" Vim syntax file " Language: shell (sh) Korn shell (ksh) bash (sh) " Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. " Previous Maintainer: Lennart Schultz " Last Change: Jul 01, 2005 " Version: 75 " URL: http://www.erols.com/astronaut/vim/index.html#vimlinks_syntax " " Using the following VIM variables: {{{1 " b:is_kornshell if defined, enhance with kornshell syntax " b:is_bash if defined, enhance with bash syntax " is_kornshell if neither b:is_kornshell or b:is_bash is " defined, then if is_kornshell is set " b:is_kornshell is default " is_bash if none of the previous three variables are " defined, then if is_bash is set b:is_bash is default " g:sh_fold_enabled if non-zero, syntax folding is enabled " sh_minlines sets up syn sync minlines (default: 200) " sh_maxlines sets up syn sync maxlines (default: twice sh_minlines) " " This file includes many ideas from Éric Brunet (eric.brunet@ens.fr) " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items {{{1 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " handling /bin/sh with is_kornshell/is_sh {{{1 " b:is_sh is set when "#! /bin/sh" is found; " However, it often is just a masquerade by bash (typically Linux) " or kornshell (typically workstations with Posix "sh"). " So, when the user sets "is_bash" or "is_kornshell", " a b:is_sh is converted into b:is_bash/b:is_kornshell, " respectively. if !exists("b:is_kornshell") && !exists("b:is_bash") if exists("is_kornshell") let b:is_kornshell= 1 if exists("b:is_sh") unlet b:is_sh endif elseif exists("is_bash") let b:is_bash= 1 if exists("b:is_sh") unlet b:is_sh endif else let b:is_sh= 1 endif endif " set up default g:sh_fold_enabled {{{1 if !exists("g:sh_fold_enabled") let g:sh_fold_enabled= 0 elseif g:sh_fold_enabled != 0 && !has("folding") let g:sh_fold_enabled= 0 echomsg "Ignoring g:sh_fold_enabled=".g:sh_fold_enabled."; need to re-compile vim for +fold support" endif if g:sh_fold_enabled && &fdm == "manual" set fdm=syntax endif " sh syntax is case sensitive {{{1 syn case match " Clusters: contains=@... clusters {{{1 "================================== syn cluster shCaseEsacList contains=shCaseStart,shCase,shCaseBar,shCaseIn,shComment,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shCaseCommandSub,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote,shSpecial syn cluster shCaseList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shExpr,shFor,shHereDoc,shIf,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shSpecial syn cluster shColonList contains=@shCaseList syn cluster shCommandSubList contains=shArithmetic,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shNumber,shOperator,shPosnParm,shSpecial,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shStatement,shVariable,shSubSh,shAlias,shTest syn cluster shCurlyList contains=shNumber,shComma,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefSpecial syn cluster shDblQuoteList contains=shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shSpecial,shPosnParm syn cluster shDerefList contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefVar,shDerefSpecial,shDerefWordError syn cluster shDerefVarList contains=shDerefOp,shDerefVarArray,shDerefOpError syn cluster shEchoList contains=shArithmetic,shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shExpr,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shSpecial syn cluster shExprList1 contains=shCharClass,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shSpecial,shExpr,shDblBrace,shDeref,shDerefSimple syn cluster shExprList2 contains=@shExprList1,@shCaseList,shTest syn cluster shFunctionList contains=@shCommandSubList,shCaseEsac,shColon,shCommandSub,shCommandSub,shComment,shDo,shEcho,shFor,shHereDoc,shIf,shRedir,shSetList,shSource,shStatement,shVariable,shSpecial,shOperator,shFunctionStart syn cluster shHereBeginList contains=@shCommandSubList syn cluster shHereList contains=shBeginHere,shHerePayload syn cluster shHereListDQ contains=shBeginHere,@shDblQuoteList,shHerePayload syn cluster shIdList contains=shCommandSub,shWrapLineOperator,shIdWhiteSpace,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shSpecial,shRedir,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shExpr syn cluster shLoopList contains=@shCaseList,shTestOpr,shExpr,shDblBrace,shConditional,shCaseEsac,shTest syn cluster shSubShList contains=@shCaseList syn cluster shTestList contains=shCharClass,shComment,shCommandSub,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDoubleQuote,shExpr,shExpr,shNumber,shOperator,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shSpecial,shTestOpr,shTest " Echo: {{{1 " ==== " This one is needed INSIDE a CommandSub, so that `echo bla` be correct syn region shEcho matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip="\\$" matchgroup=shOperator end="$" matchgroup=NONE end="[<>;&|()]"me=e-1 end="\d[<>]"me=e-2 end="#"me=e-1 contains=@shEchoList syn region shEcho matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip="\\$" matchgroup=shOperator end="$" matchgroup=NONE end="[<>;&|()]"me=e-1 end="\d[<>]"me=e-2 end="#"me=e-1 contains=@shEchoList " This must be after the strings, so that bla \" be correct syn region shEmbeddedEcho contained matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip="\\$" matchgroup=shOperator end="$" matchgroup=NONE end="[<>;&|`)]"me=e-1 end="\d[<>]"me=e-2 end="#"me=e-1 contains=shNumber,shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shSpecialVar,shSpecial,shOperator,shDoubleQuote,shCharClass " Alias: {{{1 " ===== if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn match shStatement "\" syn region shAlias matchgroup=shStatement start="\\s\+\(\w\+\)\@=" skip="\\$" end="\>\|`" syn region shAlias matchgroup=shStatement start="\\s\+\(\w\+=\)\@=" skip="\\$" end="=" endif " Error Codes: {{{1 " ============ syn match shDoError "\" syn match shIfError "\" syn match shInError "\" syn match shCaseError ";;" syn match shEsacError "\" syn match shCurlyError "}" syn match shParenError ")" if exists("b:is_kornshell") syn match shDTestError "]]" endif syn match shTestError "]" " Options Interceptor: {{{1 " ==================== syn match shOption "\s[\-+][a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>"ms=s+1 syn match shOption "\s--\S\+"ms=s+1 " Operators: {{{1 " ========== syn match shOperator "[!&;|]" syn match shOperator "\[[[^:]\|\]]" syn match shOperator "!\==" skipwhite nextgroup=shPattern syn match shPattern "\<\S\+\())\)\@=" contained contains=shExSingleQuote,shSingleQuote,shDoubleQuote,shDeref " Subshells: {{{1 " ========== syn region shExpr transparent matchgroup=shExprRegion start="{" end="}" contains=@shExprList2 syn region shSubSh transparent matchgroup=shSubShRegion start="(" end=")" contains=@shSubShList " Tests: {{{1 "======= "syn region shExpr transparent matchgroup=shRange start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="\]" contains=@shTestList syn region shExpr matchgroup=shRange start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="\]" contains=@shTestList syn region shTest transparent matchgroup=shStatement start="\" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ matchgroup=NONE end="[;&|]"me=e-1 end="$" contains=@shExprList1 syn match shTestOpr contained "<=\|>=\|!=\|==\|-.\>\|-\(nt\|ot\|ef\|eq\|ne\|lt\|le\|gt\|ge\)\>\|[!=<>]" if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn region shDblBrace matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="\]\]" contains=@shTestList syn region shDblParen matchgroup=Delimiter start="((" skip=+\\\\\|\\$+ end="))" contains=@shTestList endif " Character Class In Range: {{{1 " ========================= syn match shCharClass contained "\[:\(backspace\|escape\|return\|xdigit\|alnum\|alpha\|blank\|cntrl\|digit\|graph\|lower\|print\|punct\|space\|upper\|tab\):\]" " Loops: do, if, while, until {{{1 " ====== syn region shDo transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\" matchgroup=shConditional end="\" contains=@shLoopList syn region shIf transparent matchgroup=shConditional start="\" matchgroup=shConditional end="\<;\_s*then\>" end="\" contains=@shLoopList,shDblBrace,shDblParen syn region shFor matchgroup=shLoop start="\" end="\" end="\"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen skipwhite nextgroup=shCurlyIn if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn cluster shCaseList add=shRepeat syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\" end="\" end="\"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen,shDblBrace syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\" end="\" end="\"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList,shDblParen,shDblBrace syn region shCaseEsac matchgroup=shConditional start="\" matchgroup=shConditional end="\" end="\" contains=@shLoopList else syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\" end="\"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList syn region shRepeat matchgroup=shLoop start="\" end="\"me=e-2 contains=@shLoopList endif syn region shCurlyIn contained matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" end="}" contains=@shCurlyList syn match shComma contained "," " Case: case...esac {{{1 " ==== syn match shCaseBar contained skipwhite "[^|"`'()]\{-}|"hs=e nextgroup=shCase,shCaseStart,shCaseBar,shComment,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote syn match shCaseStart contained skipwhite skipnl "(" nextgroup=shCase,shCaseBar syn region shCase contained skipwhite skipnl matchgroup=shSnglCase start="[^#$()]\{-})"ms=s,hs=e end=";;" end="esac"me=s-1 contains=@shCaseList nextgroup=shCaseStart,shCase,,shComment syn region shCaseEsac matchgroup=shConditional start="\" end="\" contains=@shCaseEsacList syn keyword shCaseIn contained skipwhite skipnl in nextgroup=shCase,shCaseStart,shCaseBar,shComment,shCaseExSingleQuote,shCaseSingleQuote,shCaseDoubleQuote if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shCaseExSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,shSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained else syn region shCaseExSingleQuote matchgroup=Error start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained endif syn region shCaseSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained syn region shCaseDoubleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained syn region shCaseCommandSub start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+`+ contains=@shCommandSubList skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shCaseBar contained " Misc: {{{1 "====== syn match shWrapLineOperator "\\$" syn region shCommandSub start="`" skip="\\\\\|\\." end="`" contains=@shCommandSubList " $() and $(()): {{{1 " $(..) is not supported by sh (Bourne shell). However, apparently " some systems (HP?) have as their /bin/sh a (link to) Korn shell " (ie. Posix compliant shell). /bin/ksh should work for those " systems too, however, so the following syntax will flag $(..) as " an Error under /bin/sh. By consensus of vimdev'ers! if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn region shCommandSub matchgroup=shCmdSubRegion start="\$(" skip='\\\\\|\\.' end=")" contains=@shCommandSubList syn region shArithmetic matchgroup=shArithRegion start="\$((" skip='\\\\\|\\.' end="))" contains=@shCommandSubList syn match shSkipInitWS contained "^\s\+" else syn region shCommandSub matchgroup=Error start="\$(" end=")" contains=@shCommandSubList endif if exists("b:is_bash") syn cluster shCommandSubList add=bashSpecialVariables,bashStatement syn cluster shCaseList add=bashAdminStatement,bashStatement syn keyword bashSpecialVariables contained BASH BASH_ENV BASH_VERSINFO BASH_VERSION CDPATH DIRSTACK EUID FCEDIT FIGNORE GLOBIGNORE GROUPS HISTCMD HISTCONTROL HISTFILE HISTFILESIZE HISTIGNORE HISTSIZE HOME HOSTFILE HOSTNAME HOSTTYPE IFS IGNOREEOF INPUTRC LANG LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_MESSAGES LINENO MACHTYPE MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH OLDPWD OPTARG OPTERR OPTIND OSTYPE PATH PIPESTATUS PPID PROMPT_COMMAND PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 PWD RANDOM REPLY SECONDS SHELLOPTS SHLVL TIMEFORMAT TIMEOUT UID auto_resume histchars syn keyword bashStatement chmod clear complete du egrep expr fgrep find gnufind gnugrep grep install less ls mkdir mv rm rmdir rpm sed sleep sort strip tail touch syn keyword bashAdminStatement daemon killall killproc nice reload restart start status stop endif if exists("b:is_kornshell") syn cluster shCommandSubList add=kshSpecialVariables,kshStatement syn cluster shCaseList add=kshStatement syn keyword kshSpecialVariables contained CDPATH COLUMNS EDITOR ENV ERRNO FCEDIT FPATH HISTFILE HISTSIZE HOME IFS LINENO LINES MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH OLDPWD OPTARG OPTIND PATH PPID PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 PWD RANDOM REPLY SECONDS SHELL TMOUT VISUAL syn keyword kshStatement cat chmod clear cp du egrep expr fgrep find grep install killall less ls mkdir mv nice printenv rm rmdir sed sort strip stty tail touch tput endif syn match shSource "^\.\s" syn match shSource "\s\.\s" syn region shColon start="^\s*:" end="$\|" end="#"me=e-1 contains=@shColonList " String And Character Constants: {{{1 "================================ syn match shNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>" if exists("b:is_bash") syn match shSpecial "\\\o\o\o\|\\x\x\x\|\\c.