" Vim indent file " Language: Ruby " Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull " Info: $Id$ " URL: http://vim-ruby.rubyforge.org " Anon CVS: See above site " Release Coordinator: Doug Kearns " 0. Initialization {{{1 " ================= " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal nosmartindent " Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it. setlocal indentexpr=GetRubyIndent() setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],!^F,o,O,e setlocal indentkeys+==end,=elsif,=when,=ensure,=rescue,==begin,==end " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetRubyIndent") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " 1. Variables {{{1 " ============ " Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments. let s:syng_strcom = '\' " Regex of syntax group names that are strings. let s:syng_string = \ '\' " Regex of syntax group names that are strings or documentation. let s:syng_stringdoc = \'\' " Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair(). let s:skip_expr = \ "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~ '".s:syng_strcom."'" " Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, add a level of indent. let s:ruby_indent_keywords = '^\s*\zs\<\%(module\|class\|def\|if\|for' . \ '\|while\|until\|else\|elsif\|case\|when\|unless\|begin\|ensure' . \ '\|rescue\)\>' . \ '\|\%([*+/,=-]\|<<\|>>\|:\s\)\s*\zs' . \ '\<\%(if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\)\>' " Regex used for words that, at the start of a line, remove a level of indent. let s:ruby_deindent_keywords = \ '^\s*\zs\<\%(ensure\|else\|rescue\|elsif\|when\|end\)\>' " Regex that defines the start-match for the 'end' keyword. "let s:end_start_regex = '\%(^\|[^.]\)\<\%(module\|class\|def\|if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\|do\)\>' " TODO: the do here should be restricted somewhat (only at end of line)? let s:end_start_regex = '^\s*\zs\<\%(module\|class\|def\|if\|for' . \ '\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\)\>' . \ '\|\%([*+/,=-]\|<<\|>>\|:\s\)\s*\zs' . \ '\<\%(if\|for\|while\|until\|case\|unless\|begin\)\>' . \ '\|\' " Regex that defines the middle-match for the 'end' keyword. let s:end_middle_regex = '\<\%(ensure\|else\|\%(\%(^\|;\)\s*\)\@<=\\|when\|elsif\)\>' " Regex that defines the end-match for the 'end' keyword. let s:end_end_regex = '\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\@<=\' " Expression used for searchpair() call for finding match for 'end' keyword. let s:end_skip_expr = s:skip_expr . \ ' || (expand("") == "do"' . \ ' && getline(".") =~ "^\\s*\\<\\(while\\|until\\|for\\)\\>")' " Regex that defines continuation lines, not including (, {, or [. let s:continuation_regex = '\%([\\*+/.,:]\|\%(<%\)\@\|{\)\s*\%(|\%([*@]\=\h\w*,\=\s*\)\%(,\s*[*@]\=\h\w*\)*|\)\=\s*\%(#.*\)\=$' " 2. Auxiliary Functions {{{1 " ====================== " Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string, comment, or is ascii. function s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_strcom endfunction " Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string. function s:IsInString(lnum, col) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_string endfunction " Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string or documentation. function s:IsInStringOrDocumentation(lnum, col) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_stringdoc endfunction " Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty, in a comment, or in a string. function s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum) let in_block = 0 let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) while lnum > 0 " Go in and out of blocks comments as necessary. " If the line isn't empty (with opt. comment) or in a string, end search. let line = getline(lnum) if line =~ '^=begin$' if in_block let in_block = 0 else break endif elseif !in_block && line =~ '^=end$' let in_block = 1 elseif !in_block && line !~ '^\s*#.*$' && !(s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, 1) \ && s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, strlen(line))) break endif let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1) endwhile return lnum endfunction " Find line above 'lnum' that started the continuation 'lnum' may be part of. function s:GetMSL(lnum) " Start on the line we're at and use its indent. let msl = a:lnum let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1) while lnum > 0 " If we have a continuation line, or we're in a string, use line as MSL. " Otherwise, terminate search as we have found our MSL already. let line = getline(lnum) let col = match(line, s:continuation_regex2) + 1 if (col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)) \ || s:IsInString(lnum, strlen(line)) let msl = lnum else break endif let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum - 1) endwhile return msl endfunction " Check if line 'lnum' has more opening brackets than closing ones. function s:LineHasOpeningBrackets(lnum) let open_0 = 0 let open_2 = 0 let open_4 = 0 let line = getline(a:lnum) let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', 0) while pos != -1 if !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos + 1) let idx = stridx('(){}[]', line[pos]) if idx % 2 == 0 let open_{idx} = open_{idx} + 1 else let open_{idx - 1} = open_{idx - 1} - 1 endif endif let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1) endwhile return (open_0 > 0) . (open_2 > 0) . (open_4 > 0) endfunction function s:Match(lnum, regex) let col = match(getline(a:lnum), a:regex) + 1 return col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, col) ? col : 0 endfunction function s:MatchLast(lnum, regex) let line = getline(a:lnum) let col = match(line, '.*\zs' . a:regex) while col != -1 && s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, col) let line = strpart(line, 0, col) let col = match(line, '.*' . a:regex) endwhile return col + 1 endfunction " 3. GetRubyIndent Function {{{1 " ========================= function GetRubyIndent() " 3.1. Setup {{{2 " ---------- " Set up variables for restoring position in file. Could use v:lnum here. let vcol = col('.') " 3.2. Work on the current line {{{2 " ----------------------------- " Get the current line. let line = getline(v:lnum) let ind = -1 " If we got a closing bracket on an empty line, find its match and indent " according to it. For parentheses we indent to its column - 1, for the " others we indent to the containing line's MSL's level. Return -1 if fail. let col = matchend(line, '^\s*[]})]') if col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(v:lnum, col) call cursor(v:lnum, col) let bs = strpart('(){}[]', stridx(')}]', line[col - 1]) * 2, 2) if searchpair(escape(bs[0], '\['), '', bs[1], 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0 if line[col-1]==')' && col('.') != col('$') - 1 let ind = virtcol('.')-1 else let ind = indent(s:GetMSL(line('.'))) endif endif return ind endif " If we have a =begin or =end set indent to first column. if match(line, '^\s*\%(=begin\|=end\)$') != -1 return 0 endif " If we have a deindenting keyword, find its match and indent to its level. " TODO: this is messy if s:Match(v:lnum, s:ruby_deindent_keywords) call cursor(v:lnum, 1) if searchpair(s:end_start_regex, s:end_middle_regex, s:end_end_regex, 'bW', \ s:end_skip_expr) > 0 let line = getline('.') if strpart(line, 0, col('.') - 1) =~ '=\s*$' && \ strpart(line, col('.') - 1, 2) !~ 'do' let ind = virtcol('.') - 1 else let ind = indent('.') endif endif return ind endif " If we are in a multi-line string or line-comment, don't do anything to it. if s:IsInStringOrDocumentation(v:lnum, matchend(line, '^\s*') + 1) return indent('.') endif " 3.3. Work on the previous line. {{{2 " ------------------------------- " Find a non-blank, non-multi-line string line above the current line. let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(v:lnum - 1) " If the line is empty and inside a string, use the previous line. if line =~ '^\s*$' && lnum != prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) return indent(prevnonblank(v:lnum)) endif " At the start of the file use zero indent. if lnum == 0 return 0 endif " Set up variables for current line. let line = getline(lnum) let ind = indent(lnum) " If the previous line ended with a block opening, add a level of indent. if s:Match(lnum, s:block_regex) return indent(s:GetMSL(lnum)) + &sw endif " If the previous line contained an opening bracket, and we are still in it, " add indent depending on the bracket type. if line =~ '[[({]' let counts = s:LineHasOpeningBrackets(lnum) if counts[0] == '1' && searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0 if col('.') + 1 == col('$') return ind + &sw else return virtcol('.') endif elseif counts[1] == '1' || counts[2] == '1' return ind + &sw else call cursor(v:lnum, vcol) end endif " If the previous line ended with an "end", match that "end"s beginning's " indent. let col = s:Match(lnum, '\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\\s*\%(#.*\)\=$') if col > 0 call cursor(lnum, col) if searchpair(s:end_start_regex, '', s:end_end_regex, 'bW', \ s:end_skip_expr) > 0 let n = line('.') let ind = indent('.') let msl = s:GetMSL(n) if msl != n let ind = indent(msl) end return ind endif end let col = s:Match(lnum, s:ruby_indent_keywords) if col > 0 call cursor(lnum, col) let ind = virtcol('.') - 1 + &sw " let ind = indent(lnum) + &sw " TODO: make this better (we need to count them) (or, if a searchpair " fails, we know that something is lacking an end and thus we indent a " level if s:Match(lnum, s:end_end_regex) let ind = indent('.') endif return ind endif " 3.4. Work on the MSL line. {{{2 " -------------------------- " Set up variables to use and search for MSL to the previous line. let p_lnum = lnum let lnum = s:GetMSL(lnum) " If the previous line wasn't a MSL and is continuation return its indent. " TODO: the || s:IsInString() thing worries me a bit. if p_lnum != lnum if s:Match(p_lnum,s:continuation_regex)||s:IsInString(p_lnum,strlen(line)) return ind endif endif " Set up more variables, now that we know we wasn't continuation bound. let line = getline(lnum) let msl_ind = indent(lnum) " If the MSL line had an indenting keyword in it, add a level of indent. " TODO: this does not take into account contrived things such as " module Foo; class Bar; end if s:Match(lnum, s:ruby_indent_keywords) let ind = msl_ind + &sw if s:Match(lnum, s:end_end_regex) let ind = ind - &sw endif return ind endif " If the previous line ended with [*+/.-=], indent one extra level. if s:Match(lnum, s:continuation_regex) if lnum == p_lnum let ind = msl_ind + &sw else let ind = msl_ind endif endif " }}}2 return ind endfunction " }}}1 let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet: