(0z, b[0 : -11]) call assert_equal(0z44, b[-1 :]) call assert_equal(0z0011223344, b[:]) call assert_equal(0z0011223344, b[: -1]) call assert_equal(0z, b[5 : 6]) call assert_equal(0z0011, b[-10 : 1]) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) " legacy script white space let b = 0z0011223344 call assert_equal(0z2233, b[2:3]) endfunc func Test_blob_get() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011223344 call assert_equal(0x00, get(b, 0)) call assert_equal(0x22, get(b, 2, 999)) call assert_equal(0x44, get(b, 4)) call assert_equal(0x44, get(b, -1)) call assert_equal(-1, get(b, 5)) call assert_equal(999, get(b, 5, 999)) call assert_equal(-1, get(b, -8)) call assert_equal(999, get(b, -8, 999)) call assert_equal(10, get(test_null_blob(), 2, 10)) call assert_equal(0x00, b[0]) call assert_equal(0x22, b[2]) call assert_equal(0x44, b[4]) call assert_equal(0x44, b[-1]) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011223344 echo b[5] END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011223344 echo b[-8] END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') endfunc func Test_blob_to_string() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z00112233445566778899aabbccdd call assert_equal('0z00112233.44556677.8899AABB.CCDD', string(b)) call assert_equal(b, eval(string(b))) call remove(b, 4, -1) call assert_equal('0z00112233', string(b)) call remove(b, 0, 3) call assert_equal('0z', string(b)) call assert_equal('0z', string(test_null_blob())) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) endfunc func Test_blob_compare() let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 VAR b2 = 0z1100 VAR b3 = 0z001122 call assert_true(b1 == b1) call assert_false(b1 == b2) call assert_false(b1 == b3) call assert_true(b1 != b2) call assert_true(b1 != b3) call assert_true(b1 == 0z0011) call assert_false(b1 is b2) LET b2 = b1 call assert_true(b1 == b2) call assert_true(b1 is b2) LET b2 = copy(b1) call assert_true(b1 == b2) call assert_false(b1 is b2) LET b2 = b1[:] call assert_true(b1 == b2) call assert_false(b1 is b2) call assert_true(b1 isnot b2) call assert_true(0z != 0z10) call assert_true(0z10 != 0z) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 echo b1 == 9 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E977:', 'E1072', 'E1072']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 echo b1 != 9 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E977:', 'E1072', 'E1072']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 VAR b2 = 0z1100 VAR x = b1 > b2 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E978:', 'E1072:', 'E1072:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 VAR b2 = 0z1100 VAR x = b1 < b2 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E978:', 'E1072:', 'E1072:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 VAR b2 = 0z1100 VAR x = b1 - b2 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E974:', 'E1036:', 'E974:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 VAR b2 = 0z1100 VAR x = b1 / b2 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E974:', 'E1036:', 'E974:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b1 = 0z0011 VAR b2 = 0z1100 VAR x = b1 * b2 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E974:', 'E1036:', 'E974:']) endfunc func Test_blob_index_assign() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z00 LET b[1] = 0x11 LET b[2] = 0x22 LET b[0] = 0x33 call assert_equal(0z331122, b) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z00 LET b[2] = 0x33 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z00 LET b[-2] = 0x33 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z00010203 LET b[0 : -1] = 0z33 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z00010203 LET b[3 : 4] = 0z3344 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') endfunc func Test_blob_for_loop() let lines =<< trim END VAR blob = 0z00010203 VAR i = 0 for byte in blob call assert_equal(i, byte) LET i += 1 endfor call assert_equal(4, i) LET blob = 0z00 call remove(blob, 0) call assert_equal(0, len(blob)) for byte in blob call assert_report('loop over empty blob') endfor LET blob = 0z0001020304 LET i = 0 for byte in blob call assert_equal(i, byte) if i == 1 call remove(blob, 0) elseif i == 3 call remove(blob, 3) endif LET i += 1 endfor call assert_equal(5, i) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) endfunc func Test_blob_concatenate() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011 LET b += 0z2233 call assert_equal(0z00112233, b) LET b = 0zDEAD + 0zBEEF call assert_equal(0zDEADBEEF, b) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011 LET b += "a" END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E734:', 'E1012:', 'E734:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011 LET b += 88 END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E734:', 'E1012:', 'E734:']) endfunc func Test_blob_add() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011 call add(b, 0x22) call assert_equal(0z001122, b) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) " Only works in legacy script let b = 0z0011 call add(b, '51') call assert_equal(0z001133, b) call assert_equal(1, add(test_null_blob(), 0x22)) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011 call add(b, [9]) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E745:', 'E1012:', 'E1210:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0z0011 call add("", 0x01) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E897:', 'E1013:', 'E1226:']) let lines =<< trim END add(test_null_blob(), 0x22) END call v9.CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1131:') let lines =<< trim END let b = 0zDEADBEEF lockvar b call add(b, 0) unlockvar b END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') endfunc func Test_blob_empty() call assert_false(empty(0z001122)) call assert_true(empty(0z)) call assert_true(empty(test_null_blob())) endfunc " Test removing items in blob func Test_blob_func_remove() let lines =<< trim END #" Test removing 1 element VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call assert_equal(0xDE, remove(b, 0)) call assert_equal(0zADBEEF, b) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF call assert_equal(0xEF, remove(b, -1)) call assert_equal(0zDEADBE, b) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF call assert_equal(0xAD, remove(b, 1)) call assert_equal(0zDEBEEF, b) #" Test removing range of element(s) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF call assert_equal(0zBE, remove(b, 2, 2)) call assert_equal(0zDEADEF, b) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF call assert_equal(0zADBE, remove(b, 1, 2)) call assert_equal(0zDEEF, b) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) " Test invalid cases let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call remove(b, 5) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call remove(b, 1, 5) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call remove(b, -10) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call remove(b, 3, 2) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call remove(test_null_blob(), 1, 2) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E979:') let lines =<< trim END let b = 0zDEADBEEF lockvar b call remove(b, 0) unlockvar b END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') " can only check at script level, not in a :def function let lines =<< trim END vim9script var b = 0zDEADBEEF lockvar b remove(b, 0) END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') call assert_fails('echo remove(0z1020, [])', 'E745:') call assert_fails('echo remove(0z1020, 0, [])', 'E745:') endfunc func Test_blob_read_write() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call writefile(b, 'Xblob') VAR br = readfile('Xblob', 'B') call assert_equal(b, br) call delete('Xblob') END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) " This was crashing when calling readfile() with a directory. call assert_fails("call readfile('.', 'B')", 'E17: "." is a directory') endfunc " filter() item in blob func Test_blob_filter() let lines =<< trim END call assert_equal(test_null_blob(), filter(test_null_blob(), '0')) call assert_equal(0z, filter(0zDEADBEEF, '0')) call assert_equal(0zADBEEF, filter(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:val != 0xDE')) call assert_equal(0zDEADEF, filter(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:val != 0xBE')) call assert_equal(0zDEADBE, filter(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:val != 0xEF')) call assert_equal(0zDEADBEEF, filter(0zDEADBEEF, '1')) call assert_equal(0z01030103, filter(0z010203010203, 'v:val != 0x02')) call assert_equal(0zADEF, filter(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:key % 2')) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) call assert_fails('echo filter(0z10, "a10")', 'E121:') endfunc " map() item in blob func Test_blob_map() let lines =<< trim END call assert_equal(0zDFAEBFF0, map(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:val + 1')) call assert_equal(0z00010203, map(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:key')) call assert_equal(0zDEAEC0F2, map(0zDEADBEEF, 'v:key + v:val')) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) let lines =<< trim END call map(0z00, '[9]') END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E978:') call assert_fails('echo map(0z10, "a10")', 'E121:') endfunc func Test_blob_index() let lines =<< trim END call assert_equal(2, index(0zDEADBEEF, 0xBE)) call assert_equal(-1, index(0zDEADBEEF, 0)) call assert_equal(2, index(0z11111111, 0x11, 2)) call assert_equal(3, 0z11110111->index(0x11, 2)) call assert_equal(2, index(0z11111111, 0x11, -2)) call assert_equal(3, index(0z11110111, 0x11, -2)) call assert_equal(0, index(0z11110111, 0x11, -10)) call assert_equal(-1, index(test_null_blob(), 1)) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) endfunc func Test_blob_insert() let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, 0x33) call assert_equal(0z33DEADBEEF, b) LET b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, 0x33, 2) call assert_equal(0zDEAD33BEEF, b) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) " only works in legacy script call assert_equal(0, insert(test_null_blob(), 0x33)) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, -1) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E475:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, 257) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E475:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, 0, [9]) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E745:', 'E1013:', 'E1210:']) let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, 0, -20) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E475:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, 0, 20) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E475:') let lines =<< trim END VAR b = 0zDEADBEEF call insert(b, []) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, ['E745:', 'E1013:', 'E1210:']) let lines =<< trim END insert(test_null_blob(), 0x33) END call v9.CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1131:') let lines =<< trim END let b = 0zDEADBEEF lockvar b call insert(b, 3) unlockvar b END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') let lines =<< trim END vim9script var b = 0zDEADBEEF lockvar b insert(b, 3) END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') endfunc func