" Vim syntax file " Language: readline configuration file " Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull " URL: http://www.pcppopper.org/vim/syntax/pcp/readline/ " Latest Revision: 2004-05-22 " arch-tag: 6d8e7da4-b39c-4bf7-8e6a-d9135f993457 " Variables: " readline_has_bash - if defined add support for bash specific " settings/functions if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Set iskeyword since we need `-' (and potentially others) in keywords. " For version 5.x: Set it globally " For version 6.x: Set it locally if version >= 600 command -nargs=1 SetIsk setlocal iskeyword= else command -nargs=1 SetIsk set iskeyword= endif SetIsk 48-57,65-90,97-122,- delcommand SetIsk " comments syn region readlineComment display oneline matchgroup=readlineComment start="^\s*#" end="$" contains=readlineTodo " todo syn keyword readlineTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE " strings (argh...not the way i want it, but fine..." syn match readlineString "^\s*[A-Za-z-]\+:"me=e-1 contains=readlineKeys syn region readlineString display oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=readlineKeysTwo " special key syn case ignore syn keyword readlineKeys contained Control Meta Del Esc Escape LFD Newline Ret Return Rubout Space Spc Tab syn case match syn match readlineKeysTwo contained +\\\([CM]-\|[e\\"'abdfnrtv]\|\o\{3}\|x\x\{3}\)+ " keymaps syn match readlineKeymaps contained "emacs\(-standard\|-meta\|-ctlx\)\=" syn match readlineKeymaps contained "vi\(-move\|-command\|-insert\)\=" " bell styles syn keyword readlineBellStyles contained audible visible none " numbers syn match readlineNumber contained "\<\d\+\>" " booleans syn case ignore syn keyword readlineBoolean contained on off syn case match " conditionals syn keyword readlineIfOps contained mode term syn region readlineConditional display oneline transparent matchgroup=readlineConditional start="^\s*$if" end="$" contains=readlineIfOps,readlineKeymaps syn match readlineConditional "^\s*$\(else\|endif\)\>" " include syn match readlineInclude "^\s*$include\>" " settings syn region readlineSet display oneline transparent matchgroup=readlineKeyword start="^\s*set\>" end="$"me=e-1 contains=readlineNumber,readlineBoolean,readlineKeymaps,readlineBellStyles,readlineSettings syn keyword readlineSettings contained bell-style comment-begin completion-ignore-case syn keyword readlineSettings contained completion-query-items convert-meta disable-completion editing-mode enable-keypad syn keyword readlineSettings contained expand-tilde horizontal-scroll-mode mark-directories keymap mark-modified-lines meta-flag syn keyword readlineSettings contained input-meta output-meta print-completions-horizontally show-all-if-ambiguous visible-stats syn keyword readlineSettings contained prefer-visible-bell blink-matching-paren syn keyword readlineSettings contained match-hidden-files history-preserve-point isearch-terminators " bash extensions if exists("readline_has_bash") "syn keyword readlineSettings contained endif " key bindings syn region readlineBinding display oneline transparent matchgroup=readlineKeyword start=":" end="$" contains=readlineKeys,readlineFunctions syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(beginning\|end\)-of-line\>" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(backward\|forward\)-\(char\|word\)\>" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(previous\|next\|\(beginning\|end\)-of\|\(non-incremental-\)\=\(reverse\|forward\)-search\)-history\>" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(backward-\)\=kill-\(\(whole-\)\=line\|word\)\>" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\<\(start\|end\|call-last\)-kbd-macro\>" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\" syn match readlineFunctions contained "\" syn keyword readlineFunctions contained clear-screen redraw-current-line accept-line delete-char backward-delete-char quoted-insert tab-insert syn keyword readlineFunctions contained self-insert transpose-chars transpose-words downcase-word capitalize-word unix-word-rubout syn keyword readlineFunctions contained delete-horizontal-space kill-region copy-region-as-kill copy-backward-word copy-forward-word yank yank-pop syn keyword readlineFunctions contained digit-argument universal-argument complete possible-completions insert-completions menu-complete syn keyword readlineFunctions contained re-read-init-file abort do-uppercase-version prefix-meta undo revert-line tilde-expand set-mark syn keyword readlineFunctions contained exchange-point-and-mark character-search character-search-backward insert-comment emacs-editing-mode vi-editing-mode syn keyword readlineFunctions contained unix-line-discard upcase-word backward-delete-word vi-eof-maybe vi-movement-mode vi-match vi-tilde-expand syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-complete vi-char-search vi-redo vi-search vi-arg-digit vi-append-eol vi-prev-word vi-change-to vi-delete-to syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-end-word vi-fetch-history vi-insert-beg vi-search-again vi-put vi-replace vi-subst vi-yank-to vi-first-print syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-yank-arg vi-goto-mark vi-append-mode vi-insertion-mode prev-history vi-set-mark vi-search-again vi-put vi-change-char syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-subst vi-delete vi-yank-to vi-column vi-change-case vi-overstrike vi-overstrike-delete syn keyword readlineFunctions contained do-lowercase-version delete-char-or-list tty-status arrow-key-prefix syn keyword readlineFunctions contained vi-back-to-indent vi-bword vi-bWord vi-eword vi-eWord vi-fword vi-fWord vi-next-word " bash extensions if exists("readline_has_bash") syn keyword readlineFunctions contained shell-expand-line history-expand-line magic-space alias-expand-line history-and-alias-expand-line insert-last-argument syn keyword readlineFunctions contained operate-and-get-next forward-backward-delete-char delete-char-or-list complete-filename possible-filename-completions syn keyword readlineFunctions contained complete-username possible-username-completions complete-variable possible-variable-completions complete-hostname syn keyword readlineFunctions contained possible-hostname-completions complete-command possible-command-completions dynamic-complete-history complete-into-braces syn keyword readlineFunctions contained glob-expand-word glob-list-expansions display-shell-version syn keyword readlineFunctions contained glob-complete-word edit-and-execute-command endif " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_readline_syn_inits") if version < 508 let did_readline_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link endif HiLink readlineComment Comment HiLink readlineTodo Todo HiLink readlineString String HiLink readlineKeys SpecialChar HiLink readlineKeysTwo SpecialChar HiLink readlineKeymaps Constant HiLink readlineBellStyles Constant HiLink readlineNumber Number HiLink readlineBoolean Boolean HiLink readlineIfOps Type HiLink readlineConditional Conditional HiLink readlineInclude Include HiLink readlineKeyword Keyword HiLink readlineSettings Type HiLink readlineFunctions Type delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "readline" " vim: set sts=2 sw=2: