" Vim syntax file " Language: shell (sh) Korn shell (ksh) bash (sh) " Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell " Previous Maintainer: Lennart Schultz " Last Change: Mar 20, 2014 " Version: 132 " URL: http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#vimlinks_syntax " For options and settings, please use: :help ft-sh-syntax " This file includes many ideas from ?ric Brunet (eric.brunet@ens.fr) " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items {{{1 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " AFAICT "." should be considered part of the iskeyword. Using iskeywords in " syntax is dicey, so the following code permits the user to " g:sh_isk set to a string : specify iskeyword. " g:sh_noisk exists : don't change iskeyword " g:sh_noisk does not exist : (default) append "." to iskeyword if exists("g:sh_isk") && type(g:sh_isk) == 1 " user specifying iskeyword exe "setl isk=".g:sh_isk elseif !exists("g:sh_noisk") " optionally prevent appending '.' to iskeyword setl isk+=. endif " trying to answer the question: which shell is /bin/sh, really? " If the user has not specified any of g:is_kornshell, g:is_bash, g:is_posix, g:is_sh, then guess. if !exists("g:is_kornshell") && !exists("g:is_bash") && !exists("g:is_posix") && !exists("g:is_sh") let s:shell = "" if executable("/bin/sh") let s:shell = resolve("/bin/sh") elseif executable("/usr/bin/sh") let s:shell = resolve("/usr/bin/sh") endif if s:shell =~ 'bash$' let g:is_bash= 1 elseif s:shell =~ 'ksh$' let g:is_kornshell = 1 elseif s:shell =~ 'dash$' let g:is_posix = 1 endif unlet s:shell endif " handling /bin/sh with is_kornshell/is_sh {{{1 " b:is_sh is set when "#! /bin/sh" is found; " However, it often is just a masquerade by bash (typically Linux) " or kornshell (typically workstations with Posix "sh"). " So, when the user sets "g:is_bash", "g:is_kornshell", " or "g:is_posix", a b:is_sh is converted into b:is_bash/b:is_kornshell, " respectively. if !exists("b:is_kornshell") && !exists("b:is_bash") if exists("g:is_posix") && !exists("g:is_kornshell") let g:is_kornshell= g:is_posix endif if exists("g:is_kornshell") let b:is_kornshell= 1 if exists("b:is_sh") unlet b:is_sh endif elseif exists("g:is_bash") let b:is_bash= 1 if exists("b:is_sh") unlet b:is_sh endif else let b:is_sh= 1 endif endif " set up default g:sh_fold_enabled {{{1 if !exists("g:sh_fold_enabled") let g:sh_fold_enabled= 0 elseif g:sh_fold_enabled != 0 && !has("folding") let g:sh_fold_enabled= 0 echomsg "Ignoring g:sh_fold_enabled=".g:sh_fold_enabled."; need to re-compile vim for +fold support" endif if !exists("s:sh_fold_functions") let s:sh_fold_functions= and(g:sh_fold_enabled,1) endif if !exists("s:sh_fold_heredoc") let s:sh_fold_heredoc = and(g:sh_fold_enabled,2) endif if !exists("s:sh_fold_ifdofor") let s:sh_fold_ifdofor = and(g:sh_fold_enabled,4) endif if g:sh_fold_enabled && &fdm == "manual" " Given that the user provided g:sh_fold_enabled " AND g:sh_fold_enabled is manual (usual default) " implies a desire for syntax-based folding setl fdm=syntax endif " sh syntax is case sensitive {{{1 syn case match " Clusters: contains=@... clusters {{{1 "================================== syn cluster shErrorList contains=shDoError,shIfError,shInError,shCaseError,shEsacError,shCurlyError,shParenError,shTestError,shOK if exists("b:is_kornshell") syn cluster ErrorList add=shDTestError endif syn cluster shArithParenList contains=shArithmetic,shCaseEsac,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEcho,shEscape,shNumber,shOperator,shPosnParm,shExSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shRedir,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shStatement,shVariable,shAlias,shTest,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial,shParen,bashSpecialVariables,bashStatement syn cluster shArithList contains=@shArithParenList,shParenError syn cluster shCaseEsacList contains=shCaseStart,shCase,shCaseBar,shCaseIn,shComment,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shCaseCommandSub,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote,shCtrlSeq,@shErrorList,shStringSpecial,shCaseRange syn cluster shCaseList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shExpr,shFor,shHereDoc,shIf,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shCtrlSeq "syn cluster shColonList contains=@shCaseList syn cluster shCommandSubList contains=shArithmetic,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEcho,shEscape,shNumber,shOption,shPosnParm,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shStatement,shVariable,shSubSh,shAlias,shTest,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial,shCmdParenRegion syn cluster shCurlyList contains=shNumber,shComma,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefSpecial syn cluster shDblQuoteList contains=shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEscape,shPosnParm,shCtrlSeq,shSpecial syn cluster shDerefList contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefVar,shDerefSpecial,shDerefWordError,shDerefPPS syn cluster shDerefVarList contains=shDerefOp,shDerefVarArray,shDerefOpError syn cluster shEchoList contains=shArithmetic,shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shEscape,shExpr,shExSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shCtrlSeq,shEchoQuote syn cluster shExprList1 contains=shCharClass,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shDblBrace,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shCtrlSeq syn cluster shExprList2 contains=@shExprList1,@shCaseList,shTest syn cluster shFunctionList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shExpr,shFor,shHereDoc,shIf,shOption,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shOperator,shCtrlSeq if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn cluster shFunctionList add=shRepeat syn cluster shFunctionList add=shDblBrace,shDblParen endif syn cluster shHereBeginList contains=@shCommandSubList syn cluster shHereList contains=shBeginHere,shHerePayload syn cluster shHereListDQ contains=shBeginHere,@shDblQuoteList,shHerePayload syn cluster shIdList contains=shCommandSub,shWrapLineOperator,shSetOption,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shRedir,shExSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shCtrlSeq,shStringSpecial,shAtExpr syn cluster shIfList contains=@shLoopList,shDblBrace,shDblParen,shFunctionKey,shFunctionOne,shFunctionTwo syn cluster shLoopList contains=@shCaseList,shTestOpr,shExpr,shDblBrace,shConditional,shCaseEsac,shTest,@shErrorList,shSet,shOption syn cluster shSubShList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shExpr,shFor,shIf,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shCtrlSeq,shOperator syn cluster shTestList contains=shCharClass,shComment,shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shExDoubleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shTestOpr,shTest,shCtrlSeq " Echo: {{{1 " ==== " This one is needed INSIDE a CommandSub, so that `echo bla` be correct syn region shEcho matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip="\\$" matchgroup=shEchoDelim end="$" matchgroup=NONE end="[<>;&|()`]"me=e-1 end="\d[<>]"me=e-2 end="\s#"me=e-2 contains=@shEchoList skipwhite nextgroup=shQuickComment syn region shEcho matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip="\\$" matchgroup=shEchoDelim end="$" matchgroup=NONE end="[<>;&|()`]"me=e-1 end="\d[<>]"me=e-2 end="\s#"me=e-2 contains=@shEchoList skipwhite nextgroup=shQuickComment syn match shEchoQuote contained '\%(\\\\\)*\\["`'()]' " This must be after the strings, so that ... \" will be correct syn region shEmbeddedEcho contained matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip="\\$" matchgroup=shEchoDelim end="$" matchgroup=NONE end="[<>;&|`)]"me=e-1 end="\d[<>]"me=e-2 end="\s#"me=e-2 contains=shNumber,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shSpecialVar,shOperator,shExDoubleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shCharClass,shCtrlSeq " Alias: {{{1 " ===== if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn match shStatement "\" syn region shAlias matchgroup=shStatement start="\\s\+\(\h[-._[:alnum:]]\+\)\@=" skip="\\$" end="\>\|`" syn region shAlias matchgroup=shStatement start="\\s\+\(\h[-._[:alnum:]]\+=\)\@=" skip="\\$" end="=" endif " Error Codes: {{{1 " ============ if !exists("g:sh_no_error") syn match shDoError "\" syn match shIfError "\" syn match shInError "\" syn match shCaseError ";;" syn match shEsacError "\" syn match shCurlyError "}" syn match shParenError ")" syn match shOK '\.\(done\|fi\|in\|esac\)' if exists("b:is_kornshell") syn match shDTestError "]]" endif syn match shTestError "]" endif " Options: {{{1 " ==================== syn match shOption "\s\zs[-+][-_a-zA-Z0-9#]\+" syn match shOption "\s\zs--[^ \t$`'"|);]\+" " File Redirection Highlighted As Operators: {{{1 "=========================================== syn match shRedir "\d\=>\(&[-0-9]\)\=" syn match shRedir "\d\=>>-\=" syn match shRedir "\d\=<\(&[-0-9]\)\=" syn match shRedir "\d<<-\=" " Operators: {{{1 " ========== syn match shOperator "<<\|>>" contained syn match shOperator "[!