Test_blob_reverse() let lines =<< trim END call assert_equal(0zEFBEADDE, reverse(0zDEADBEEF)) call assert_equal(0zBEADDE, reverse(0zDEADBE)) call assert_equal(0zADDE, reverse(0zDEAD)) call assert_equal(0zDE, reverse(0zDE)) call assert_equal(0z, reverse(test_null_blob())) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) endfunc func Test_blob_json_encode() let lines =<< trim END call assert_equal('[222,173,190,239]', json_encode(0zDEADBEEF)) call assert_equal('[]', json_encode(0z)) END call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines) endfunc func Test_blob_lock() let lines =<< trim END let b = 0z112233 lockvar b unlockvar b let b = 0z44 END call v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines) let lines =<< trim END vim9script var b = 0z112233 lockvar b unlockvar b b = 0z44 END call v9.CheckScriptSuccess(lines) let lines =<< trim END let b = 0z112233 lockvar b let b = 0z44 END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') let lines =<< trim END vim9script var b = 0z112233 lockvar b b = 0z44 END call v9.CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E741:') endfunc func Test_blob_sort() if has('float') call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(['call sort([1.0, 0z11], "f")'], 'E975:') endif call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(['call sort([11, 0z11], "N")'], 'E974:') endfunc " Tests for the blob2list() function func Test_blob2list() call assert_fails('let v = blob2list(10)', 'E1238: Blob required for argument 1') eval 0zFFFF->blob2list()->assert_equal([255, 255]) let tests = [[0z0102, [1, 2]], \ [0z00, [0]], \ [0z, []], \ [0z00000000, [0, 0, 0, 0]], \ [0zAABB.CCDD, [170, 187, 204, 221]]] for t in tests call assert_equal(t[0]->blob2list(), t[1]) endfor exe 'let v = 0z' .. repeat('000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F', 64) call assert_equal(1024, blob2list(v)->len()) call assert_equal([4, 8, 15], [v[100], v[1000], v[1023]]) call assert_equal([], blob2list(test_null_blob())) endfunc " Tests for the list2blob() function func Test_list2blob() call assert_fails('let b = list2blob(0z10)', 'E1211: List required for argument 1') let tests = [[[1, 2], 0z0102], \ [[0], 0z00], \ [[], 0z], \ [[0, 0, 0, 0], 0z00000000], \ [[255, 255], 0zFFFF], \ [[170, 187, 204, 221], 0zAABB.CCDD], \ ] for t in tests call assert_equal(t[1], t[0]->list2blob()) endfor call assert_fails('let b = list2blob([1, []])', 'E745:') call assert_fails('let b = list2blob([-1])', 'E1239:') call assert_fails('let b = list2blob([256])', 'E1239:') let b = range(16)->repeat(64)->list2blob() call assert_equal(1024, b->len()) call assert_equal([4, 8, 15], [b[100], b[1000], b[1023]]) call assert_equal(0z, list2blob(test_null_list())) call assert_equal(0z00010203, list2blob(range(4))) endfunc " The following used to cause an out-of-bounds memory access func Test_blob2string() let v = '0z' .. repeat('01010101.', 444) let v ..= '01' exe 'let b = ' .. v call assert_equal(v, string(b)) endfunc func Test_blob_repeat() call assert_equal(0z, repeat(0z00, 0)) call assert_equal(0z00, repeat(0z00, 1)) call assert_equal(0z0000, repeat(0z00, 2)) call assert_equal(0z00000000, repeat(0z0000, 2)) call assert_equal(0z, repeat(0z12, 0)) call assert_equal(0z, repeat(0z1234, 0)) call assert_equal(0z1234, repeat(0z1234, 1)) call assert_equal(0z12341234, repeat(0z1234, 2)) endfunc " Test for blob allocation failure func Test_blob_alloc_failure() " blob variable call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let v = 0z10', 'E342:') " blob slice let v = 0z1020 call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let x = v[0:0]', 'E342:') call assert_equal(0z1020, x) " blob remove() let v = 0z10203040 call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let x = remove(v, 1, 2)', 'E342:') call assert_equal(0, x) " list2blob() call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let a = list2blob([1, 2, 4])', 'E342:') call assert_equal(0, a) " mapnew() call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let x = mapnew(0z1234, {_, v -> 1})', 'E342:') call assert_equal(0, x) " copy() call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let x = copy(v)', 'E342:') call assert_equal(0z, x) " readblob() call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('blob_alloc'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('let x = readblob("test_blob.vim")', 'E342:') call assert_equal(0, x) endfunc " Test for the indexof() function func Test_indexof() let b = 0zdeadbeef call assert_equal(0, indexof(b, {i, v -> v == 0xde})) call assert_equal(3, indexof(b, {i, v -> v == 0xef})) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(b, {i, v -> v == 0x1})) call assert_equal(1, indexof(b, "v:val == 0xad")) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(b, "v:val == 0xff")) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(b, {_, v -> "v == 0xad"})) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(0z, "v:val == 0x0")) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(test_null_blob(), "v:val == 0xde")) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(b, test_null_string())) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(b, test_null_function())) let b = 0z01020102 call assert_equal(1, indexof(b, "v:val == 0x02", #{startidx: 0})) call assert_equal(2, indexof(b, "v:val == 0x01", #{startidx: -2})) call assert_equal(-1, indexof(b, "v:val == 0x01", #{startidx: 5})) call assert_equal(0, indexof(b, "v:val == 0x01", #{startidx: -5})) call assert_equal(0, indexof(b, "v:val == 0x01", test_null_dict())) " failure cases call assert_fails('let i = indexof(b, "val == 0xde")', 'E121:') call assert_fails('let i = indexof(b, {})', 'E1256:') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab