vim: set ft=vim Tests for correct display (cursor column position) with +conceal and tabulators. STARTTEST :so small.vim :if !has('conceal') e! test.ok wq! test.out :endif :" Conceal settings. :set conceallevel=2 :set concealcursor=nc :syntax match test /|/ conceal :" Save current cursor position. Only works in mode, can't be used :" with :normal because it moves the cursor to the command line. Thanks to ZyX :" for the idea to use an mapping. :let positions = [] :nnoremap GG ":let positions += ['".screenrow().":".screencol()."']\n" :" Start test. /^start: :normal ztj GGk :" We should end up in the same column when running these commands on the two :" lines. :normal ft GGk :normal $ GGk :normal 0j GGk :normal ft GGk :normal $ GGk :normal 0j0j GGk :" Same for next test block. :normal ft GGk :normal $ GGk :normal 0j GGk :normal ft GGk :normal $ GGk :normal 0j0j GGk :" And check W with multiple tabs and conceals in a line. :normal W GGk :normal W GGk :normal W GGk :normal $ GGk :normal 0j GGk :normal W GGk :normal W GGk :normal W GGk :normal $ GGk :" Display result. :call append('$', 'end:') :call append('$', positions) :/^end/,$wq! test.out ENDTEST start: .concealed. text |concealed| text .concealed. text |concealed| text .a. .b. .c. .d. |a| |b| |c| |d|