" Vim syntax support file " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar " Last Change: 2006 Apr 19 " (modified by David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) ) " (XHTML support by Panagiotis Issaris ) " Transform a file into HTML, using the current syntax highlighting. " Number lines when explicitely requested or when `number' is set if exists("html_number_lines") let s:numblines = html_number_lines else let s:numblines = &number endif " When not in gui we can only guess the colors. if has("gui_running") let s:whatterm = "gui" else let s:whatterm = "cterm" if &t_Co == 8 let s:cterm_color0 = "#808080" let s:cterm_color1 = "#ff6060" let s:cterm_color2 = "#00ff00" let s:cterm_color3 = "#ffff00" let s:cterm_color4 = "#8080ff" let s:cterm_color5 = "#ff40ff" let s:cterm_color6 = "#00ffff" let s:cterm_color7 = "#ffffff" else let s:cterm_color0 = "#000000" let s:cterm_color1 = "#c00000" let s:cterm_color2 = "#008000" let s:cterm_color3 = "#804000" let s:cterm_color4 = "#0000c0" let s:cterm_color5 = "#c000c0" let s:cterm_color6 = "#008080" let s:cterm_color7 = "#c0c0c0" let s:cterm_color8 = "#808080" let s:cterm_color9 = "#ff6060" let s:cterm_color10 = "#00ff00" let s:cterm_color11 = "#ffff00" let s:cterm_color12 = "#8080ff" let s:cterm_color13 = "#ff40ff" let s:cterm_color14 = "#00ffff" let s:cterm_color15 = "#ffffff" endif endif " Return good color specification: in GUI no transformation is done, in " terminal return RGB values of known colors and empty string on unknown if s:whatterm == "gui" function! s:HtmlColor(color) return a:color endfun else function! s:HtmlColor(color) if exists("s:cterm_color" . a:color) execute "return s:cterm_color" . a:color else return "" endif endfun endif if !exists("html_use_css") " Return opening HTML tag for given highlight id function! s:HtmlOpening(id) let a = "" if synIDattr(a:id, "inverse") " For inverse, we always must set both colors (and exchange them) let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "fg#", s:whatterm)) let a = a . '' let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "bg#", s:whatterm)) let a = a . '' else let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "bg#", s:whatterm)) if x != "" | let a = a . '' | endif let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "fg#", s:whatterm)) if x != "" | let a = a . '' | endif endif if synIDattr(a:id, "bold") | let a = a . "" | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "italic") | let a = a . "" | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "underline") | let a = a . "" | endif return a endfun " Return closing HTML tag for given highlight id function s:HtmlClosing(id) let a = "" if synIDattr(a:id, "underline") | let a = a . "" | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "italic") | let a = a . "" | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "bold") | let a = a . "" | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "inverse") let a = a . '' else let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "fg#", s:whatterm)) if x != "" | let a = a . '' | endif let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "bg#", s:whatterm)) if x != "" | let a = a . '' | endif endif return a endfun endif " Return HTML valid characters enclosed in a span of class style_name with " unprintable characters expanded and double spaces replaced as necessary. function! s:HtmlFormat(text, style_name) " Replace unprintable characters let formatted = strtrans(a:text) " Replace the reserved html characters let formatted = substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(formatted, '&', '\&', 'g'), '<', '\<', 'g'), '>', '\>', 'g'), '"', '\"', 'g'), "\x0c", '
', 'g') " Replace double spaces and leading spaces if ' ' != s:HtmlSpace let formatted = substitute(formatted, ' ', s:HtmlSpace . s:HtmlSpace, 'g') let formatted = substitute(formatted, '^ ', s:HtmlSpace, 'g') endif " Enclose in a span of class style_name let formatted = '' . formatted . '' " Add the class to class list if it's not there yet let s:id = hlID(a:style_name) if stridx(s:idlist, "," . s:id . ",") == -1 let s:idlist = s:idlist . s:id . "," endif return formatted endfun " Return CSS style describing given highlight id (can be empty) function! s:CSS1(id) let a = "" if synIDattr(a:id, "inverse") " For inverse, we always must set both colors (and exchange them) let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "bg#", s:whatterm)) let a = a . "color: " . ( x != "" ? x : s:bgc ) . "; " let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "fg#", s:whatterm)) let a = a . "background-color: " . ( x != "" ? x : s:fgc ) . "; " else let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "fg#", s:whatterm)) if x != "" | let a = a . "color: " . x . "; " | endif let x = s:HtmlColor(synIDattr(a:id, "bg#", s:whatterm)) if x != "" | let a = a . "background-color: " . x . "; " | endif endif if synIDattr(a:id, "bold") | let a = a . "font-weight: bold; " | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "italic") | let a = a . "font-style: italic; " | endif if synIDattr(a:id, "underline") | let a = a . "text-decoration: underline; " | endif return a endfun " Figure out proper MIME charset from the 'encoding' option. if exists("html_use_encoding") let s:html_encoding = html_use_encoding else let s:vim_encoding = &encoding if s:vim_encoding =~ '^8bit\|^2byte' let s:vim_encoding = substitute(s:vim_encoding, '^8bit-\|^2byte-', '', '') endif if s:vim_encoding == 'latin1' let s:html_encoding = 'iso-8859-1' elseif s:vim_encoding =~ "^cp12" let s:html_encoding = substitute(s:vim_encoding, 'cp', 'windows-', '') elseif s:vim_encoding == 'sjis' let s:html_encoding = 'Shift_JIS' elseif s:vim_encoding == 'big5' let s:html_encoding = "Big5" elseif s:vim_encoding == 'euc-cn' let s:html_encoding = 'GB_2312-80' elseif s:vim_encoding == 'euc-tw' let s:html_encoding = "" elseif s:vim_encoding =~ '^euc\|^iso\|^koi' let s:html_encoding = substitute(s:vim_encoding, '.*', '\U\0', '') elseif s:vim_encoding == 'cp949' let s:html_encoding = 'KS_C_5601-1987' elseif s:vim_encoding == 'cp936' let s:html_encoding = 'GBK' elseif s:vim_encoding =~ '^ucs\|^utf' let s:html_encoding = 'UTF-8' else let s:html_encoding = "" endif endif " Set some options to make it work faster. " Don't report changes for :substitute, there will be many of them. let s:old_title = &title let s:old_icon = &icon let s:old_et = &l:et let s:old_report = &report let s:old_search = @/ set notitle noicon setlocal et set report=1000000 " Split window to create a buffer with the HTML file. let s:orgbufnr = winbufnr(0) if expand("%") == "" new Untitled.html else new %.html endif let s:newwin = winnr() let s:orgwin = bufwinnr(s:orgbufnr) set modifiable %d let s:old_paste = &paste set paste let s:old_magic = &magic set magic if exists("use_xhtml") if s:html_encoding != "" exe "normal! a\n\e" else exe "normal! a\n\e" endif let s:tag_close = '/>' else let s:tag_close = '>' endif let s:HtmlSpace = ' ' let s:LeadingSpace = ' ' let s:HtmlEndline = '' if exists("html_no_pre") let s:HtmlEndline = '\n\e" exe "normal! a\n" . expand("%:p:~") . "\n\e" exe "normal! a\n\n\n\e" endif if exists("html_no_pre") if exists("use_xhtml") exe "normal! a\n\n

\n\e" else exe "normal! a\n\n\e" endif else if exists("use_xhtml") exe "normal! a\n\n


    exe "normal! a\n\n

exe s:orgwin . "wincmd w"

" List of all id's
let s:idlist = ","

" Loop over all lines in the original text.
" Use html_start_line and html_end_line if they are set.
if exists("html_start_line")
  let s:lnum = html_start_line
  if s:lnum < 1 || s:lnum > line("$")
    let s:lnum = 1
  let s:lnum = 1
if exists("html_end_line")
  let s:end = html_end_line
  if s:end < s:lnum || s:end > line("$")
    let s:end = line("$")
  let s:end = line("$")

if has('folding') && !exists('html_ignore_folding')
  let s:foldfillchar = &fillchars[matchend(&fillchars, 'fold:')]
  if s:foldfillchar == ''
    let s:foldfillchar = '-'
let s:difffillchar = &fillchars[matchend(&fillchars, 'diff:')]
if s:difffillchar == ''
  let s:difffillchar = '-'

while s:lnum <= s:end

  " If there are filler lines for diff mode, show these above the line.
  let s:filler = diff_filler(s:lnum)
  if s:filler > 0
    let s:n = s:filler
    while s:n > 0
      if s:numblines
        " Indent if line numbering is on
        let s:new = repeat(s:LeadingSpace, strlen(s:end) + 1) . repeat(s:difffillchar, 3)
        let s:new = repeat(s:difffillchar, 3)

      if s:n > 2 && s:n < s:filler && !exists("html_whole_filler")
	let s:new = s:new . " " . s:filler . " inserted lines "
	let s:n = 2

      if !exists("html_no_pre")
        " HTML line wrapping is off--go ahead and fill to the margin
        let s:new = s:new . repeat(s:difffillchar, &columns - strlen(s:new))

      let s:new = s:HtmlFormat(s:new, "DiffDelete")
      exe s:newwin . "wincmd w"
      exe "normal! a" . s:new . s:HtmlEndline . "\n\e"
      exe s:orgwin . "wincmd w"

      let s:n = s:n - 1
    unlet s:n
  unlet s:filler

  " Start the line with the line number.
  if s:numblines
    let s:new = repeat(' ', strlen(s:end) - strlen(s:lnum)) . s:lnum . ' '
    let s:new = ""

  if has('folding') && !exists('html_ignore_folding') && foldclosed(s:lnum) > -1
    " This is the beginning of a folded block
    let s:new = s:new . foldtextresult(s:lnum)
    if !exists("html_no_pre")
      " HTML line wrapping is off--go ahead and fill to the margin
      let s:new = s:new . repeat(s:foldfillchar, &columns - strlen(s:new))
    let s:new = s:HtmlFormat(s:new, "Folded")

    " Skip to the end of the fold  
    let s:lnum = foldclosedend(s:lnum)

    " A line that is not folded.
    let s:line = getline(s:lnum)

    let s:len = strlen(s:line)

    if s:numblines
      let s:new = s:HtmlFormat(s:new, "lnr")

    " Get the diff attribute, if any.
    let s:diffattr = diff_hlID(s:lnum, 1)

    " Loop over each character in the line
    let s:col = 1
    while s:col <= s:len || (s:col == 1 && s:diffattr)
      let s:startcol = s:col " The start column for processing text
      if s:diffattr
	let s:id = diff_hlID(s:lnum, s:col)
	let s:col = s:col + 1
	" Speed loop (it's small - that's the trick)
	" Go along till we find a change in hlID
	while s:col <= s:len && s:id == diff_hlID(s:lnum, s:col) | let s:col = s:col + 1 | endwhile
        if s:len < &columns && !exists("html_no_pre")
	  " Add spaces at the end to mark the changed line.
          let s:line = s:line . repeat(' ', &columns - s:len)
          let s:len = &columns
	let s:id = synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1)
	let s:col = s:col + 1
	" Speed loop (it's small - that's the trick)
	" Go along till we find a change in synID
	while s:col <= s:len && s:id == synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1) | let s:col = s:col + 1 | endwhile

      " Expand tabs
      let s:expandedtab = strpart(s:line, s:startcol - 1, s:col - s:startcol)
      let idx = stridx(s:expandedtab, "\t")
      while idx >= 0
        let i = &ts - ((idx + s:startcol - 1) % &ts)
        let s:expandedtab = substitute(s:expandedtab, '\t', repeat(' ', i), '')
        let idx = stridx(s:expandedtab, "\t")

      " Output the text with the same synID, with class set to {s:id_name}
      let s:id = synIDtrans(s:id)
      let s:id_name = synIDattr(s:id, "name", s:whatterm)
      let s:new = s:new . s:HtmlFormat(s:expandedtab,  s:id_name)

  exe s:newwin . "wincmd w"
  exe "normal! a" . s:new . s:HtmlEndline . "\n\e"
  exe s:orgwin . "wincmd w"
  let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1
" Finish with the last line
exe s:newwin . "wincmd w"
if exists("html_no_pre")
  if exists("use_xhtml")
    exe "normal! a

\n\n\e" else exe "normal! a\n\e" endif else if exists("use_xhtml") exe "normal! a

\n\n\e" else exe "normal! a
\n\n\e" endif endif " Now, when we finally know which, we define the colors and styles if exists("html_use_css") 1;/