/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: * * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar * * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions. * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed. * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code. */ /* * dosinst.c: Install program for Vim on MS-DOS and MS-Windows * * Compile with Make_mvc.mak, Make_bc3.mak, Make_bc5.mak or Make_djg.mak. */ /* * Include common code for dosinst.c and uninstal.c. */ #define DOSINST #include "dosinst.h" /* Macro to do an error check I was typing over and over */ #define CHECK_REG_ERROR(code) if (code != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("%ld error number: %ld\n", (long)__LINE__, (long)code); return 1; } int has_vim = 0; /* installable vim.exe exists */ int has_gvim = 0; /* installable gvim.exe exists */ char oldvimrc[BUFSIZE]; /* name of existing vimrc file */ char vimrc[BUFSIZE]; /* name of vimrc file to create */ char *default_bat_dir = NULL; /* when not NULL, use this as the default directory to write .bat files in */ char *default_vim_dir = NULL; /* when not NULL, use this as the default install dir for NSIS */ #if 0 char homedir[BUFSIZE]; /* home directory or "" */ #endif /* * Structure used for each choice the user can make. */ struct choice { int active; /* non-zero when choice is active */ char *text; /* text displayed for this choice */ void (*changefunc)(int idx); /* function to change this choice */ int arg; /* argument for function */ void (*installfunc)(int idx); /* function to install this choice */ }; struct choice choices[30]; /* choices the user can make */ int choice_count = 0; /* number of choices available */ #define TABLE_SIZE(s) (int)(sizeof(s) / sizeof(*s)) enum { compat_vi = 1, compat_some_enhancements, compat_all_enhancements }; char *(compat_choices[]) = { "\nChoose the default way to run Vim:", "Vi compatible", "with some Vim ehancements", "with syntax highlighting and other features switched on", }; int compat_choice = (int)compat_all_enhancements; char *compat_text = "- run Vim %s"; enum { remap_no = 1, remap_win }; char *(remap_choices[]) = { "\nChoose:", "Do not remap keys for Windows behavior", "Remap a few keys for Windows behavior (, , etc)", }; int remap_choice = (int)remap_win; char *remap_text = "- %s"; enum { mouse_xterm = 1, mouse_mswin }; char *(mouse_choices[]) = { "\nChoose the way how Vim uses the mouse:", "right button extends selection (the Unix way)", "right button has a popup menu (the Windows way)", }; int mouse_choice = (int)mouse_mswin; char *mouse_text = "- The mouse %s"; enum { vimfiles_dir_none = 1, vimfiles_dir_vim, vimfiles_dir_home }; static char *(vimfiles_dir_choices[]) = { "\nCreate plugin directories:", "No", "In the VIM directory", "In your HOME directory", }; static int vimfiles_dir_choice; /* non-zero when selected to install the popup menu entry. */ static int install_popup = 0; /* non-zero when selected to install the "Open with" entry. */ static int install_openwith = 0; /* non-zero when need to add an uninstall entry in the registry */ static int need_uninstall_entry = 0; /* * Definitions of the directory name (under $VIM) of the vimfiles directory * and its subdirectories: */ static char *(vimfiles_subdirs[]) = { "colors", "compiler", "doc", "ftdetect", "ftplugin", "indent", "keymap", "plugin", "syntax", }; /* * Copy a directory name from "dir" to "buf", doubling backslashes. * Also make sure it ends in a double backslash. */ static void double_bs(char *dir, char *buf) { char *d = buf; char *s; for (s = dir; *s; ++s) { if (*s == '\\') *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = *s; } /* when dir is not empty, it must end in a double backslash */ if (d > buf && d[-1] != '\\') { *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = '\\'; } *d = NUL; } /* * Obtain a choice from a table. * First entry is a question, others are choices. */ static int get_choice(char **table, int entries) { int answer; int idx; char dummy[100]; do { for (idx = 0; idx < entries; ++idx) { if (idx) printf("%2d ", idx); printf(table[idx]); printf("\n"); } printf("Choice: "); if (scanf("%d", &answer) != 1) { scanf("%99s", dummy); answer = 0; } } while (answer < 1 || answer >= entries); return answer; } /* * Check if the user unpacked the archives properly. * Sets "runtimeidx". */ static void check_unpack(void) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; FILE *fd; struct stat st; /* check for presence of the correct version number in installdir[] */ runtimeidx = strlen(installdir) - strlen(VIM_VERSION_NODOT); if (runtimeidx <= 0 || stricmp(installdir + runtimeidx, VIM_VERSION_NODOT) != 0 || (installdir[runtimeidx - 1] != '/' && installdir[runtimeidx - 1] != '\\')) { printf("ERROR: Install program not in directory \"%s\"\n", VIM_VERSION_NODOT); printf("This program can only work when it is located in its original directory\n"); myexit(1); } /* check if filetype.vim is present, which means the runtime archive has * been unpacked */ sprintf(buf, "%s\\filetype.vim", installdir); if (stat(buf, &st) < 0) { printf("ERROR: Cannot find filetype.vim in \"%s\"\n", installdir); printf("It looks like you did not unpack the runtime archive.\n"); printf("You must unpack the runtime archive \"vim%srt.zip\" before installing.\n", VIM_VERSION_NODOT + 3); myexit(1); } /* Check if vim.exe or gvim.exe is in the current directory. */ if ((fd = fopen("gvim.exe", "r")) != NULL) { fclose(fd); has_gvim = 1; } if ((fd = fopen("vim.exe", "r")) != NULL) { fclose(fd); has_vim = 1; } if (!has_gvim && !has_vim) { printf("ERROR: Cannot find any Vim executables in \"%s\"\n\n", installdir); myexit(1); } } /* * Compare paths "p[plen]" to "q[qlen]". Return 0 if they match. * Ignores case and differences between '/' and '\'. * "plen" and "qlen" can be negative, strlen() is used then. */ static int pathcmp(char *p, int plen, char *q, int qlen) { int i; if (plen < 0) plen = strlen(p); if (qlen < 0) qlen = strlen(q); for (i = 0; ; ++i) { /* End of "p": check if "q" also ends or just has a slash. */ if (i == plen) { if (i == qlen) /* match */ return 0; if (i == qlen - 1 && (q[i] == '\\' || q[i] == '/')) return 0; /* match with trailing slash */ return 1; /* no match */ } /* End of "q": check if "p" also ends or just has a slash. */ if (i == qlen) { if (i == plen) /* match */ return 0; if (i == plen - 1 && (p[i] == '\\' || p[i] == '/')) return 0; /* match with trailing slash */ return 1; /* no match */ } if (!(mytoupper(p[i]) == mytoupper(q[i]) || ((p[i] == '/' || p[i] == '\\') && (q[i] == '/' || q[i] == '\\')))) return 1; /* no match */ } /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* * If the executable "**destination" is in the install directory, find another * one in $PATH. * On input "**destination" is the path of an executable in allocated memory * (or NULL). * "*destination" is set to NULL or the location of the file. */ static void findoldfile(char **destination) { char *bp = *destination; size_t indir_l = strlen(installdir); char *cp = bp + indir_l; char *tmpname; char *farname; /* * No action needed if exe not found or not in this directory. */ if (bp == NULL || strnicmp(bp, installdir, indir_l) != 0 || strchr("/\\", *cp++) == NULL || strchr(cp, '\\') != NULL || strchr(cp, '/') != NULL) return; tmpname = alloc((int)strlen(cp) + 1); strcpy(tmpname, cp); tmpname[strlen(tmpname) - 1] = 'x'; /* .exe -> .exx */ if (access(tmpname, 0) == 0) { printf("\nERROR: %s and %s clash. Remove or rename %s.