" Test argument list commands func Test_argidx() args a b c last call assert_equal(2, argidx()) %argdelete call assert_equal(0, argidx()) args a b c call assert_equal(0, argidx()) next call assert_equal(1, argidx()) next call assert_equal(2, argidx()) 1argdelete call assert_equal(1, argidx()) 1argdelete call assert_equal(0, argidx()) 1argdelete call assert_equal(0, argidx()) endfunc func Test_argadd() %argdelete argadd a b c call assert_equal(0, argidx()) %argdelete argadd a call assert_equal(0, argidx()) argadd b c d call assert_equal(0, argidx()) call Init_abc() argadd x call Assert_argc(['a', 'b', 'x', 'c']) call assert_equal(1, argidx()) call Init_abc() 0argadd x call Assert_argc(['x', 'a', 'b', 'c']) call assert_equal(2, argidx()) call Init_abc() 1argadd x call Assert_argc(['a', 'x', 'b', 'c']) call assert_equal(2, argidx()) call Init_abc() $argadd x call Assert_argc(['a', 'b', 'c', 'x']) call assert_equal(1, argidx()) call Init_abc() $argadd x +2argadd y call Assert_argc(['a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y']) call assert_equal(1, argidx()) %argd edit d arga call assert_equal(len(argv()), 1) call assert_equal(get(argv(), 0, ''), 'd') %argd new arga call assert_equal(len(argv()), 0) endfunc func Init_abc() args a b c next endfunc func Assert_argc(l) call assert_equal(len(a:l), argc()) let i = 0 while i < len(a:l) && i < argc() call assert_equal(a:l[i], argv(i)) let i += 1 endwhile endfunc " Test for [count]argument and [count]argdelete commands " Ported from the test_argument_count.in test script function Test_argument() " Clean the argument list arga a | %argd let save_hidden = &hidden set hidden let g:buffers = [] augroup TEST au BufEnter * call add(buffers, expand('%:t')) augroup END argadd a b c d $argu $-argu -argu 1argu +2argu augroup TEST au! augroup END call assert_equal(['d', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'c'], g:buffers) redir => result ar redir END call assert_true(result =~# 'a b \[c] d') .argd call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'd'], argv()) -argd call assert_equal(['a', 'd'], argv()) $argd call assert_equal(['a'], argv()) 1arga c 1arga b $argu $arga x call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'x'], argv()) 0arga y call assert_equal(['y', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x'], argv()) %argd call assert_equal([], argv()) arga a b c d e f 2,$-argd call assert_equal(['a', 'f'], argv()) let &hidden = save_hidden " Setting argument list should fail when the current buffer has unsaved " changes %argd enew! set modified call assert_fails('args x y z', 'E37:') args! x y z call assert_equal(['x', 'y', 'z'], argv()) call assert_equal('x', expand('%:t')) last | enew | argu call assert_equal('z', expand('%:t')) %argdelete call assert_fails('argument', 'E163:') endfunction " Test for 0argadd and 0argedit " Ported from the test_argument_0count.in test script function Test_zero_argadd() " Clean the argument list arga a | %argd arga a b c d 2argu 0arga added call assert_equal(['added', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], argv()) 2argu arga third call assert_equal(['added', 'a', 'third', 'b', 'c', 'd'], argv()) %argd arga a b c d 2argu 0arge edited call assert_equal(['edited', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], argv()) 2argu arga third call assert_equal(['edited', 'a', 'third', 'b', 'c', 'd'], argv()) endfunction function Reset_arglist() args a | %argd endfunction " Test for argc() function Test_argc() call Reset_arglist() call assert_equal(0, argc()) argadd a b call assert_equal(2, argc()) endfunction " Test for arglistid() function Test_arglistid() call Reset_arglist() arga a b call assert_equal(0, arglistid()) split arglocal call assert_equal(1, arglistid()) tabnew | tabfirst call assert_equal(0, arglistid(2)) call assert_equal(1, arglistid(1, 1)) call assert_equal(0, arglistid(2, 1)) call assert_equal(1, arglistid(1, 2)) tabonly | only | enew! argglobal call assert_equal(0, arglistid()) endfunction " Test for argv() function Test_argv() call Reset_arglist() call assert_equal([], argv()) call assert_equal("", argv(2)) argadd a b c d call assert_equal('c', argv(2)) endfunction " Test for the :argedit command function Test_argedit() call Reset_arglist() argedit a call assert_equal(['a'], argv()) call assert_equal('a', expand('%:t')) argedit b call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], argv()) call assert_equal('b', expand('%:t')) argedit a call assert_equal(['a', 'b'], argv()) call assert_equal('a', expand('%:t')) if has('unix') " on MS-Windows this would edit file "a b" call assert_fails('argedit a b', 'E172:') endif argedit c call assert_equal(['a', 'c', 'b'], argv()) 0argedit x call assert_equal(['x', 'a', 'c', 'b'], argv()) enew! | set modified call assert_fails('argedit y', 'E37:') argedit! y call assert_equal(['x', 'y', 'a', 'c', 'b'], argv()) %argd endfunction " Test for the :argdelete command function Test_argdelete() call Reset_arglist() args aa a aaa b bb argdelete a* call assert_equal(['b', 'bb'], argv()) call assert_equal('aa', expand('%:t')) last argdelete % call assert_equal(['b'], argv()) call assert_fails('argdelete', 'E471:') call assert_fails('1,100argdelete', 'E16:') %argd endfunction " Tests for the :next, :prev, :first, :last, :rewind commands function Test_argpos() call Reset_arglist() args a b c d last call assert_equal(3, argidx()) call assert_fails('next', 'E165:') prev call assert_equal(2, argidx()) Next call assert_equal(1, argidx()) first call assert_equal(0, argidx()) call assert_fails('prev', 'E164:') 3next call assert_equal(3, argidx()) rewind call assert_equal(0, argidx()) %argd endfunction " Test for autocommand that redefines the argument list, when doing ":all". function Test_arglist_autocmd() autocmd BufReadPost Xxx2 next Xxx2 Xxx1 call writefile(['test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1') call writefile(['test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2') call writefile(['test file Xxx3'], 'Xxx3') new " redefine arglist; go to Xxx1 next! Xxx1 Xxx2 Xxx3 " open window for all args all call assert_equal('test file Xxx1', getline(1)) wincmd w wincmd w call assert_equal('test file Xxx1', getline(1)) " should now be in Xxx2 rewind call assert_equal('test file Xxx2', getline(1)) autocmd! BufReadPost Xxx2 enew! | only call delete('Xxx1') call delete('Xxx2') call delete('Xxx3') argdelete Xxx* bwipe! Xxx1 Xxx2 Xxx3 endfunction