*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Mar 21 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar Welcome to Vim 7! A large number of features has been added. This file mentions all the new items, changes to existing features and bug fixes compared to Vim 6.x. Use this command to see the version you are using: > :version See |vi_diff.txt| for an overview of differences between Vi and Vim 7.0. See |version4.txt| for differences between Vim 3.x and Vim 4.x. See |version5.txt| for differences between Vim 4.x and Vim 5.x. See |version6.txt| for differences between Vim 5.x and Vim 6.x. INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES |incompatible-7| NEW FEATURES |new-7| Vim script enhancements |new-vim-script| Spell checking |new-spell| Omni completion |new-omni-completion| MzScheme interface |new-MzScheme| Printing multi-byte text |new-print-multi-byte| Tab pages |new-tab-pages| Undo branches |new-undo-branches| Extended Unicode support |new-more-unicode| More highlighting |new-more-highlighting| Translated manual pages |new-manpage-trans| Internal grep |new-vimgrep| Scroll back in messages |new-scroll-back| Cursor past end of the line |new-onemore| POSIX compatibility |new-posix| Debugger support |new-debug-support| Remote file explorer |new-netrw-explore| Define an operator |new-define-operator| Mapping to an expression |new-map-expression| Visual and Select mode mappings |new-map-select| Location list |new-location-list| Various new items |new-items-7| IMPROVEMENTS |improvements-7| COMPILE TIME CHANGES |compile-changes-7| BUG FIXES |bug-fixes-7| ============================================================================== INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES *incompatible-7* These changes are incompatible with previous releases. Check this list if you run into a problem when upgrading from Vim 6.x to 7.0. A ":write file" command no longer resets the 'modified' flag of the buffer, unless the '+' flag is in 'cpoptions' |cpo-+|. This was illogical, since the buffer is still modified compared to the original file. And when undoing all changes the file would actually be marked modified. It does mean that ":quit" fails now. ":helpgrep" now uses a help window to display a match. In an argument list double quotes could be used to include spaces in a file name. This caused a difference between ":edit" and ":next" for escaping double quotes and it is incompatible with some versions of Vi. Command Vim 6.x file name Vim 7.x file name ~ :edit foo\"888 'foo"888' 'foo"888' :next foo\"888 'foo888' 'foo"888' :next a\"b c\"d 'ab cd' 'a"b' and 'c"d' In a |literal-string| a single quote can be doubled to get one. ":echo 'a''b'" would result in "a b", but now that two quotes stand for one it results in "a'b". When overwriting a file with ":w! fname" there was no warning for when "fname" was being edited by another Vim. Vim now gives an error message |E768|. The support for Mac OS 9 has been removed. Minor incompatibilities: For filetype detection: For many types, instead of ~/.dir/filename use */.dir/filename, so that it also works for other user's files. ":0verbose" now sets 'verbose' to zero instead of one. Removed the old and incomplete "VimBuddy" code. Buffers without a name report "No Name" instead of "No File". It was confusing for buffers with a name and 'buftype' set to "nofile". When ":file xxx" is used in a buffer without a name, the alternate file name isn't set. This avoids creating buffers without a name that are not useful. The "2html.vim" script now converts closed folds to HTML. This means the HTML looks like its displayed, with the same folds open and closed. Use "zR", or "let html_ignore_folding=1", if no folds should appear in the HTML. (partly by Carl Osterwisch) Diff mode now is also converted as it is displayed. Win32: The effect of the key depended on 'winaltkeys'. Now it depends on whether has been mapped or not. This allows mapping without changing 'winaltkeys'. When 'octal' is in 'nrformats' and using CTRL-A on "08" it became "018", which is illogical. Now it becomes "9". The leading zero(s) is(are) removed to avoid the number becoming octal after incrementing "009" to "010". When 'encoding' is set to a Unicode encoding, the value for 'fileencodings' now includes "default" before "latin1". This means that for files with 8-bit encodings the default is to use the encoding specified by the environment, if possible. Previously latin1 would always be used, which is wrong in a non-latin1 environment, such as Russian. Previously Vim would exit when there are two windows, both of them displaying a help file, and using ":quit". Now only the window is closed. "-w {scriptout}" only works when {scriptout} doesn't start with a digit. Otherwise it's used to set the 'window' option. Previously and could be mapped separately. This had the disadvantage that all mappings (with modifiers) had to be duplicated, since you can't be sure what the keyboard generates. Now all are internally translated to , both for the keys and for mappings. Also for , , etc. ":put" now leaves the cursor on the last inserted line. When a .gvimrc file exists then 'compatible' is off, just like when a ".vimrc" file exists. When making a string upper-case with "vlllU" or similar then the German sharp s is replaced with "SS". This does not happen with "~" to avoid backwards compatibility problems and because "SS" can't be changed back to a sharp s. "gd" previously found the very first occurrence of a variable in a function, that could be the function argument without type. Now it finds the position where the type is given. The line continuation in functions was not taken into account, line numbers in errors were logical lines, not lines in the sourced file. That made it difficult to locate errors. Now the line number in the sourced file is reported, relative to the function start. This also means that line numbers for ":breakadd func" are different. When defining a user command with |:command| the special items could be abbreviated. This caused unexpected behavior, such as
  • being recognized as . The items can no longer be abbreviated. ============================================================================== NEW FEATURES *new-7* Vim script enhancements *new-vim-script* ----------------------- In Vim scripts the following types have been added: List ordered list of items |List| Dictionary associative array of items |Dictionary| Funcref reference to a function |Funcref| Many functions and commands have been added to support the new types. The |string()| function can be used to get a string representation of a variable. Works for Numbers, Strings and composites of them. Then |eval()| can be used to turn the string back into the variable value. The |:let| command can now use "+=". ":let var += expr" works like ":let var = var + expr". "-=" and ".=" works in a similar way. With the |:profile| command you can find out where your function or script wastes its time. In the Python interface vim.eval() also handles Dictionaries and Lists. |python-eval| (G. Sumner Hayes) The |getscript| plugin was added as a convenient way to update scripts from www.vim.org automatically. (Charles Campbell) The |vimball| plugin was added as a convenient way to distribute a set of files for a plugin (plugin file, autoload script, documentation). (Charles Campbell) Spell checking *new-spell* -------------- Spell checking has been integrated in Vim. There were a few implementations with scripts, but they were slow and/or required an external program. The 'spell' option is used to switch spell checking on or off. The 'spelllang' option is used to specify the languages that are accepted. The 'spellfile' option specifies where new words are added. The 'spellsuggest' option specifies the methods used for making suggestions The |[s| and |]s| commands can be used to move to the next or previous error. The |zg| and |zw| commands can be used to add good and wrong words. The |z=| command can be used to correct the word. The |:mkspell| command is used to generate a Vim spell file from word lists. The "undercurl" highlighting attribute was added to nicely point out spelling mistakes in the GUI (based on patch from Marcin Dalecki). The "guisp" color can be used to give it a color different from foreground and background. The number of possible different highlight attributes was raised from about 220 to over 30000. This allows for the attributes of spelling to be combined with syntax highlighting attributes. This is also used for syntax highlighting. Much more info here: |spell|. Omni completion *new-omni-completion* ----------------- This could also be called "intellisense", but that is a trademark. It is a smart kind of completion. The text in front of the cursor is inspected to figure out what could be following. This may suggest struct and class members, system functions, etc. Use CTRL-X CTRL-O in Insert mode to start the completion. |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O| The 'omnifunc' option is set by filetype plugins to define the function that figures out the completion. Currently supported languages: C |ft-c-omni| (X)HTML with CSS |ft-html-omni| JavaScript |ft-javascript-omni| any language wih syntax highligting |ft-syntax-omni| XML |ft-xml-omni| When the 'completeopt' option contains "menu" then matches for Insert mode completion are displayed in a popup menu. MzScheme interface *new-MzScheme* ------------------ The MzScheme interpreter is supported. |MzScheme| The |:mzscheme| command can be used to execute MzScheme commands. The |:mzfile| command can be used to execute an MzScheme script file. Printing multi-byte text *new-print-multi-byte* ------------------ The |:hardcopy| command now supports printing multi-byte characters. The 'printmbcharset' and 'printmbfont' options are used for this. Also see |postscript-cjk-printing|. (Mike Williams) Tab pages *new-tab-pages* --------- A tab page is page with one or more windows with a label (aka tab) at the top. By clicking on the label you can quickly switch between the tab pages. And with the keyboard, using the |gt| (Goto Tab) command. This is a convenient way to work with many windows. To start Vim with each file argument in a separate tab page use the |-p| argument. The maximum number of pages can be set with 'tabpagemax'. The line with tab labels is either made with plain text an highlighting or with a GUI mechanism. The GUI labels look better but are only available on a few