&;|]" contained syn match shOperator "\[[[^:]\|\]]" contained syn match shOperator "!\==" skipwhite nextgroup=shPattern syn match shPattern "\<\S\+\())\)\@=" contained contains=shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shDeref " Subshells: {{{1 " ========== syn region shExpr transparent matchgroup=shExprRegion start="{" end="}" contains=@shExprList2 nextgroup=shMoreSpecial syn region shSubSh transparent matchgroup=shSubShRegion start="[^(]\zs(" end=")" contains=@shSubShList nextgroup=shMoreSpecial " Tests: {{{1 "======= syn region shExpr matchgroup=shRange start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$\|\[+ end="\]" contains=@shTestList,shSpecial syn region shTest transparent matchgroup=shStatement start="\=\|!=\|==\|-.\>\|-\(nt\|ot\|ef\|eq\|ne\|lt\|le\|gt\|ge\)\>\|[!<>]" syn match shTestOpr contained '=' skipwhite nextgroup=shTestDoubleQuote,shTestSingleQuote,shTestPattern syn match shTestPattern contained '\w\+' syn match shTestDoubleQuote contained '\%(\%(\\\\\)*\\\)\@" matchgroup=shConditional end="\" contains=@shLoopList syn region shIf fold transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\+ end="\<;\_s*then\>" end="\" contains=@shIfList syn region shFor fold matchgroup=shLoop start="\+ end="\<;\_s*then\>" end="\" contains=@shIfList syn region shFor matchgroup=shLoop start="\\ze\_s*((' endif if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn cluster shCaseList add=shRepeat syn cluster shFunctionList add=shRepeat syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\#\=" syn match shCtrlSeq "\\\d\d\d\|\\[abcfnrtv0]" contained if exists("b:is_bash") syn match shSpecial "\\\o\o\o\|\\x\x\x\|\\c[^"]\|\\[abefnrtv]" contained endif if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shExSingleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,shSpecial syn region shExDoubleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+\$"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial,shSpecial elseif !exists("g:sh_no_error") syn region shExSingleQuote matchGroup=Error start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial syn region shExDoubleQuote matchGroup=Error start=+\$"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+"+ contains=shStringSpecial endif syn region shSingleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=@Spell syn region shDoubleQuote matchgroup=shQuote start=+\%(\%(\\\\\)*\\\)\@" contained syn match shVariable "\<\([bwglsav]:\)\=[a-zA-Z0-9.!@_%+,]*\ze=" nextgroup=shSetIdentifier syn match shSetIdentifier "=" contained nextgroup=shCmdParenRegion,shPattern,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDoubleQuote,shExDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shExSingleQuote syn region shAtExpr contained start="@(" end=")" contains=@shIdList if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(declare\|typeset\|local\|export\|unset\)\>\ze[^/]" end="$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+#\|=" contains=@shIdList syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\\ze[^/]" end="\ze[;|)]\|$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+=" contains=@shIdList elseif exists("b:is_kornshell") syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(typeset\|export\|unset\)\>\ze[^/]" end="$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+[#=]" contains=@shIdList syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\\ze[^/]" end="$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+[#=]" contains=@shIdList else syn region shSetList oneline matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(set\|export\|unset\)\>\ze[^/]" end="$" matchgroup=shSetListDelim end="\ze[}|);&]" matchgroup=NONE end="\ze\s\+[#=]" contains=@shIdList endif " Functions: {{{1 if !exists("g:is_posix") syn keyword shFunctionKey function skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionTwo endif if exists("b:is_bash") if s:sh_fold_functions syn region shFunctionOne fold matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment syn region shFunctionTwo fold matchgroup=shFunction start="\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment else syn region shFunctionOne matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList syn region shFunctionTwo matchgroup=shFunction start="\h[-a-zA-Z_0-9]*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained endif else if s:sh_fold_functions syn region shFunctionOne fold matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h\w*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment syn region shFunctionTwo fold matchgroup=shFunction start="\h\w*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionStart,shQuickComment else syn region shFunctionOne matchgroup=shFunction start="^\s*\h\w*\s*()\_s*{" end="}" contains=@shFunctionList syn region shFunctionTwo matchgroup=shFunction start="\h\w*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*{" end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained endif endif " Parameter Dereferencing: {{{1 " ======================== syn match shDerefSimple "\$\%(\k\+\|\d\)" syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${" end="}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefVarArray if !exists("g:sh_no_error") syn match shDerefWordError "[^}$[]" contained endif syn match shDerefSimple "\$[-#*@!?]" syn match shDerefSimple "\$\$" if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell") syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${##\=" end="}" contains=@shDerefList syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${\$\$" end="}" contains=@shDerefList endif " bash: ${!prefix*} and ${#parameter}: {{{1 " ==================================== if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${!" end="\*\=}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefOp syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=!\k\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList endif syn match shDerefSpecial contained "{\@<=[-*@?0]" nextgroup=shDerefOp,shDerefOpError syn match shDerefSpecial contained "\({[#!]\)\@<=[[:alnum:]*@_]\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList,shDerefOp syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=\k\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList " sh ksh bash : ${var[... ]...} array reference: {{{1 syn region shDerefVarArray contained matchgroup=shDeref start="\[" end="]" contains=@shCommandSubList nextgroup=shDerefOp,shDerefOpError " Special ${parameter OPERATOR word} handling: {{{1 " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:-word} word is default value " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:=word} assign word as default value " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:?word} display word if parameter is null " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:+word} use word if parameter is not null, otherwise nothing " ksh bash : ${parameter#pattern} remove small left pattern " ksh bash : ${parameter##pattern} remove large left pattern " ksh bash : ${parameter%pattern} remove small right pattern " ksh bash : ${parameter%%pattern} remove large right pattern " bash : ${parameter^pattern} Case modification " bash : ${parameter^^pattern} Case modification " bash : ${parameter,pattern} Case modification " bash : ${parameter,,pattern} Case modification syn cluster shDerefPatternList contains=shDerefPattern,shDerefString if !exists("g:sh_no_error") syn match shDerefOpError contained ":[[:punct:]]" endif syn match shDerefOp contained ":\=[-=?]" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList syn match shDerefOp contained ":\=+" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell") syn match shDerefOp contained "#\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList syn match shDerefOp contained "%\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList syn match shDerefPattern contained "[^{}]\+" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefPattern,shDerefString,shCommandSub,shDerefEscape nextgroup=shDerefPattern syn region shDerefPattern contained start="{" end="}" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefString,shCommandSub nextgroup=shDerefPattern syn match shDerefEscape contained '\%(\\\\\)*\\.' endif if exists("b:is_bash") syn match shDerefOp contained "[,^]\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList endif syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shDerefDelim start=+\%(\\\)\@" syn sync match shCaseEsacSync groupthere shCaseEsac "\" syn sync match shDoSync grouphere shDo "\" syn sync match shDoSync groupthere shDo "\" syn sync match shForSync grouphere shFor "\" syn sync match shForSync groupthere shFor "\" syn sync match shIfSync grouphere shIf "\" syn sync match shIfSync groupthere shIf "\" syn sync match shUntilSync grouphere shRepeat "\" syn sync match shWhileSync grouphere shRepeat "\" " Default Highlighting: {{{1 " ===================== hi def link shArithRegion shShellVariables hi def link shAtExpr shSetList hi def link shBeginHere shRedir hi def link shCaseBar shConditional hi def link shCaseCommandSub shCommandSub hi def link shCaseDoubleQuote shDoubleQuote hi def link shCaseIn shConditional hi def link shQuote shOperator hi def link shCaseSingleQuote shSingleQuote hi def link shCaseStart shConditional hi def link shCmdSubRegion shShellVariables hi def link shColon shComment hi def link shDerefOp shOperator hi def link shDerefPOL shDerefOp hi def link shDerefPPS shDerefOp hi def link shDeref shShellVariables hi def link shDerefDelim shOperator hi def link shDerefSimple shDeref hi def link shDerefSpecial shDeref hi def link shDerefString shDoubleQuote hi def link shDerefVar shDeref hi def link shDoubleQuote shString hi def link shEcho shString hi def link shEchoDelim shOperator hi def link shEchoQuote shString hi def link shForPP shLoop hi def link shEmbeddedEcho shString hi def link shEscape shCommandSub hi def link shExDoubleQuote shDoubleQuote hi def link shExSingleQuote shSingleQuote hi def link shFunction Function hi def link shHereDoc shString hi def link shHerePayload shHereDoc hi def link shLoop shStatement hi def link shMoreSpecial shSpecial hi def link shOption shCommandSub hi def link shPattern shString hi def link shParen shArithmetic hi def link shPosnParm shShellVariables hi def link shQuickComment shComment hi def link shRange shOperator hi def link shRedir shOperator hi def link shSetListDelim shOperator hi def link shSetOption shOption hi def link shSingleQuote shString hi def link shSource shOperator hi def link shStringSpecial shSpecial hi def link shStringSpecial Unique hi def link shSubShRegion shOperator hi def link shTestOpr shConditional hi def link shTestPattern shString hi def link shTestDoubleQuote shString hi def link shTestSingleQuote shString hi def link shVariable shSetList hi def link shWrapLineOperator shOperator if exists("b:is_bash") hi def link bashAdminStatement shStatement hi def link bashSpecialVariables shShellVariables hi def link bashStatement shStatement hi def link shFunctionParen Delimiter hi def link shFunctionDelim Delimiter hi def link shCharClass shSpecial endif if exists("b:is_kornshell") hi def link kshSpecialVariables shShellVariables hi def link kshStatement shStatement hi def link shFunctionParen Delimiter endif if !exists("g:sh_no_error") hi def link shCaseError Error hi def link shCondError Error hi def link shCurlyError Error hi def link shDerefError Error hi def link shDerefOpError Error hi def link shDerefWordError Error hi def link shDoError Error hi def link shEsacError Error hi def link shIfError Error hi def link shInError Error hi def link shParenError Error hi def link shTestError Error if exists("b:is_kornshell") hi def link shDTestError Error endif endif hi def link shArithmetic Special hi def link shCharClass Identifier hi def link shSnglCase Statement hi def link shCommandSub Special hi def link shComment Comment hi def link shConditional Conditional hi def link shCtrlSeq Special hi def link shExprRegion Delimiter hi def link shFunctionKey Function hi def link shFunctionName Function hi def link shNumber Number hi def link shOperator Operator hi def link shRepeat Repeat hi def link shSet Statement hi def link shSetList Identifier hi def link shShellVariables PreProc hi def link shSpecial Special hi def link shStatement Statement hi def link shString String hi def link shTodo Todo hi def link shAlias Identifier hi def link shRedir01 shRedir hi def link shRedir02 shRedir hi def link shRedir03 shRedir hi def link shRedir04 shRedir hi def link shRedir05 shRedir hi def link shRedir06 shRedir hi def link shRedir07 shRedir hi def link shRedir08 shRedir hi def link shRedir09 shRedir hi def link shRedir10 shRedir hi def link shRedir11 shRedir hi def link shRedir12 shRedir hi def link shRedir13 shRedir hi def link shRedir14 shRedir hi def link shRedir15 shRedir hi def link shRedir16 shRedir hi def link shRedir17 shRedir hi def link shRedir18 shRedir hi def link shRedir19 shRedir hi def link shRedir20 shRedir hi def link shRedir21 shRedir hi def link shRedir22 shRedir hi def link shRedir23 shRedir hi def link shRedir24 shRedir hi def link shRedir25 shRedir hi def link shRedir26 shRedir hi def link shRedir27 shRedir hi def link shRedir28 shRedir hi def link shRedir29 shRedir hi def link shRedir30 shRedir hi def link shRedir31 shRedir hi def link shRedir32 shRedir " Set Current Syntax: {{{1 " =================== if exists("b:is_bash") let b:current_syntax = "bash" elseif exists("b:is_kornshell") let b:current_syntax = "ksh" else let b:current_syntax = "sh" endif " vim: ts=16 fdm=marker