" A series of tests that can run in one Vim invocation. " This makes testing go faster, since Vim doesn't need to restart. source test_assign.vim source test_autocmd.vim source test_cursor_func.vim source test_delete.vim source test_execute_func.vim source test_ex_undo.vim source test_expand.vim source test_expr.vim source test_expand_dllpath.vim source test_feedkeys.vim source test_file_perm.vim source test_fileformat.vim source test_filter_cmd.vim source test_filter_map.vim source test_float_func.vim source test_fnamemodify.vim source test_functions.vim source test_glob2regpat.vim source test_ga.vim source test_goto.vim source test_help_tagjump.vim source test_join.vim source test_jumps.vim source test_lambda.vim source test_lispwords.vim source test_match.vim source test_menu.vim source test_mapping.vim source test_messages.vim source test_partial.vim source test_popup.vim source test_put.vim source test_reltime.vim source test_searchpos.vim source test_set.vim source test_sort.vim source test_statusline.vim source test_syn_attr.vim source test_tabline.vim source test_tabpage.vim source test_tagcase.vim source test_tagjump.vim source test_timers.vim source test_true_false.vim source test_unlet.vim source test_window_cmd.vim source test_options.vim