\|\\[abefnrtv]" contained else syn match shSpecial "\\\d\d\d\|\\[abcfnrtv0]" contained endif if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shExSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,shSpecial else syn region shExSingleQuote matchGroup=Error start=+\$'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\.+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial,shSpecial endif syn region shSingleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial syn region shDoubleQuote matchgroup=shOperator start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial syn match shStringSpecial "[^[:print:]]" contained syn match shSpecial "\\[\\\"\'`$()#]" " Comments: {{{1 "========== syn cluster shCommentGroup contains=shTodo,@Spell syn keyword shTodo contained TODO syn match shComment "#.*$" contains=@shCommentGroup " File Redirection Highlighted As Operators: {{{1 "=========================================== syn match shRedir "\d\=>\(&[-0-9]\)\=" syn match shRedir "\d\=>>-\=" syn match shRedir "\d\=<\(&[-0-9]\)\=" syn match shRedir "\d<<-\=" " Here Documents: {{{1 " ========================================= if version < 600 syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\**END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\**END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*END[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\**EOF\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^EOF$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\**EOF\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*EOF$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\**\.\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\.$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\**\.\**" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\.$" contains=@shDblQuoteList elseif g:sh_fold_enabled syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir fold start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" else syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\=\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" contains=@shDblQuoteList syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\z(\S*\)" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*'\z(\S*\)'" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\z1\s*$" syn region shHereDoc matchgroup=shRedir start="<<-\s*\\\_$\_s*\"\z(\S*\)\"" matchgroup=shRedir end="^\s*\z1\s*$" endif " Here Strings: {{{1 " ============= if exists("b:is_bash") syn match shRedir "<<<" endif " Identifiers: {{{1 "============= syn match shVariable "\<\([bwglsav]:\)\=[a-zA-Z0-9.!@_%+,]*\ze=" nextgroup=shSetIdentifier syn match shIdWhiteSpace contained "\s" syn match shSetIdentifier contained "=" nextgroup=shPattern,shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDoubleQuote,shSingleQuote,shExSingleQuote if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shSetList matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(declare\|typeset\|local\|export\|unset\)\>\ze[^/]" end="$" matchgroup=shOperator end="[;&]"me=e-1 matchgroup=NONE end="#\|="me=e-1 contains=@shIdList syn region shSetList matchgroup=shSet start="\[^/]"me=e-1 end="$" end="\\ze[|)]" matchgroup=shOperator end="[;&]"me=e-1 matchgroup=NONE end="[#=]"me=e-1 contains=@shIdList syn match shSet "\<\(declare\|typeset\|local\|export\|set\|unset\)$" elseif exists("b:is_kornshell") syn region shSetList matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(typeset\|export\|unset\)\>\ze[^/]" end="$" matchgroup=shOperator end="[;&]"me=e-1 matchgroup=NONE end="[#=]"me=e-1 contains=@shIdList syn region shSetList matchgroup=shSet start="\\ze[^/]" end="$\|\ze[})]" matchgroup=shOperator end="[;&]"me=e-1 matchgroup=NONE end="[#=]"me=e-1 contains=@shIdList syn match shSet "\<\(typeset\|set\|export\|unset\)$" else syn region shSetList matchgroup=shSet start="\<\(set\|export\|unset\)\>\ze[^/]" end="$\|\ze[|)]" matchgroup=shOperator end="[;&]" matchgroup=NONE end="[#=]"me=e-1 contains=@shIdList syn match shStatement "\<\(set\|export\|unset\)$" endif " Functions: {{{1 syn keyword shFunctionKey function skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=shFunctionTwo syn match shFunctionStart "{" contained if g:sh_fold_enabled syn region shFunctionOne transparent fold start="^\s*\h\w*\s*()\_s*\ze{" matchgroup=shFunctionStart end="}" contains=@shFunctionList syn region shFunctionTwo transparent fold start="\h\w*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*\ze{" matchgroup=shFunctionStart end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained else syn region shFunctionOne transparent start="^\s*\h\w*\s*()\_s*\ze{" matchgroup=shFunctionStart end="}" contains=@shFunctionList syn region shFunctionTwo transparent start="\h\w*\s*\%(()\)\=\_s*\ze{" matchgroup=shFunctionStart end="}" contains=shFunctionKey,@shFunctionList contained endif " Parameter Dereferencing: {{{1 " ======================== syn match shDerefSimple "\$\%(\h\w*\|\d\)" syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${" end="}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefVarArray syn match shDerefWordError "[^}$[]" contained syn match shDerefSimple "\$[-#*@!?]" syn match shDerefSimple "\$\$" if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell") syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${##\=" end="}" contains=@shDerefList endif " bash: ${!prefix*} and ${#parameter}: {{{1 " ==================================== if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shDeref matchgroup=PreProc start="\${!" end="\*\=}" contains=@shDerefList,shDerefOp syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=!\w\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList endif syn match shDerefSpecial contained "{\@<=[-*@?0]" nextgroup=shDerefOp,shDerefOpError syn match shDerefSpecial contained "\({[#!]\)\@<=[[:alnum:]*@_]\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList,shDerefOp syn match shDerefVar contained "{\@<=\w\+" nextgroup=@shDerefVarList " sh ksh bash : ${var[... ]...} array reference: {{{1 syn region shDerefVarArray contained matchgroup=shDeref start="\[" end="]" contains=@shCommandSubList nextgroup=shDerefOp,shDerefOpError " Special ${parameter OPERATOR word} handling: {{{1 " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:-word} word is default value " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:=word} assign word as default value " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:?word} display word if parameter is null " sh ksh bash : ${parameter:+word} use word if parameter is not null, otherwise nothing " ksh bash : ${parameter#pattern} remove small left pattern " ksh bash : ${parameter##pattern} remove large left pattern " ksh bash : ${parameter%pattern} remove small right pattern " ksh bash : ${parameter%%pattern} remove large right pattern syn cluster shDerefPatternList contains=shDerefPattern,shDerefString syn match shDerefOpError contained ":[[:punct:]]" syn match shDerefOp contained ":\=[-=?]" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList syn match shDerefOp contained ":\=+" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList if exists("b:is_bash") || exists("b:is_kornshell") syn match shDerefOp contained "#\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList syn match shDerefOp contained "%\{1,2}" nextgroup=@shDerefPatternList syn match shDerefPattern contained "[^{}]\+" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefPattern,shDerefString,shCommandSub nextgroup=shDerefPattern syn region shDerefPattern contained start="{" end="}" contains=shDeref,shDerefSimple,shDerefString,shCommandSub nextgroup=shDerefPattern endif syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shOperator start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=shStringSpecial syn region shDerefString contained matchgroup=shOperator start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@shDblQuoteList,shStringSpecial syn match shDerefString contained "\\["']" " bash : ${parameter:offset} " bash : ${parameter:offset:length} " bash : ${parameter//pattern/string} " bash : ${parameter//pattern} if exists("b:is_bash") syn region shDerefOp contained start=":[$[:alnum:]_]"me=e-1 end=":"me=e-1 end="}"me=e-1 contains=@shCommandSubList nextgroup=shDerefPOL syn match shDerefPOL contained ":[^}]\{1,}" contains=@shCommandSubList syn match shDerefOp contained "/\{1,2}" nextgroup=shDerefPat syn match shDerefPat contained "[^/}]\{1,}" nextgroup=shDerefPatStringOp syn match shDerefPatStringOp contained "/" nextgroup=shDerefPatString syn match shDerefPatString contained "[^}]\{1,}" endif " Useful sh Keywords: {{{1 " =================== syn keyword shStatement break cd chdir continue eval exec exit kill newgrp pwd read readonly return shift test trap ulimit umask wait syn keyword shConditional contained elif else then syn keyword shCondError elif else then " Useful ksh Keywords: {{{1 " ==================== if exists("b:is_kornshell") || exists("b:is_bash") syn keyword shStatement autoload bg false fc fg functions getopts hash history integer jobs let nohup print printf r stop suspend time times true type unalias whence " Useful bash Keywords: {{{1 " ===================== if exists("b:is_bash") syn keyword shStatement bind builtin dirs disown enable help local logout popd pushd shopt source else syn keyword shStatement login newgrp endif endif " Synchronization: {{{1 " ================ if !exists("sh_minlines") let sh_minlines = 200 endif if !exists("sh_maxlines") let sh_maxlines = 2 * sh_minlines endif exec "syn sync minlines=" . sh_minlines . " maxlines=" . sh_maxlines syn sync match shCaseEsacSync grouphere shCaseEsac "\" syn sync match shCaseEsacSync groupthere shCaseEsac "\" syn sync match shDoSync grouphere shDo "\" syn sync match shDoSync groupthere shDo "\" syn sync match shForSync grouphere shFor "\" syn sync match shForSync groupthere shFor "\" syn sync match shIfSync grouphere shIf "\" syn sync match shIfSync groupthere shIf "\" syn sync match shUntilSync grouphere shRepeat "\" syn sync match shWhileSync grouphere shRepeat "\" " Default Highlighting: {{{1 " ===================== hi def link shArithRegion shShellVariables hi def link shBeginHere shRedir hi def link shCaseBar shConditional hi def link shCaseCommandSub shCommandSub hi def link shCaseDoubleQuote shDoubleQuote hi def link shCaseIn shConditional hi def link shCaseSingleQuote shSingleQuote hi def link shCaseStart shConditional hi def link shCmdSubRegion shShellVariables hi def link shColon shStatement hi def link shDerefOp shOperator hi def link shDerefPatStringOp shDerefOp hi def link shDerefPatString shDerefPattern hi def link shDerefPOL shDerefOp hi def link shDeref shShellVariables hi def link shDerefSimple shDeref hi def link shDerefSpecial shDeref hi def link shDerefString shDoubleQuote hi def link shDerefVar shDeref hi def link shDoubleQuote shString hi def link shEcho shString hi def link shEmbeddedEcho shString hi def link shExSingleQuote shSingleQuote hi def link shFunctionStart Delimiter hi def link shHereDoc shString hi def link shHerePayload shHereDoc hi def link shLoop shStatement hi def link shOption shCommandSub hi def link shPattern shString hi def link shPosnParm shShellVariables hi def link shRange shOperator hi def link shRedir shOperator hi def link shSingleQuote shString hi def link shSource shOperator hi def link shStringSpecial shSpecial hi def link shSubShRegion shOperator hi def link shTestOpr shConditional hi def link shVariable shSetList hi def link shWrapLineOperator shOperator if exists("b:is_bash") hi def link bashAdminStatement shStatement hi def link bashSpecialVariables shShellVariables hi def link bashStatement shStatement hi def link shFunctionParen Delimiter hi def link shFunctionDelim Delimiter endif if exists("b:is_kornshell") hi def link kshSpecialVariables shShellVariables hi def link kshStatement shStatement hi def link shFunctionParen Delimiter endif hi def link shCaseError Error hi def link shCondError Error hi def link shCurlyError Error hi def link shDerefError Error hi def link shDerefOpError Error hi def link shDerefWordError Error hi def link shDoError Error hi def link shEsacError Error hi def link shIfError Error hi def link shInError Error hi def link shParenError Error hi def link shTestError Error if exists("b:is_kornshell") hi def link shDTestError Error endif hi def link shArithmetic Special hi def link shCharClass Identifier hi def link shSnglCase Statement hi def link shCommandSub Special hi def link shComment Comment hi def link shConditional Conditional hi def link shExprRegion Delimiter hi def link shFunctionKey Function hi def link shFunctionName Function hi def link shNumber Number hi def link shOperator Operator hi def link shRepeat Repeat hi def link shSet Statement hi def link shSetList Identifier hi def link shShellVariables PreProc hi def link shSpecial Special hi def link shStatement Statement hi def link shString String hi def link shTodo Todo hi def link shAlias Identifier " Set Current Syntax: {{{1 " =================== if exists("b:is_bash") let b:current_syntax = "bash" elseif exists("b:is_kornshell") let b:current_syntax = "ksh" else let b:current_syntax = "sh" endif " vim: ts=16 fdm=marker