INIT WANTSCREEN RESET !Plain PUSH "A" ?screen_cell 0,0 = {0x41} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Bold PUSH "\e[1mB" ?screen_cell 0,1 = {0x42} width=1 attrs={B} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Italic PUSH "\e[3mC" ?screen_cell 0,2 = {0x43} width=1 attrs={BI} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Underline PUSH "\e[4mD" ?screen_cell 0,3 = {0x44} width=1 attrs={BU1I} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Reset PUSH "\e[mE" ?screen_cell 0,4 = {0x45} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Font PUSH "\e[11mF\e[m" ?screen_cell 0,5 = {0x46} width=1 attrs={F1} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Foreground PUSH "\e[31mG\e[m" ?screen_cell 0,6 = {0x47} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(224,0,0) bg=rgb(0,0,0) !Background PUSH "\e[42mH\e[m" ?screen_cell 0,7 = {0x48} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,224,0) !EL sets reverse and colours to end of line PUSH "\e[H\e[7;33;44m\e[K" ?screen_cell 0,0 = {} width=1 attrs={R} fg=rgb(224,224,0) bg=rgb(0,0,224) ?screen_cell 0,79 = {} width=1 attrs={R} fg=rgb(224,224,0) bg=rgb(0,0,224) !DECSCNM xors reverse for entire screen PUSH "\e[?5h" ?screen_cell 0,0 = {} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(224,224,0) bg=rgb(0,0,224) ?screen_cell 0,79 = {} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(224,224,0) bg=rgb(0,0,224) ?screen_cell 1,0 = {} width=1 attrs={R} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) PUSH "\e[?5\$p" output "\e[?5;1\$y" PUSH "\e[?5l" ?screen_cell 0,0 = {} width=1 attrs={R} fg=rgb(224,224,0) bg=rgb(0,0,224) ?screen_cell 0,79 = {} width=1 attrs={R} fg=rgb(224,224,0) bg=rgb(0,0,224) ?screen_cell 1,0 = {} width=1 attrs={} fg=rgb(240,240,240) bg=rgb(0,0,0) PUSH "\e[?5\$p" output "\e[?5;2\$y"