" Vim settings file " Language: OCaml " Maintainers: Mike Leary " Markus Mottl " Stefano Zacchiroli " URL: http://www.oefai.at/~markus/vim/ftplugin/ocaml.vim " Last Change: 2004 Apr 12 - better .ml/.mli-switching without Python (SZ) " 2003 Nov 21 - match_words-patterns and .ml/.mli-switching (MM) " 2003 Oct 16 - re-entered variable 'did_ocaml_dtypes' (MM) " 2003 Oct 15 - added Stefano Zacchirolis (SZ) Python-code for " displaying type annotations (MM) " Only do these settings when not done yet for this buffer if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif " Don't do other file type settings for this buffer let b:did_ftplugin = 1 set cpo-=C " Error formats setlocal efm= \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ characters\ %c-%*\\d:, \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ character\ %c:%m, \%+EReference\ to\ unbound\ regexp\ name\ %m, \%Eocamlyacc:\ e\ -\ line\ %l\ of\ \"%f\"\\,\ %m, \%Wocamlyacc:\ w\ -\ %m, \%-Zmake%.%#, \%C%m " Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this. if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_ocaml_maps") " Uncommenting if !hasmapto('Comment') nmap c LUncomOn vmap c BUncomOn nmap C LUncomOff vmap C BUncomOff endif nnoremap LUncomOn mz0i(* $A *)`z nnoremap LUncomOff :s/^(\* \(.*\) \*)/\1/ vnoremap BUncomOn :'<,'>`0i(*`>o0i*)`< vnoremap BUncomOff :'<,'>`dd`< if !hasmapto('Abbrev') iabbrev ASS (assert false) endif endif " Let % jump between structure elements (due to Issac Trotts) let b:mw='\:\:\(\\|;;\),' let b:mw=b:mw . '\:\:\,\:\,' let b:mw=b:mw . '\<\(object\|sig\|struct\|begin\)\>:\' let b:match_words=b:mw " switching between interfaces (.mli) and implementations (.ml) if !exists("g:did_ocaml_switch") let g:did_ocaml_switch = 1 map ,s :call OCaml_switch(0) map ,S :call OCaml_switch(1) fun OCaml_switch(newwin) if (match(bufname(""), "\\.mli$") >= 0) let fname = substitute(bufname(""), "\\.mli$", ".ml", "") if (a:newwin == 1) exec "new " . fname else exec "arge " . fname endif elseif (match(bufname(""), "\\.ml$") >= 0) let fname = bufname("") . "i" if (a:newwin == 1) exec "new " . fname else exec "arge " . fname endif endif endfun endif " Vim support for OCaml 3.07 .annot files (requires Vim with python support) " " Executing OCamlPrintType() function will display in the Vim bottom " line(s) the type of an ocaml value getting it from the corresponding .annot " file (if any). If Vim is in visual mode, should be "visual" and the " selected ocaml value correspond to the highlighted text, otherwise ( " can be anything else) it corresponds to the literal found at the current " cursor position. " " .annot files are parsed lazily the first time OCamlPrintType is invoked; is " also possible to force the parsing using the OCamlParseAnnot() function. " " Hitting the key will cause OCamlPrintType function to be invoked with " the right argument depending on the current mode (visual or not). " " Copyright (C) <2003> Stefano Zacchiroli " " Created: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:16:22 +0200 zack " LastModified: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:05:39 +0200 zack " " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or " (at your option) any later version. " " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " GNU General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software " Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA " if !has("python") echo "Python support not found: OCaml .annot support disabled" finish endif if !exists("g:did_ocaml_dtypes") let g:did_ocaml_dtypes = 1 else finish endif python << EOF import re import os import string import time import vim debug = False class AnnExc(Exception): def __init__(self, reason): self.reason = reason no_annotations = AnnExc("No type annotations (.annot) file found") annotation_not_found = AnnExc("No type annotation found for the given text") def malformed_annotations(lineno): return AnnExc("Malformed .annot file (line = %d)" % lineno) class Annotations: """ .annot ocaml file representation File format (copied verbatim from caml-types.el) file ::= block * block ::= position position annotation * position ::= filename num num num annotation ::= keyword open-paren data close-paren is a space character (ASCII 0x20) is a line-feed character (ASCII 0x0A) num is a sequence of decimal digits filename is a string with the lexical conventions of O'Caml open-paren is an open parenthesis (ASCII 0x28) close-paren is a closed parenthesis (ASCII 0x29) data is any sequence of characters where is always followed by at least two space characters. - in each block, the two positions are respectively the start and the - end of the range described by the block. - in a position, the filename is the name of the file, the first num is the line number, the second num is the offset of the beginning of the line, the third num is the offset of the position itself. - the char number within the line is the difference between the third and second nums. For the moment, the only possible keyword is \"type\"." """ def __init__(self): self.__filename = None # last .annot parsed file self.__ml_filename = None # as above but s/.annot/.ml/ self.__timestamp = None # last parse action timestamp self.__annot = {} self.__re = re.compile( '^"[^"]+"\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+"[^"]+"\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$') def __parse(self, fname): try: f = open(fname) line = f.readline() # position line lineno = 1 while (line != ""): m = self.__re.search(line) if (not m): raise malformed_annotations(lineno) line1 = int(m.group(1)) col1 = int(m.group(3)) - int(m.group(2)) line2 = int(m.group(4)) col2 = int(m.group(6)) - int(m.group(5)) line = f.readline() # "type(" string lineno += 1 if (line == ""): raise malformed_annotations(lineno) type = [] line = f.readline() # type description lineno += 1 if (line == ""): raise malformed_annotations(lineno) while line != ")\n": type.append(string.strip(line)) line = f.readline() lineno += 1 if (line == ""): raise malformed_annotations(lineno) type = string.join(type, "\n") self.__annot[(line1, col1), (line2, col2)] = type line = f.readline() # position line f.close() self.__filename = fname self.__ml_filename = re.sub("\.annot$", ".ml", fname) self.__timestamp = int(time.time()) except IOError: raise no_annotations def parse(self): annot_file = re.sub("\.ml$", ".annot", vim.current.buffer.name) self.__parse(annot_file) def get_type(self, (line1, col1), (line2, col2)): if debug: print line1, col1, line2, col2 if vim.current.buffer.name == None: raise no_annotations if vim.current.buffer.name != self.__ml_filename or \ os.stat(self.__filename).st_mtime > self.__timestamp: self.parse() try: return self.__annot[(line1, col1), (line2, col2)] except KeyError: raise annotation_not_found word_char_RE = re.compile("^[\w.]$") # TODO this function should recognize ocaml literals, actually it's just an # hack that recognize continuous sequences of word_char_RE above def findBoundaries(line, col): """ given a cursor position (as returned by vim.current.window.cursor) return two integers identify the beggining and end column of the word at cursor position, if any. If no word is at the cursor position return the column cursor position twice """ left, right = col, col line = line - 1 # mismatch vim/python line indexes (begin_col, end_col) = (0, len(vim.current.buffer[line]) - 1) try: while word_char_RE.search(vim.current.buffer[line][left - 1]): left = left - 1 except IndexError: pass try: while word_char_RE.search(vim.current.buffer[line][right + 1]): right = right + 1 except IndexError: pass return (left, right) annot = Annotations() # global annotation object def printOCamlType(mode): try: if mode == "visual": # visual mode: lookup highlighted text (line1, col1) = vim.current.buffer.mark("<") (line2, col2) = vim.current.buffer.mark(">") else: # any other mode: lookup word at cursor position (line, col) = vim.current.window.cursor (col1, col2) = findBoundaries(line, col) (line1, line2) = (line, line) begin_mark = (line1, col1) end_mark = (line2, col2 + 1) print annot.get_type(begin_mark, end_mark) except AnnExc, exc: print exc.reason def parseOCamlAnnot(): try: annot.parse() except AnnExc, exc: print exc.reason EOF fun OCamlPrintType(current_mode) if (a:current_mode == "visual") python printOCamlType("visual") else python printOCamlType("normal") endif endfun fun OCamlParseAnnot() python parseOCamlAnnot() endfun map :call OCamlPrintType("normal") vmap :call OCamlPrintType("visual")