" This script is sourced while editing the .vim file with the tests. " When the script is successful the .res file will be created. " Errors are appended to the test.log file. " " The test script may contain anything, only functions that start with " "Test_" are special. These will be invoked and should contain assert " functions. See test_assert.vim for an example. " " It is possible to source other files that contain "Test_" functions. This " can speed up testing, since Vim does not need to restart. But be careful " that the tests do not interfere with each other. " " If an error cannot be detected properly with an assert function add the " error to the v:errors list: " call add(v:errors, 'test foo failed: Cannot find xyz') " " If preparation for each Test_ function is needed, define a SetUp function. " It will be called before each Test_ function. " " If cleanup after each Test_ function is needed, define a TearDown function. " It will be called after each Test_ function. " Without the +eval feature we can't run these tests, bail out. so small.vim " Check that the screen size is at least 24 x 80 characters. if &lines < 24 || &columns < 80 let error = 'Screen size too small! Tests require at least 24 lines with 80 characters' echoerr error split test.log $put =error w cquit endif " For consistency run all tests with 'nocompatible' set. " This also enables use of line continuation. set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo " Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt set nomore " Output all messages in English. lang mess C " Always use forward slashes. set shellslash let s:srcdir = expand('%:p:h:h') " Support function: get the alloc ID by name. function GetAllocId(name) exe 'split ' . s:srcdir . '/alloc.h' let top = search('typedef enum') if top == 0 call add(v:errors, 'typedef not found in alloc.h') endif let lnum = search('aid_' . a:name . ',') if lnum == 0 call add(v:errors, 'Alloc ID ' . a:name . ' not defined') endif close return lnum - top - 1 endfunc " Source the test script. First grab the file name, in case the script " navigates away. let testname = expand('%') let done = 0 let fail = 0 let errors = [] let messages = [] if expand('%') =~ 'test_viml.vim' " this test has intentional errors, don't use try/catch. source % else try source % catch let fail += 1 call add(errors, 'Caught exception: ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint) endtry endif " Locate Test_ functions and execute them. set nomore redir @q function /^Test_ redir END let tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k*()\)', '\1', 'g')) " Execute the tests in alphabetical order. for test in sort(tests) if exists("*SetUp") call SetUp() endif call add(messages, 'Executing ' . test) let done += 1 try exe 'call ' . test catch let fail += 1 call add(v:errors, 'Caught exception in ' . test . ': ' . v:exception . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint) endtry if len(v:errors) > 0 let fail += 1 call add(errors, 'Found errors in ' . test . ':') call extend(errors, v:errors) let v:errors = [] endif if exists("*TearDown") call TearDown() endif endfor if fail == 0 " Success, create the .res file so that make knows it's done. exe 'split ' . fnamemodify(testname, ':r') . '.res' write endif if len(errors) > 0 " Append errors to test.log split test.log call append(line('$'), '') call append(line('$'), 'From ' . testname . ':') call append(line('$'), errors) write endif let message = 'Executed ' . done . (done > 1 ? ' tests': ' test') echo message call add(messages, message) if fail > 0 let message = fail . ' FAILED' echo message call add(messages, message) endif " Append messages to "messages" split messages call append(line('$'), '') call append(line('$'), 'From ' . testname . ':') call append(line('$'), messages) write qall!