\n", tmpname, cp, tmpname); myexit(1); } if (rename(cp, tmpname) != 0) { printf("\nERROR: failed to rename %s to %s: %s\n", cp, tmpname, strerror(0)); myexit(1); } farname = searchpath_save(cp); if (rename(tmpname, cp) != 0) { printf("\nERROR: failed to rename %s back to %s: %s\n", tmpname, cp, strerror(0)); myexit(1); } free(*destination); free(tmpname); *destination = farname; } /* * Check if there is a vim.[exe|bat|, gvim.[exe|bat|, etc. in the path. * When "check_bat_only" is TRUE, only find "default_bat_dir". */ static void find_bat_exe(int check_bat_only) { int i; mch_chdir(sysdrive); /* avoid looking in the "installdir" */ for (i = 1; i < TARGET_COUNT; ++i) { targets[i].oldbat = searchpath_save(targets[i].batname); if (!check_bat_only) targets[i].oldexe = searchpath_save(targets[i].exename); if (default_bat_dir == NULL && targets[i].oldbat != NULL) { default_bat_dir = alloc(strlen(targets[i].oldbat) + 1); strcpy(default_bat_dir, targets[i].oldbat); remove_tail(default_bat_dir); } if (check_bat_only && targets[i].oldbat != NULL) free(targets[i].oldbat); } mch_chdir(installdir); } #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Get the value of $VIMRUNTIME or $VIM and write it in $TEMP/vimini.ini, so * that NSIS can read it. * When not set, use the directory of a previously installed Vim. */ static void get_vim_env(void) { char *vim; char buf[BUFSIZE]; FILE *fd; char fname[BUFSIZE]; /* First get $VIMRUNTIME. If it's set, remove the tail. */ vim = getenv("VIMRUNTIME"); if (vim != NULL && *vim != 0) { strcpy(buf, vim); remove_tail(buf); vim = buf; } else { vim = getenv("VIM"); if (vim == NULL || *vim == 0) { /* Use the directory from an old uninstall entry. */ if (default_vim_dir != NULL) vim = default_vim_dir; else /* Let NSIS know there is no default, it should use * $PROGRAMFIlES. */ vim = ""; } } /* NSIS also uses GetTempPath(), thus we should get the same directory * name as where NSIS will look for vimini.ini. */ GetTempPath(BUFSIZE, fname); add_pathsep(fname); strcat(fname, "vimini.ini"); fd = fopen(fname, "w"); if (fd != NULL) { /* Make it look like an .ini file, so that NSIS can read it with a * ReadINIStr command. */ fprintf(fd, "[vimini]\n"); fprintf(fd, "dir=\"%s\"\n", vim); fclose(fd); } else { printf("Failed to open %s\n", fname); Sleep(2000); } } /* * Check for already installed Vims. * Return non-zero when found one. */ static int uninstall_check(void) { HKEY key_handle; HKEY uninstall_key_handle; char *uninstall_key = "software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"; char subkey_name_buff[BUFSIZE]; char temp_string_buffer[BUFSIZE]; DWORD local_bufsize = BUFSIZE; FILETIME temp_pfiletime; DWORD key_index; char input; long code; DWORD value_type; DWORD orig_num_keys; DWORD new_num_keys; int foundone = 0; code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, uninstall_key, 0, KEY_READ, &key_handle); CHECK_REG_ERROR(code); for (key_index = 0; RegEnumKeyEx(key_handle, key_index, subkey_name_buff, &local_bufsize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &temp_pfiletime) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; key_index++) { local_bufsize = BUFSIZE; if (strncmp("Vim", subkey_name_buff, 3) == 0) { /* Open the key named Vim* */ code = RegOpenKeyEx(key_handle, subkey_name_buff, 0, KEY_READ, &uninstall_key_handle); CHECK_REG_ERROR(code); /* get the DisplayName out of it to show the user */ code = RegQueryValueEx(uninstall_key_handle, "displayname", 0, &value_type, (LPBYTE)temp_string_buffer, &local_bufsize); local_bufsize = BUFSIZE; CHECK_REG_ERROR(code); foundone = 1; printf("\n*********************************************************\n"); printf("Vim Install found what looks like an existing Vim version.\n"); printf("The name of the entry is:\n"); printf("\n \"%s\"\n\n", temp_string_buffer); printf("Installing the new version will disable part of the existing version.\n"); printf("(The batch files used in a console and the \"Edit with Vim\" entry in\n"); printf("the popup menu will use the new version)\n"); printf("\nDo you want to uninstall \"%s\" now?\n(y)es/(n)o) ", temp_string_buffer); fflush(stdout); /* get the UninstallString */ code = RegQueryValueEx(uninstall_key_handle, "uninstallstring", 0, &value_type, (LPBYTE)temp_string_buffer, &local_bufsize); local_bufsize = BUFSIZE; CHECK_REG_ERROR(code); /* Remember the directory, it is used as the default for NSIS. */ default_vim_dir = alloc(strlen(temp_string_buffer) + 1); strcpy(default_vim_dir, temp_string_buffer); remove_tail(default_vim_dir); remove_tail(default_vim_dir); input = 'n'; do { if (input != 'n') printf("%c is an invalid reply. Please enter either 'y' or 'n'\n", input); rewind(stdin); scanf("%c", &input); switch (input) { case 'y': case 'Y': /* save the number of uninstall keys so we can know if * it changed */ RegQueryInfoKey(key_handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &orig_num_keys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Delete the uninstall key. It has no subkeys, so * this is easy. Do this before uninstalling, that * may try to delete the key as well. */ RegDeleteKey(key_handle, subkey_name_buff); /* Find existing .bat files before deleting them. */ find_bat_exe(TRUE); /* Execute the uninstall program. Put it in double * quotes if there is an embedded space. */ if (strchr(temp_string_buffer, ' ') != NULL) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; strcpy(buf, temp_string_buffer); sprintf(temp_string_buffer, "\"%s\"", buf); } run_command(temp_string_buffer); /* Check if an unistall reg key was deleted. * if it was, we want to decrement key_index. * if we don't do this, we will skip the key * immediately after any key that we delete. */ RegQueryInfoKey(key_handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &new_num_keys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (new_num_keys < orig_num_keys) key_index--; input = 'y'; break; case 'n': case 'N': /* Do not uninstall */ input = 'n'; break; default: /* just drop through and redo the loop */ break; } } while (input != 'n' && input != 'y'); RegCloseKey(uninstall_key_handle); } } RegCloseKey(key_handle); return foundone; } #endif /* * Find out information about the system. */ static void inspect_system(void) { char *p; char buf[BUFSIZE]; FILE *fd; int i; int foundone; /* This may take a little while, let the user know what we're doing. */ printf("Inspecting system...\n"); /* * If $VIM is set, check that it's pointing to our directory. */ p = getenv("VIM"); if (p != NULL && pathcmp(p, -1, installdir, runtimeidx - 1) != 0) { printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("$VIM is set to \"%s\".\n", p); printf("This is different from where this version of Vim is:\n"); strcpy(buf, installdir); *(buf + runtimeidx - 1) = NUL; printf("\"%s\"\n", buf); printf("You must adjust or remove the setting of $VIM,\n"); if (interactive) { printf("to be able to use this install program.\n"); myexit(1); } printf("otherwise Vim WILL NOT WORK properly!\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); } /* * If $VIMRUNTIME is set, check that it's pointing to our runtime directory. */ p = getenv("VIMRUNTIME"); if (p != NULL && pathcmp(p, -1, installdir, -1) != 0) { printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("$VIMRUNTIME is set to \"%s\".\n", p); printf("This is different from where this version of Vim is:\n"); printf("\"%s\"\n", installdir); printf("You must adjust or remove the setting of $VIMRUNTIME,\n"); if (interactive) { printf("to be able to use this install program.\n"); myexit(1); } printf("otherwise Vim WILL NOT WORK properly!\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); } /* * Check if there is a vim.[exe|bat|, gvim.[exe|bat|, etc. in the path. */ find_bat_exe(FALSE); /* * A .exe in the install directory may be found anyway on Windows 2000. * Check for this situation and find another executable if necessary. * w.briscoe@ponl.com 2001-01-20 */ foundone = 0; for (i = 1; i < TARGET_COUNT; ++i) { findoldfile(&(targets[i].oldexe)); if (targets[i].oldexe != NULL) foundone = 1; } if (foundone) { printf("Warning: Found Vim executable(s) in your $PATH:\n"); for (i = 1; i < TARGET_COUNT; ++i) if (targets[i].oldexe != NULL) printf("%s\n", targets[i].oldexe); printf("It will be used instead of the version you are installing.\n"); printf("Please delete or rename it, or adjust your $PATH setting.\n"); } /* * Check if there is an existing ../_vimrc or ../.vimrc file. */ strcpy(oldvimrc, installdir); strcpy(oldvimrc + runtimeidx, "_vimrc"); if ((fd = fopen(oldvimrc, "r")) == NULL) { strcpy(oldvimrc + runtimeidx, "vimrc~1"); /* short version of .vimrc */ if ((fd = fopen(oldvimrc, "r")) == NULL) { strcpy(oldvimrc + runtimeidx, ".vimrc"); fd = fopen(oldvimrc, "r"); } } if (fd != NULL) fclose(fd); else *oldvimrc = NUL; #if 0 /* currently not used */ /* * Get default home directory. * Prefer $HOME if it's set. For Win NT use $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH. * Otherwise, if there is a "c:" drive use that. */ p = getenv("HOME"); if (p != NULL && *p != NUL && strlen(p) < BUFSIZE) strcpy(homedir, p); else { p = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); if (p != NULL && *p != NUL && strlen(p) + 2 < BUFSIZE) { strcpy(homedir, p); p = getenv("HOMEPATH"); if (p != NULL && *p != NUL && strlen(homedir) + strlen(p) < BUFSIZE) strcat(homedir, p); else strcat(homedir, "\\"); } else { struct stat st; if (stat("c:\\", &st) == 0) strcpy(homedir, "c:\\"); else *homedir = NUL; } } #endif } /* * Add a dummy choice to avoid that the numbering changes depending on items * in the environment. The user may type a number he remembered without * looking. */ static void add_dummy_choice(void) { choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].active = 0; choices[choice_count].changefunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; ++choice_count; } /*********************************************** * stuff for creating the batch files. */ /* * Install the vim.bat, gvim.bat, etc. files. */ static void install_bat_choice(int idx) { char *batpath = targets[choices[idx].arg].batpath; char *oldname = targets[choices[idx].arg].oldbat; char *exename = targets[choices[idx].arg].exenamearg; char *vimarg = targets[choices[idx].arg].exearg; FILE *fd; char buf[BUFSIZE]; if (*batpath != NUL) { fd = fopen(batpath, "w"); if (fd == NULL) printf("\nERROR: Cannot open \"%s\" for writing.\n", batpath); else { need_uninstall_entry = 1; fprintf(fd, "@echo off\n"); fprintf(fd, "rem -- Run Vim --\n\n"); strcpy(buf, installdir); buf[runtimeidx - 1] = NUL; /* Don't use double quotes for the value here, also when buf * contains a space. The quotes would be included in the value * for MSDOS and NT. */ fprintf(fd, "set VIM=%s\n\n", buf); strcpy(buf, installdir + runtimeidx); add_pathsep(buf); strcat(buf, exename); /* Give an error message when the executable could not be found. */ fprintf(fd, "if exist \"%%VIM%%\\%s\" goto havevim\n", buf); fprintf(fd, "echo \"%%VIM%%\\%s\" not found\n", buf); fprintf(fd, "goto eof\n\n"); fprintf(fd, ":havevim\n"); fprintf(fd, "rem collect the arguments in VIMARGS for Win95\n"); fprintf(fd, "set VIMARGS=\n"); if (*exename == 'g') fprintf(fd, "set VIMNOFORK=\n"); fprintf(fd, ":loopstart\n"); fprintf(fd, "if .%%1==. goto loopend\n"); if (*exename == 'g') { fprintf(fd, "if NOT .%%1==.-f goto noforkarg\n"); fprintf(fd, "set VIMNOFORK=1\n"); fprintf(fd, ":noforkarg\n"); } fprintf(fd, "set VIMARGS=%%VIMARGS%% %%1\n"); fprintf(fd, "shift\n"); fprintf(fd, "goto loopstart\n\n"); fprintf(fd, ":loopend\n"); fprintf(fd, "if .%%OS%%==.Windows_NT goto ntaction\n\n"); /* For gvim.exe use "start" to avoid that the console window stays * open. */ if (*exename == 'g') { fprintf(fd, "if .%%VIMNOFORK%%==.1 goto nofork\n"); fprintf(fd, "start "); } /* Do use quotes here if the path includes a space. */ if (strchr(installdir, ' ') != NULL) fprintf(fd, "\"%%VIM%%\\%s\" %s %%VIMARGS%%\n", buf, vimarg); else fprintf(fd, "%%VIM%%\\%s %s %%VIMARGS%%\n", buf, vimarg); fprintf(fd, "goto eof\n\n"); if (*exename == 'g') { fprintf(fd, ":nofork\n"); fprintf(fd, "start /w "); /* Do use quotes here if the path includes a space. */ if (strchr(installdir, ' ') != NULL) fprintf(fd, "\"%%VIM%%\\%s\" %s %%VIMARGS%%\n", buf, vimarg); else fprintf(fd, "%%VIM%%\\%s %s %%VIMARGS%%\n", buf, vimarg); fprintf(fd, "goto eof\n\n"); } fprintf(fd, ":ntaction\n"); fprintf(fd, "rem for WinNT we can use %%*\n"); /* For gvim.exe use "start /b" to avoid that the console window * stays open. */ if (*exename == 'g') { fprintf(fd, "if .%%VIMNOFORK%%==.1 goto noforknt\n"); fprintf(fd, "start \"dummy\" /b "); } /* Do use quotes here if the path includes a space. */ if (strchr(installdir, ' ') != NULL) fprintf(fd, "\"%%VIM%%\\%s\" %s %%*\n", buf, vimarg); else fprintf(fd, "%%VIM%%\\%s %s %%*\n", buf, vimarg); fprintf(fd, "goto eof\n\n"); if (*exename == 'g') { fprintf(fd, ":noforknt\n"); fprintf(fd, "start \"dummy\" /b /wait "); /* Do use quotes here if the path includes a space. */ if (strchr(installdir, ' ') != NULL) fprintf(fd, "\"%%VIM%%\\%s\" %s %%*\n", buf, vimarg); else fprintf(fd, "%%VIM%%\\%s %s %%*\n", buf, vimarg); } fprintf(fd, "\n:eof\n"); fprintf(fd, "set VIMARGS=\n"); if (*exename == 'g') fprintf(fd, "set VIMNOFORK=\n"); fclose(fd); printf("%s has been %s\n", batpath, oldname == NULL ? "created" : "overwritten"); } } } /* * Make the text string for choice "idx". * The format "fmt" is must have one %s item, which "arg" is used for. */ static void alloc_text(int idx, char *fmt, char *arg) { if (choices[idx].text != NULL) free(choices[idx].text); choices[idx].text = alloc((int)(strlen(fmt) + strlen(arg)) - 1); sprintf(choices[idx].text, fmt, arg); } /* * Toggle the "Overwrite .../vim.bat" to "Don't overwrite". */ static void toggle_bat_choice(int idx) { char *batname = targets[choices[idx].arg].batpath; char *oldname = targets[choices[idx].arg].oldbat; if (*batname == NUL) { alloc_text(idx, " Overwrite %s", oldname); strcpy(batname, oldname); } else { alloc_text(idx, " Do NOT overwrite %s", oldname); *batname = NUL; } } /* * Do some work for a batch file entry: Append the batch file name to the path * and set the text for the choice. */ static void set_bat_text(int idx, char *batpath, char *name) { strcat(batpath, name); alloc_text(idx, " Create %s", batpath); } /* * Select a directory to write the batch file line. */ static void change_bat_choice(int idx) { char *path; char *batpath; char *name; int n; char *s; char *p; int count; char **names = NULL; int i; int target = choices[idx].arg; name = targets[target].batname; batpath = targets[target].batpath; path = getenv("PATH"); if (path == NULL) { printf("\nERROR: The variable $PATH is not set\n"); return; } /* * first round: count number of names in path; * second round: save names to names[]. */ for (;;) { count = 1; for (p = path; *p; ) { s = strchr(p, ';'); if (s == NULL) s = p + strlen(p); if (names != NULL) { names[count] = alloc((int)(s - p) + 1); strncpy(names[count], p, s - p); names[count][s - p] = NUL; } ++count; p = s; if (*p != NUL) ++p; } if (names != NULL) break; names = alloc((int)(count + 1) * sizeof(char *)); } names[0] = alloc(50); sprintf(names[0], "Select directory to create %s in:", name); names[count] = alloc(50); if (choices[idx].arg == 0) sprintf(names[count], "Do not create any .bat file."); else sprintf(names[count], "Do not create a %s file.", name); n = get_choice(names, count + 1); if (n == count) { /* Selected last item, don't create bat