" markdown Text with R statements " Language: markdown with R code chunks " Last Change: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:29PM " " CONFIGURATION: " To highlight chunk headers as R code, put in your vimrc: " let rmd_syn_hl_chunk = 1 " for portability if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " load all of pandoc info runtime syntax/pandoc.vim if exists("b:current_syntax") let rmdIsPandoc = 1 unlet b:current_syntax else let rmdIsPandoc = 0 runtime syntax/markdown.vim if exists("b:current_syntax") unlet b:current_syntax endif endif " load all of the r syntax highlighting rules into @R syntax include @R syntax/r.vim if exists("b:current_syntax") unlet b:current_syntax endif if exists("g:rmd_syn_hl_chunk") " highlight R code inside chunk header syntax match rmdChunkDelim "^[ \t]*```{r" contained syntax match rmdChunkDelim "}$" contained else syntax match rmdChunkDelim "^[ \t]*```{r.*}$" contained endif syntax match rmdChunkDelim "^[ \t]*```$" contained syntax region rmdChunk start="^[ \t]*``` *{r.*}$" end="^[ \t]*```$" contains=@R,rmdChunkDelim keepend fold " also match and syntax highlight in-line R code syntax match rmdEndInline "`" contained syntax match rmdBeginInline "`r " contained syntax region rmdrInline start="`r " end="`" contains=@R,rmdBeginInline,rmdEndInline keepend " match slidify special marker syntax match rmdSlidifySpecial "\*\*\*" if rmdIsPandoc == 0 syn match rmdBlockQuote /^\s*>.*\n\(.*\n\@" contains=@texMathZoneGroup " Region syntax match rmdLaTeXRegDelim "\$\$" contained syntax match rmdLaTeXRegDelim "\$\$latex$" contained syntax region rmdLaTeXRegion start="^\$\$" skip="\\\$" end="\$\$$" contains=@LaTeX,rmdLaTeXSt,rmdLaTeXRegDelim keepend syntax region rmdLaTeXRegion2 start="^\\\[" end="\\\]" contains=@LaTeX,rmdLaTeXSt,rmdLaTeXRegDelim keepend hi def link rmdLaTeXSt Statement hi def link rmdLaTeXInlDelim Special hi def link rmdLaTeXRegDelim Special endif setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,. syn sync match rmdSyncChunk grouphere rmdChunk "^[ \t]*``` *{r" hi def link rmdChunkDelim Special hi def link rmdBeginInline Special hi def link rmdEndInline Special hi def link rmdBlockQuote Comment hi def link rmdSlidifySpecial Special let b:current_syntax = "rmd" " vim: ts=8 sw=2