" Vim indent file " Language: Dylan " Version: 0.01 " Last Change: 2003 Feb 04 " Maintainer: Brent A. Fulgham <bfulgham@debian.org> " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentkeys+==~begin,=~block,=~case,=~cleanup,=~define,=~end,=~else,=~elseif,=~exception,=~for,=~finally,=~if,=~otherwise,=~select,=~unless,=~while " Define the appropriate indent function but only once setlocal indentexpr=DylanGetIndent() if exists("*DylanGetIndent") finish endif function DylanGetIndent() " Get the line to be indented let cline = getline(v:lnum) " Don't reindent comments on first column if cline =~ '^/\[/\*]' return 0 endif "Find the previous non-blank line let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) "Use zero indent at the top of the file if lnum == 0 return 0 endif let prevline=getline(lnum) let ind = indent(lnum) let chg = 0 " If previous line was a comment, use its indent if prevline =~ '^\s*//' return ind endif " If previous line was a 'define', indent if prevline =~? '\(^\s*\(begin\|block\|case\|define\|else\|elseif\|for\|finally\|if\|select\|unless\|while\)\|\s*\S*\s*=>$\)' let chg = &sw " local methods indent the shift-width, plus 6 for the 'local' elseif prevline =~? '^\s*local' let chg = &sw + 6 " If previous line was a let with no closing semicolon, indent elseif prevline =~? '^\s*let.*[^;]\s*$' let chg = &sw " If previous line opened a parenthesis, and did not close it, indent elseif prevline =~ '^.*(\s*[^)]*\((.*)\)*[^)]*$' return = match( prevline, '(.*\((.*)\|[^)]\)*.*$') + 1 "elseif prevline =~ '^.*(\s*[^)]*\((.*)\)*[^)]*$' elseif prevline =~ '^[^(]*)\s*$' " This line closes a parenthesis. Find opening let curr_line = prevnonblank(lnum - 1) while curr_line >= 0 let str = getline(curr_line) if str !~ '^.*(\s*[^)]*\((.*)\)*[^)]*$' let curr_line = prevnonblank(curr_line - 1) else break endif endwhile if curr_line < 0 return -1 endif let ind = indent(curr_line) " Although we found the closing parenthesis, make sure this " line doesn't start with an indentable command: let curr_str = getline(curr_line) if curr_str =~? '^\s*\(begin\|block\|case\|define\|else\|elseif\|for\|finally\|if\|select\|unless\|while\)' let chg = &sw endif endif " If a line starts with end, un-indent (even if we just indented!) if cline =~? '^\s*\(cleanup\|end\|else\|elseif\|exception\|finally\|otherwise\)' let chg = chg - &sw endif return ind + chg endfunction " vim:sw=2 tw=130