# # Common Makefile, defines the list of tests to run. # # Options for protecting the tests against undesirable interaction with the # environment NO_PLUGINS = --noplugin --not-a-term NO_INITS = -U NONE $(NO_PLUGINS) # The first script creates small.vim. SCRIPTS_FIRST = \ test1.out # Tests that run on all systems. SCRIPTS_ALL = \ test42.out \ test44.out \ test70.out \ test99.out \ test_eval.out # Tests that run on most systems, but not on Amiga. SCRIPTS_MORE1 = \ test52.out \ test86.out \ test87.out # Tests that run on most systems, but not on Amiga and DOS/Windows. SCRIPTS_MORE2 = \ test49.out # Tests that run on most systems, but not on VMS SCRIPTS_MORE4 = \ test59.out # Tests specifically for MS-Windows. SCRIPTS_WIN32 = # Tests for the GUI. SCRIPTS_GUI = # Tests for Vim9 script. TEST_VIM9 = \ test_vim9_disassemble \ test_vim9_expr \ test_vim9_func \ test_vim9_script TEST_VIM9_RES = \ test_vim9_disassemble.res \ test_vim9_expr.res \ test_vim9_func.res \ test_vim9_script.res # Individual tests, including the ones part of test_alot. # Please keep sorted up to test_alot. NEW_TESTS = \ test_arabic \ test_arglist \ test_assert \ test_autochdir \ test_autocmd \ test_autoload \ test_backspace_opt \ test_backup \ test_balloon \ test_balloon_gui \ test_behave \ test_blob \ test_blockedit \ test_breakindent \ test_buffer \ test_bufline \ test_bufwintabinfo \ test_cd \ test_cdo \ test_changedtick \ test_changelist \ test_channel \ test_charsearch \ test_charsearch_utf8 \ test_checkpath \ test_cindent \ test_clientserver \ test_close_count \ test_cmdline \ test_command_count \ test_comparators \ test_compiler \ test_conceal \ test_const \ test_crypt \ test_cscope \ test_cursor_func \ test_cursorline \ test_curswant \ test_debugger \ test_delete \ test_diffmode \ test_digraph \ test_display \ test_edit \ test_environ \ test_erasebackword \ test_escaped_glob \ test_eval_stuff \ test_ex_equal \ test_ex_mode \ test_ex_undo \ test_ex_z \ test_excmd \ test_exec_while_if \ test_execute_func \ test_exists \ test_exists_autocmd \ test_exit \ test_expand \ test_expand_dllpath \ test_expand_func \ test_expr \ test_expr_utf8 \ test_feedkeys \ test_file_perm \ test_file_size \ test_filechanged \ test_fileformat \ test_filetype \ test_filter_cmd \ test_filter_map \ test_find_complete \ test_findfile \ test_fixeol \ test_float_func \ test_fnameescape \ test_fnamemodify \ test_fold \ test_functions \ test_ga \ test_getcwd \ test_getvar \ test_gf \ test_glob2regpat \ test_global \ test_gn \ test_goto \ test_gui \ test_gui_init \ test_hardcopy \ test_help \ test_help_tagjump \ test_hide \ test_highlight \ test_history \ test_hlsearch \ test_iminsert \ test_increment \ test_increment_dbcs \ test_indent \ test_ins_complete \ test_interrupt \ test_job_fails \ test_join \ test_json \ test_jumplist \ test_jumps \ test_lambda \ test_langmap \ test_largefile \ test_let \ test_lineending \ test_lispwords \ test_listchars \ test_listdict \ test_listener \ test_listlbr \ test_listlbr_utf8 \ test_lua \ test_makeencoding \ test_man \ test_maparg \ test_mapping \ test_marks \ test_match \ test_matchadd_conceal \ test_matchadd_conceal_utf8 \ test_memory_usage \ test_menu \ test_messages \ test_method \ test_mksession \ test_mksession_utf8 \ test_modeless \ test_modeline \ test_move \ test_nested_function \ test_netbeans \ test_normal \ test_number \ test_options \ test_packadd \ test_partial \ test_paste \ test_perl \ test_plus_arg_edit \ test_popup \ test_popupwin \ test_popupwin_textprop \ test_preview \ test_profile \ test_prompt_buffer \ test_put \ test_python2 \ test_python3 \ test_pyx2 \ test_pyx3 \ test_quickfix \ test_quotestar \ test_random \ test_recover \ test_regex_char_classes \ test_regexp_latin \ test_regexp_utf8 \ test_registers \ test_reltime \ test_rename \ test_restricted \ test_retab \ test_ruby \ test_scriptnames \ test_scroll_opt \ test_scrollbind \ test_search \ test_search_stat \ test_searchpos \ test_selectmode \ test_set \ test_sha256 \ test_shift \ test_shortpathname \ test_signals \ test_signs \ test_smartindent \ test_sort \ test_sound \ test_source \ test_source_utf8 \ test_spell \ test_spellfile \ test_startup \ test_startup_utf8 \ test_stat \ test_statusline \ test_substitute \ test_suspend \ test_swap \ test_syn_attr \ test_syntax \ test_system \ test_tab \ test_tabline \ test_tabpage \ test_tagcase \ test_tagfunc \ test_tagjump \ test_taglist \ test_tcl \ test_termcodes \ test_termencoding \ test_terminal \ test_terminal_fail \ test_textformat \ test_textobjects \ test_textprop \ test_timers \ test_true_false \ test_trycatch \ test_undo \ test_unlet \ test_user_func \ test_usercommands \ test_utf8 \ test_utf8_comparisons \ test_vartabs \ test_version \ $(TEST_VIM9) \ test_viminfo \ test_vimscript \ test_virtualedit \ test_visual \ test_winbar \ test_winbuf_close \ test_window_cmd \ test_window_id \ test_windows_home \ test_wnext \ test_wordcount \ test_writefile \ test_xxd \ test_alot_latin \ test_alot_utf8 \ test_alot # Test targets that use runtest.vim. # Keep test_alot*.res as the last one, sort the others. # test_largefile.res is omitted, it uses too much resources to run on CI. NEW_TESTS_RES = \ test_arabic.res \ test_arglist.res \ test_assert.res \ test_autochdir.res \ test_autocmd.res \ test_autoload.res \ test_backspace_opt.res \ test_balloon.res \ test_balloon_gui.res \ test_blob.res \ test_blockedit.res \ test_breakindent.res \ test_buffer.res \ test_bufline.res \ test_bufwintabinfo.res \ test_cd.res \ test_cdo.res \ test_changedtick.res \ test_changelist.res \ test_channel.res \ test_charsearch.res \ test_checkpath.res \ test_cindent.res \ test_clientserver.res \ test_close_count.res \ test_cmdline.res \ test_command_count.res \ test_comparators.res \ test_conceal.res \ test_const.res \ test_crypt.res \ test_cscope.res \ test_cursor_func.res \ test_cursorline.res \ test_curswant.res \ test_debugger.res \ test_delete.res \ test_diffmode.res \ test_digraph.res \ test_display.res \ test_edit.res \ test_environ.res \ test_erasebackword.res \ test_escaped_glob.res \ test_eval_stuff.res \ test_excmd.res \ test_exec_while_if.res \ test_execute_func.res \ test_exists.res \ test_exists_autocmd.res \ test_exit.res \ test_expr.res \ test_file_size.res \ test_filechanged.res \ test_fileformat.res \ test_filetype.res \ test_filter_cmd.res \ test_filter_map.res \ test_find_complete.res \ test_findfile.res \ test_fixeol.res \ test_float_func.res \ test_fnameescape.res \ test_fold.res \ test_functions.res \ test_getcwd.res \ test_getvar.res \ test_gf.res \ test_gn.res \ test_goto.res \ test_gui.res \ test_gui_init.res \ test_hardcopy.res \ test_help.res \ test_help_tagjump.res \ test_hide.res \ test_highlight.res \ test_history.res \ test_hlsearch.res \ test_iminsert.res \ test_increment.res \ test_increment_dbcs.res \ test_indent.res \ test_ins_complete.res \ test_interrupt.res \ test_job_fails.res \ test_join.res \ test_json.res \ test_jumplist.res \ test_lambda.res \ test_langmap.res \ test_let.res \ test_lineending.res \ test_listchars.res \ test_listdict.res \ test_listener.res \ test_listlbr.res \ test_lua.res \ test_makeencoding.res \ test_man.res \ test_maparg.res \ test_mapping.res \ test_marks.res \ test_match.res \ test_matchadd_conceal.res \ test_matchadd_conceal_utf8.res \ test_memory_usage.res \ test_menu.res \ test_messages.res \ test_method.res \ test_mksession.res \ test_modeless.res \ test_modeline.res \ test_nested_function.res \ test_netbeans.res \ test_normal.res \ test_number.res \ test_options.res \ test_packadd.res \ test_partial.res \ test_paste.res \ test_perl.res \ test_plus_arg_edit.res \ test_popup.res \ test_popupwin.res \ test_popupwin_textprop.res \ test_preview.res \ test_profile.res \ test_prompt_buffer.res \ test_python2.res \ test_python3.res \ test_pyx2.res \ test_pyx3.res \ test_quickfix.res \ test_quotestar.res \ test_random.res \ test_regex_char_classes.res \ test_registers.res \ test_rename.res \ test_restricted.res \ test_retab.res \ test_ruby.res \ test_scriptnames.res \ test_scrollbind.res \ test_search.res \ test_search_stat.res \ test_selectmode.res \ test_shortpathname.res \ test_signals.res \ test_signs.res \ test_smartindent.res \ test_sort.res \ test_sound.res \ test_source.res \ test_spell.res \ test_spellfile.res \ test_startup.res \ test_stat.res \ test_statusline.res \ test_substitute.res \ test_suspend.res \ test_swap.res \ test_syn_attr.res \ test_syntax.res \ test_system.res \ test_tab.res \ test_tabpage.res \ test_tagjump.res \ test_taglist.res \ test_tcl.res \ test_termcodes.res \ test_termencoding.res \ test_terminal.res \ test_terminal_fail.res \ test_textformat.res \ test_textobjects.res \ test_textprop.res \ test_timers.res \ test_true_false.res \ test_trycatch.res \ test_undo.res \ test_user_func.res \ test_usercommands.res \ test_vartabs.res \ $(TEST_VIM9_RES) \ test_viminfo.res \ test_vimscript.res \ test_virtualedit.res \ test_visual.res \ test_winbar.res \ test_winbuf_close.res \ test_window_cmd.res \ test_window_id.res \ test_windows_home.res \ test_wordcount.res \ test_writefile.res \ test_xxd.res \ test_alot_latin.res \ test_alot_utf8.res \ test_alot.res