" Vim indent file " Language: PHP " Author: John Wellesz " URL: http://www.2072productions.com/vim/indent/php.vim " Last Change: 2007 Jun 24 " Newsletter: http://www.2072productions.com/?to=php-indent-for-vim-newsletter.php " Version: 1.24 " " The change log and all the comments have been removed from this file. " " For a complete change log and fully commented code, download the script on " 2072productions.com at the URI provided above. " " If you find a bug, please e-mail me at John.wellesz (AT) teaser (DOT) fr " with an example of code that breaks the algorithm. " " " Thanks a lot for using this script. " " " NOTE: This script must be used with PHP syntax ON and with the php syntax " script by Lutz Eymers ( http://www.isp.de/data/php.vim ) that's the script bundled with Vim. " " " In the case you have syntax errors in your script such as end of HereDoc " tags not at col 1 you'll have to indent your file 2 times (This script " will automatically put HereDoc end tags at col 1). " " " NOTE: If you are editing file in Unix file format and that (by accident) " there are '\r' before new lines, this script won't be able to proceed " correctly and will make many mistakes because it won't be able to match " '\s*$' correctly. " So you have to remove those useless characters first with a command like: " " :%s /\r$//g " " or simply 'let' the option PHP_removeCRwhenUnix to 1 and the script will " silently remove them when VIM load this script (at each bufread). " Options: PHP_autoformatcomment = 0 to not enable autoformating of comment by " default, if set to 0, this script will let the 'formatoptions' setting intact. " " Options: PHP_default_indenting = # of sw (default is 0), # of sw will be " added to the indent of each line of PHP code. " " Options: PHP_removeCRwhenUnix = 1 to make the script automatically remove CR " at end of lines (by default this option is unset), NOTE that you " MUST remove CR when the fileformat is UNIX else the indentation " won't be correct... " " Options: PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = 1 to indent the '{' and '}' at the same " level than the code they contain. " Exemple: " Instead of: " if ($foo) " { " foo(); " } " " You will write: " if ($foo) " { " foo(); " } " " NOTE: The script will be a bit slower if you use this option because " some optimizations won't be available. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 let php_sync_method = 0 if exists("PHP_default_indenting") let b:PHP_default_indenting = PHP_default_indenting * &sw else let b:PHP_default_indenting = 0 endif if exists("PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel") let b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel else let b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel = 0 endif if exists("PHP_autoformatcomment") let b:PHP_autoformatcomment = PHP_autoformatcomment else let b:PHP_autoformatcomment = 1 endif let b:PHP_lastindented = 0 let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = 0 let b:PHP_indentinghuge = 0 let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0 let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 0 let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:InPHPcode_checked = 0 let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = "" let b:PHP_oldchangetick = b:changedtick let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0 let b:optionsset = 0 setlocal nosmartindent setlocal noautoindent setlocal nocindent setlocal nolisp setlocal indentexpr=GetPhpIndent() setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),:,!^F,o,O,e,*,=?>,=\)\@!\|]*>\%(.*<\/script>\)\@!' "setlocal debug=msg " XXX function! GetLastRealCodeLNum(startline) " {{{ let lnum = a:startline if b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD && b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD == lnum + 1 let lnum = b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD endif let old_lnum = lnum while lnum > 1 let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum) let lastline = getline(lnum) if b:InPHPcode_and_script && lastline =~ '?>\s*$' let lnum = lnum - 1 elseif lastline =~ '^\s*?>.*.*\)\@' while lastline !~ '\(' && lnum > 1 let lnum = lnum - 1 let lastline = getline(lnum) endwhile if lastline =~ '^\s*?>' let lnum = lnum - 1 else break endif elseif lastline =~? '^\a\w*;$' && lastline !~? s:notPhpHereDoc let tofind=substitute( lastline, '\([^;]\+\);', '<<<\1$', '') while getline(lnum) !~? tofind && lnum > 1 let lnum = lnum - 1 endwhile else break endif endwhile if lnum==1 && getline(lnum)!~ '' let beforeelse = a:lnum else let beforeelse = GetLastRealCodeLNum(a:lnum - 1) endif if !s:level let s:iftoskip = 0 endif if getline(beforeelse) =~# '^\s*\%(}\s*\)\=else\%(\s*if\)\@!\>' let s:iftoskip = s:iftoskip + 1 endif if getline(beforeelse) =~ '^\s*}' let beforeelse = FindOpenBracket(beforeelse) if getline(beforeelse) =~ '^\s*{' let beforeelse = GetLastRealCodeLNum(beforeelse - 1) endif endif if !s:iftoskip && a:StopAfterFirstPrevElse && getline(beforeelse) =~# '^\s*\%([}]\s*\)\=else\%(if\)\=\>' return beforeelse endif if getline(beforeelse) !~# '^\s*if\>' && beforeelse>1 || s:iftoskip && beforeelse>1 if s:iftoskip && getline(beforeelse) =~# '^\s*if\>' let s:iftoskip = s:iftoskip - 1 endif let s:level = s:level + 1 let beforeelse = FindTheIfOfAnElse(beforeelse, a:StopAfterFirstPrevElse) endif return beforeelse endfunction " }}} function! IslinePHP (lnum, tofind) " {{{ let cline = getline(a:lnum) if a:tofind=="" let tofind = "^\\s*[\"']*\\s*\\zs\\S" else let tofind = a:tofind endif let tofind = tofind . '\c' let coltotest = match (cline, tofind) + 1 let synname = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, coltotest, 0), "name") if synname =~ '^php' || synname=="Delimiter" || synname =~? '^javaScript' return synname else return "" endif endfunction " }}} let s:notPhpHereDoc = '\%(break\|return\|continue\|exit\);' let s:blockstart = '\%(\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\%(\s\+\)\=\)\=if\>\|else\>\|while\>\|switch\>\|for\%(each\)\=\>\|declare\>\|class\>\|interface\>\|abstract\>\|try\>\|catch\>\|[|&]\)' let s:autorestoptions = 0 if ! s:autorestoptions au BufWinEnter,Syntax *.php,*.php3,*.php4,*.php5 call ResetOptions() let s:autorestoptions = 1 endif function! ResetOptions() if ! b:optionsset if b:PHP_autoformatcomment setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,:# " setlocal formatoptions-=t setlocal formatoptions+=q setlocal formatoptions+=r setlocal formatoptions+=o " setlocal formatoptions+=w setlocal formatoptions+=c setlocal formatoptions+=b endif let b:optionsset = 1 endif endfunc function! GetPhpIndent() let b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD = 0 let UserIsEditing=0 if b:PHP_oldchangetick != b:changedtick let b:PHP_oldchangetick = b:changedtick let UserIsEditing=1 endif if b:PHP_default_indenting let b:PHP_default_indenting = g:PHP_default_indenting * &sw endif let cline = getline(v:lnum) if !b:PHP_indentinghuge && b:PHP_lastindented > b:PHP_indentbeforelast if b:PHP_indentbeforelast let b:PHP_indentinghuge = 1 echom 'Large indenting detected, speed optimizations engaged' endif let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = b:PHP_lastindented endif if b:InPHPcode_checked && prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) != b:PHP_lastindented if b:PHP_indentinghuge echom 'Large indenting deactivated' let b:PHP_indentinghuge = 0 let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting endif let b:PHP_lastindented = v:lnum let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment=0 let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment=0 let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = 0 let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:InPHPcode_checked = 0 let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = "" elseif v:lnum > b:PHP_lastindented let real_PHP_lastindented = b:PHP_lastindented let b:PHP_lastindented = v:lnum endif if !b:InPHPcode_checked " {{{ One time check let b:InPHPcode_checked = 1 let synname = "" if cline !~ '' let synname = IslinePHP (prevnonblank(v:lnum), "") endif if synname!="" if synname != "phpHereDoc" && synname != "phpHereDocDelimiter" let b:InPHPcode = 1 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = "" if synname == "phpComment" let b:UserIsTypingComment = 1 else let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0 endif if synname =~? '^javaScript' let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1 endif else let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0 let lnum = v:lnum - 1 while getline(lnum) !~? '<<<\a\w*$' && lnum > 1 let lnum = lnum - 1 endwhile let b:InPHPcode_tofind = substitute( getline(lnum), '^.*<<<\(\a\w*\)\c', '^\\s*\1;$', '') endif else let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = '\)\@!\|' endif endif "!b:InPHPcode_checked }}} " Test if we are indenting PHP code {{{ let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) let last_line = getline(lnum) if b:InPHPcode_tofind!="" if cline =~? b:InPHPcode_tofind let b:InPHPcode = 1 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = "" let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0 if cline =~ '\*/' call cursor(v:lnum, 1) if cline !~ '^\*/' call search('\*/', 'W') endif let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/', s:searchpairflags, 'Skippmatch2()') let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0 if cline =~ '^\s*\*/' return indent(lnum) + 1 else return indent(lnum) endif elseif cline =~? '' let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1 let b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD = v:lnum endif endif endif if b:InPHPcode if !b:InPHPcode_and_script && last_line =~ '\%(\%(.*')=~"Delimiter" if cline !~? s:PHP_startindenttag let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = s:PHP_startindenttag elseif cline =~? '' let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1 endif elseif last_line =~? '<<<\a\w*$' let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = substitute( last_line, '^.*<<<\(\a\w*\)\c', '^\\s*\1;$', '') elseif !UserIsEditing && cline =~ '^\s*/\*\%(.*\*/\)\@!' && getline(v:lnum + 1) !~ '^\s*\*' let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = '\*/' elseif cline =~? '^\s*' let b:InPHPcode = 0 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = s:PHP_startindenttag endif endif " }}} if !b:InPHPcode && !b:InPHPcode_and_script return -1 endif " Indent successive // or # comment the same way the first is {{{ if cline =~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)' if b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment == 1 return indent(real_PHP_lastindented) endif let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 1 else let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0 endif " }}} " Indent multiline /* comments correctly {{{ if b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment || b:UserIsTypingComment if cline =~ '^\s*\*\%(\/\)\@!' if last_line =~ '^\s*/\*' return indent(lnum) + 1 else return indent(lnum) endif else let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 0 endif endif if !b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment && cline =~ '^\s*/\*' && cline !~ '\*/\s*$' if getline(v:lnum + 1) !~ '^\s*\*' return -1 endif let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 1 endif " }}} " Things always indented at col 1 (PHP delimiter: , Heredoc end) {{{ if cline =~# '^\s*' return 0 endif if cline =~ '^\s*?>' && cline !~# '\)\=\|<<<\a\w*\|}\)'.endline let unstated = '\%(^\s*'.s:blockstart.'.*)\|\%(//.*\)\@\)'.endline if ind != b:PHP_default_indenting && cline =~# '^\s*else\%(if\)\=\>' let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting return indent(FindTheIfOfAnElse(v:lnum, 1)) elseif cline =~ '^\s*{' let previous_line = last_line let last_line_num = lnum while last_line_num > 1 if previous_line =~ '^\s*\%(' . s:blockstart . '\|\%([a-zA-Z]\s*\)*function\)' && previous_line !~ '^\s*[|&]' let ind = indent(last_line_num) if b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel let ind = ind + &sw endif return ind endif let last_line_num = last_line_num - 1 let previous_line = getline(last_line_num) endwhile elseif last_line =~# unstated && cline !~ '^\s*{\|^\s*);\='.endline let ind = ind + &sw return ind elseif ind != b:PHP_default_indenting && last_line =~ terminated let previous_line = last_line let last_line_num = lnum let LastLineClosed = 1 while 1 if previous_line =~ '^\s*}' let last_line_num = FindOpenBracket(last_line_num) if getline(last_line_num) =~ '^\s*{' let last_line_num = GetLastRealCodeLNum(last_line_num - 1) endif let previous_line = getline(last_line_num) continue else if getline(last_line_num) =~# '^\s*else\%(if\)\=\>' let last_line_num = FindTheIfOfAnElse(last_line_num, 0) continue endif let last_match = last_line_num let one_ahead_indent = indent(last_line_num) let last_line_num = GetLastRealCodeLNum(last_line_num - 1) let two_ahead_indent = indent(last_line_num) let after_previous_line = previous_line let previous_line = getline(last_line_num) if previous_line =~# defaultORcase.'\|{'.endline break endif if after_previous_line=~# '^\s*'.s:blockstart.'.*)'.endline && previous_line =~# '[;}]'.endline break endif if one_ahead_indent == two_ahead_indent || last_line_num < 1 if previous_line =~# '[;}]'.endline || last_line_num < 1 break endif endif endif endwhile if indent(last_match) != ind let ind = indent(last_match) let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting if cline =~# defaultORcase let ind = ind - &sw endif return ind endif endif let plinnum = GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1) let pline = getline(plinnum) let last_line = substitute(last_line,"\\(//\\|#\\)\\(\\(\\([^\"']*\\([\"']\\)[^\"']*\\5\\)\\+[^\"']*$\\)\\|\\([^\"']*$\\)\\)",'','') if ind == b:PHP_default_indenting if last_line =~ terminated let LastLineClosed = 1 endif endif if !LastLineClosed if last_line =~# '[{(]'.endline || last_line =~? '\h\w*\s*(.*,$' && pline !~ '[,(]'.endline if !b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel || last_line !~# '^\s*{' let ind = ind + &sw endif if b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel || cline !~# defaultORcase let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = ind return ind endif elseif last_line =~ '\S\+\s*),'.endline call cursor(lnum, 1) call search('),'.endline, 'W') let openedparent = searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', 'Skippmatch()') if openedparent != lnum let ind = indent(openedparent) endif elseif cline !~ '^\s*{' && pline =~ '\%(;\%(\s*?>\)\=\|<<<\a\w*\|{\|^\s*'.s:blockstart.'\s*(.*)\)'.endline.'\|^\s*}\|'.defaultORcase let ind = ind + &sw endif elseif last_line =~# defaultORcase let ind = ind + &sw endif if cline =~ '^\s*);\=' let ind = ind - &sw elseif cline =~# defaultORcase let ind = ind - &sw endif let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = ind return ind endfunction