Test for a lot of variations of the 'fileformats' option STARTTEST :so small.vim :" first write three test files, one in each format :set fileformat=unix :set fileformats= :/^1/w! XX1 :/^2/w! XX2 :/^3/w! XX3 :/^4/w! XX4 :/^5/w! XX5 :/^6/w! XX6 :/^7/w! XX7 :/^8/w! XX8 :/^9/w! XX9 :/^10/w! XX10 :/^unix/;/eof/-1w! XXUnix :/^dos/;/eof/-1w! XXDos :set bin noeol :$w! XXMac :set nobin eol :bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac :" create mixed format files :!cat XXUnix XXDos >XXUxDs :!cat XXUnix XXMac >XXUxMac :!cat XXDos XXMac >XXDosMac :!cat XXUnix XXDos XXMac >XXUxDsMc :" :" try reading and writing with 'fileformats' empty :set fileformat=unix :e! XXUnix :w! test.out :e! XXDos :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :e! XXMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :!cat XX1 >>test.out :bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac :set fileformat=dos :e! XXUnix :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :e! XXDos :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :e! XXMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :!cat XX2 >>test.out :bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac :set fileformat=mac :e! XXUnix :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :e! XXDos :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :e! XXMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :!cat XX3 >>test.out :bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac :" :" try reading and writing with 'fileformats' set to one format :set fileformats=unix :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :set fileformats=dos :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :set fileformats=mac :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :!cat XX4 >>test.out :" :" try reading and writing with 'fileformats' set to two formats :set fileformats=unix,dos :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :e! XXUxMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxMac :e! XXDosMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXDosMac :!cat XX5 >>test.out :set fileformats=unix,mac :e! XXUxDs :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDs :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :e! XXDosMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXDosMac :!cat XX6 >>test.out :set fileformats=dos,mac :e! XXUxDs :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDs :e! XXUxMac :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxMac :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :!cat XX7 >>test.out :" :" try reading and writing with 'fileformats' set to three formats :set fileformats=unix,dos,mac :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :!cat XX8 >>test.out :set fileformats=mac,dos,unix :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :!cat XX9 >>test.out :" try with 'binary' set :set fileformats=mac,unix,dos :set binary :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :set fileformats=mac :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :bwipe XXUxDsMc :set fileformats=dos :e! XXUxDsMc :w! XXtt :!cat XXtt >>test.out :!cat XX10 >>test.out :" add a newline at the end :!cat XXUnix >>test.out :qa! ENDTEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 unix unix eof dos dos eof mac mac