file. */ *batpath = NUL; if (choices[idx].arg != 0) alloc_text(idx, " Do NOT create %s", name); } else { /* Selected one of the paths. For the first item only keep the path, * for the others append the batch file name. */ strcpy(batpath, names[n]); add_pathsep(batpath); if (choices[idx].arg != 0) set_bat_text(idx, batpath, name); } for (i = 0; i <= count; ++i) free(names[i]); free(names); } char *bat_text_yes = "Install .bat files to use Vim at the command line:"; char *bat_text_no = "do NOT install .bat files to use Vim at the command line"; static void change_main_bat_choice(int idx) { int i; /* let the user select a default directory or NONE */ change_bat_choice(idx); if (targets[0].batpath[0] != NUL) choices[idx].text = bat_text_yes; else choices[idx].text = bat_text_no; /* update the individual batch file selections */ for (i = 1; i < TARGET_COUNT; ++i) { /* Only make it active when the first item has a path and the vim.exe * or gvim.exe exists (there is a changefunc then). */ if (targets[0].batpath[0] != NUL && choices[idx + i].changefunc != NULL) { choices[idx + i].active = 1; if (choices[idx + i].changefunc == change_bat_choice && targets[i].batpath[0] != NUL) { strcpy(targets[i].batpath, targets[0].batpath); set_bat_text(idx + i, targets[i].batpath, targets[i].batname); } } else choices[idx + i].active = 0; } } /* * Initialize a choice for creating a batch file. */ static void init_bat_choice(int target) { char *batpath = targets[target].batpath; char *oldbat = targets[target].oldbat; char *p; int i; choices[choice_count].arg = target; choices[choice_count].installfunc = install_bat_choice; choices[choice_count].active = 1; choices[choice_count].text = NULL; /* will be set below */ if (oldbat != NULL) { /* A [g]vim.bat exists: Only choice is to overwrite it or not. */ choices[choice_count].changefunc = toggle_bat_choice; *batpath = NUL; toggle_bat_choice(choice_count); } else { if (default_bat_dir != NULL) /* Prefer using the same path as an existing .bat file. */ strcpy(batpath, default_bat_dir); else { /* No [g]vim.bat exists: Write it to a directory in $PATH. Use * $WINDIR by default, if it's empty the first item in $PATH. */ p = getenv("WINDIR"); if (p != NULL && *p != NUL) strcpy(batpath, p); else { p = getenv("PATH"); if (p == NULL || *p == NUL) /* "cannot happen" */ strcpy(batpath, "C:/Windows"); else { i = 0; while (*p != NUL && *p != ';') batpath[i++] = *p++; batpath[i] = NUL; } } } add_pathsep(batpath); set_bat_text(choice_count, batpath, targets[target].batname); choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_bat_choice; } ++choice_count; } /* * Set up the choices for installing .bat files. * For these items "arg" is the index in targets[]. */ static void init_bat_choices(void) { int i; /* The first item is used to switch installing batch files on/off and * setting the default path. */ choices[choice_count].text = bat_text_yes; choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_main_bat_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].active = 1; choices[choice_count].arg = 0; ++choice_count; /* Add items for each batch file target. Only used when not disabled by * the first item. When a .exe exists, don't offer to create a .bat. */ for (i = 1; i < TARGET_COUNT; ++i) if (targets[i].oldexe == NULL && (targets[i].exenamearg[0] == 'g' ? has_gvim : has_vim)) init_bat_choice(i); else add_dummy_choice(); } /* * Install the vimrc file. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void install_vimrc(int idx) { FILE *fd, *tfd; char *fname; char *p; /* If an old vimrc file exists, overwrite it. * Otherwise create a new one. */ if (*oldvimrc != NUL) fname = oldvimrc; else fname = vimrc; fd = fopen(fname, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { printf("\nERROR: Cannot open \"%s\" for writing.\n", fname); return; } switch (compat_choice) { case compat_vi: fprintf(fd, "set compatible\n"); break; case compat_some_enhancements: fprintf(fd, "set nocompatible\n"); break; case compat_all_enhancements: fprintf(fd, "set nocompatible\n"); fprintf(fd, "source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim\n"); break; } switch (remap_choice) { case remap_no: break; case remap_win: fprintf(fd, "source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim\n"); break; } switch (mouse_choice) { case mouse_xterm: fprintf(fd, "behave xterm\n"); break; case mouse_mswin: fprintf(fd, "behave mswin\n"); break; } if ((tfd = fopen("diff.exe", "r")) != NULL) { /* Use the diff.exe that comes with the self-extracting gvim.exe. */ fclose(tfd); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "set diffexpr=MyDiff()\n"); fprintf(fd, "function MyDiff()\n"); fprintf(fd, " let opt = '-a --binary '\n"); fprintf(fd, " if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif\n"); fprintf(fd, " if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif\n"); /* Use quotes only when needed, they may cause trouble. */ fprintf(fd, " let arg1 = v:fname_in\n"); fprintf(fd, " if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '\"' . arg1 . '\"' | endif\n"); fprintf(fd, " let arg2 = v:fname_new\n"); fprintf(fd, " if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '\"' . arg2 . '\"' | endif\n"); fprintf(fd, " let arg3 = v:fname_out\n"); fprintf(fd, " if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '\"' . arg3 . '\"' | endif\n"); p = strchr(installdir, ' '); if (p != NULL) { /* The path has a space. When using cmd.exe (Win NT/2000/XP) put * quotes around the whole command and around the diff command. * Otherwise put a double quote just before the space and at the * end of the command. Putting quotes around the whole thing * doesn't work on Win 95/98/ME. This is mostly guessed! */ fprintf(fd, " if &sh =~ '\\ ' . arg3 . '\"'\n", installdir); fprintf(fd, " else\n"); *p = NUL; fprintf(fd, " silent execute '!%s\" %s\\diff\" ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3\n", installdir, p + 1); *p = ' '; fprintf(fd, " endif\n"); } else fprintf(fd, " silent execute '!%s\\diff ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3\n", installdir); fprintf(fd, "endfunction\n"); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } fclose(fd); printf("%s has been written\n", fname); } static void change_vimrc_choice(int idx) { if (choices[idx].installfunc != NULL) { /* Switch to NOT change or create a vimrc file. */ if (*oldvimrc != NUL) alloc_text(idx, "Do NOT change startup file %s", oldvimrc); else alloc_text(idx, "Do NOT create startup file %s", vimrc); choices[idx].installfunc = NULL; choices[idx + 1].active = 0; choices[idx + 2].active = 0; choices[idx + 3].active = 0; } else { /* Switch to change or create a vimrc file. */ if (*oldvimrc != NUL) alloc_text(idx, "Overwrite startup file %s with:", oldvimrc); else alloc_text(idx, "Create startup file %s with:", vimrc); choices[idx].installfunc = install_vimrc; choices[idx + 1].active = 1; choices[idx + 2].active = 1; choices[idx + 3].active = 1; } } /* * Change the choice how to run Vim. */ static void change_run_choice(int idx) { compat_choice = get_choice(compat_choices, TABLE_SIZE(compat_choices)); alloc_text(idx, compat_text, compat_choices[compat_choice]); } /* * Change the choice if keys are to be remapped. */ static void change_remap_choice(int idx) { remap_choice = get_choice(remap_choices, TABLE_SIZE(remap_choices)); alloc_text(idx, remap_text, remap_choices[remap_choice]); } /* * Change the choice how to select text. */ static void change_mouse_choice(int idx) { mouse_choice = get_choice(mouse_choices, TABLE_SIZE(mouse_choices)); alloc_text(idx, mouse_text, mouse_choices[mouse_choice]); } static void init_vimrc_choices(void) { /* set path for a new _vimrc file (also when not used) */ strcpy(vimrc, installdir); strcpy(vimrc + runtimeidx, "_vimrc"); /* Set opposite value and then toggle it by calling change_vimrc_choice() */ if (*oldvimrc == NUL) choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; else choices[choice_count].installfunc = install_vimrc; choices[choice_count].text = NULL; change_vimrc_choice(choice_count); choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_vimrc_choice; choices[choice_count].active = 1; ++choice_count; /* default way to run Vim */ alloc_text(choice_count, compat_text, compat_choices[compat_choice]); choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_run_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].active = (*oldvimrc == NUL); ++choice_count; /* Whether to remap keys */ alloc_text(choice_count, remap_text , remap_choices[remap_choice]); choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_remap_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL;; choices[choice_count].active = (*oldvimrc == NUL); ++choice_count; /* default way to use the mouse */ alloc_text(choice_count, mouse_text, mouse_choices[mouse_choice]); choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_mouse_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL;; choices[choice_count].active = (*oldvimrc == NUL); ++choice_count; } /* * Add some entries to the registry: * - to add "Edit with Vim" to the context * menu * - to add Vim to the "Open with..." list * - to uninstall Vim */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void install_registry(void) { #if defined(DJGPP) || defined(WIN3264) || defined(UNIX_LINT) FILE *fd; const char *vim_ext_ThreadingModel = "Apartment"; const char *vim_ext_name = "Vim Shell Extension"; const char *vim_ext_clsid = "{51EEE242-AD87-11d3-9C1E-0090278BBD99}"; char buf[BUFSIZE]; fd = fopen("vim.reg", "w"); if (fd == NULL) printf("ERROR: Could not open vim.reg for writing\n"); else { double_bs(installdir, buf); /* double the backslashes */ /* * Write the registry entries for the "Edit with Vim" menu. */ fprintf(fd, "REGEDIT4\n"); fprintf(fd, "\n"); if (install_popup) { char bufg[BUFSIZE]; struct stat st; if (stat("gvimext.dll", &st) >= 0) strcpy(bufg, buf); else /* gvimext.dll is in gvimext subdir */ sprintf(bufg, "%sgvimext\\\\", buf); printf("Creating \"Edit with Vim\" popup menu entry\n"); fprintf(fd, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\%s\n", vim_ext_clsid); fprintf(fd, "@=\"%s\"\n", vim_ext_name); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\%s\\InProcServer32]\n", vim_ext_clsid); fprintf(fd, "@=\"%sgvimext.dll\"\n", bufg); fprintf(fd, "\"ThreadingModel\"=\"%s\"\n", vim_ext_ThreadingModel); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\gvim]\n"); fprintf(fd, "@=\"%s\"\n", vim_ext_clsid); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Shell Extensions\\Approved]\n"); fprintf(fd, "\"%s\"=\"%s\"\n", vim_ext_clsid, vim_ext_name); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Vim\\Gvim]\n"); fprintf(fd, "\"path\"=\"%sgvim.exe\"\n", buf); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } if (install_openwith) { printf("Creating \"Open with ...\" list entry\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\gvim.exe]\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\gvim.exe\\shell]\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\gvim.exe\\shell\\edit]\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\gvim.exe\\shell\\edit\\command]\n"); fprintf(fd, "@=\"%sgvim.exe \\\"%%1\\\"\"\n\n", buf); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.htm\\OpenWithList\\gvim.exe]\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.vim\\OpenWithList\\gvim.exe]\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\*\\OpenWithList\\gvim.exe]\n\n"); } printf("Creating an uninstall entry\n"); /* The registry entries for uninstalling the menu */ fprintf(fd, "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Vim " VIM_VERSION_SHORT "]\n"); /* For the NSIS installer use the generated uninstaller. */ if (interactive) { fprintf(fd, "\"DisplayName\"=\"Vim " VIM_VERSION_SHORT "\"\n"); fprintf(fd, "\"UninstallString\"=\"%suninstal.exe\"\n", buf); } else { fprintf(fd, "\"DisplayName\"=\"Vim " VIM_VERSION_SHORT " (self-installing)\"\n"); fprintf(fd, "\"UninstallString\"=\"%suninstall-gui.exe\"\n", buf); } fclose(fd); run_command("regedit /s vim.reg"); remove("vim.reg"); } #endif /* if defined(DJGPP) || defined(WIN3264) */ } static void change_popup_choice(int idx) { if (install_popup == 0) { choices[idx].text = "Install an entry for Vim in the popup menu for the right\n mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim"; install_popup = 1; } else { choices[idx].text = "Do NOT install an entry for Vim in the popup menu for the\n right mouse button to edit any file with Vim"; install_popup = 0; } } /* * Only add the choice for the popup menu entry when gvim.exe was found and * both gvimext.dll and regedit.exe exist. */ static void init_popup_choice(void) { struct stat st; if (has_gvim && (stat("gvimext.dll", &st) >= 0 || stat("gvimext/gvimext.dll", &st) >= 0) #ifndef WIN3264 && searchpath("regedit.exe") != NULL #endif ) { choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_popup_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].active = 1; change_popup_choice(choice_count); /* set the text */ ++choice_count; } else add_dummy_choice(); } static void change_openwith_choice(int idx) { if (install_openwith == 0) { choices[idx].text = "Add Vim to the \"Open With...\" list in the popup menu for the right\n mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim"; install_openwith = 1; } else { choices[idx].text = "Do NOT add Vim to the \"Open With...\" list in the popup menu for the\n right mouse button to edit any file with Vim"; install_openwith = 0; } } /* * Only add the choice for the open-with menu entry when gvim.exe was found * and and regedit.exe exist. */ static void init_openwith_choice(void) { if (has_gvim #ifndef WIN3264 && searchpath("regedit.exe") != NULL #endif ) { choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_openwith_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].active = 1; change_openwith_choice(choice_count); /* set the text */ ++choice_count; } else add_dummy_choice(); } #ifdef WIN3264 /* create_shortcut * * Create a shell link. * * returns 0 on failure, non-zero on successful completion. * * NOTE: Currently untested with mingw. */ int create_shortcut( const char *shortcut_name, const char *iconfile_path, int iconindex, const char *shortcut_target, const char *shortcut_args, const char *workingdir ) { IShellLink *shelllink_ptr; HRESULT hres; IPersistFile *persistfile_ptr; /* Initialize COM library */ hres = CoInitialize(NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) { printf("Error: Could not open the COM library. Not creating shortcut.\n"); return FAIL; } /* Instantiate a COM object for the ShellLink, store a pointer to it * in shelllink_ptr. */ hres = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IShellLink, (void **) &shelllink_ptr); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) /* If the instantiation was successful... */ { /* ...Then build a PersistFile interface for the ShellLink so we can * save it as a file after we build it. */ hres = shelllink_ptr->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(shelllink_ptr, &IID_IPersistFile, (void **) &persistfile_ptr); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { wchar_t wsz[BUFSIZE]; /* translate the (possibly) multibyte shortcut filename to windows * Unicode so it can be used as a file name. */ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, shortcut_name, -1, wsz, BUFSIZE); /* set the attributes */ shelllink_ptr->lpVtbl->SetPath(shelllink_ptr, shortcut_target); shelllink_ptr->lpVtbl->SetWorkingDirectory(shelllink_ptr, workingdir); shelllink_ptr->lpVtbl->SetIconLocation(shelllink_ptr, iconfile_path, iconindex); shelllink_ptr->lpVtbl->SetArguments(shelllink_ptr, shortcut_args); /* save the shortcut to a file and return the PersistFile object*/ persistfile_ptr->lpVtbl->Save(persistfile_ptr, wsz, 1); persistfile_ptr->lpVtbl->Release(persistfile_ptr); } else { printf("QueryInterface Error\n"); return FAIL; } /* Return the ShellLink object */ shelllink_ptr->lpVtbl->Release(shelllink_ptr); } else { printf("CoCreateInstance Error - hres = %08x\n", (int)hres); return FAIL; } return OK; } /* * Build a path to where we will put a specified link. * * Return 0 on error, non-zero on success */ int build_link_name( char *link_path, const char *link_name, const char *shell_folder_name) { char shell_folder_path[BUFSIZE]; if (get_shell_folder_path(shell_folder_path, shell_folder_name) == FAIL) { printf("An error occurred while attempting to find the path to %s.\n", shell_folder_name); return FAIL; } /* Make sure the directory exists (create Start Menu\Programs\Vim). * Ignore errors if it already exists. */ vim_mkdir(shell_folder_path, 0755); /* build the path to the shortcut and the path to gvim.exe */ sprintf(link_path, "%s\\%s.lnk", shell_folder_path, link_name); return OK; } static int build_shortcut( const char *name, /* Name of the shortcut */ const char *exename, /* Name of the executable (e.g., vim.exe) */ const char *args, const char *shell_folder, const char *workingdir) { char executable_path[BUFSIZE]; char link_name[BUFSIZE]; sprintf(executable_path, "%s\\%s", installdir, exename); if (build_link_name(link_name, name, shell_folder) == FAIL) { printf("An error has occurred. A shortcut to %s will not be created %s.\n", name, *shell_folder == 'd' ? "on the desktop" : "in the Start menu"); return FAIL; } /* Create the shortcut: */ return create_shortcut(link_name, executable_path, 0, executable_path, args, workingdir); } /* * We used to use "homedir" as the working directory, but that is a bad choice * on multi-user systems. Not specifying a directory appears to work best. */ #define WORKDIR "" /* * Create shortcut(s) in the Start Menu\Programs\Vim folder. */ static void install_start_menu(int idx) { need_uninstall_entry = 1; printf("Creating start menu\n"); if (has_vim) { if (build_shortcut("Vim", "vim.exe", "", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; if (build_shortcut("Vim Read-only", "vim.exe", "-R", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; if (build_shortcut("Vim Diff", "vim.exe", "-d", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; } if (has_gvim) { if (build_shortcut("gVim", "gvim.exe", "", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; if (build_shortcut("gVim Easy", "gvim.exe", "-y", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; if (build_shortcut("gVim Read-only", "gvim.exe", "-R", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; if (build_shortcut("gVim Diff", "gvim.exe", "-d", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; } if (build_shortcut("Uninstall", interactive ? "uninstal.exe" : "uninstall-gui.exe", "", VIM_STARTMENU, installdir) == FAIL) return; /* For Windows NT the working dir of the vimtutor.bat must be right, * otherwise gvim.exe won't be found and using gvimbat doesn't work. */ if (build_shortcut("Vim tutor", "vimtutor.bat", "", VIM_STARTMENU, installdir) == FAIL) return; if (build_shortcut("Help", has_gvim ? "gvim.exe" : "vim.exe", "-c h", VIM_STARTMENU, WORKDIR) == FAIL) return; { char shell_folder_path[BUFSIZE]; /* Creating the URL shortcut works a bit differently... */ if (get_shell_folder_path(shell_folder_path, VIM_STARTMENU) == FAIL) { printf("Finding the path of the Start menu failed\n"); return ; } add_pathsep(shell_folder_path); strcat(shell_folder_path, "Vim Online.url"); if (!WritePrivateProfileString("InternetShortcut", "URL", "http://vim.sf.net/", shell_folder_path)) { printf("Creating the Vim online URL failed\n"); return; } } } static void toggle_startmenu_choice(int idx) { if (choices[idx].installfunc == NULL) { choices[idx].installfunc = install_start_menu; choices[idx].text = "Add Vim to the Start menu"; } else { choices[idx].installfunc = NULL; choices[idx].text = "Do NOT add Vim to the Start menu"; } } /* * Function to actually create the shortcuts * * Currently I am supplying no working directory to the shortcut. This * means that the initial working dir will be: * - the location of the shortcut if no file is supplied * - the location of the file being edited if a file is supplied (ie via * drag and drop onto the shortcut). */ void install_shortcut_gvim(int idx) { /* Create shortcut(s) on the desktop */ if (choices[idx].arg) { (void)build_shortcut(icon_names[0], "gvim.exe", "", "desktop", WORKDIR); need_uninstall_entry = 1; } } void install_shortcut_evim(int idx) { if (choices[idx].arg) { (void)build_shortcut(icon_names[1], "gvim.exe", "-y", "desktop", WORKDIR); need_uninstall_entry = 1; } } void install_shortcut_gview(int idx) { if (choices[idx].arg) { (void)build_shortcut(icon_names[2], "gvim.exe", "-R", "desktop", WORKDIR); need_uninstall_entry = 1; } } void toggle_shortcut_choice(int idx) { char *arg; if (choices[idx].installfunc == install_shortcut_gvim) arg = "gVim"; else if (choices[idx].installfunc == install_shortcut_evim) arg = "gVim Easy"; else arg = "gVim Read-only"; if (choices[idx].arg) { choices[idx].arg = 0; alloc_text(idx, "Do NOT create a desktop icon for %s", arg); } else { choices[idx].arg = 1; alloc_text(idx, "Create a desktop icon for %s", arg); } } #endif /* WIN3264 */ static void init_startmenu_choice(void) { #ifdef WIN3264 /* Start menu */ choices[choice_count].changefunc = toggle_startmenu_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = NULL; choices[choice_count].active = 1; toggle_startmenu_choice(choice_count); /* set the text */ ++choice_count; #else add_dummy_choice(); #endif } /* * Add the choice for the desktop shortcuts. */ static void init_shortcut_choices(void) { #ifdef WIN3264 /* Shortcut to gvim */ choices[choice_count].text = NULL; choices[choice_count].arg = 0; choices[choice_count].active = has_gvim; choices[choice_count].changefunc = toggle_shortcut_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = install_shortcut_gvim; toggle_shortcut_choice(choice_count); ++choice_count; /* Shortcut to evim */ choices[choice_count].text = NULL; choices[choice_count].arg = 0; choices[choice_count].active = has_gvim; choices[choice_count].changefunc = toggle_shortcut_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = install_shortcut_evim; toggle_shortcut_choice(choice_count); ++choice_count; /* Shortcut to gview */ choices[choice_count].text = NULL; choices[choice_count].arg = 0; choices[choice_count].active = has_gvim; choices[choice_count].changefunc = toggle_shortcut_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = install_shortcut_gview; toggle_shortcut_choice(choice_count); ++choice_count; #else add_dummy_choice(); add_dummy_choice(); add_dummy_choice(); #endif } #ifdef WIN3264 /* * Attempt to register OLE for Vim. */ static void install_OLE_register(void) { char register_command_string[BUFSIZE + 30]; printf("\n--- Attempting to register Vim with OLE ---\n"); printf("(There is no message whether this works or not.)\n"); #ifndef __CYGWIN__ sprintf(register_command_string, "\"%s\\gvim.exe\" -silent -register", installdir); #else /* handle this differently for Cygwin which sometimes has trouble with * Windows-style pathnames here. */ sprintf(register_command_string, "./gvim.exe -silent -register"); #endif system(register_command_string); } #endif /* WIN3264 */ /* * Remove the last part of directory "path[]" to get its parent, and put the * result in "to[]". */ static void dir_remove_last(const char *path, char to[BUFSIZE]) { char c; long last_char_to_copy; long path_length = strlen(path); /* skip the last character just in case it is a '\\' */ last_char_to_copy = path_length - 2; c = path[last_char_to_copy]; while (c != '\\') { last_char_to_copy--; c = path[last_char_to_copy]; } strncpy(to, path, (size_t)last_char_to_copy); to[last_char_to_copy] = NUL; } static void set_directories_text(int idx) { if (vimfiles_dir_choice == (int)vimfiles_dir_none) alloc_text(idx, "Do NOT create plugin directories%s", ""); else alloc_text(idx, "Create plugin directories: %s", vimfiles_dir_choices[vimfiles_dir_choice]); } /* * Change the directory that the vim plugin directories will be created in: * $HOME, $VIM or nowhere. */ static void change_directories_choice(int idx) { int choice_count = TABLE_SIZE(vimfiles_dir_choices); /* Don't offer the $HOME choice if $HOME isn't set. */ if (getenv("HOME") == NULL) --choice_count; vimfiles_dir_choice = get_choice(vimfiles_dir_choices, choice_count); set_directories_text(idx); } /* * Create the plugin directories... */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void install_vimfilesdir(int idx) { int i; char *p; char vimdir_path[BUFSIZE]; char vimfiles_path[BUFSIZE]; char tmp_dirname[BUFSIZE]; /* switch on the location that the user wants the plugin directories * built in */ switch (vimfiles_dir_choice) { case vimfiles_dir_vim: { /* Go to the %VIM% directory - check env first, then go one dir * below installdir if there is no %VIM% environment variable. * The accuracy of $VIM is checked in inspect_system(), so we * can be sure it is ok to use here. */ p = getenv("VIM"); if (p == NULL) /* No $VIM in path */ dir_remove_last(installdir, vimdir_path); else strcpy(vimdir_path, p); break; } case vimfiles_dir_home: { /* Find the $HOME directory. Its existence was already checked. */ p = getenv("HOME"); if (p == NULL) { printf("Internal error: $HOME is NULL\n"); p = "c:\\"; } strcpy(vimdir_path, p); break; } case vimfiles_dir_none: { /* Do not create vim plugin directory */ return; } } /* Now, just create the directory. If it already exists, it will fail * silently. */ sprintf(vimfiles_path, "%s\\vimfiles", vimdir_path); vim_mkdir(vimfiles_path, 0755); printf("Creating the following directories in \"%s\":\n", vimfiles_path); for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE(vimfiles_subdirs); i++) { sprintf(tmp_dirname, "%s\\%s", vimfiles_path, vimfiles_subdirs[i]); printf(" %s", vimfiles_subdirs[i]); vim_mkdir(tmp_dirname, 0755); } printf("\n"); } /* * Add the creation of runtime files to the setup sequence. */ static void init_directories_choice(void) { struct stat st; char tmp_dirname[BUFSIZE]; char *p; choices[choice_count].text = alloc(150); choices[choice_count].changefunc = change_directories_choice; choices[choice_count].installfunc = install_vimfilesdir; choices[choice_count].active = 1; /* Check if the "compiler" directory already exists. That's a good * indication that the plugin directories were already created. */ if (getenv("HOME") != NULL) { vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_home; sprintf(tmp_dirname, "%s\\vimfiles\\compiler", getenv("HOME")); if (stat(tmp_dirname, &st) == 0) vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_none; } else { vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_vim; p = getenv("VIM"); if (p == NULL) /* No $VIM in path, use the install dir */ dir_remove_last(installdir, tmp_dirname); else strcpy(tmp_dirname, p); strcat(tmp_dirname, "\\vimfiles\\compiler"); if (stat(tmp_dirname, &st) == 0) vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_none; } set_directories_text(choice_count); ++choice_count; } /* * Setup the choices and the default values. */ static void setup_choices(void) { /* install the batch files */ init_bat_choices(); /* (over) write _vimrc file */ init_vimrc_choices(); /* Whether to add Vim to the popup menu */ init_popup_choice(); /* Whether to add Vim to the "Open With..." menu */ init_openwith_choice(); /* Whether to add Vim to the Start Menu. */ init_startmenu_choice(); /* Whether to add shortcuts to the Desktop. */ init_shortcut_choices(); /* Whether to create the runtime directories. */ init_directories_choice(); } static void print_cmd_line_help(void) { printf("Vim installer non-interactive command line arguments:\n"); printf("\n"); printf("-create-batfiles [vim gvim evim view gview vimdiff gvimdiff]\n"); printf(" Create .bat files for Vim variants in the Windows directory.\n"); printf("-create-vimrc\n"); printf(" Create a default _vimrc file if one does not already exist.\n"); printf("-install-popup\n"); printf(" Install the Edit-with-Vim context menu entry\n"); printf("-install-openwith\n"); printf(" Add Vim to the \"Open With...\" context menu list\n"); #ifdef WIN3264 printf("-add-start-menu"); printf(" Add Vim to the start menu\n"); printf("-install-icons"); printf(" Create icons for gVim executables on the desktop\n"); #endif printf("-create-directories [vim|home]\n"); printf(" Create runtime directories to drop plugins into; in the $VIM\n"); printf(" or $HOME directory\n"); #ifdef WIN3264 printf("-register-OLE"); printf(" Ignored\n"); #endif printf("\n"); } /* * Setup installation choices based on command line switches */ static void command_line_setup_choices(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-create-batfiles") == 0) { if (i + 1 == argc) continue; while (argv[i + 1][0] != '-' && i < argc) { i++; for (j = 1; j < TARGET_COUNT; ++j) if ((targets[j].exenamearg[0] == 'g' ? has_gvim : has_vim) && strcmp(argv[i], targets[j].name) == 0) { init_bat_choice(j); break; } if (j == TARGET_COUNT) printf("%s is not a valid choice for -create-batfiles\n", argv[i]); if (i + 1 == argc) break; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-create-vimrc") == 0) { /* Setup default vimrc choices. If there is already a _vimrc file, * it will NOT be overwritten. */ init_vimrc_choices(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-install-popup") == 0) { init_popup_choice(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-install-openwith") == 0) { init_openwith_choice(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-add-start-menu") == 0) { init_startmenu_choice(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-install-icons") == 0) { init_shortcut_choices(); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-create-directories") == 0) { init_directories_choice(); if (argv[i + 1][0] != '-') { i++; if (strcmp(argv[i], "vim") == 0) vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_vim; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "home") == 0) { if (getenv("HOME") == NULL) /* No $HOME in environment */ vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_vim; else vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_home; } else { printf("Unknown argument for -create-directories: %s\n", argv[i]); print_cmd_line_help(); } } else /* No choice specified, default to vim directory */ vimfiles_dir_choice = (int)vimfiles_dir_vim; } #ifdef WIN3264 else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-register-OLE") == 0) { /* This is always done when gvim is found */ } #endif else /* Unknown switch */ { printf("Got unknown argument argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]); print_cmd_line_help(); } } } /* * Show a few screens full of helpful information. */ static void show_help(void) { static char *(items[]) = { "Installing .bat files\n" "---------------------\n" "The vim.bat file is written in one of the directories in $PATH.\n" "This makes it possible to start Vim from the command line.\n" "If vim.exe can be found in $PATH, the choice for vim.bat will not be\n" "present. It is assumed you will use the existing vim.exe.\n" "If vim.bat can already be found in $PATH this is probably for an old\n" "version of Vim (but this is not checked!). You can overwrite it.\n" "If no vim.bat already exists, you can select one of the directories in\n" "$PATH for creating the batch file, or disable creating a vim.bat file.\n" "\n" "If you choose not to create the vim.bat file, Vim can still be executed\n" "in other ways, but not from the command line.\n" "\n" "The same applies to choices for gvim, evim, (g)view, and (g)vimdiff.\n" "The first item can be used to change the path for all of them.\n" , "Creating a _vimrc file\n" "----------------------\n" "The _vimrc file is used to set options for how Vim behaves.\n" "The install program can create a _vimrc file with a few basic choices.\n" "You can edit this file later to tune your preferences.\n" "If you already have a _vimrc or .vimrc file it can be overwritten.\n" "Don't do that if you have made changes to it.\n" , "Vim features\n" "------------\n" "(this choice is only available when creating a _vimrc file)\n" "1. Vim can run in Vi-compatible mode. Many nice Vim features are then\n" " disabled. In the not-Vi-compatible mode Vim is still mostly Vi\n" " compatible, but adds nice features like multi-level undo. Only\n" " choose Vi-compatible if you really need full Vi compatibility.\n" "2. Running Vim with some enhancements is useful when you want some of\n" " the nice Vim features, but have a slow computer and want to keep it\n" " really fast.\n" "3. Syntax highlighting shows many files in color. Not only does this look\n" " nice, it also makes it easier to spot errors and you can work faster.\n" " The other features include editing compressed files.\n" , "Windows key mapping\n" "-------------------\n" "(this choice is only available when creating a _vimrc file)\n" "Under MS-Windows the CTRL-C key copies text to the clipboard and CTRL-V\n" "pastes text from the clipboard. There are a few more keys like these.\n" "Unfortunately, in Vim these keys normally have another meaning.\n" "1. Choose to have the keys like they normally are in Vim (useful if you\n" " also use Vim on other systems).\n" "2. Choose to have the keys work like they are used on MS-Windows (useful\n" " if you mostly work on MS-Windows).\n" , "Mouse use\n" "---------\n" "(this choice is only available when creating a _vimrc file)\n" "The right mouse button can be used in two ways:\n" "1. The Unix way is to extend an existing selection. The popup menu is\n" " not available.\n" "2. The MS-Windows way is to show a popup menu, which allows you to\n" " copy/paste text, undo/redo, etc. Extending the selection can still be\n" " done by keeping SHIFT pressed while using the left mouse button\n" , "Edit-with-Vim context menu entry\n" "--------------------------------\n" "(this choice is only available when gvim.exe and gvimext.dll are present)\n" "You can associate different file types with Vim, so that you can (double)\n" "click on a file to edit it with Vim. This means you have to individually\n" "select each file type.\n" "An alternative is the option offered here: Install an \"Edit with Vim\"\n" "entry in the popup menu for the right mouse button. This means you can\n" "edit any file with Vim.\n" , "\"Open With...\" context menu entry\n" "--------------------------------\n" "(this choice is only available when gvim.exe is present)\n" "This option adds Vim to the \"Open With...\" entry in the popup menu for\n" "the right mouse button. This also makes it possible to edit HTML files\n" "directly from Internet Explorer.\n" , "Add Vim to the Start menu\n" "-------------------------\n" "In Windows 95 and later, Vim can be added to the Start menu. This will\n" "create a submenu with an entry for vim, gvim, evim, vimdiff, etc..\n" , "Icons on the desktop\n" "--------------------\n" "(these choices are only available when installing gvim)\n" "In Windows 95 and later, shortcuts (icons) can be created on the Desktop.\n" , "Create plugin directories\n" "-------------------------\n" "Plugin directories allow extending Vim by dropping a file into a directory.\n" "This choice allows creating them in $HOME (if you have a home directory) or\n" "$VIM (used for everybody on the system).\n" , NULL }; int i; int c; rewind(stdin); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; items[i] != NULL; ++i) { printf(items[i]); printf("\n"); printf("Hit Enter to continue, b (back) or q (quit help): "); c = getchar(); rewind(stdin); if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') { if (i == 0) --i; else i -= 2; } if (c == 'q' || c == 'Q') break; printf("\n"); } } /* * Install the choices. */ static void install(void) { int i; /* Install the selected choices. */ for (i = 0; i < choice_count; ++i) if (choices[i].installfunc != NULL && choices[i].active) (choices[i].installfunc)(i); /* Add some entries to the registry, if needed. */ if (install_popup || install_openwith || (need_uninstall_entry && interactive) || !interactive) install_registry(); #ifdef WIN3264 /* Register gvim with OLE. */ if (has_gvim) install_OLE_register(); #endif } /* * request_choice */ static void request_choice(void) { int i; printf("\n\nInstall will do for you:\n"); for (i = 0; i < choice_count; ++i) if (choices[i].active) printf("%2d %s\n", i + 1, choices[i].text); printf("To change an item, enter its number\n\n"); printf("Enter item number, h (help), d (do it) or q (quit): "); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* * Run interactively if there are no command line arguments. */ if (argc > 1) interactive = 0; else interactive = 1; /* Initialize this program. */ do_inits(argv); #ifdef WIN3264 if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-uninstall-check") == 0) { /* Only check for already installed Vims. Used by NSIS installer. */ i = uninstall_check(); /* Find the value of $VIM, because NSIS isn't able to do this by * itself. */ get_vim_env(); /* When nothing found exit quietly. If something found wait for * return pressed. */ if (i) myexit(0); exit(0); } #endif printf("This program sets up the installation of Vim " VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM "\n\n"); /* Check if the user unpacked the archives properly. */ check_unpack(); #ifdef WIN3264 /* Check for already installed Vims. */ if (interactive) uninstall_check(); #endif /* Find out information about the system. */ inspect_system(); if (interactive) { /* Setup all the choices. */ setup_choices(); /* Let the user change choices and finally install (or quit). */ for (;;) { request_choice(); rewind(stdin); if (scanf("%99s", buf) == 1) { if (isdigit(buf[0])) { /* Change a choice. */ i = atoi(buf); if (i > 0 && i <= choice_count && choices[i - 1].active) (choices[i - 1].changefunc)(i - 1); else printf("\nIllegal choice\n"); } else if (buf[0] == 'h' || buf[0] == 'H') { /* Help */ show_help(); } else if (buf[0] == 'd' || buf[0] == 'D') { /* Install! */ install(); printf("\nThat finishes the installation. Happy Vimming!\n"); break; } else if (buf[0] == 'q' || buf[0] == 'Q') { /* Quit */ printf("\nExiting without anything done\n"); break; } else printf("\nIllegal choice\n"); } } printf("\n"); } else { /* * Run non-interactive - setup according to the command line switches */ command_line_setup_choices(argc, argv); install(); } myexit(0); /*NOTREACHED*/ return 0; }