if 1 " This is executed only with the eval feature set nocompatible func Count(match, type) if a:type ==# 'executed' let g:executed += (a:match+0) elseif a:type ==# 'failed' let g:failed += a:match+0 elseif a:type ==# 'skipped' let g:skipped += 1 call extend(g:skipped_output, ["\t" .. a:match]) endif endfunc let g:executed = 0 let g:skipped = 0 let g:failed = 0 let g:skipped_output = [] let g:failed_output = [] let output = [""] if $TEST_FILTER != '' call extend(g:skipped_output, ["\tAll tests not matching $TEST_FILTER: '" .. $TEST_FILTER .. "'"]) endif try " This uses the :s command to just fetch and process the output of the " tests, it doesn't actually replace anything. " And it uses "silent" to avoid reporting the number of matches. silent %s/^Executed\s\+\zs\d\+\ze\s\+tests\?/\=Count(submatch(0),'executed')/egn silent %s/^SKIPPED \zs.*/\=Count(submatch(0), 'skipped')/egn silent %s/^\(\d\+\)\s\+FAILED:/\=Count(submatch(1), 'failed')/egn call extend(output, ["Skipped:"]) call extend(output, skipped_output) call extend(output, [ \ "", \ "-------------------------------", \ printf("Executed: %5d Tests", g:executed), \ printf(" Skipped: %5d Tests", g:skipped), \ printf(" %s: %5d Tests", g:failed == 0 ? 'Failed' : 'FAILED', g:failed), \ "", \ ]) if filereadable('test.log') " outputs and indents the failed test result call extend(output, ["", "Failures: "]) let failed_output = filter(readfile('test.log'), { v,k -> !empty(k)}) call extend(output, map(failed_output, { v,k -> "\t".k})) " Add a final newline call extend(output, [""]) endif catch " Catch-all finally call writefile(output, 'test_result.log') " overwrites an existing file endtry endif q!