Tests for undo tree. Since this script is sourced we need to explicitly break changes up in undo-able pieces. Do that by setting 'undolevels'. Also tests :earlier and :later. STARTTEST :echo undotree().entries ENDTEST STARTTEST :" Delete three characters and undo Gx:set ul=100 x:set ul=100 x:.w! test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out :" :/^111/w >>test.out :" Delete three other characters and go back in time step by step $x:set ul=100 x:set ul=100 x:.w >>test.out :sleep 1 g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out g-:.w >>test.out 10g+:.w >>test.out :" :/^222/w >>test.out :" Delay for three seconds and go some seconds forward and backward :sleep 2 Aa:set ul=100 Ab:set ul=100 Ac:set ul=100 :.w >>test.out :ear 1s :.w >>test.out :ear 3s :.w >>test.out :later 1s :.w >>test.out :later 1h :.w >>test.out :" :" test undojoin Goaaaa:set ul=100 obbbbu:.w >>test.out obbbb:set ul=100 :undojoin occccu:.w >>test.out :e! Xtest ione one one:set ul=100 :w! otwo:set ul=100 otwo:set ul=100 :w othree:earlier 1f :" expect "one one one\ntwo\ntwo" :%yank a :earlier 1f :" expect "one one one" :%yank b :earlier 1f :" expect empty line :%yank c :later 1f :" expect "one one one" :%yank d :later 1f :" expect "one one one\ntwo\ntwo" :%yank e :later 1f :" expect "one one one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree" ggO---:0put e ggO---:0put d ggO---:0put c ggO---:0put b ggO---:0put a ggO---:w >>test.out :so small.vim :set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo :enew! oa: :set ul=100 ob: :set ul=100 o1a2=setline('.','1234') uu:" oc: :set ul=100 o1a2=setline('.','1234') u:" od: :set ul=100 o1a2=string(123) u:" :%w >>test.out :qa! ENDTEST 1111 ----- 2222 ----- 123456789