" Vim indent script for HTML " Header: "{{{ " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar " Original Author: Andy Wokula " Last Change: 2018 Mar 28 " Version: 1.0 " Description: HTML indent script with cached state for faster indenting on a " range of lines. " Supports template systems through hooks. " Supports Closure stylesheets. " " Credits: " indent/html.vim (2006 Jun 05) from J. Zellner " indent/css.vim (2006 Dec 20) from N. Weibull " " History: " 2014 June (v1.0) overhaul (Bram) " 2012 Oct 21 (v0.9) added support for shiftwidth() " 2011 Sep 09 (v0.8) added HTML5 tags (thx to J. Zuckerman) " 2008 Apr 28 (v0.6) revised customization " 2008 Mar 09 (v0.5) fixed 'indk' issue (thx to C.J. Robinson) "}}} " Init Folklore, check user settings (2nd time ++) if exists("b:did_indent") "{{{ finish endif " Load the Javascript indent script first, it defines GetJavascriptIndent(). " Undo the rest. " Load base python indent. if !exists('*GetJavascriptIndent') runtime! indent/javascript.vim endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentexpr=HtmlIndent() setlocal indentkeys=o,O,,<>>,{,},!^F " Needed for % to work when finding start/end of a tag. setlocal matchpairs+=<:> let b:undo_indent = "setlocal inde< indk<" " b:hi_indent keeps state to speed up indenting consecutive lines. let b:hi_indent = {"lnum": -1} """""" Code below this is loaded only once. """"" if exists("*HtmlIndent") && !exists('g:force_reload_html') call HtmlIndent_CheckUserSettings() finish endif " Allow for line continuation below. let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo-=C "}}} " Pattern to match the name of a tag, including custom elements. let s:tagname = '\w\+\(-\w\+\)*' " Check and process settings from b:html_indent and g:html_indent... variables. " Prefer using buffer-local settings over global settings, so that there can " be defaults for all HTML files and exceptions for specific types of HTML " files. func! HtmlIndent_CheckUserSettings() "{{{ let inctags = '' if exists("b:html_indent_inctags") let inctags = b:html_indent_inctags elseif exists("g:html_indent_inctags") let inctags = g:html_indent_inctags endif let b:hi_tags = {} if len(inctags) > 0 call s:AddITags(b:hi_tags, split(inctags, ",")) endif let autotags = '' if exists("b:html_indent_autotags") let autotags = b:html_indent_autotags elseif exists("g:html_indent_autotags") let autotags = g:html_indent_autotags endif let b:hi_removed_tags = {} if len(autotags) > 0 call s:RemoveITags(b:hi_removed_tags, split(autotags, ",")) endif " Syntax names indicating being inside a string of an attribute value. let string_names = [] if exists("b:html_indent_string_names") let string_names = b:html_indent_string_names elseif exists("g:html_indent_string_names") let string_names = g:html_indent_string_names endif let b:hi_insideStringNames = ['htmlString'] if len(string_names) > 0 for s in string_names call add(b:hi_insideStringNames, s) endfor endif " Syntax names indicating being inside a tag. let tag_names = [] if exists("b:html_indent_tag_names") let tag_names = b:html_indent_tag_names elseif exists("g:html_indent_tag_names") let tag_names = g:html_indent_tag_names endif let b:hi_insideTagNames = ['htmlTag', 'htmlScriptTag'] if len(tag_names) > 0 for s in tag_names call add(b:hi_insideTagNames, s) endfor endif let indone = {"zero": 0 \,"auto": "indent(prevnonblank(v:lnum-1))" \,"inc": "b:hi_indent.blocktagind + shiftwidth()"} let script1 = '' if exists("b:html_indent_script1") let script1 = b:html_indent_script1 elseif exists("g:html_indent_script1") let script1 = g:html_indent_script1 endif if len(script1) > 0 let b:hi_js1indent = get(indone, script1, indone.zero) else let b:hi_js1indent = 0 endif let style1 = '' if exists("b:html_indent_style1") let style1 = b:html_indent_style1 elseif exists("g:html_indent_style1") let style1 = g:html_indent_style1 endif if len(style1) > 0 let b:hi_css1indent = get(indone, style1, indone.zero) else let b:hi_css1indent = 0 endif if !exists('b:html_indent_line_limit') if exists('g:html_indent_line_limit') let b:html_indent_line_limit = g:html_indent_line_limit else let b:html_indent_line_limit = 200 endif endif endfunc "}}} " Init Script Vars "{{{ let b:hi_lasttick = 0 let b:hi_newstate = {} let s:countonly = 0 "}}} " Fill the s:indent_tags dict with known tags. " The key is "tagname" or "/tagname". {{{ " The value is: " 1 opening tag " 2 "pre" " 3 "script" " 4 "style" " 5 comment start " 6 conditional comment start " -1 closing tag " -2 "/pre" " -3 "/script" " -4 "/style" " -5 comment end " -6 conditional comment end let s:indent_tags = {} let s:endtags = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] " long enough for the highest index "}}} " Add a list of tag names for a pair of to "tags". func! s:AddITags(tags, taglist) "{{{ for itag in a:taglist let a:tags[itag] = 1 let a:tags['/' . itag] = -1 endfor endfunc "}}} " Take a list of tag name pairs that are not to be used as tag pairs. func! s:RemoveITags(tags, taglist) "{{{ for itag in a:taglist let a:tags[itag] = 1 let a:tags['/' . itag] = 1 endfor endfunc "}}} " Add a block tag, that is a tag with a different kind of indenting. func! s:AddBlockTag(tag, id, ...) "{{{ if !(a:id >= 2 && a:id < len(s:endtags)) echoerr 'AddBlockTag ' . a:id return endif let s:indent_tags[a:tag] = a:id if a:0 == 0 let s:indent_tags['/' . a:tag] = -a:id let s:endtags[a:id] = "" else let s:indent_tags[a:1] = -a:id let s:endtags[a:id] = a:1 endif endfunc "}}} " Add known tag pairs. " Self-closing tags and tags that are sometimes {{{ " self-closing (e.g.,

) are not here (when encountering

we can find " the matching

, but not the other way around). Known self-closing tags: " 'p', 'img', 'source'. " Old HTML tags: call s:AddITags(s:indent_tags, [ \ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'b', 'bdo', 'big', \ 'blockquote', 'body', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', \ 'colgroup', 'del', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'em', 'fieldset', 'font', \ 'form', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'html', \ 'i', 'iframe', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', \ 'map', 'menu', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', \ 'optgroup', 'q', 's', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'sub', \ 'sup', 'table', 'textarea', 'title', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'th', 'td', \ 'tr', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead']) " New HTML5 elements: call s:AddITags(s:indent_tags, [ \ 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'bdi', 'canvas', \ 'command', 'data', 'datalist', 'details', 'embed', 'figcaption', \ 'figure', 'footer', 'header', 'keygen', 'main', 'mark', 'meter', \ 'nav', 'output', 'picture', 'progress', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 'section', \ 'summary', 'svg', 'time', 'track', 'video', 'wbr']) " Tags added for web components: call s:AddITags(s:indent_tags, [ \ 'content', 'shadow', 'template']) "}}} " Add Block Tags: these contain alien content "{{{ call s:AddBlockTag('pre', 2) call s:AddBlockTag('script', 3) call s:AddBlockTag('style', 4) call s:AddBlockTag('') call s:AddBlockTag('') "}}} " Return non-zero when "tagname" is an opening tag, not being a block tag, for " which there should be a closing tag. Can be used by scripts that include " HTML indenting. func! HtmlIndent_IsOpenTag(tagname) "{{{ if get(s:indent_tags, a:tagname) == 1 return 1 endif return get(b:hi_tags, a:tagname) == 1 endfunc "}}} " Get the value for "tagname", taking care of buffer-local tags. func! s:get_tag(tagname) "{{{ let i = get(s:indent_tags, a:tagname) if (i == 1 || i == -1) && get(b:hi_removed_tags, a:tagname) != 0 return 0 endif if i == 0 let i = get(b:hi_tags, a:tagname) endif return i endfunc "}}} " Count the number of start and end tags in "text". func! s:CountITags(text) "{{{ " Store the result in s:curind and s:nextrel. let s:curind = 0 " relative indent steps for current line [unit &sw]: let s:nextrel = 0 " relative indent steps for next line [unit &sw]: let s:block = 0 " assume starting outside of a block let s:countonly = 1 " don't change state call substitute(a:text, '<\zs/\=' . s:tagname . '\>\|\|', '\=s:CheckTag(submatch(0))', 'g') let s:countonly = 0 endfunc "}}} " Count the number of start and end tags in text. func! s:CountTagsAndState(text) "{{{ " Store the result in s:curind and s:nextrel. Update b:hi_newstate.block. let s:curind = 0 " relative indent steps for current line [unit &sw]: let s:nextrel = 0 " relative indent steps for next line [unit &sw]: let s:block = b:hi_newstate.block let tmp = substitute(a:text, '<\zs/\=' . s:tagname . '\>\|\|', '\=s:CheckTag(submatch(0))', 'g') if s:block == 3 let b:hi_newstate.scripttype = s:GetScriptType(matchstr(tmp, '\C.*\zs[^>]*')) endif let b:hi_newstate.block = s:block endfunc "}}} " Used by s:CountITags() and s:CountTagsAndState(). func! s:CheckTag(itag) "{{{ " Returns an empty string or "SCRIPT". " a:itag can be "tag" or "/tag" or "" if (s:CheckCustomTag(a:itag)) return "" endif let ind = s:get_tag(a:itag) if ind == -1 " closing tag if s:block != 0 " ignore itag within a block return "" endif if s:nextrel == 0 let s:curind -= 1 else let s:nextrel -= 1 endif elseif ind == 1 " opening tag if s:block != 0 return "" endif let s:nextrel += 1 elseif ind != 0 " block-tag (opening or closing) return s:CheckBlockTag(a:itag, ind) " else ind==0 (other tag found): keep indent endif return "" endfunc "}}} " Used by s:CheckTag(). Returns an empty string or "SCRIPT". func! s:CheckBlockTag(blocktag, ind) "{{{ if a:ind > 0 " a block starts here if s:block != 0 " already in a block (nesting) - ignore " especially ignore comments after other blocktags return "" endif let s:block = a:ind " block type if s:countonly return "" endif let b:hi_newstate.blocklnr = v:lnum " save allover indent for the endtag let b:hi_newstate.blocktagind = b:hi_indent.baseindent + (s:nextrel + s:curind) * shiftwidth() if a:ind == 3 return "SCRIPT" " all except this must be lowercase " line is to be checked again for the type attribute endif else let s:block = 0 " we get here if starting and closing a block-tag on the same line endif return "" endfunc "}}} " Used by s:CheckTag(). func! s:CheckCustomTag(ctag) "{{{ " Returns 1 if ctag is the tag for a custom element, 0 otherwise. " a:ctag can be "tag" or "/tag" or "" let pattern = '\%\(\w\+-\)\+\w\+' if match(a:ctag, pattern) == -1 return 0 endif if matchstr(a:ctag, '\/\ze.\+') == "/" " closing tag if s:block != 0 " ignore ctag within a block return 1 endif if s:nextrel == 0 let s:curind -= 1 else let s:nextrel -= 1 endif else " opening tag if s:block != 0 return 1 endif let s:nextrel += 1 endif return 1 endfunc "}}} " Return the