vim: set ft=vim fenc=latin1: Tests if :mksession saves cursor columns correctly in presence of tab and multibyte characters when fileencoding=latin1. STARTTEST :so mbyte.vim :if !has('mksession') : e! test.ok : wq! test.out :endif :set sessionoptions=buffers splitbelow fileencoding=latin1 /^start: :vsplit j16|:split j16|:split j16|:split j8|:split j8|:split j16|:split j16|:split j16|:wincmd l /^start: :set nowrap j16|3zl:split j016|3zl:split j016|3zl:split j08|3zl:split j08|3zl:split j016|3zl:split j016|3zl:split j016|3zl:split :mksession! test.out :new test.out :v/\(^ *normal! 0\|^ *exe 'normal!\)/d :w :qa! ENDTEST start: no multibyte chAracter one leaDing tab four leadinG spaces two consecutive tabs two tabs in one line one ä multibyteCharacter aä Ä two multiByte characters Aäöü three mulTibyte characters