*sql.txt* For Vim version 7.0b. Last change: Fri Jan 06 2006 8:09:25 AM by David Fishburn This is a filetype plugin to work with SQL files. The Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard which specifies statements that allow a user to interact with a relational database. Vim includes features for navigation, indentation and syntax highlighting. 1. Navigation |sql-navigation| 1.1 Matchit |sql-matchit| 1.2 Text Object Motions |sql-object-motions| 1.3 Predefined Object Motions |sql-predefined-objects| 1.4 Macros |sql-macros| 2. SQL Dialects |sql-dialects| 2.1 SQLSetType |SQLSetType| 2.2 SQL Dialect Default |sql-type-default| 3. Adding new SQL Dialects |sql-adding-dialects| ============================================================================== 1. Navigation *sql-navigation* The SQL ftplugin provides a number of options to assist with file navigation. 1.1 Matchit *sql-matchit* ----------- The matchit plugin (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=39) provides many additional features and can be customized for different languages. The matchit plugin is configured by defining a local buffer variable, b:match_words. Pressing the % key while on various keywords will move the cursor to its match. For example, if the cursor is on an "if", pressing % will cycle between the "else", "elseif" and "end if" keywords. The following keywords are supported: > if elseif | elsif else [if] end if [while condition] loop leave break continue exit end loop for leave break continue exit end loop do statements doend case when when default end case merge when not matched when matched create[ or replace] procedure|function|event returns < 1.2 Text Object Motions *sql-object-motions* ----------------------- Vim has a number of predefined keys for working with text |object-motions|. This filetype plugin attempts to translate these keys to maps which make sense for the SQL language. The following |Normal| mode and |Visual| mode maps exist (when you edit a SQL file): > ]] move forward to the next 'begin' [[ move backwards to the previous 'begin' ][ move forward to the next 'end' [] move backwards to the previous 'end' < 1.3 Predefined Object Motions *sql-predefined-objects* ----------------------------- Most relational databases support various standard features, tables, indicies, triggers and stored procedures. Each vendor also has a variety of proprietary objects. The next set of maps have been created to help move between these objects. Depends on which database vendor you are using, the list of objects must be configurable. The filetype plugin attempts to define many of the standard objects, plus many additional ones. In order to make this as flexible as possible, you can override the list of objects from within your |vimrc| with the following: > let g:ftplugin_sql_objects = 'function,procedure,event,table,trigger' . \ ',schema,service,publication,database,datatype,domain' . \ ',index,subscription,synchronization,view,variable' < The following |Normal| mode and |Visual| mode maps have been created which use the above list: > ]} move forward to the next 'create ' [{ move backward to the previous 'create ' Repeatedly pressing ]} will cycle through each of these create statements: > create table t1 ( ... ); create procedure p1 begin ... end; create index i1 on t1 (c1); < The default setting for g:ftplugin_sql_objects is: > let g:ftplugin_sql_objects = 'function,procedure,event,' . \ '\\(existing\\\\|global\\s\\+temporary\\s\\+\\)\\\{,1}' . \ 'table,trigger' . \ ',schema,service,publication,database,datatype,domain' . \ ',index,subscription,synchronization,view,variable' < The above will also handle these cases: > create table t1 ( ... ); create existing table t2 ( ... ); create global temporary table t3 ( ... ); < By default, the ftplugin only searches for CREATE statements. You can also override this via your |vimrc| with the following: > let g:ftplugin_sql_statements = 'create,alter' The filetype plugin defines three types of comments: > 1. -- 2. // 3. /* * */ < The following |Normal| mode and |Visual| mode maps have been created to work with comments: > ]" move forward to the beginning of a comment [" move forward to the end of a comment 1.4 Macros *sql-macros* ---------- Vim's feature to find macro definitions, |'define'|, is supported using this regular expression: > \c\<\(VARIABLE\|DECLARE\|IN\|OUT\|INOUT\)\> < This addresses the following code: > CREATE VARIABLE myVar1 INTEGER; CREATE PROCEDURE sp_test( IN myVar2 INTEGER, OUT myVar3 CHAR(30), INOUT myVar4 NUMERIC(20,0) ) BEGIN DECLARE myVar5 INTEGER; SELECT c1, c2, c3 INTO myVar2, myVar3, myVar4 FROM T1 WHERE c4 = myVar1; END; < Place your cursor on "myVar1" on this line: > WHERE c4 = myVar1; ^ < Press any of the following keys: > [d [D [CTRL-D ============================================================================== 2. SQL Dialects *sql-dialects* *sql-types* *sybase* *TSQL* *Transact-SQL* *sqlanywhere* *oracle* *plsql* *sqlj* *sqlserver* *mysql* *postgress* *psql* *informix* All relational databases support SQL. There is a portion of SQL that is portable across vendors (ex. CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX), but there is a great deal of vendor specific extensions to SQL. Oracle supports the "CREATE OR REPLACE" syntax, column defaults specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and the procedural language (for stored procedures and triggers). The default Vim distribution ships with syntax highlighting based on Oracle's PL/SQL. The default SQL indent script works for Oracle and SQL Anywhere. The default filetype plugin works for all vendors and should remain vendor neutral, but extendable. Vim currently has support for a variety of different vendors, currently this is via syntax scripts. Unfortunately, to flip between different syntax rules you must either create: 1. New filetypes 2. Custom autocmds 3. Manual steps / commands The majority of people work with only one vendor's database product, it would be nice to specify a default in your |vimrc|. 2.1 SQLSetType *sqlsettype* *SQLSetType* -------------- For the people that work with many different databases, it would be nice to be able to flip between the various vendors rules (indent, syntax) on a per buffer basis, at any time. The ftplugin/sql.vim file defines this function: > SQLSetType < Executing this function without any parameters will set the indent and syntax scripts back to their defaults, see |sql-type-default|. If you have turned off Vi's compatibility mode, |'compatible'|, you can use the key to complete the optional parameter. After typing the function name and a space, you can use the completion to supply a parameter. The function takes the name of the Vim script you want to source. Using the |cmdline-completion| feature, the SQLSetType function will search the |'runtimepath'| for all Vim scripts with a name containing 'sql'. This takes the guess work out of the spelling of the names. The following are examples: > :SQLSetType :SQLSetType sqloracle :SQLSetType sqlanywhere :SQLSetType sqlinformix :SQLSetType mysql < The easiest approach is to the use character which will first complete the command name (SQLSetType), after a space and another , display a list of available Vim script names: > :SQL < 2.2 SQL Dialect Default *sql-type-default* ----------------------- As mentioned earlier, the default syntax rules for Vim is based on Oracle (PL/SQL). You can override this default by placing one of the following in your |vimrc|: > let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlanywhere' let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlinformix' let g:sql_type_default = 'mysql' < If you added the following to your |vimrc|: > let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlinformix' < The next time edit a SQL file the following scripts will be automatically loaded by Vim: > ftplugin/sql.vim syntax/sqlinformix.vim indent/sql.vim > Notice indent/sqlinformix.sql was not loaded. There is no indent file for Informix, Vim loads the default files if the specified files does not exist. ============================================================================== 3. Adding new SQL Dialects *sql-adding-dialects* If you begin working with a SQL dialect which does not have any customizations available with the default Vim distribution you can check http://www.vim.org to see if any customization currently exist. If not, you can begin by cloning an existing script. Read |filetype-plugins| for more details. To help identify these scripts, try to create the files with a "sql" prefix. If you decide you wish to create customizations for the SQLite database, you can create any of the following: > Unix ~/.vim/syntax/sqlite.vim ~/.vim/indent/sqlite.vim Windows $VIM/vimfiles/syntax/sqlite.vim $VIM/vimfiles/indent/sqlite.vim < No changes are necessary to the SQLSetType function. It will automatically pickup the new SQL files and load them when you issue the SQLSetType command. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:ff=unix: