# # Makefile for Vim. # Compiler: Borland C++ 5.0 and later 32-bit compiler # Targets: Dos16 or Win32 (Windows NT and Windows 95) (with/without GUI) # # NOTE: THIS IS OLD AND PROBABLY NO LONGER WORKS. # # Contributed by Ben Singer. # Updated 4/1997 by Ron Aaron # 6/1997 - added support for 16 bit DOS # Note: this has been tested, and works, for BC5. Your mileage may vary. # Has been reported NOT to work with BC 4.52. Maybe it can be fixed? # 10/1997 - ron - fixed bugs w/ BC 5.02 # 8/1998 - ron - updated with new targets, fixed some stuff # 3/2000 - Bram: Made it work with BC 5.5 free command line compiler, # cleaned up variables. # 6/2001 - Dan - Added support for compiling Python and TCL # 7/2001 - Dan - Added support for compiling Ruby # # It builds on Windows 95 and NT-Intel, producing the same binary in either # case. To build using Microsoft Visual C++, use Make_mvc.mak. # # This should work with the free Borland command line compiler, version 5.5. # You need at least sp1 (service pack 1). With sp2 it compiles faster. # Use a command like this: # \bin\make /f Make_bc5.mak BOR= # # let the make utility do the hard work: .AUTODEPEND .CACHEAUTODEPEND # VARIABLES: # name value (default) # # BOR path to root of Borland C install (c:\bc5) # LINK name of the linker ($(BOR)\bin\ilink if OSTYPE is DOS16, # $(BOR)\bin\ilink32 otherwise) # GUI no or yes: set to yes if you want the GUI version (yes) # LUA define to path to Lua dir to get Lua support (not defined) # LUA_VER define to version of Lua being used (51) # DYNAMIC_LUA no or yes: set to yes to load the Lua DLL dynamically (no) # PERL define to path to Perl dir to get Perl support (not defined) # PERL_VER define to version of Perl being used (56) # DYNAMIC_PERL no or yes: set to yes to load the Perl DLL dynamically (no) # PYTHON define to path to Python dir to get PYTHON support (not defined) # PYTHON_VER define to version of Python being used (22) # DYNAMIC_PYTHON no or yes: use yes to load the Python DLL dynamically (no) # PYTHON3 define to path to Python3 dir to get PYTHON3 support (not defined) # PYTHON3_VER define to version of Python3 being used (31) # DYNAMIC_PYTHON3 no or yes: use yes to load the Python3 DLL dynamically (no) # TCL define to path to TCL dir to get TCL support (not defined) # TCL_VER define to version of TCL being used (83) # DYNAMIC_TCL no or yes: use yes to load the TCL DLL dynamically (no) # RUBY define to path to Ruby dir to get Ruby support (not defined) # NOTE: You may have to remove the defines for uid_t and gid_t # from the Ruby config.h header file. # RUBY_VER define to version of Ruby being used (16) # NOTE: compilation on WinNT/2K/XP requires # at least version 1.6.5 of Ruby. Earlier versions # of Ruby will cause a compile error on these systems. # RUBY_VER_LONG same, but in format with dot. (1.6) # DYNAMIC_RUBY no or yes: use yes to load the Ruby DLL dynamically (no) # MBYTE no or yes: set to yes for multi-byte support (yes) # NOTE: multi-byte support is broken in the Borland libraries, # not everything will work properly! Esp. handling multi-byte # file names. # IME no or yes: set to yes for multi-byte IME support (yes) # DYNAMIC_IME no or yes: set to yes to load imm32.dll dynamically (yes) # GETTEXT no or yes: set to yes for multi-language support (yes) # ICONV no or yes: set to yes for dynamic iconv support (yes) # OLE no or yes: set to yes to make OLE gvim (no) # OSTYPE DOS16 or WIN32 (WIN32) # DEBUG no or yes: set to yes if you wish a DEBUGging build (no) # CODEGUARD no or yes: set to yes if you want to use CODEGUARD (no) # CPUNR 1 through 6: select -CPU argument to compile with (3) # 3 for 386, 4 for 486, 5 for pentium, 6 for pentium pro. # USEDLL no or yes: set to yes to use the Runtime library DLL (no) # For USEDLL=yes the cc3250.dll is required to run Vim. # VIMDLL no or yes: create vim32.dll, and stub (g)vim.exe (no) # ALIGN 1, 2 or 4: Alignment to use (4 for Win32, 2 for DOS16) # FASTCALL no or yes: set to yes to use register-based function protocol (yes) # OPTIMIZE SPACE, SPEED, or MAXSPEED: type of optimization (MAXSPEED) # POSTSCRIPT no or yes: set to yes for PostScript printing # FEATURES TINY, SMALL, NORMAL, BIG or HUGE # (BIG for WIN32, SMALL for DOS16) # WINVER 0x0400 or 0x0500: minimum Win32 version to support (0x0400) # CSCOPE no or yes: include support for Cscope interface (yes) # NETBEANS no or yes: include support for Netbeans interface; also # requires CHANNEL (yes if GUI # is yes) # NBDEBUG no or yes: include support for debugging Netbeans interface (no) # CHANNEL no or yes: include support for inter process communication (yes # if GUI is yes) # XPM define to path to XPM dir to get support for loading XPM images. ### BOR: root of the BC installation !if ("$(BOR)"=="") BOR = c:\bc5 !endif ### LINK: Name of the linker: tlink or ilink32 (this is below, depends on # $(OSTYPE) ### GUI: yes for GUI version, no for console version !if ("$(GUI)"=="") GUI = yes !endif ### MBYTE: yes for multibyte support, no to disable it. !if ("$(MBYTE)"=="") MBYTE = yes !endif ### IME: yes for multibyte support, no to disable it. !if ("$(IME)"=="") IME = yes !endif !if ("$(DYNAMIC_IME)"=="") DYNAMIC_IME = yes !endif ### GETTEXT: yes for multilanguage support, no to disable it. !if ("$(GETTEXT)"=="") GETTEXT = yes !endif ### ICONV: yes to enable dynamic-iconv support, no to disable it !if ("$(ICONV)"=="") ICONV = yes !endif ### CSCOPE: yes to enable Cscope support, no to disable it !if ("$(CSCOPE)"=="") CSCOPE = yes !endif ### NETBEANS: yes to enable NetBeans interface support, no to disable it !if ("$(NETBEANS)"=="") && ("$(GUI)"=="yes") NETBEANS = yes !endif ### CHANNEL: yes to enable inter process communication, no to disable it !if ("$(CHANNEL)"=="") && ("$(GUI)"=="yes") CHANNEL = yes !endif ### LUA: uncomment this line if you want lua support in vim # LUA=c:\lua ### PERL: uncomment this line if you want perl support in vim # PERL=c:\perl ### PYTHON: uncomment this line if you want python support in vim # PYTHON=c:\python22 ### PYTHON3: uncomment this line if you want python3 support in vim # PYTHON3=c:\python31 ### RUBY: uncomment this line if you want ruby support in vim # RUBY=c:\ruby ### TCL: uncomment this line if you want tcl support in vim # TCL=c:\tcl ### OLE: no for normal gvim, yes for OLE-capable gvim (only works with GUI) #OLE = yes ### OSTYPE: DOS16 for Windows 3.1 version, WIN32 for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 # version !if ("$(OSTYPE)"=="") OSTYPE = WIN32 !endif ### DEBUG: Uncomment to make an executable for debugging # DEBUG = yes !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") DEBUG_FLAG = -v !endif ### CODEGUARD: Uncomment to use the CODEGUARD stuff (BC 5.0 or later): # CODEGUARD = yes !if ("$(CODEGUARD)"=="yes") CODEGUARD_FLAG = -vG !endif ### CPUNR: set your target processor (3 to 6) !if ("$(CPUNR)" == "i386") || ("$(CPUNR)" == "3") CPUNR = 3 !elif ("$(CPUNR)" == "i486") || ("$(CPUNR)" == "4") CPUNR = 4 !elif ("$(CPUNR)" == "i586") || ("$(CPUNR)" == "5") CPUNR = 5 !elif ("$(CPUNR)" == "i686") || ("$(CPUNR)" == "6") CPUNR = 6 !else CPUNR = 3 !endif ### Comment out to use precompiled headers (faster, but uses lots of disk!) HEADERS = -H -H=vim.csm -Hc ### USEDLL: no for statically linked version of run-time, yes for DLL runtime !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="") USEDLL = no !endif ### VIMDLL: yes for a DLL version of VIM (NOT RECOMMENDED), no otherwise #VIMDLL = yes ### ALIGN: alignment you desire: (1,2 or 4: s/b 4 for Win32, 2 for DOS) !if ("$(ALIGN)"=="") !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) ALIGN = 2 !else ALIGN = 4 !endif !endif ### FASTCALL: yes to use FASTCALL calling convention (RECOMMENDED!), no otherwise # Incompatible when calling external functions (like MSVC-compiled DLLs), so # don't use FASTCALL when linking with external libs. !if ("$(FASTCALL)"=="") && \ ("$(LUA)"=="") && \ ("$(PYTHON)"=="") && \ ("$(PYTHON3)"=="") && \ ("$(PERL)"=="") && \ ("$(TCL)"=="") && \ ("$(RUBY)"=="") && \ ("$(ICONV)"!="yes") && \ ("$(IME)"!="yes") && \ ("$(MBYTE)"!="yes") && \ ("$(XPM)"=="") FASTCALL = yes !endif ### OPTIMIZE: SPEED to optimize for speed, SPACE otherwise (SPEED RECOMMENDED) !if ("$(OPTIMIZE)"=="") OPTIMIZE = MAXSPEED !endif ### FEATURES: TINY, SMALL, NORMAL, BIG or HUGE (BIG for WIN32, SMALL for DOS16) !if ("$(FEATURES)"=="") ! if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) FEATURES = SMALL ! else FEATURES = BIG ! endif !endif ### POSTSCRIPT: uncomment this line if you want PostScript printing #POSTSCRIPT = yes ### # If you have a fixed directory for $VIM or $VIMRUNTIME, other than the normal # default, use these lines. #VIMRCLOC = somewhere #VIMRUNTIMEDIR = somewhere ### Set the default $(WINVER) to make it work with Bcc 5.5. !ifndef WINVER WINVER = 0x0400 !endif # # Sanity checks for the above options: # !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) !if (($(CPUNR)+0)>4) !error CPUNR Must be less than or equal to 4 for DOS16 !endif !if (($(ALIGN)+0)>2) !error ALIGN Must be less than or equal to 2 for DOS16 !endif !else # not DOS16 !if (($(CPUNR)+0)<3) !error CPUNR Must be greater or equal to 3 for WIN32 !endif !endif !if ($(OSTYPE)!=WIN32) && ($(OSTYPE)!=DOS16) !error Check the OSTYPE variable again: $(OSTYPE) is not supported! !endif # # Optimizations: change as desired (RECOMMENDATION: Don't change!): # !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") OPT = -Od -N !else !if ("$(OPTIMIZE)"=="SPACE") OPT = -O1 -f- -d !elif ("$(OPTIMIZE)"=="MAXSPEED") OPT = -O2 -f- -d -Ocavi -O !else OPT = -O2 -f- -d -Oc -O !endif !if ("$(FASTCALL)"=="yes") OPT = $(OPT) -pr !endif !if ("$(CODEGUARD)"!="yes") OPT = $(OPT) -vi- !endif !endif !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) !undef GUI !undef VIMDLL !undef USEDLL !endif # shouldn't have to change: LIB = $(BOR)\lib INCLUDE = $(BOR)\include;.;proto DEFINES = -DFEAT_$(FEATURES) -DWIN32 -DHAVE_PATHDEF \ -DWINVER=$(WINVER) -D_WIN32_WINNT=$(WINVER) !ifdef LUA INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DFEAT_LUA INCLUDE = $(LUA)\include;$(INCLUDE) ! ifndef LUA_VER LUA_VER = 51 ! endif ! if ("$(DYNAMIC_LUA)" == "yes") INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_LUA -DDYNAMIC_LUA_DLL=\"lua$(LUA_VER).dll\" LUA_LIB_FLAG = /nodefaultlib: ! endif !endif !ifdef PERL INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DFEAT_PERL INCLUDE = $(PERL)\lib\core;$(INCLUDE) ! ifndef PERL_VER PERL_VER = 56 ! endif ! if ("$(DYNAMIC_PERL)" == "yes") ! if ($(PERL_VER) > 55) INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_PERL -DDYNAMIC_PERL_DLL=\"perl$(PERL_VER).dll\" PERL_LIB_FLAG = /nodefaultlib: ! else ! message "Cannot dynamically load Perl versions less than 5.6. Loading statically..." ! endif ! endif !endif !ifdef PYTHON !ifdef PYTHON3 DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes DYNAMIC_PYTHON3=yes !endif !endif !ifdef PYTHON INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DFEAT_PYTHON !ifndef PYTHON_VER PYTHON_VER = 22 !endif !if "$(DYNAMIC_PYTHON)" == "yes" INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL=\"python$(PYTHON_VER).dll\" PYTHON_LIB_FLAG = /nodefaultlib: !endif !endif !ifdef PYTHON3 INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DFEAT_PYTHON3 !ifndef PYTHON3_VER PYTHON3_VER = 31 !endif !if "$(DYNAMIC_PYTHON3)" == "yes" INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON3 -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON3_DLL=\"python$(PYTHON3_VER).dll\" PYTHON3_LIB_FLAG = /nodefaultlib: !endif !endif !ifdef RUBY !ifndef RUBY_VER RUBY_VER = 16 !endif !ifndef RUBY_VER_LONG RUBY_VER_LONG = 1.6 !endif !if "$(RUBY_VER)" == "16" !ifndef RUBY_PLATFORM RUBY_PLATFORM = i586-mswin32 !endif !ifndef RUBY_INSTALL_NAME RUBY_INSTALL_NAME = mswin32-ruby$(RUBY_VER) !endif !else !ifndef RUBY_PLATFORM RUBY_PLATFORM = i386-mswin32 !endif !ifndef RUBY_INSTALL_NAME RUBY_INSTALL_NAME = msvcrt-ruby$(RUBY_VER) !endif !endif INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DFEAT_RUBY INCLUDE = $(RUBY)\lib\ruby\$(RUBY_VER_LONG)\$(RUBY_PLATFORM);$(INCLUDE) !if "$(DYNAMIC_RUBY)" == "yes" INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_RUBY -DDYNAMIC_RUBY_DLL=\"$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME).dll\" INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_RUBY_VER=$(RUBY_VER) RUBY_LIB_FLAG = /nodefaultlib: !endif !endif !ifdef TCL INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DFEAT_TCL INCLUDE = $(TCL)\include;$(INCLUDE) !ifndef TCL_VER TCL_VER = 83 !endif TCL_LIB = $(TCL)\lib\tcl$(TCL_VER).lib TCL_LIB_FLAG = !if "$(DYNAMIC_TCL)" == "yes" INTERP_DEFINES = $(INTERP_DEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_TCL -DDYNAMIC_TCL_DLL=\"tcl$(TCL_VER).dll\" TCL_LIB = tclstub$(TCL_VER)-bor.lib TCL_LIB_FLAG = !endif !endif # # DO NOT change below: # CPUARG = -$(CPUNR) ALIGNARG = -a$(ALIGN) # !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") DEFINES=$(DEFINES) -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG !endif # !if ("$(OLE)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_OLE !endif # !if ("$(MBYTE)"=="yes") MBDEFINES = $(MBDEFINES) -DFEAT_MBYTE !endif !if ("$(IME)"=="yes") MBDEFINES = $(MBDEFINES) -DFEAT_MBYTE_IME !if ("$(DYNAMIC_IME)" == "yes") MBDEFINES = $(MBDEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_IME !endif !endif !if ("$(ICONV)"=="yes") MBDEFINES = $(MBDEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_ICONV !endif !if ("$(GETTEXT)"=="yes") MBDEFINES = $(MBDEFINES) -DDYNAMIC_GETTEXT !endif !if ("$(CSCOPE)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_CSCOPE !endif !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_GUI_W32 -DFEAT_CLIPBOARD !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") TARGET = gvimd.exe !else TARGET = gvim.exe !endif !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") EXETYPE=-WD DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DVIMDLL !else EXETYPE=-W !endif STARTUPOBJ = c0w32.obj LINK2 = -aa RESFILE = vim.res !else !undef NETBEANS !undef CHANNEL !undef XPM !undef VIMDLL !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") TARGET = vimd.exe !else # for now, anyway: VIMDLL is only for the GUI version TARGET = vim.exe !endif !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) DEFINES= -DFEAT_$(FEATURES) -DMSDOS EXETYPE=-ml STARTUPOBJ = c0l.obj LINK2 = !else EXETYPE=-WC STARTUPOBJ = c0x32.obj LINK2 = -ap -OS -o -P !endif RESFILE = vim.res !endif !if ("$(NETBEANS)"=="yes") !if ("$(CHANNEL)"!="yes") # cannot use Netbeans without CHANNEL NETBEANS = no !else DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_NETBEANS_INTG !if ("$(NBDEBUG)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DNBDEBUG NBDEBUG_DEP = nbdebug.h nbdebug.c !endif !endif !endif !if ("$(CHANNEL)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_CHANNEL !endif !ifdef XPM !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DFEAT_XPM_W32 INCLUDE = $(XPM)\include;$(INCLUDE) !endif !endif !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -D_RTLDLL !endif !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") OBJDIR = $(OSTYPE)\objdbg !else !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") !if ("$(OLE)"=="yes") OBJDIR = $(OSTYPE)\oleobj !else OBJDIR = $(OSTYPE)\gobj !endif !else OBJDIR = $(OSTYPE)\obj !endif !endif !if ("$(POSTSCRIPT)"=="yes") DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DMSWINPS !endif ##### BASE COMPILER/TOOLS RULES ##### MAKE = $(BOR)\bin\make CFLAGS = -w-aus -w-par -w-pch -w-ngu -w-csu -I$(INCLUDE) !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) BRC = !if ("$(LINK)"=="") LINK = $(BOR)\BIN\TLink !endif CC = $(BOR)\BIN\Bcc LFLAGS = -Tde -c -m -L$(LIB) $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(LINK2) LFLAGSDLL = CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -H- $(HEADERS) !else BRC = $(BOR)\BIN\brc32 !if ("$(LINK)"=="") LINK = $(BOR)\BIN\ILink32 !endif CC = $(BOR)\BIN\Bcc32 LFLAGS = -OS -Tpe -c -m -L$(LIB) $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(LINK2) LFLAGSDLL = -Tpd -c -m -L$(LIB) $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(LINK2) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -d -RT- -k- -Oi $(HEADERS) -f- !endif CC1 = -c CC2 = -o CCARG = +$(OBJDIR)\bcc.cfg # implicit rules: # Without the following, the implicit rule in BUILTINS.MAK is picked up # for a rule for .c.obj rather than the local implicit rule .SUFFIXES .SUFFIXES .c .obj .path.c = . {.}.c{$(OBJDIR)}.obj: $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) -n$(OBJDIR)\ {$< } .cpp.obj: $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ $*.cpp !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) !else # win32: vimmain = \ $(OBJDIR)\os_w32exe.obj !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") vimwinmain = \ $(OBJDIR)\os_w32dll.obj !else vimwinmain = \ $(OBJDIR)\os_w32exe.obj !endif !endif vimobj = \ $(OBJDIR)\blowfish.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\buffer.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\charset.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\crypt.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\crypt_zip.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\diff.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\digraph.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\edit.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\eval.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ex_cmds.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ex_cmds2.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ex_docmd.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ex_eval.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ex_getln.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\fileio.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\fold.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\getchar.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\hardcopy.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\hashtab.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\json.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\main.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\mark.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\memfile.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\memline.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\menu.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\message.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\misc1.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\misc2.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\move.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\mbyte.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\normal.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ops.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\option.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\popupmnu.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\quickfix.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\regexp.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\screen.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\search.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\sha256.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\spell.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\syntax.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\tag.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\term.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\ui.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\undo.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\version.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\window.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\pathdef.obj !if ("$(OLE)"=="yes") vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_ole.obj !endif !ifdef LUA vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_lua.obj !endif !ifdef PERL vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_perl.obj !endif !ifdef PYTHON vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_python.obj !endif !ifdef PYTHON3 vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_python3.obj !endif !ifdef RUBY vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_ruby.obj !endif !ifdef TCL vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_tcl.obj !endif !if ("$(CSCOPE)"=="yes") vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\if_cscope.obj !endif !if ("$(NETBEANS)"=="yes") vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\netbeans.obj !endif !if ("$(CHANNEL)"=="yes") vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\channel.obj !endif !ifdef XPM vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\xpm_w32.obj !endif !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") vimdllobj = $(vimobj) !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") DLLTARGET = vim32d.dll !else DLLTARGET = vim32.dll !endif !else DLLTARGET = joebob !endif !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(vimwinmain) \ $(OBJDIR)\gui.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\gui_beval.obj \ $(OBJDIR)\gui_w32.obj !endif !if ($(OSTYPE)==WIN32) vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\os_win32.obj $(OBJDIR)\os_mswin.obj $(OBJDIR)\winclip.obj !elif ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) vimobj = $(vimobj) \ $(OBJDIR)\os_msdos.obj !endif # Blab what we are going to do: MSG = Compiling $(OSTYPE) $(TARGET) $(OLETARGET), with: !if ("$(GUI)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) GUI !endif !if ("$(OLE)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) OLE !endif !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) USEDLL !endif !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) VIMDLL !endif !if ("$(FASTCALL)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) FASTCALL !endif !if ("$(MBYTE)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) MBYTE !endif !if ("$(IME)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) IME ! if "$(DYNAMIC_IME)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif !if ("$(GETTEXT)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) GETTEXT !endif !if ("$(ICONV)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) ICONV !endif !if ("$(DEBUG)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) DEBUG !endif !if ("$(CODEGUARD)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) CODEGUARD !endif !if ("$(CSCOPE)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) CSCOPE !endif !if ("$(NETBEANS)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) NETBEANS !endif !if ("$(CHANNEL)"=="yes") MSG = $(MSG) CHANNEL !endif !ifdef XPM MSG = $(MSG) XPM !endif !ifdef LUA MSG = $(MSG) LUA ! if "$(DYNAMIC_LUA)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif !ifdef PERL MSG = $(MSG) PERL ! if "$(DYNAMIC_PERL)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif !ifdef PYTHON MSG = $(MSG) PYTHON ! if "$(DYNAMIC_PYTHON)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif !ifdef PYTHON3 MSG = $(MSG) PYTHON3 ! if "$(DYNAMIC_PYTHON3)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif !ifdef RUBY MSG = $(MSG) RUBY ! if "$(DYNAMIC_RUBY)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif !ifdef TCL MSG = $(MSG) TCL ! if "$(DYNAMIC_TCL)" == "yes" MSG = $(MSG)(dynamic) ! endif !endif MSG = $(MSG) cpu=$(CPUARG) MSG = $(MSG) Align=$(ALIGNARG) !message $(MSG) !if ($(OSTYPE)==DOS16) TARGETS = $(TARGET) !else !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") TARGETS = $(DLLTARGET) !endif TARGETS = $(TARGETS) $(TARGET) !endif # Targets: all: vim vimrun.exe install.exe xxd uninstal.exe GvimExt/gvimext.dll vim: $(OSTYPE) $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR)\bcc.cfg $(TARGETS) @if exist $(OBJDIR)\version.obj del $(OBJDIR)\version.obj @if exist auto\pathdef.c del auto\pathdef.c $(OSTYPE): -@md $(OSTYPE) $(OBJDIR): -@md $(OBJDIR) xxd: @cd xxd $(MAKE) /f Make_bc5.mak BOR="$(BOR)" BCC="$(CC)" @cd .. GvimExt/gvimext.dll: GvimExt/gvimext.cpp GvimExt/gvimext.rc GvimExt/gvimext.h cd GvimExt $(MAKE) /f Make_bc5.mak USEDLL=$(USEDLL) BOR=$(BOR) cd .. install.exe: dosinst.c $(OBJDIR)\bcc.cfg !if ($(OSTYPE)==WIN32) $(CC) $(CCARG) -WC -DWIN32 -einstall dosinst.c !else $(CC) $(CCARG) -WC -einstall dosinst.c !endif uninstal.exe: uninstal.c $(OBJDIR)\bcc.cfg !if ($(OSTYPE)==WIN32) $(CC) $(CCARG) -WC -DWIN32 -O2 -euninstal uninstal.c !else $(CC) $(CCARG) -WC -O2 -euninstal uninstal.c !endif clean: !if "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" # For Windows NT/2000, doesn't work on Windows 95/98... # $(COMSPEC) needed to ensure rmdir.exe is not run -@$(COMSPEC) /C rmdir /Q /S $(OBJDIR) !else # For Windows 95/98, doesn't work on Windows NT/2000... -@deltree /y $(OBJDIR) !endif -@del *.res -@del vim32*.dll -@del vim32*.lib -@del *vim*.exe -@del *install*.exe -@del *.csm -@del *.map -@del *.ilc -@del *.ild -@del *.ilf -@del *.ils -@del *.tds !ifdef LUA -@del lua.lib !endif !ifdef PERL -@del perl.lib !endif !ifdef PYTHON -@del python.lib !endif !ifdef PYTHON3 -@del python3.lib !endif !ifdef RUBY -@del ruby.lib !endif !ifdef TCL -@del tcl.lib !endif !ifdef XPM -@del xpm.lib !endif cd xxd $(MAKE) /f Make_bc5.mak BOR="$(BOR)" clean cd .. cd GvimExt $(MAKE) /f Make_bc5.mak BOR="$(BOR)" clean cd .. $(DLLTARGET): $(OBJDIR) $(vimdllobj) $(LINK) @&&| $(LFLAGSDLL) + c0d32.obj + $(vimdllobj) $<,$* !if ("$(CODEGUARD)"=="yes") cg32.lib+ !endif # $(OSTYPE)==WIN32 causes os_mswin.c compilation. FEAT_SHORTCUT in it needs OLE !if ("$(OLE)"=="yes" || $(OSTYPE)==WIN32) ole2w32.lib + !endif !if ($(OSTYPE)==WIN32) import32.lib+ !ifdef LUA $(LUA_LIB_FLAG)lua.lib+ !endif !ifdef PERL $(PERL_LIB_FLAG)perl.lib+ !endif !ifdef PYTHON $(PYTHON_LIB_FLAG)python.lib+ !endif !ifdef PYTHON3 $(PYTHON3_LIB_FLAG)python3.lib+ !endif !ifdef RUBY $(RUBY_LIB_FLAG)ruby.lib+ !endif !ifdef TCL $(TCL_LIB_FLAG)tcl.lib+ !endif !ifdef XPM xpm.lib+ !endif !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="yes") cw32i.lib !else cw32.lib !endif vim.def !else cl.lib !endif | !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") $(TARGET): $(OBJDIR) $(DLLTARGET) $(vimmain) $(OBJDIR)\$(RESFILE) !else $(TARGET): $(OBJDIR) $(vimobj) $(OBJDIR)\$(RESFILE) !endif $(LINK) @&&| $(LFLAGS) + $(STARTUPOBJ) + !if ("$(VIMDLL)"=="yes") $(vimmain) !else $(vimobj) !endif $<,$* !if ($(OSTYPE)==WIN32) !if ("$(CODEGUARD)"=="yes") cg32.lib+ !endif # $(OSTYPE)==WIN32 causes os_mswin.c compilation. FEAT_SHORTCUT in it needs OLE !if ("$(OLE)"=="yes" || $(OSTYPE)==WIN32) ole2w32.lib + !endif import32.lib+ !ifdef LUA $(LUA_LIB_FLAG)lua.lib+ !endif !ifdef PERL $(PERL_LIB_FLAG)perl.lib+ !endif !ifdef PYTHON $(PYTHON_LIB_FLAG)python.lib+ !endif !ifdef PYTHON3 $(PYTHON3_LIB_FLAG)python3.lib+ !endif !ifdef RUBY $(RUBY_LIB_FLAG)ruby.lib+ !endif !ifdef TCL $(TCL_LIB_FLAG)tcl.lib+ !endif !ifdef XPM xpm.lib+ !endif !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="yes") cw32i.lib !else cw32.lib !endif $(OBJDIR)\$(RESFILE) !else emu.lib + cl.lib !endif | test: cd testdir $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak win32 cd .. $(OBJDIR)\ex_docmd.obj: ex_docmd.c ex_cmds.h $(OBJDIR)\ex_eval.obj: ex_eval.c ex_cmds.h $(OBJDIR)\if_ole.obj: if_ole.cpp $(OBJDIR)\if_lua.obj: if_lua.c lua.lib $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc if_lua.c $(OBJDIR)\if_perl.obj: if_perl.c perl.lib $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc if_perl.c if_perl.c: if_perl.xs typemap $(PERL)\bin\perl.exe $(PERL)\lib\ExtUtils\xsubpp -prototypes -typemap \ $(PERL)\lib\ExtUtils\typemap if_perl.xs > $@ $(OBJDIR)\if_python.obj: if_python.c if_py_both.h python.lib $(CC) -I$(PYTHON)\include $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc if_python.c $(OBJDIR)\if_python3.obj: if_python3.c if_py_both.h python3.lib $(CC) -I$(PYTHON3)\include $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc if_python3.c $(OBJDIR)\if_ruby.obj: if_ruby.c ruby.lib $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc if_ruby.c $(OBJDIR)\if_tcl.obj: if_tcl.c tcl.lib $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc if_tcl.c $(OBJDIR)\xpm_w32.obj: xpm_w32.c xpm.lib $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ -pc xpm_w32.c $(OBJDIR)\netbeans.obj: netbeans.c $(NBDEBUG_DEP) $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ netbeans.c $(OBJDIR)\channel.obj: channel.c $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ channel.c $(OBJDIR)\vim.res: vim.rc version.h tools.bmp tearoff.bmp \ vim.ico vim_error.ico vim_alert.ico vim_info.ico vim_quest.ico $(BRC) -fo$(OBJDIR)\vim.res -i $(BOR)\include -w32 -r vim.rc @&&| $(DEFINES) | $(OBJDIR)\pathdef.obj: auto\pathdef.c $(CC) $(CCARG) $(CC1) $(CC2)$@ auto\pathdef.c # Need to escape both quotes and backslashes in $INTERP_DEFINES INTERP_DEFINES_ESC_BKS=$(INTERP_DEFINES:\=\\) INTERP_DEFINES_ESC=$(INTERP_DEFINES_ESC_BKS:"=\") # Note: the silly /*"*/ below are there to trick make into accepting # the # character as something other than a comment without messing up # the preprocessor directive. auto\pathdef.c:: -@md auto @echo creating auto/pathdef.c @copy /y &&| /* pathdef.c */ /*"*/#include "vim.h"/*"*/ char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRCLOC:\=\\)"; char_u *default_vimruntime_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRUNTIMEDIR:\=\\)"; char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"$(CC:\=\\) $(CFLAGS:\=\\) $(DEFINES) $(MBDEFINES) $(INTERP_DEFINES_ESC) $(OPT) $(EXETYPE) $(CPUARG) $(ALIGNARG) $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(CODEGUARD_FLAG)"; char_u *all_lflags = (char_u *)"$(LINK:\=\\) $(LFLAGS:\=\\)"; char_u *compiled_user = (char_u *)"$(USERNAME)"; char_u *compiled_sys = (char_u *)"$(USERDOMAIN)"; | auto\pathdef.c lua.lib: $(LUA)\lib\lua$(LUA_VER).lib coff2omf $(LUA)\lib\lua$(LUA_VER).lib $@ perl.lib: $(PERL)\lib\CORE\perl$(PERL_VER).lib coff2omf $(PERL)\lib\CORE\perl$(PERL_VER).lib $@ python.lib: $(PYTHON)\libs\python$(PYTHON_VER).lib coff2omf $(PYTHON)\libs\python$(PYTHON_VER).lib $@ python3.lib: $(PYTHON3)\libs\python$(PYTHON3_VER).lib coff2omf $(PYTHON3)\libs\python$(PYTHON3_VER).lib $@ ruby.lib: $(RUBY)\lib\$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME).lib coff2omf $(RUBY)\lib\$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME).lib $@ # For some reason, the coff2omf method doesn't work on libXpm.lib, so # we have to manually generate an import library straight from the DLL. xpm.lib: $(XPM)\lib\libXpm.lib implib -a $@ $(XPM)\bin\libXpm.dll tcl.lib: $(TCL_LIB) !if ("$(DYNAMIC_TCL)" == "yes") copy $(TCL_LIB) $@ !else coff2omf $(TCL_LIB) $@ !endif !if ("$(DYNAMIC_TCL)" == "yes") tclstub$(TCL_VER)-bor.lib: -@IF NOT EXIST $@ ECHO You must download tclstub$(TCL_VER)-bor.lib separately and\ place it in the src directory in order to compile a dynamic TCL-enabled\ (g)vim with the Borland compiler. You can get the tclstub$(TCL_VER)-bor.lib file\ at http://mywebpage.netscape.com/sharppeople/vim/tclstub$(TCL_VER)-bor.lib !endif # vimrun.exe: vimrun.exe: vimrun.c !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="yes") $(CC) -WC -O1 -I$(INCLUDE) -L$(LIB) -D_RTLDLL vimrun.c cw32mti.lib !else $(CC) -WC -O1 -I$(INCLUDE) -L$(LIB) vimrun.c !endif # The dependency on $(OBJDIR) is to have bcc.cfg generated each time. $(OBJDIR)\bcc.cfg: Make_bc5.mak $(OBJDIR) copy /y &&| $(CFLAGS) -L$(LIB) $(DEFINES) $(MBDEFINES) $(INTERP_DEFINES) $(EXETYPE) $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(OPT) $(CODEGUARD_FLAG) $(CPUARG) $(ALIGNARG) | $@ # vi:set sts=4 sw=4: