" Vim filetype plugin file " Language: cobol " Author: Tim Pope " $Id$ " Insert mode mappings: " Normal mode mappings: < > << >> [[ ]] [] ][ " Visual mode mappings: < > if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim setlocal commentstring=\ \ \ \ \ \ *%s setlocal comments=:* setlocal fo+=croqlt setlocal expandtab setlocal textwidth=72 " matchit support if exists("loaded_matchit") let s:ordot = '\|\ze\.\%( \@=\|$\)' let b:match_ignorecase=1 "let b:match_skip = 'getline(".") =~ "^.\\{6\\}[*/C]"' let b:match_words= \ '\$if\>:$else\>:\$endif\>,' . \ '[$-]\@:\<\%(then\|else\)\>:\'.s:ordot.',' . \ '-\@:\'.s:ordot . ',' . \ '-\@:\<\%(when\)\>:\' .s:ordot . ',' . \ '-\@\%(.*\(\%$\|\%(\n\%(\%(\s*\|.\{6\}\)[*/].*\n\)*\)\=\s*\%(not\s\+\)\=on\s\+size\s\+error\>\)\)\@=:\%(\:\' .s:ordot . ',' . \ '-\@\%(.*\(\%$\|\%(\n\%(\%(\s*\|.\{6\}\)[*/].*\n\)*\)\=\s*\%(not\s\+\)\=on\s\+\%(overflow\|exception\)\>\)\)\@=:\%(\:\' .s:ordot . ',' . \ '-\@\%(.*\(\%$\|\%(\n\%(\%(\s*\|.\{6\}\)[*/].*\n\)*\)\=\s*\%(invalid\s\+key\|at\s\+end\|no\s\+data\|at\s\+end-of-page\)\>\)\)\@=:\%(\:\' .s:ordot endif if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter") let b:browsefilter = "COBOL Source Files (*.cbl, *.cob)\t*.cbl;*.cob;*.lib\n". \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n" endif let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal com< cms< fo< et< tw<" . \ " | unlet! b:browsefilter b:match_words b:match_ignorecase b:match_skip" if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_cobol_maps") let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <'" . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap >'" . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <<'" . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap >>'" . \ " | sil! exe 'vunmap <'" . \ " | sil! exe 'vunmap >'" . \ " | sil! exe 'iunmap '" . \ " | sil! exe 'iunmap '" . \ " | sil! exe 'iunmap '" . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap Traditional'" . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap Comment'" . \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap DeComment'" . \ " | sil! exe 'vunmap VisualTraditional'" . \ " | sil! exe 'vunmap VisualComment'" . \ " | sil! exe 'iunmap VisualDeComment'" . \ " | sil! exe 'unmap [['" . \ " | sil! exe 'unmap ]]'" . \ " | sil! exe 'unmap []'" . \ " | sil! exe 'unmap ]['" endif if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_cobol_maps") if version >= 700 nnoremap > :set opfunc=IncreaseFuncg@ nnoremap < :set opfunc=DecreaseFuncg@ endif nnoremap >> :call CobolIndentBlock(1) nnoremap << :call CobolIndentBlock(-1) vnoremap > :call CobolIndentBlock(v:count1) vnoremap < :call CobolIndentBlock(-v:count1) inoremap =IncreaseIndent()=RestoreShiftwidth() inoremap =DecreaseIndent()=RestoreShiftwidth() if !maparg("","i") inoremap =Tab()=RestoreShiftwidth() endif noremap [[ m':call search('\c^\%(\s*\.\{6\}\s\+\)\zs[A-Za-z0-9-]\+\s\+\%(division\section\)\s*\.','bW') noremap ]] m':call search('\c^\%(\s*\.\{6\}\s\+\)\zs[A-Za-z0-9-]\+\s\+\%(division\section\)\.','W') noremap [] m':call toend('b') noremap ][ m':call toend('') " For EnhancedCommentify noremap Traditional :call Comment('t') noremap Comment :call Comment('c') noremap DeComment :call Comment('u') noremap VisualTraditional :'<,'>call Comment('t') noremap VisualComment :'<,'>call Comment('c') noremap VisualDeComment :'<,'>call Comment('u') endif let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save if exists("g:did_cobol_ftplugin_functions") finish endif let g:did_cobol_ftplugin_functions = 1 function! s:repeat(str,count) let i = 0 let ret = "" while i < a:count let ret = ret . a:str let i = i + 1 endwhile return ret endfunction function! s:increase(...) let lnum = '.' let sw = &shiftwidth let i = a:0 ? a:1 : indent(lnum) if i >= 11 return sw - (i - 11) % sw elseif i >= 7 return 11-i elseif i == 6 return 1 else return 6-i endif endfunction function! s:decrease(...) let lnum = '.' let sw = &shiftwidth let i = indent(a:0 ? a:1 : lnum) if i >= 11 + sw return 1 + (i + 12) % sw elseif i > 11 return i-11 elseif i > 7 return i-7 elseif i == 7 return 1 else return i endif endfunction function! CobolIndentBlock(shift) let head = strpart(getline('.'),0,7) let tail = strpart(getline('.'),7) let indent = match(tail,'[^ ]') let sw = &shiftwidth let shift = a:shift if shift > 0 if indent < 4 let tail = s:repeat(" ",4-indent).tail let shift = shift - 1 endif let tail = s:repeat(" ",shift*sw).tail let shift = 0 elseif shift < 0 if (indent-4) > -shift * sw let tail = strpart(tail,-shift * sw) elseif (indent-4) > (-shift-1) * sw let tail = strpart(tail,indent - 4) else let tail = strpart(tail,indent) endif endif call setline('.',head.tail) endfunction function! s:IncreaseFunc(type) '[,']call CobolIndentBlock(1) endfunction function! s:DecreaseFunc(type) '[,']call CobolIndentBlock(-1) endfunction function! s:IncreaseIndent() let c = "\" if exists("*InsertCtrlTWrapper") let key = InsertCtrlTWrapper() if key != c return key endif endif let interval = s:increase() let b:cobol_shiftwidth = &shiftwidth let &shiftwidth = 1 let lastchar = strpart(getline('.'),col('.')-2,1) if lastchar == '0' || lastchar == '^' return "\".lastchar.c else return s:repeat(c,interval) endif endfunction function! s:DecreaseIndent() let c = "\" if exists("*InsertCtrlDWrapper") " I hack Ctrl-D to delete when not at the end of the line. let key = InsertCtrlDWrapper() if key != c return key endif endif let interval = s:decrease() let b:cobol_shiftwidth = &shiftwidth let &shiftwidth = 1 return s:repeat(c,interval) endfunction function! s:RestoreShiftwidth() if exists("b:cobol_shiftwidth") let &shiftwidth=b:cobol_shiftwidth unlet b:cobol_shiftwidth endif return "" endfunction function! s:Tab() if (strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.')-1) =~ '^\s*$' && &sta) return s:IncreaseIndent() elseif &sts == &sw && &sts != 8 && &et return s:repeat(" ",s:increase(col('.')-1)) else return "\" endif endfunction function! s:Comment(arg) " For EnhancedCommentify let line = getline('.') if (line =~ '^.\{6\}[*/C]' || a:arg == 'c') && a:arg != 'u' let line = substitute(line,'^.\{6\}\zs.',' ','') else let line = substitute(line,'^.\{6\}\zs.','*','') endif call setline('.',line) endfunction function! s:toend(direction) let ignore = '^\(\s*\|.\{6\}\)\%([*/]\|\s*$\)' let keep = line('.') keepjumps + while line('.') < line('$') && getline('.') =~ ignore keepjumps + endwhile let res = search('\c^\%(\s*\|.\{6\}\s\+\)\zs[A-Za-z0-9-]\+\s\+\%(division\|section\)\s*\.',a:direction.'W') if a:direction != 'b' && !res let res = line('$') keepjumps $ elseif res keepjumps - endif if res while line('.') > 1 && getline('.') =~ ignore keepjumps - endwhile if line('.') == 1 && getline('.') =~ ignore exe "keepjumps ".keep endif else exe "keepjumps ".keep endif endfunction