" stata.vim -- Vim syntax file for Stata do, ado, and class files. " Language: Stata and/or Mata " Maintainer: Jeff Pitblado " Last Change: 26apr2006 " Version: 1.1.4 " Log: " 14apr2006 renamed syntax groups st* to stata* " 'syntax clear' only under version control " check for 'b:current_syntax', removed 'did_stata_syntax_inits' " 17apr2006 fixed start expression for stataFunc " 26apr2006 fixed brace confusion in stataErrInParen and stataErrInBracket " fixed paren/bracket confusion in stataFuncGroup " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syntax case match " comments - single line " note that the triple slash continuing line comment comes free syn region stataStarComment start=/^\s*\*/ end=/$/ contains=stataComment oneline syn region stataSlashComment start="\s//" end=/$/ contains=stataComment oneline syn region stataSlashComment start="^//" end=/$/ contains=stataComment oneline " comments - multiple line syn region stataComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=stataComment " global macros - simple case syn match stataGlobal /\$\a\w*/ " global macros - general case syn region stataGlobal start=/\${/ end=/}/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup " local macros - general case syn region stataLocal start=/`/ end=/'/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup " numeric formats syn match stataFormat /%-\=\d\+\.\d\+[efg]c\=/ " numeric hex format syn match stataFormat /%-\=21x/ " string format syn match stataFormat /%\(\|-\|\~\)\d\+s/ " Statements syn keyword stataConditional else if syn keyword stataRepeat foreach syn keyword stataRepeat forv[alues] syn keyword stataRepeat while " Common programming commands syn keyword stataCommand about syn keyword stataCommand adopath syn keyword stataCommand adoupdate syn keyword stataCommand assert syn keyword stataCommand break syn keyword stataCommand by syn keyword stataCommand cap[ture] syn keyword stataCommand cd syn keyword stataCommand chdir syn keyword stataCommand checksum syn keyword stataCommand class syn keyword stataCommand classutil syn keyword stataCommand compress syn keyword stataCommand conf[irm] syn keyword stataCommand conren syn keyword stataCommand continue syn keyword stataCommand cou[nt] syn keyword stataCommand cscript syn keyword stataCommand cscript_log syn keyword stataCommand #delimit syn keyword stataCommand d[escribe] syn keyword stataCommand dir syn keyword stataCommand discard syn keyword stataCommand di[splay] syn keyword stataCommand do syn keyword stataCommand doedit syn keyword stataCommand drop syn keyword stataCommand edit syn keyword stataCommand end syn keyword stataCommand erase syn keyword stataCommand eret[urn] syn keyword stataCommand err[or] syn keyword stataCommand e[xit] syn keyword stataCommand expand syn keyword stataCommand expandcl syn keyword stataCommand file syn keyword stataCommand findfile syn keyword stataCommand format syn keyword stataCommand g[enerate] syn keyword stataCommand gettoken syn keyword stataCommand gl[obal] syn keyword stataCommand help syn keyword stataCommand hexdump syn keyword stataCommand include syn keyword stataCommand infile syn keyword stataCommand infix syn keyword stataCommand input syn keyword stataCommand insheet syn keyword stataCommand joinby syn keyword stataCommand la[bel] syn keyword stataCommand levelsof syn keyword stataCommand list syn keyword stataCommand loc[al] syn keyword stataCommand log syn keyword stataCommand ma[cro] syn keyword stataCommand mark syn keyword stataCommand markout syn keyword stataCommand marksample syn keyword stataCommand mata syn keyword stataCommand matrix syn keyword stataCommand memory syn keyword stataCommand merge syn keyword stataCommand mkdir syn keyword stataCommand more syn keyword stataCommand net syn keyword stataCommand nobreak syn keyword stataCommand n[oisily] syn keyword stataCommand note[s] syn keyword stataCommand numlist syn keyword stataCommand outfile syn keyword stataCommand outsheet syn keyword stataCommand _parse syn keyword stataCommand pause syn keyword stataCommand plugin syn keyword stataCommand post syn keyword stataCommand postclose syn keyword stataCommand postfile syn keyword stataCommand preserve syn keyword stataCommand print syn keyword stataCommand printer syn keyword stataCommand profiler syn keyword stataCommand pr[ogram] syn keyword stataCommand q[uery] syn keyword stataCommand qui[etly] syn keyword stataCommand rcof syn keyword stataCommand reg[ress] syn keyword stataCommand rename syn keyword stataCommand repeat syn keyword stataCommand replace syn keyword stataCommand reshape syn keyword stataCommand ret[urn] syn keyword stataCommand _rmcoll syn keyword stataCommand _rmcoll syn keyword stataCommand _rmcollright syn keyword stataCommand rmdir syn keyword stataCommand _robust syn keyword stataCommand save syn keyword stataCommand sca[lar] syn keyword stataCommand search syn keyword stataCommand serset syn keyword stataCommand set syn keyword stataCommand shell syn keyword stataCommand sleep syn keyword stataCommand sort syn keyword stataCommand split syn keyword stataCommand sret[urn] syn keyword stataCommand ssc syn keyword stataCommand su[mmarize] syn keyword stataCommand syntax syn keyword stataCommand sysdescribe syn keyword stataCommand sysdir syn keyword stataCommand sysuse syn keyword stataCommand token[ize] syn keyword stataCommand translate syn keyword stataCommand type syn keyword stataCommand unab syn keyword stataCommand unabcmd syn keyword stataCommand update syn keyword stataCommand use syn keyword stataCommand vers[ion] syn keyword stataCommand view syn keyword stataCommand viewsource syn keyword stataCommand webdescribe syn keyword stataCommand webseek syn keyword stataCommand webuse syn keyword stataCommand which syn keyword stataCommand who syn keyword stataCommand window " Literals syn match stataQuote /"/ syn region stataEString matchgroup=Nothing start=/`"/ end=/"'/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataQuote,stataString,stataEString syn region stataString matchgroup=Nothing start=/"/ end=/"/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup " define clusters syn cluster stataFuncGroup contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataFunc,stataString,stataEstring,stataParen,stataBracket syn cluster stataMacroGroup contains=stataGlobal,stataLocal syn cluster stataParenGroup contains=stataParenError,stataBracketError,stataBraceError,stataSpecial,stataFormat " Stata functions " Math syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/\