systems. The line can be customized with 'tabline' and 'guitablabel'. Whether it is displayed is set with 'showtabline'. Whether to use the GUI labels is set with the "e" flag in 'guioptions'. The |:tab| command modifier can be used to have most commands that open a new window open a new tab instead. The |--remote-tab| argument can be used to edit a file in a new tab page in an already running Vim server. More info here: |tabpage| Undo branches *new-undo-branches* ------------- Previously there was only one line of undo-redo. If, after undoing a number of changes, a new change was made all the undone changes were lost. This could lead to accidentally losing work. Vim now makes an undo branch in this situation. Thus you can go back to the text after any change, even if they were undone. So long as you do not run into 'undolevels', undo information is freed up to limit the memory used. To be able to navigate the undo branches each change is numbered sequentially. The commands |g-| and |:earlier| go back in time, to older changes. The commands |g+| and |:later| go forward in time, to newer changes. The changes are also timestamped. Use ":earlier 10m" to go to the text as it was about ten minutes earlier. The |:undolist| command can be used to get an idea of which undo branches exist. The |:undo| command now takes an argument to directly jump to a specific position in this list. The |changenr()| function can be used to obtain the change number. There is no graphical display of the tree with changes, navigation can be quite confusing. Extended Unicode support *new-more-unicode* ------------------------ Previously only two combining characters were displayed. The limit is now raised to 6. This can be set with the 'maxcombine' option. The default is still 2. |ga| now shows all combining characters, not just the first two. Previously only 16 bit Unicode characters were supported for displaying. Now the full 32 bit character set can be used. Unless manually disabled at compile time. For pattern matching it is now possible to search for individual composing characters. |patterns-composing| The |8g8| command searches for an illegal UTF-8 byte sequence. More highlighting *new-more-highlighting* ----------------- Highlighting matching parens When moving the cursor through the text and it is on a paren, then the matching paren can be highlighted. This uses the new |CursorMoved| autocommand event. See |matchparen| for more information. The plugin uses the |:match| command. It now supports three match patterns. The plugin uses the third one. The first one is for the user and the second one can be used by another plugin. Highlighting the cursor line and column The 'cursorline' and 'cursorcolumn' options have been added. These highlight the screen line and screen column of the cursor. This makes the cursor position easier to spot. 'cursorcolumn' is also useful to align text. The CursorColumn and CursorLine highlighting allow changing the colors used. |hl-CursorColumn| |hl-CursorLine| Translated manual pages *new-manpage-trans* ----------------------- The manual page of Vim and associated programs is now also available in several other languages. French - translated by David Blanchet Italian - translated by Antonio Colombo Russian - translated by Vassily Ragosin The Unix Makefile installs the Italian manual pages in .../man/it/man1/, .../man/it.ISO8859-1/man1/ and .../man/it.UTF-8/man1/. There appears to be no standard for what encoding goes in the "it" directory, the 8-bit encoded file is used there as a best guess. Other languages are installed in similar places. The translated pages are not automatically installed when Vim was configured with "--disable-nls", but "make install-languages install-tool-languages" will do it anyway. Internal grep *new-vimgrep* ------------- The ":vimgrep" command can be used to search for a pattern in a list of files. This is like the ":grep" command, but no external program is used. Besides better portability, handling of different file encodings and using multi-line patterns, this also allows grepping in compressed and remote files. |:vimgrep|. If you want to use the search results in a script you can use the |getqflist()| function. To search in files in various directories the "**" pattern can be used. It expands into an arbitrary depth of directories. "**" can be used in all places where file names are expanded, thus also with |:next| and |:args|. Scroll back in messages *new-scroll-back* ----------------------- When displaying messages, at the |more-prompt| and the |hit-enter-prompt|, The 'k', 'u' and 'b' keys can be used to scroll back to previous messages. This is especially useful for commands such as ":syntax", ":autocommand" and ":highlight". This is implemented in a generic way thus it works for all commands and highlighting is kept. Only works when the 'more' option is set. Previously it only partly worked for ":clist". The |g<| command can be used to see the last page of messages after you have hit at the |hit-enter-prompt|. Then you can scroll further back. Cursor past end of the line *new-onemore* --------------------------- When the 'virtualedit' option contains "onemore" the cursor can move just past the end of the line. As if it's on top of the line break. This makes some commands more consistent. Previously the cursor was always past the end of the line if the line was empty. But it is far from Vi compatible. It may also break some plugins or Vim scripts. Use with care! The patch was provided by Mattias Flodin. POSIX compatibility *new-posix* ------------------- The POSIX test suite was used to verify POSIX compatibility. A number of problems have been fixed to make Vim more POSIX compatible. Some of them conflict with traditional Vi or expected behavior. The $VIM_POSIX environment variable can be set to get POSIX compatibility. See |posix|. Items that were fixed for both Vi and POSIX compatibilty: - repeating "R" with a count only overwrites text once; added the 'X' flag to 'cpoptions' |cpo-X| - a vertical movement command that moves to a non-existing line fails; added the '-' flag to 'cpoptions' |cpo--| - when preserving a file and doing ":q!" the file can be recovered; added the '&' flag to 'cpoptions' |cpo-&| - The 'window' option is partly implemented. It specifies how much CTRL-F and CTRL-B scroll when there is one window. The "-w {number}" argument is now accepted. "-w {scriptout}" only works when {scriptout} doesn't start with a digit. - Allow "-c{command}" argument, no space between "-c" and {command}. - When writing a file with ":w!" don't reset 'readonly' when 'Z' is present in 'cpoptions'. - Allow 'l' and '#' flags for ":list", ":print" and ":number". - Added the '.' flag to 'cpoptions': ":cd" fails when the buffer is modified. - In Ex mode with an empty buffer ":read file" doesn't keep an empty line above or below the new lines. - Remove a backslash before a NL for the ":global" command. - When ":append", ":insert" or ":change" is used with ":global", get the inserted lines from the command. Can use backslash-NL to separate lines. - Can use ":global /pat/ visual" to execute Normal mode commands at each matched line. Use "Q" to continue and go to the next line. - The |:open| command has been partially implemented. It stops Ex mode, but redraws the whole screen, not just one line as open mode is supposed to do. - Support using a pipe to read the output from and write input to an external command. Added the 'shelltemp' option and has("filterpipe"). - In ex silent mode the ":set" command output is displayed. - The ":@@" and ":**" give an error message when no register was used before. - The search pattern "[]-`]" matches ']', '^', '_' and '`'. - Autoindent for ":insert" is using the line below the insert. - Autoindent for ":change" is using the first changed line. - Editing Ex command lines is not done in cooked mode, because CTRL-D and CTRL-T cannot be handled then. - In Ex mode, "1,3" prints three lines. "%" prints all lines. - In Ex mode "undo" would undo all changes since Ex mode was started. - Implemented the 'prompt' option. Debugger support *new-debug-support* ---------------- The 'balloonexpr' option has been added. This is a generic way to implement balloon functionality. You can use it to show info for the word under the mouse pointer. Remote file explorer *new-netrw-explore* -------------------- The netrw plugin now also supports viewing a directory, when "scp://" is used. Deleting and renaming files is possible. To avoid duplicating a lot of code, the previous file explorer plugin has been integrated in the netrw plugin. This means browsing local and remote files works the same way. ":browse edit" and ":browse split" use the netrw plugin when it's available and a GUI dialog is not possible. The netrw plugin is maintained by Charles Campbell. Define an operator *new-define-operator* ------------------ Previously it was not possible to define your own operator; a command that is followed by a {motion}. Vim 7 introduces the 'operatorfunc' option and the |g@| operator. This makes it possible to define a mapping that works like an operator. The actual work is then done by a function, which is invoked through the |g@| operator. See |:map-operator| for the explanation and an example. Mapping to an expression *new-map-expression* ------------------------ The {rhs} argument of a mapping can be an expression. That means the resulting characters can depend on the context. Example: > :inoremap . InsertDot() Here the dot will be mapped to whatever InsertDot() returns. Also works for abbreviations. See |:map-| for the details. Visual and Select mode mappings *new-map-select* ------------------------------- Previously Visual mode mappings applied both to Visual and Select mode. With a trick to have the mappings work in Select mode like they would in Visual mode. Commands have been added to define mappings for Visual and Select mode separately: |:xmap| and |:smap|. With the associated "noremap" and "unmap" commands. The same is done for menus: |:xmenu|, |:smenu|, etc. Location list *new-location-list* ------------- The support for a per-window quickfix list (location list) is added. The location list can be displayed in a location window (similar to the quickfix window). You can open more than one location list window. A set of commands similar to the quickfix commands are added to browse the location list. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Various new items *new-items-7* ----------------- Normal mode commands: ~ a", a' and a` New text objects to select quoted strings. |a'| i", i' and i` (Taro Muraoka) CTRL-W In the quickfix window: opens a new window to show the location of the error under the cursor. |at| and |it| text objects select a block of text between HTML or XML tags. ('mousemodel' "popup" or "popup-setpos") ('mousemodel' "extend") Make a blockwise selection. || gF Start editing the filename under the cursor and jump to the line number following the file name. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) CTRL-W F Start editing the filename under the cursor in a new window and jump to the line number following the file name. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Insert mode commands: ~ CTRL-\ CTRL-O Execute a Normal mode command. Like CTRL-O but without moving the cursor. Options: ~ 'completefunc' The name of a function used for user-specified Insert mode completion. CTRL-X CTRL-U can be used in Insert mode to do any kind of completion. (Taro Muraoka) 'completeopt' Enable popup menu for Insert mode completion. 'omnifunc' The name of a function used for omni completion. 'quoteescape' Characters used to escape quotes inside a string. Used for the a", a' and a` text objects. |a'| 'numberwidth' Minimal width of the space used for the 'number' option. (Emmanuel Renieris) 'mzquantum' Time in msec to schedule MzScheme threads. 'printmbcharset' CJK character set to be used for :hardcopy 'printmbfont' font names to be used for CJK output of :hardcopy 'fsync' Whether fsync() is called after writing a file. (Ciaran McCreesh) 'wildoptions' "tagfile" value enables listing the file name of matching tags for CTRL-D command line completion. (based on an idea from Yegappan Lakshmanan) 'formatlistpat' pattern to recognize a numbered list for formatting. (idea by Hugo Haas) 'formatexpr' expression for formatting text with |gq| and when text goes over 'textwidth' in Insert mode. 'spell' switch spell checking on/off 'spelllang' languages to check spelling for 'spellsuggest' methods for spell suggestions 'synmaxcol' maximum column to look for syntax items; avoids very slow redrawing when there are very long lines 'verbosefile' Log messages in a file. 'winfixwidth' window with fixed width, similar to 'winfixheight' Ex commands: ~ Win32: The ":winpos" command now also works in the console. (Vipin Aravind) |:startreplace| Start Replace mode. (Charles Campbell) |:startgreplace| Start Virtual Replace mode. |:0file| Removes the name of the buffer. (Charles Campbell) |:diffoff| Switch off diff mode in the current window or in all windows. |:delmarks| Delete marks. |:exusage| Help for Ex commands (Nvi command). |:viusage| Help for Vi commands (Nvi command). |:cbuffer| Read error lines from a buffer. (partly by Yegappan Lakshmanan) |:sort| Sort lines in the buffer without depending on an external command. |:caddfile| Add error messages to an existing quickfix list (Yegappan Lakshmanan). |:cexpr| Read error messages from a Vim expression (Yegappan Lakshmanan). |:caddexpr| Add error messages from a Vim expression to an existing quickfix list. (Yegappan Lakshmanan). |:caddbuffer| Add errors from the current buffer to the quickfix list. |:lfile| Like |:cfile| but use the location list. |:lgetfile| Like |:cgetfile| but use the location list. |:laddfile| Like |:caddfile| but use the location list. |:lbuffer| Like |:cbuffer| but use the location list. |:laddbuffer| Like |:caddbuffer| but use the location list. |:lexpr| Like |:cexpr| but use the location list. |:laddexpr| Like |:caddexpr| but use the location list. |:ll| Like |:cc| but use the location list. |:llist| Like |:clist| but use the location list. |:lnext| Like |:cnext| but use the location list. |:lprevious| Like |:cprevious| but use the location list. |:lNext| Like |:cNext| but use the location list. |:lfirst| Like |:cfirst| but use the location list. |:lrewind| Like |:crewind| but use the location list. |:llast| Like |:clast| but use the location list. |:lnfile| Like |:cnfile| but use the location list. |:lpfile| Like |:cpfile| but use the location list. |:lNfile| Like |:cNfile| but use the location list. |:lolder| Like |:colder| but use the location list. |:lnewer| Like |:cnewer| but use the location list. |:lwindow| Like |:cwindow| but use the location list. |:lopen| Like |:copen| but use the location list. |:lclose| Like |:cclose| but use the location list. |:lmake| Like |:make| but use the location list. |:lgrep| Like |:grep| but use the location list. |:lgrepadd| Like |:grepadd| but use the location list. |:lvimgrep| Like |:vimgrep| but use the location list. |:lvimgrepadd| Like |:vimgrepadd| but use the location list. |:lhelpgrep| Like |:helpgrep| but use the location list. |:lcscope| Like |:cscope| but use the location list. |:ltag| Jump to a tag and add matching tags to a location list. |:undojoin| Join a change with the previous undo block. Ex command modifiers: ~ |:keepalt| Do not change the alternate file. |:noautocmd| Do not trigger autocommand events. |:sandbox| Execute a command in the sandbox. Ex command arguments: ~ |++bad| Specify what happens with characters that can't be converted and illegal bytes. (code example by Yasuhiro Matsumoto) Also, when a conversion error occurs or illegal bytes are found include the line number in the error message. New and extended functions: ~ |add()| append an item to a List |append()| append List of lines to the buffer |browsedir()| dialog to select a directory |byteidx()| index of a character (Ilya Sher) |call()| call a function with List as arguments |complete_add()| add match for 'completefunc' |complete_check()| check for key pressed, for 'completefunc' |copy()| make a shallow copy of a List or Dictionary |count()| count nr of times a value is in a List or Dictionary |cursor()| also accepts an offset for 'virtualedit', and the first argument can be a list: [lnum, col, off] |deepcopy()| make a full copy of a List or Dictionary |empty()| check if List or Dictionary is empty |getloclist()| list of location list items (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |getqflist()| list of quickfix errors (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |extend()| append one List to another or add items from one Dictionary to another |filter()| remove selected items from a List or Dictionary |finddir()| find a directory in 'path' |findfile()| find a file in 'path' (Johannes Zellner) |foldtextresult()| the text displayed for a closed fold at line "lnum" |function()| make a Funcref out of a function name |get()| get an item from a List or Dictionary |getbufline()| get a list of lines from a specified buffer (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |getcmdtype()| return the current command-line type (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |getfontname()| get actual font name being used |getfperm()| get file permission string (Nikolai Weibull) |getftype()| get type of file (Nikolai Weibull) |getline()| with second argument: get List with buffer lines |getpos()| return a list with the position of cursor, mark, etc. |has_key()| check whether a key appears in a Dictionary |inputlist()| select an entry from a list |insert()| insert an item somewhere in a List |items()| get List of Dictionary key-value pairs |join()| join List items into a String |keys()| get List of Dictionary keys |len()| number of items in a List or Dictionary |map()| change each List or Dictionary item |matchlist()| list with match and submatches of a pattern in a string |max()| maximum value in a List or Dictionary |min()| minimum value in a List or Dictionary |mkdir()| create a directory |printf()| format text |readfile()| read a file into a list of lines |reltime()| get time value, possibly relative |reltimestr()| turn a time value into a string |remove()| remove one or more items from a List or Dictionary |repeat()| repeat "expr" "count" times (Christophe Poucet) |reverse()| reverse the order of a List |searchdecl()| search for declaration of variable |searchpairpos()| return a List with the position of the match |searchpos()| return a List with the position of the match |setloclist()| modify a location list (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |setqflist()| modify a quickfix list (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |sort()| sort a List |soundfold()| get the sound-a-like equivalent of a word |split()| split a String into a List |spellbadword()| get a badly spelled word |spellsuggest()| get suggestions for correct spelling |str2nr()| convert a string to a number, base 8, 10 or 16 |string()| string representation of a List or Dictionary |system()| filters {input} through a shell command |taglist()| get list of matching tags (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |tr()| translate characters (Ron Aaron) |values()| get List of Dictionary values |winrestview()| restore the view of the current window |winsaveview()| save the view of the current window |writefile()| write a list of lines into a file User defined functions can now be loaded automatically from the "autoload" directory in 'runtimepath'. See |autoload-functions|. New autocommand events: ~ |InsertEnter| starting Insert or Replace mode |InsertChange| going from Insert to Replace mode or back |InsertLeave| leaving Insert or Replace mode |ColorScheme| after loading a color scheme |QuickFixCmdPre| before :make, :grep et al. (Ciaran McCreesh) |QuickFixCmdPost| after :make, :grep et al. (Ciaran McCreesh) |SessionLoadPost| after loading a session file. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |SpellFileMissing| when a spell file can't be found |ShellCmdPost| after executing a shell command |ShellFilterPost| after filtering with a shell command |VimResized| after the Vim window size changed (Yakov Lerner) |FileChangedShellPost| after handling a file changed outside of Vim |SourcePre| before sourcing a Vim script |CursorHoldI| the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode |CursorMoved| the cursor was moved in Normal mode |CursorMovedI| the cursor was moved in Insert mode New items in search patterns: ~ |/\%d| \%d123 search for character with decimal number |/\]| [\d123] idem, in a colletion |/\%o| \%o103 search for character with octal number |/\]| [\o1o3] idem, in a colletion |/\%x| \%x1a search for character with 2 pos. hex number |/\]| [\x1a] idem, in a colletion |/\%u| \%u12ab search for character with 4 pos. hex number |/\]| [\u12ab] idem, in a colletion |/\%U| \%U1234abcd search for character with 8 pos. hex number |/\]| [\U1234abcd] idem, in a colletion (The above partly by Ciaran McCreesh) |/[[=| [[=a=]] an equivalence class (only for latin1 characters) |/[[.| [[.a.]] a collation element (only works with single char) |/\%'m| \%'m match at mark m |/\%<'m| \%<'m match before mark m |/\%>'m| \%>'m match after mark m |/\%V| \%V match in Visual area Nesting |/multi| items no longer is an error when an empty match is possible. It is now possible to use \{0}, it matches the preceding atom zero times. Not useful, just for compatibility. New Syntax/Indent/FTplugin files: ~ MuPAD source syntax, indent and ftplugin. (Dave Silvia) ABAB/4 syntax file. (Marius van Wyk) SQL-Informix syntax file. (Dean L Hill) Handling of various SQL variants. (David Fishburn) PHP compiler plugin. (Doug Kearns) Sive syntax file. (Nikolai Weibull) Pascal indent file. (Neil Carter) Many filetype plugins and others from Nikolai Weibull. Xquery syntax file. (Jean-Marc Vanel) Moved all the indent settings from the filetype plugin to the indent file. Implemented b:undo_indent to undo indent settings when setting 'filetype' to a different value. VHDL indent file (Gerald Lai) MGL syntax file. (Gero Kuhlmann) rd syntax file. (Johannes Ranke) New Keymaps: ~ Sinhala (Sri Lanka) (Harshula Jayasuriya) Tamil in TSCII encoding (Yegappan Lakshmanan) New message translations: ~ The Ukranian messages are now also available in cp1251. Irish message translations. (Kevin Patrick Scannell) Vietnamese message translations and menu. (Phan Vinh Thinh) Others: ~ The Netbeans interface was updated for Sun Studio 10. The protocol number goes from 2.2 to 2.3. (Gordon Prieur) Mac: When starting up Vim will load the $VIMRUNTIME/macmap.vim script to define default command-key mappings. (mostly by Benji Fisher) Mac: Add the selection type to the clipboard, so that Block, line and character selections can be used between two Vims. (Eckehard Berns) Also fixes the problem that setting 'clipboard' to "unnamed" breaks using "yyp". Mac: GUI font selector. (Peter Cucka) Mac: support for multi-byte characters. (Da Woon Jung) Mac: Support the xterm mouse in the non-GUI version. Mac: better integration with Xcode. Post a fake mouse-up event after the odoc event and the drag receive handler to work around a stall after Vim loads a file. Fixed an off-by-one line number error. (Da Woon Jung) Added the t_SI and t_EI escape sequences for starting and ending Insert mode. GUI font selector for Motif. (Marcin Dalecki) Nicer toolbar buttons for Motif. (Marcin Dalecki) Mnemonics for the Motif find/replace dialog. (Marcin Dalecki) To be used to set the cursor shape to a bar or a block. No default values, they are not supported by termcap/terminfo. Autocommands can be defined local to a buffer. This means they will also work when the buffer does not have a name or no specific name. See |autocmd-buflocal|. (Yakov Lerner) For xterm most combinations of modifiers with function keys are recognized. |xterm-modifier-keys| When 'verbose' is set the output of ":highlight" will show where a highlight item was last set. When 'verbose' is set the output of the ":map", ":abbreviate", ":command", ":function" and ":autocmd" commands will show where it was last defined. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) ":function /pattern" lists functions matching the pattern. "1gd" can be used like "gd" but ignores matches in a {} block that ends before the cursor position. Likewise for "1gD" and "gD". 'scrolljump' can be set to a negative number to scroll a percentage of the window height. The |v:scrollstart| variable has been added to help finding the location in your script that causes the hit-enter prompt. To make it possible to handle the situation that a file is being edited that is already being edited by another Vim instance, the |SwapExists| event has been added. The |v:swapname|, |v:swapchoice| and |v:swapcommand| variables can be used, for example to use the |client-server| functionality to bring the other Vim to the foreground. When starting Vim with a "-t tag" argument, there is an existing swapfile and the user selects "quit" or "abort" then exit Vim. Undo now also restores the '< and '> marks. "gv" selects the same area as before the change and undo. When editing a search pattern for a "/" or "?" command and 'incsearch' is set CTRL-L can be used to add a character from the current match. CTRL-R CTRL-W will add a word, but exclude the part of the word that was already typed. Ruby interface: add line number methods. (Ryan Paul) ============================================================================== IMPROVEMENTS *improvements-7* ":helpgrep" accepts a language specifier after the pattern: "pat@it". Move the help for printing to a separate help file. It's quite a lot now. When doing completion for ":!cmd", ":r !cmd" or ":w !cmd" executable files are found in $PATH instead of looking for ordinary files in the current directlry. When ":silent" is used and a backwards range is given for an Ex command the range is swapped automatically instead of asking if that is OK. The pattern matching code was changed from a recursive function to an iterative mechanism. This avoids out-of-stack errors. State is stored in allocated memory, running out of memory can always be detected. Allows matching more complex things, but Vim may seem to hang while doing that. Previously some options were always evaluated in the |sandbox|. Now that only happens when the option was set from a modeline or in secure mode. Applies to 'balloonexpr', 'foldexpr', 'foldtext' and 'includeexpr'. (Sumner Hayes) Some commands and expressions could have nasty side effects, such as using CTRL-R = while editing a search pattern and the expression invokes a function that jumps to another window. The |textlock| has been added to prevent this from happening. ":breakadd here" and ":breakdel here" can be used to set or delete a breakpoint at the cursor. It is now possible to define a function with: > :exe "func Test()\n ...\n endfunc" The tutor was updated to make it simpler to use and added text to explain a few more important commands. Used ideas from Gabriel Zachmann. Unix: When libcall() fails obtain an error message with dlerror() and display it. (Johannes Zellner) Mac and Cygwin: When editing an existing file make the file name the same case of the edited file. Thus when typing ":e os_UNIX.c" the file name becomes "os_unix.c". Added "nbsp" in 'listchars'. (David Blanchet) Added the "acwrite" value for the 'buftype' option. This is for a buffer that does not have a name that refers to a file and is written with BufWriteCmd autocommands. For lisp indenting and matching parenthesis: (Sergey Khorev) - square brackets are recognized properly - #\(, #\), #\[ and #\] are recognized as character literals - Lisp line comments (delimited by semicolon) are recognized Added the "count" argument to match(), matchend() and matchstr(). (Ilya Sher) winnr() takes an optional "$" and "#" arguments. (Nikolai Weibull, Yegappan Lakshmanan) Added 's' flag to search(): set ' mark if cursor moved. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Added 'n' flag to search(): don't move the cursor. (Nikolai Weibull) Added 'c' flag to search(): accept match at the cursor. Added 'e' flag to search(): move to end of the match. (Benji Fisher) Added 'p' flag to search(): return number of sub-pattern. (Benji Fisher) These also apply to searchpos(), searchpair() and searchpairpos(). The search() and searchpair() functions have an extra argument to specify where to stop searching. Speeds up searches that should not continue too far. When uncompressing fails in the gzip plugin, give an error message but don't delete the raw text. Helps if the file has a .gz extension but is not actually compressed. (Andrew Pimlott) When C, C++ or IDL syntax is used, may additionally load doxygen syntax. (Michael Geddes) Support setting 'filetype' and 'syntax' to "aaa.bbb" for "aaa" plus "bbb" filetype or syntax. The ":registers" command now displays multi-byte characters properly. VMS: In the usage message mention that a slash can be used to make a flag upper case. Add color support to the builtin vt320 terminal codes. (Zoltan Arpadffy) For the '%' item in 'viminfo', allow a number to set a maximum for the number of buffers. When a file looks like a shell script, check for an "exec" command that starts the tcl interpreter. (suggested by Alexios Zavras) Support conversion between utf-8 and latin9 (iso-8859-15) internally, so that digraphs still work when iconv is not available. When a session file is loaded while editing an unnamed, empty buffer that buffer is wiped out. Avoids that there is an unused buffer in the buffer list. Win32: When libintl.dll supports bind_textdomain_codeset(), use it. (NAKADAIRA Yukihiro) Win32: Vim was not aware of hard links on NTFS file systems. These are detected now for when 'backupcopy' is "auto". Also fixed a bogus "file has been changed since reading it" error for links. When foldtext() finds no text after removing the comment leader, use the second line of the fold. Helps for C-style /* */ comments where the first line is just "/*". When editing the same file from two systems (e.g., Unix and MS-Windows) there mostly was no warning for an existing swap file, because the name of the edited file differs (e.g., y:\dir\file vs /home/me/dir/file). Added a flag to the swap file to indicate it is in the same directory as the edited file. The used path then doesn't matter and the check for editing the same file is much more reliable. Unix: When editing a file through a symlink the swap file would use the name of the symlink. Now use the name of the actual file, so that editing the same file twice is detected. (suggestions by Stefano Zacchiroli and James Vega) Client-server communication now supports 'encoding'. When setting 'encoding' in a Vim server to "utf-8", and using "vim --remote fname" in a console, "fname" is converted from the console encoding to utf-8. Also allows Vims with different 'encoding' settings to exchange messages. Internal: Changed ga_room into ga_maxlen, so that it doesn't need to be incremented/decremented each time. Included a few improvements for Motif from Marcin Dalecki. Draw label contents ourselves to make them handle fonts in a way configurable by Vim and a bit less dependent on the X11 font management. When a register is empty it is not stored in the viminfo file. Removed the tcltags script, it's obsolete. ":redir @*>>" and ":redir @+>>" append to the clipboard. Better check for invalid characters after the register name. |:redir| ":redir => variable" and ":redir =>> variable" write or append to a variable. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) |:redir| ":redir @{a-z}>>" appends to register a to z. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) The 'verbosefile' option can be used to log messages in a file. Verbose messages are not displayed then. The "-V{filename}" argument can be used to log startup messages. ":let g:" lists global variables. ":let b:" lists buffer-local variables. ":let w:" lists window-local variables. ":let v:" lists Vim variables. The stridx() and strridx() functions take a third argument, where to start searching. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) The getreg() function takes an extra argument to be able to get the expression for the '=' register instead of the result of evaluating it. The setline() function can take a List argument to set multiple lines. When the line number is just below the last line the line is appended. g CTRL-G also shows the number of characters if it differs from the number of bytes. Completion for ":debug" and entering an expression for the '=' register. Skip ":" between range and command name. (Peter winters) CTRL-Q in Insert mode now works like CTRL-V by default. Previously it was ignored. When "beep" is included in 'debug' a function or script that causes a beep will result in a message with the source of the error. When completing buffer names, match with "\(^\|[\/]\)" instead of "^", so that ":buf stor" finds both "include/storage.h" and "storage/main.c". To count items (pattern matches) without changing the buffer the 'n' flag has been added to |:substitute|. See |count-items|. In a |:substitute| command the \u, \U, \l and \L items now also work for multi-byte characters. The "screen.linux" $TERM name is recognized to set the default for 'background' to "dark". (Ciaran McCreesh) Also for "cygwin" and "putty". The |FileChangedShell| autocommand event can now use the |v:fcs_reason| variable that specifies what triggered the event. |v:fcs_choice| can be used to reload the buffer or ask the user what to do. Not all modifiers were recognized for xterm function keys. Added the possibility in term codes to end in ";*X" or "O*X", where X is any character and the * stands for the modifier code. Added the , , and keys, to be able to recognize the two forms that xterm can send their codes in and still handle all possible modifiers. getwinvar() now also works to obtain a buffer-local option from the specified window. Added the "%s" item to 'errorformat'. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Added the "%>" item to 'errorformat'. For 'errorformat' it was not possible to have a file name that contains the character that follows after "%f". For example, in "%f:%l:%m" the file name could not contain ":". Now include the first ":" where the rest of the pattern matches. In the example a ":" not followed by a line number is included in the file name. (suggested by Emanuele Giaquinta) GTK GUI: use the GTK file dialog when it's available. Mix from patches by Grahame Bowland and Evan Webb. Added ":scriptnames" to bugreport.vim, so that we can see what plugins were used. Win32: If the user changes the setting for the number of lines a scroll wheel click scrolls it is now used immediately. Previously Vim would need to be restarted. When using @= in an expression the value is expression @= contains. ":let @= = value" can be used to set the register contents. A ! can be added to ":popup" to have the popup menu appear at the mouse pointer position instead of the text cursor. The table with encodings has been expanded with many MS-Windows codepages, such as cp1250 and cp737, so that these can also be used on Unix without prepending "8bit-". When an encoding name starts with "microsoft-cp" ignore the "microsoft-" part. Added the "customlist" completion argument to a user-defined command. The user-defined completion function should return the completion candidates as a Vim List and the returned results are not filtered by Vim. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Win32: Balloons can have multiple lines if common controls supports it. (Sergey Khorev) For command-line completion the matches for various types of arguments are now sorted: user commands, variables, syntax names, etc. When no locale is set, thus using the "C" locale, Vim will work with latin1 characters, using its own isupper()/toupper()/etc. functions. When using an rxvt terminal emulator guess the value of 'background' using the COLORFGBG environment variable. (Ciaran McCreesh) Also support t_SI and t_EI on Unix with normal features. (Ciaran McCreesh) When 'foldcolumn' is one then put as much info in it as possible. This allows closing a fold with the mouse by clicking on the '-'. input() takes an optional completion argument to specify the type of completion supported for the input. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) "dp" works with more than two buffers in diff mode if there is only one where 'modifiable' is set. The 'diffopt' option has three new values: "horizontal", "vertical" and "foldcolumn". When the 'include' option contains \zs the file name found is what is being matched from \zs to the end or \ze. Useful to pass more to 'includeexpr'. Loading plugins on startup now supports subdirectories in the plugin directory. |load-plugins| In the foldcolumn always show the '+' for a closed fold, so that it can be opened easily. It may overwrite another character, esp. if 'foldcolumn' is 1. It is now possible to get the W10 message again by setting 'readonly'. Useful in the FileChangedRO autocommand when checking out the file fails. Unix: When open() returns EFBIG give an appropriate message. ":mksession" sets the SessionLoad variable to notify plugins. A modeline is added to the session file to set 'filetype' to "vim". In the ATTENTION prompt put the "Delete it" choice before "Quit" to make it more logical. (Robert Webb) When appending to a file while the buffer has no name the name of the appended file would be used for the current buffer. But the buffer contents is actually different from the file content. Don't set the file name, unless the 'P' flag is present in 'cpoptions'. When starting to edit a new file and the directory for the file doesn't exist then Vim will report "[New DIRECTORY]" instead of "[New File] to give the user a hint that something might be wrong. Win32: Preserve the hidden attribute of the viminfo file. In Insert mode CTRL-A didn't keep the last inserted text when using CTRL-O and then a cursor key. Now keep the previously inserted text if nothing is inserted after the CTRL-O. Allows using CTRL-O commands to move the cursor without losing the last inserted text. The exists() function now supports checking for autocmd group definition and for supported autocommand events. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Allow using ":global" in the sandbox, it doesn't do anything harmful by itself. ":saveas asdf.c" will set 'filetype' to c when it's empty. Also for ":w asdf.c" when it sets the filename for the buffer. Insert mode completion for whole lines now also searches unloaded buffers. The colortest.vim script can now be invoked directly with ":source" or ":runtime". The 'statusline' option can be local to the window, so that each window can have a different value. (partly by Yegappan Lakshmanan) The 'statusline' option and other options that support the same format can now use these new features: - When it starts with "%!" the value is first evaluated as an expression before parsing the value. - "%#HLname#" can be used to start highlighting with HLname. When 'statusline' is set to something that causes an error message then it is made empty to avoid an endless redraw loop. Also for other options, such at 'tabline' and 'titlestring'. ":verbose set statusline" will mention that it was set in an error handler. When there are several matching tags, the ":tag " and CTRL-] commands jump to the [count] matching tag. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) Win32: In the batch files generated by the install program, use $VIMRUNTIME or $VIM if it's set. Example provided by Mathias Michaelis. Also create a vimtutor.bat batch file. The 'balloonexpr' option is now |global-local|. The system() function now runs in cooked mode, thus can be interrupted by CTRL-C. ============================================================================== COMPILE TIME CHANGES *compile-changes-7* Dropped the support for the BeOS and Amiga GUI. They were not maintained and probably didn't work. If you want to work on this: get the Vim 6.x version and merge it back in. When running the tests and one of them fails to produce "test.out" the following tests are still executed. This helps when running out of memory. When compiling with EXITFREE defined and the ccmalloc library it is possible to detect memory leaks. Some memory will always reported as leaked, such as allocated by X11 library functions and the memory allocated in alloc_cmdbuff() to store the ":quit" command. Moved the code for printing to src/hardcopy.c. Moved some code from main() to separate functions to make it easier to see what is being done. Use a structure to avoid a lot of arguments to the functions. Moved unix_expandpath() to misc1.c, so that it can also be used by os_mac.c without copying the code. --- Mac --- "make" now creates the Vim.app directory and "make install" copies it to its final destination. (Raf) Put the runtime directory not directly in Vim.app but in Vim.app/Contents/Resources/vim, so that it's according to Mac specs. Made it possible to compile with Motif, Athena or GTK without tricks and still being able to use the MacRoman conversion. Added the os_mac_conv.c file. When running "make install" the runtime files are installed as for Unix. Avoids that too many files are copied. When running "make" a link to the runtime files is created to avoid a recursive copy that takes much time. Configure will attempt to build Vim for both Intel and PowerPC. The --with-mac-arch configure argument can change it. --- Win32 --- The Make_mvc.mak file was adjusted to work with the latest MS compilers, including the free version of Visual Studio 2005. (George Reilly) INSTALLpc.txt was updated for the recent changes. (George Reilly) The distributed executable is now produced with the free Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and other free SDK chunks. msvcsetup.bat was added to support this. Also generate the .pdb file that can be used to generate a useful crash report on MS-Windows. (George Reilly) ============================================================================== BUG FIXES *bug-fixes-7* When using PostScript printing on MS-DOS the default 'printexpr' used "lpr" instead of "copy". When 'printdevice' was empty the copy command did not work. Use "LPT1" then. The GTK font dialog uses a font size zero when the font name doesn't include a size. Use a default size of 10. This example in the documentation didn't work: :e `=foo . ".c" ` Skip over the expression in `=expr` when looking for comments, |, % and #. When ":helpgrep" doesn't find anything there is no error message. "L" and "H" did not take closed folds into account. Win32: The "-P title" argument stopped at the first title that matched, even when it doesn't support MDI. Mac GUI: CTRL-^ and CTRL-@ did not work. "2daw" on "word." at the end of a line didn't include the preceding white space. Win32: Using FindExecutable() doesn't work to find a program. Use SearchPath() instead. For executable() use $PATHEXT when the program searched for doesn't have an extension. When 'virtualedit' is set, moving the cursor up after appending a character may move it to a different column. Was caused by auto-formatting moving the cursor and not putting it back where it was. When indent was added automatically and then moving the cursor, the indent was not deleted (like when pressing ESC). The "I" flag in 'cpoptions' can be used to make it work the old way. When opening a command-line window, 'textwidth' gets set to 78 by the Vim filetype plugin. Reset 'textwidth' to 0 to avoid lines are broken. After using cursor(line, col) moving up/down doesn't keep the same column. Win32: Borland C before 5.5 requires using ".u." for LowPart and HighPart fields. (Walter Briscoe) On Sinix SYS_NMLN isn't always defined. Define it ourselves. (Cristiano De Michele) Printing with PostScript may keep the printer waiting for more. Append a CTRL-D to the printer output. (Mike Williams) When converting a string with a hex or octal number the leading '-' was ignored. ":echo '-05' + 0" resulted in 5 instead of -5. Using "@:" to repeat a command line didn't work when it contains control characters. Also remove "'<,'>" when in Visual mode to avoid that it appears twice. When using file completion for a user command, it would not expand environment variables like for a regular command with a file argument. 'cindent': When the argument of a #define looks like a C++ class the next line is indented too much. When 'comments' includes multi-byte characters inserting the middle part and alignment may go wrong. 'cindent' also suffers from this for right-aligned items. Win32: when 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" getenv() still returns strings in the active codepage. Convert to utf-8. Also for $HOME. The default for 'helplang' was "zh" for both "zh_cn" and "zh_tw". Now use "cn" or "tw" as intended. When 'bin' is set and 'eol' is not set then line2byte() added the line break after the last line while it's not there. Using foldlevel() in a WinEnter autocommand may not work. Noticed when resizing the GUI shell upon startup. Python: Using buffer.append(f.readlines()) didn't work. Allow appending a string with a trailing newline. The newline is ignored. When using the ":saveas f2" command for buffer "f1", the Buffers menu would contain "f2" twice, one of them leading to "f1". Also trigger the BufFilePre and BufFilePost events for the alternate buffer that gets the old name. strridx() did not work well when the needle is empty. (Ciaran McCreesh) GTK: Avoid a potential hang in gui_mch_wait_for_chars() when input arrives just before it is invoked VMS: Occasionally CR characters were inserted in the file. Expansion of environment variables was not correct. (Zoltan Arpadffy) UTF-8: When 'delcombine' is set "dw" only deleted the last combining character from the first character of the word. When using ":sball" in an autocommand only the filetype in one buffer was detected. Reset did_filetype in enter_buffer(). When using ":argdo" and the window already was at the first argument index, but not actually editing it, the current buffer would be used instead. When ":next dir/*" includes many matches, adding the names to the argument list may take an awful lot of time and can't be interrupted. Allow interrupting this. When editing a file that was already loaded in a buffer, modelines were not used. Now window-local options in the modeline are set. Buffer-local options and global options remain unmodified. Win32: When 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" in the vimrc file, files from the command line with non-ASCII characters are not used correctly. Recode the file names when 'encoding' is set, using the Unicode command line. Win32 console: When the default for 'encoding' ends up to be "latin1", the default value of 'isprint' was wrong. When an error message is given while waiting for a character (e.g., when an xterm reports the number of colors), the hit-enter prompt overwrote the last line. Don't reset msg_didout in normal_cmd() for K_IGNORE. Mac GUI: Shift-Tab didn't work. When defining tooltip text, don't translate terminal codes, since it's not going to be used like a command. GTK 2: Check the tooltip text for valid utf-8 characters to avoid getting a GTK error. Invalid characters may appear when 'encoding' is changed. GTK 2: Add a safety check for invalid utf-8 sequences, they can crash pango. Win32: When 'encoding' is changed while starting up, use the Unicode command line to convert the file arguments to 'encoding'. Both for the GUI and the console version. Win32 GUI: latin9 text (iso-8859-15) was not displayed correctly, because there is no codepage for latin9. Do our own conversion from latin9 to UCS2. When two versions of GTK+ 2 are installed it was possible to use the header files from one and the library from the other. Use GTK_LIBDIR to put the directory for the library early in the link flags. With the GUI find/replace dialog a replace only worked if the pattern was literal text. Now it works for any pattern. When 'equalalways' is set and 'eadirection' is "hor", ":quit" would still cause equalizing window heights in the vertical direction. When ":emenu" is used in a startup script the command was put in the typeahead buffer, causing a prompt for the crypt key to be messed up. Mac OS/X: The default for 'isprint' included characters 128-160, causes problems for Terminal.app. When a syntax item with "containedin" is used, it may match in the start or end of a region with a matchgroup, while this doesn't happen for a "contains" argument. When a transparent syntax items matches in another item where the highlighting has already stopped (because of a he= argument), the highlighting would come back. When cscope is used to set the quickfix error list, it didn't get set if there was only one match. (Sergey Khorev) When 'confirm' is set and using ":bdel" in a modified buffer, then selecting "cancel", would still give an error message. The PopUp menu items that started Visual mode didn't work when not in Normal mode. Switching between selecting a word and a line was not possible. Win32: The keypad decimal point always resulted in a '.', while on some keyboards it's a ','. Use MapVirtualKey(VK_DECIMAL, 2). Removed unused function DisplayCompStringOpaque() from gui_w32.c In Visual mode there is not always an indication whether the line break is selected or not. Highlight the character after the line when the line break is included, e.g., after "v$o". GTK: The key can't be mapped, it selects the menu. Disable that with a GTK setting and do select the menu when isn't mapped. (David Necas) After "Y" '[ and '] were not at start/end of the yanked text. When a telnet connection is dropped Vim preserves files and exits. While doing that a SIGHUP may arrive and disturbe us, thus ignore it. (Scott Anderson) Also postpone SIGHUP, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM until it's safe to handle. Added handle_signal(). When completing a file name on the command line backslashes are required for white space. Was only done for a space, not for a Tab. When configure could not find a terminal library, compiling continued for a long time before reporting the problem. Added a configure check for tgetent() being found in a library. When the cursor is on the first char of the last line a ":g/pat/s///" command may cause the cursor to be displayed below the text. Win32: Editing a file with non-ASCII characters doesn't work when 'encoding' is "utf-8". use _wfullpath() instead of _fullpath(). (Yu-sung Moon) When recovering the 'fileformat' and 'fileencoding' were taken from the original file instead of from the swapfile. When the file didn't exist, was empty or the option was changed (e.g., with ":e ++fenc=cp123 file") it could be wrong. Now store 'fileformat' and 'fileencoding' in the swapfile and use the values when recovering. ":bufdo g/something/p" overwrites each last printed text line with the file message for the next buffer. Temporarily clear 'shortmess' to avoid that. Win32: Cannot edit a file starting with # with --remote. Do escape % and # when building the ":drop" command. A comment or | just after a expresion-backtick argument was not recognized. E.g. in :e `="foo"`"comment. "(" does not stop at an empty sentence (single dot and white space) while ")" does. Also breaks "das" on that dot. When doing "yy" with the cursor on a TAB the ruler could be wrong and "k" moved the cursor to another column. When 'commentstring' is '"%s' and there is a double quote in the line a double quote before the fold marker isn't removed in the text displayed for a closed fold. In Visual mode, when 'bin' and 'eol' set, g CTRL-G counted the last line break, resulting in "selected 202 of 201 bytes". Motif: fonts were not used for dialog components. (Marcin Dalecki) Motif: After using a toolbar button the keyboard focus would be on the toolbar (Lesstif problem). (Marcin Dalecki) When using "y`x" where mark x is in the first column, the last line was not included. Not all test scripts work properly on MS-Windows when checked out from CVS. Use a Vim command to fix all fileformats to dos before executing the tests. When using ":new" and the file fits in the window, lines could still be above the window. Now remove empty lines instead of keeping the relative position. Cmdline completion didn't work after ":let var1 var". When using ":startinsert" or ":startreplace" when already in Insert mode (possible when using CTRL-R =), pressing Esc would directly restart Insert mode. (Peter Winters) "2daw" didn't work at end of file if the last word is a single character. Completion for ":next a'" put a backslash before single quote, but it was not removed when editing a file. Now halve backslashes in save_patterns(). Also fix expanding a file name with the shell that contains "\'". When doing "1,6d|put" only "fewer lines" was reported. Now a following "more lines" overwrites the message. Configure could not handle "-Dfoo=long\ long" in the TCL config output. When searching backwards, using a pattern that matches a newline and uses \zs after that, didn't find a match. Could also get a hang or end up in the right column in the wrong line. When $LANG is "sl" for slovenian, the slovak menu was used, since "slovak" starts with "sl". When 'paste' is set in the GUI the Paste toolbar button doesn't work. Clear 'paste' when starting the GUI. A message about a wrong viminfo line included the trailing NL. When 'paste' is set in the GUI the toolbar button doesn't work in Insert mode. Use ":exe" in menu.vim to avoid duplicating the commands, instead of using a mapping. Treat "mlterm" as an xterm-like terminal. (Seiichi Sato) ":z.4" and ":z=4" didn't work Vi compatible. When sourcing a file, editing it and sourcing it again, it could appear twice in ":scriptnames" and get a new , because the inode has changed. When $SHELL is set but empty the 'shell' option would be empty. Don't use an empty $SHELL value. A command "w! file" in .vimrc or $EXINIT didn't work. Now it writes an empty file. When a CTRL-F command at the end of the file failed, the cursor was still moved to the start of the line. Now it remains where it is. When using ":s" or "&" to repeat the last substitute and "$" was used to put the cursor in the last column, put the cursor in the last column again. This is Vi compatible. Vim is not fully POSIX compliant but sticks with traditional Vi behavior. Added a few flags in 'cpoptions' to behave the POSIX way when wanted. The $VIM_POSIX environment variable is checked to set the default. Appending to a register didn't insert a line break like Vi. Added the '>' flag to 'cpoptions' for this. Using "I" in a line with only blanks appended to the line. This is not Vi compatible. Added the 'H' flag in 'coptions' for this. When joining multiple lines the cursor would be at the last joint, but Vi leaves it at the position where "J" would put it. Added the 'q' flag in 'cpoptions' for this. Autoindent didn't work for ":insert" and ":append". Using ":append" in an empty buffer kept the dummy line. Now it's deleted to be Vi compatible. When reading commands from a file and stdout goes to a terminal, would still request the xterm version. Vim can't read it, thus the output went to the shell and caused trouble there. When redirecting to a register with an invalid name the redirection would still be done (after an error message). Now reset "redir_reg". (Yegappan Lakshmanan) It was not possible to use a NL after a backslash in Ex mode. This is sometimes used to feed multiple lines to a shell command. When 'cmdheight' is set to 2 in .vimrc and the GUI uses the number of lines from the terminal we actually get 3 lines for the cmdline in gvim. When setting $HOME allocated memory would leak. Win32: bold characters may sometimes write in another character cell. Use unicodepdy[] as for UTF-8. (Taro Muraoka) ":w fname" didn't work for files with 'buftype' set to "nofile". The method used to locate user commands for completion differed from when they are executed. Abiguous command names were not completed properly. Incremental search may cause a crash when there is a custom statusline that indirectly invokes ":normal". Diff mode failed when $DIFF_OPTIONS was set in the environment. Unset it before invoking "diff". Completion didn't work after ":argdo", ":windo" and ":bufdo". Also for ":set &l:opt" and ":set &g:opt". (Peter Winters) When setting 'ttymouse' to "dec" in an xterm that supports the DEC mouse locator it doesn't work. Now switch off the mouse before selecting another mouse model. When the CursorHold event is triggered and the commands peek for typed characters the typeahead buffer may be messed up, e.g., when a mouse-up event is received. Avoid invoking the autocommands from the function waiting for a character, let it put K_CURSORHOLD in the input buffer. Removed the "COUNT" flag from ":argadd", to avoid ":argadd 1*" to be used like ":1argadd *". Same for ":argdelete" and ":argedit". Avoid that $LANG is used for the menus when LC_MESSAGES is "en_US". Added backslashes before dashes in the vim.1 manual page to make the appear as real dashes. (Pierr Habouzit) Where "gq" left the cursor depended on the value of 'formatprg'. Now "gq" always leaves the cursor at the last line of the formatted text. When editing a compressed file, such as "changelog.Debian.gz" file, filetype detection may try to check the contents of the file while it's still compressed. Skip setting 'filetype' for compressed files until they have been decompressed. Required for patterns that end in a "*". Starting with an argument "+cmd" or "-S script" causes the cursor the be moved to the first line. That breaks a BufReadPost autocommand that uses g`". Don't move the cursor if it's somewhere past the first line. "gg=G" while 'modifiable' is off was uninterruptable. When 'encoding' is "sjis" inserting CTRL-V u d800 a few times causes a crash. Don't insert a DBCS character with a NUL second byte. In Insert mode CTRL-O didn't move the cursor. Made "ins_at_eol" global and reset it in nv_home(). Wildcard expansion failed: ":w /tmp/$$.`echo test`". Don't put quotes around spaces inside backticks. After this sequence of commands: Y V p gv: the wrong line is selected. Now let "gv" select the text that was put, since the original text is deleted. This should be the most useful thing to do. ":sleep 100u" sleeps for 100 seconds, not 100 usec as one might expect. Give an error message when the argument isn't recognized. In gui_mch_draw_string() in gui_w32.c "unibuflen" wasn't static, resulting in reallocating the buffer every time. (Alexei Alexandrov) When using a Python "atexit" function it was not invoked when Vim exits. Now call Py_Finalize() for that. (Ugo Di Girolamo) This breaks the thread stuff though, fixed by Ugo. GTK GUI: using a .vimrc with "set cmdheight=2 lines=43" and ":split" right after startup, the window layout is messed up. (Michael Schaap) Added win_new_shellsize() call in gui_init() to fix the topframe size. Trick to get ...MOUSE_NM not used when there are vertical splits. Now pass column -1 for the left most window and add MOUSE_COLOFF for others. Limits mouse column to 10000. searchpair() may hang when the end pattern has "\zs" at the end. Check that we find the same position again and advance one character. When in diff mode and making a change that causes the "changed" highlighting to disappear or reappear, it was still highlighted in another window. When a ":next" command fails because the user selects "Abort" at the ATTENTION prompt the argument index was advanced anyway. When "~" is in 'iskeyword' the "gd" doesn't work, it's used for the previous substitute pattern. Put "\V" in the pattern to avoid that. Use of sprintf() sometimes didn't check properly for buffer overflow. Also when using smsg(). Included code for snprintf() to avoid having to do size checks where invoking them ":help \=" didn't find "sub-replace-\=". Wild menu for help tags didn't show backslashes. ":he :s\=" didn't work. When reading an errorfile "~/" in a file name was not expanded. GTK GUI: When adding a scrollbar (e.g. when using ":vsplit") in a script or removing it the window size may change. GTK sends us resize events when we change the window size ourselves, but they may come at an unexpected moment. Peek for a character to get any window resize events and fix 'columns' and 'lines' to undo this. When using the GTK plug mechanism, resizing and focus was not working properly. (Neil Bird) After deleting files from the argument list a session file generated with ":mksession" may contain invalid ":next" commands. When 'shortmess' is empty and 'keymap' set to accents, in Insert mode CTRL-N may cause the hit-enter prompt. Typing 'a then didn't result in the accented character. Put the character typed at the prompt back in the typeahead buffer so that mapping is done in the right mode. setbufvar() and setwinvar() did not give error messages. It was possible to set a variable with an illegal name, e.g. with setbufvar(). It was possible to define a function with illegal name, e.t. ":func F{-1}()" CTRL-W F and "gf" didn't use the same method to get the file name. When reporting a conversion error the line number of the last error could be given. Now report the first encountered error. When using ":e ++enc=name file" and iconv() was used for conversion an error caused a fall-back to no conversion. Now replace a character with '?' and continue. When opening a new buffer the local value of 'bomb' was not initialized from the global value. Win32: When using the "Edit with Vim" entry the file name was limited to about 200 characters. When using command line completion for ":e *foo" and the file "+foo" exists the resulting command ":e +foo" doesn't work. Now insert a backslash: ":e \+foo". When the translation of "-- More --" was not 10 characters long the following message would be in the wrong position. At the more-prompt the last character in the last line wasn't drawn. When deleting non-existing text while 'virtualedit' is set the '[ and '] marks were not set. Win32: Could not use "**/" in 'path', it had to be "**\". The search pattern "\n" did not match at the end of the last line. Searching for a pattern backwards, starting on the NUL at the end of the line and 'encoding' is "utf-8" would match the pattern just before it incorrectly. Affected searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/'). For the Find/Replace dialog it was possible that not finding the text resulted in an error message while redrawing, which cleared the syntax highlighting while it was being used, resulting in a crash. Now don't clear syntax highlighting, disable it with b_syn_error. Win32: Combining UTF-8 characters were drawn on the previous character. Could be noticed with a Thai font. Output of ":function" could leave some of the typed text behind. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) When the command line history has only a few lines the command line window would be opened with these lines above the first window line. When using a command line window for search strings ":qa" would result in searching for "qa" instead of quitting all windows. GUI: When scrolling with the scrollbar and there is a line that doesn't fit redrawing may fail. Make sure w_skipcol is valid before redrawing. Limit the values of 'columns' and 'lines' to avoid an overflow in Rows * Columns. Fixed bad effects when running out of memory (command line would be reversed, ":qa!" resulted in ":!aq"). Motif: "gvim -iconic" opened the window anyway. (David Harrison) There is a tiny chance that a symlink gets created between checking for an existing file and creating a file. Use the O_NOFOLLOW for open() if it's available. In an empty line "ix0" moved the cursor to after the line instead of sticking to the first column. When using ":wq" and a BufWriteCmd autocmd uses inputsecret() the text was echoed anyway. Set terminal to raw mode in getcmdline(). Unix: ":w a;b~c" caused an error in expanding wildcards. When appending to a file with ":w >>fname" in a buffer without a name, causing the buffer to use "fname", the modified flag was reset. When appending to to current file the "not edited" flag would be reset. ":w" would overwrite the file accidentally. Unix: When filtering text with an external command Vim would still read input, causing text typed for the command (e.g., a password) to be eaten and echoed. Don't read input when the terminal is in cooked mode. The Cygwin version of xxd used CR/LF line separators. (Corinna Vinschen) Unix: When filtering text through a shell command some resulting text may be dropped. Now after detecting that the child has exited try reading some more of its output. When inside input(), using "CTRL-R =" and the expression throws an exception the command line was not abandoned but it wasn't used either. Now abandon typing the command line. 'delcombine' was also used in Visual and Select mode and for commands like "cl". That was illogical and has been disabled. When recording while a CursorHold autocommand was defined special keys would appear in the register. Now the CursorHold event is not triggered while recording. Unix: the src/configure script used ${srcdir-.}, not all shells understand that. Use ${srcdir:-.} instead. When editing file "a" which is a symlink to file "b" that doesn't exist, writing file "a" to create "b" and then ":split b" resulted in two buffers on the same file with two different swapfile names. Now set the inode in the buffer when creating a new file. When 'esckeys' is not set don't send the xterm code to request the version string, because it may cause trouble in Insert mode. When evaluating an expression for CTRL-R = on the command line it was possible to call a function that opens a new window, resulting in errors for incremental search, and many other nasty things were possible. Now use the |textlock| to disallow changing the buffer or jumping to another window to protect from unexpected behavior. Same for CTRL-\ e. "d(" deleted the character under the cursor, while the documentation specified an exclusive motion. Vi also doesn't delete the character under the cursor. Shift-Insert in Insert mode could put the cursor before the last character when it just fits in the window. In coladvance() don't stop at the window edge when filling with spaces and when in Insert mode. In mswin.vim avoid getting a beep from the "l" command. Win32 GUI: When Alt-F4 is used to close the window and Cancel is selected in the dialog then Vim would insert in the text. Now it's ignored. When ":silent! {cmd}" caused the swap file dialog, which isn't displayed, there would still be a hit-enter prompt. Requesting the termresponse (|t_RV|) early may cause problems with "-c" arguments that invoke an external command or even "-c quit". Postpone it until after executing "-c" arguments. When typing in Insert mode so that a new line is started, using CTRL-G u to break undo and start a new change, then joining the lines with caused undo info to be missing. Now reset the insertion start point. Syntax HL: When a region start match has a matchgroup and an offset that happens to be after the end of the line then it continued in the next line and stopped at the region end match, making the region continue after that. Now check for the column being past the end of the line in syn_add_end_off(). When changing a file, setting 'swapfile' off and then on again, making another change and killing Vim, then some blocks may be missing from the swapfile. When 'swapfile' is switched back on mark all blocks in the swapfile as dirty. Added mf_set_dirty(). Expanding wildcards in a command like ":e aap;<>!" didn't work. Put backslashes before characters that are special to the shell. (Adri Verhoef) A CursorHold autocommand would cause a message to be cleared. Don't show the special key for the event for 'showcmd'. When expanding a file name for a shell command, as in "!cmd foo" or ":r !cmd foo" also escape characters that are special for the shell: "!;&()<>". When the name of the buffer was set by a ":r fname" command |cpo-f| no autocommands were triggered to notify about the change in the buffer list. In the quickfix buffer 'bufhidden' was set to "delete", which caused closing the quickfix window to leave an unlisted "No Name" buffer behind every time. Win32: when using two screens of different size, setting 'lines' to a large value didn't fill the whole screen. (SungHyun Nam) Win32 installer: The generated _vimrc contained an absolute path to diff.exe. After upgrading it becomes invalid. Now use $VIMRUNTIME instead. The command line was cleared to often when 'showmode' was set and ":silent normal vy" was used. Don't clear the command line unless the mode was actually displayed. Added the "mode_displayed" variable. The "load session" toolbar item could not handle a space or other special characters in v:this_session. ":set sta ts=8 sw=4 sts=2" deleted 4 spaces halfway a line instead of 2. In a multi-byte file the foldmarker could be recognized in the trail byte. (Taro Muraoka) Pasting with CTRL-V and menu didn't work properly when some commands are mapped. Use ":normal!" instead of ":normal". (Tony Apuzzo) Crashed when expanding a file name argument in backticks. In some situations the menu and scrollbar didn't work, when the value contains a CSI byte. (Yukihiro Nakadaira) GTK GUI: When drawing the balloon focus changes and we might get a key release event that removed the balloon again. Ignore the key release event. 'titleold' was included in ":mkexrc" and ":mksession" files. ":set background&" didn't use the same logic as was used when starting up. When "umask" is set such that nothing is writable then the viminfo file would be written without write permission. (Julian Bridle) Motif: In diff mode dragging one scrollbar didn't update the scrollbar of the other diff'ed window. When editing in an xterm with a different number of colors than expected the screen would be cleared and redrawn, causing the message about the edited file to be cleared. Now set "keep_msg" to redraw the last message. For a color terminal: When the Normal HL uses bold, possibly to make the color lighter, and another HL group specifies a color it might become light as well. Now reset bold if a HL group doesn't specify bold itself. When using 256 color xterm the color 255 would show up as color 0. Use a short instead of a char to store the color number. ml_get errors when searching for "\n\zs" in an empty file. When selecting a block and using "$" to select until the end of every line and not highlighting the character under the cursor the first character of the block could be unhighlighted. When counting words for the Visual block area and using "$" to select until the end of every line only up to the length of the last line was counted. "dip" in trailing empty lines left one empty line behind. The script ID was only remembered globally for each option. When a buffer- or window-local option was set the same "last set" location was changed for all buffers and windows. Now remember the script ID for each local option separately. GUI: The "Replace All" button didn't handle backslashes in the replacement in the same way as "Replace". Escape backslashes so that they are taken literally. When using Select mode from Insert mode and typing a key, causing lines to be deleted and a message displayed, delayed the effect of inserting the key. Now overwrite the message without delay. When 'whichwrap' includes "l" then "dl" and "yl" on a single letter line worked differently. Now recognize all operators when using "l" at the end of a line. GTK GUI: when the font selector returned a font name with a comma in it then it would be handled like two font names. Now put a backslash before the comma. MS-DOS, Win32: When 'encoding' defaults to "latin1" then the value for 'iskeyword' was still for CPxxx. And when 'nocompatible' was set 'isprint' would also be the wrong value. When a command was defined not to take arguments and no '|' no warning message would be given for using a '|'. Also with ":loadkeymap". Motif: When using a fontset and 'encoding' is "utf-8" and sizeof(wchar_t) != sizeof(XChar2b) then display was wrong. (Yukihiro Nakadaira) ":all" always set the current window to the first window, even when it contains a buffer that is not in the argument list (can't be closed because it is modified). Now go to the window that has the first item of the argument list. GUI: To avoid left-over pixels from bold text all characters after a character with special attributes were redrawn. Now only do this for characters that actually are bold. Speeds up displaying considerably. When only highlighting changes and the text is scrolled at the same time everything is redraw instead of using a scroll and updating the changed text. E.g., when using ":match" to highlight a paren that the cursor landed on. Added SOME_VALID: Redraw the whole window but also try to scroll to minimize redrawing. Win32: When using Korean IME making it active didn't work properly. (Moon, Yu-sung, 2005 March 21) Ruby interface: when inserting/deleting lines display wasn't updated. (Ryan Paul) vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: