" Vim completion script " Language: All languages, uses existing syntax highlighting rules " Maintainer: David Fishburn " Version: 1.3 " Last Change: Mon Mar 27 2006 9:29:35 PM " Set completion with CTRL-X CTRL-O to autoloaded function. " This check is in place in case this script is " sourced directly instead of using the autoload feature. if exists('+omnifunc') " Do not set the option if already set since this " results in an E117 warning. if &omnifunc == "" setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete endif endif if exists('g:loaded_syntax_completion') finish endif let g:loaded_syntax_completion = 1 " This script will build a completion list based on the syntax " elements defined by the files in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax. let s:syn_remove_words = 'match,matchgroup=,contains,'. \ 'links to,start=,end=,nextgroup=' let s:cache_name = [] let s:cache_list = [] let s:prepended = '' " This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option. function! syntaxcomplete#Complete(findstart, base) if a:findstart " Locate the start of the item, including "." let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 let lastword = -1 while start > 0 if line[start - 1] =~ '\w' let start -= 1 elseif line[start - 1] =~ '\.' " The user must be specifying a column name if lastword == -1 let lastword = start endif let start -= 1 let b:sql_compl_type = 'column' else break endif endwhile " Return the column of the last word, which is going to be changed. " Remember the text that comes before it in s:prepended. if lastword == -1 let s:prepended = '' return start endif let s:prepended = strpart(line, start, lastword - start) return lastword endif let base = s:prepended . a:base let list_idx = index(s:cache_name, &filetype, 0, &ignorecase) if list_idx > -1 let compl_list = s:cache_list[list_idx] else let compl_list = OmniSyntaxList() let s:cache_name = add( s:cache_name, &filetype ) let s:cache_list = add( s:cache_list, compl_list ) endif " Return list of matches. if base =~ '\w' let compstr = join(compl_list, ' ') let compstr = substitute(compstr, '\<\%('.base.'\)\@!\w\+\s*', '', 'g') let compl_list = split(compstr, '\s\+') endif return compl_list endfunc function! OmniSyntaxList() let saveL = @l " Loop through all the syntax groupnames, and build a " syntax file which contains these names. This can " work generically for any filetype that does not already " have a plugin defined. " This ASSUMES the syntax groupname BEGINS with the name " of the filetype. From my casual viewing of the vim7\syntax " directory. redir @l silent! exec 'syntax list ' redir END let syntax_full = "\n".@l let @l = saveL if syntax_full =~ 'E28' \ || syntax_full =~ 'E411' \ || syntax_full =~ 'E415' \ || syntax_full =~ 'No Syntax items' return [] endif " Default the include group to include the requested syntax group let syntax_group_include_{&filetype} = '' " Check if there are any overrides specified for this filetype if exists('g:omni_syntax_group_include_'.&filetype) let syntax_group_include_{&filetype} = \ substitute( g:omni_syntax_group_include_{&filetype},'\s\+','','g') if syntax_group_include_{&filetype} =~ '\w' let syntax_group_include_{&filetype} = \ substitute( syntax_group_include_{&filetype}, \ '\s*,\s*', '\\|', 'g' \ ) endif endif " Default the exclude group to nothing let syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype} = '' " Check if there are any overrides specified for this filetype if exists('g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_'.&filetype) let syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype} = \ substitute( g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype},'\s\+','','g') if syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype} =~ '\w' let syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype} = \ substitute( syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype}, \ '\s*,\s*', '\\|', 'g' \ ) endif endif " Syntax rules can contain items for more than just the current " filetype. They can contain additional items added by the user " via autocmds or their vimrc. " Some syntax files can be combined (html, php, jsp). " We want only items that begin with the filetype we are interested in. let next_group_regex = '\n' . \ '\zs'.&filetype.'\w\+\ze'. \ '\s\+xxx\s\+' let syn_list = '' let index = 0 let index = match(syntax_full, next_group_regex, index) while index > 0 let group_name = matchstr( syntax_full, '\w\+', index ) let get_syn_list = 1 " if syntax_group_include_{&filetype} == '' " if syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype} != '' " if '\<'.syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype}.'\>' =~ '\<'.group_name.'\>' " let get_syn_list = 0 " endif " endif " else " if '\<'.syntax_group_include_{&filetype}.'\>' !~ '\<'.group_name.'\>' " let get_syn_list = 0 " endif " endif if syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype} != '' if '\<'.syntax_group_exclude_{&filetype}.'\>' =~ '\<'.group_name.'\>' let get_syn_list = 0 endif endif if get_syn_list == 1 if syntax_group_include_{&filetype} != '' if '\<'.syntax_group_include_{&filetype}.'\>' !~ '\<'.group_name.'\>' let get_syn_list = 0 endif endif endif if get_syn_list == 1 " Pass in the full syntax listing, plus the group name we " are interested in. let extra_syn_list = s:SyntaxCSyntaxGroupItems(group_name, syntax_full) let syn_list = syn_list . extra_syn_list . "\n" endif let index = index + strlen(group_name) let index = match(syntax_full, next_group_regex, index) endwhile " Convert the string to a List and sort it. let compl_list = sort(split(syn_list)) if &filetype == 'vim' let short_compl_list = [] for i in range(len(compl_list)) if i == len(compl_list)-1 let next = i else let next = i + 1 endif if compl_list[next] !~ '^'.compl_list[i].'.$' let short_compl_list += [compl_list[i]] endif endfor return short_compl_list else return compl_list endif endfunction function! s:SyntaxCSyntaxGroupItems( group_name, syntax_full ) let syn_list = "" " From the full syntax listing, strip out the portion for the " request group. " Query: " \n - must begin with a newline " a:group_name - the group name we are interested in " \s\+xxx\s\+ - group names are always followed by xxx " \zs - start the match " .\{-} - everything ... " \ze - end the match " \n\w - at the first newline starting with a character let syntax_group = matchstr(a:syntax_full, \ "\n".a:group_name.'\s\+xxx\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze'."\n".'\w' \) if syntax_group != "" " let syn_list = substitute( @l, '^.*xxx\s*\%(contained\s*\)\?', "", '' ) " let syn_list = substitute( @l, '^.*xxx\s*', "", '' ) " We only want the words for the lines begining with " containedin, but there could be other items. " Tried to remove all lines that do not begin with contained " but this does not work in all cases since you can have " contained nextgroup=... " So this will strip off the ending of lines with known " keywords. let syn_list = substitute( syntax_group, '\<\('. \ substitute( \ escape( s:syn_remove_words, '\\/.*$^~[]') \ , ',', '\\|', 'g'). \ '\).\{-}\%($\|'."\n".'\)' \ , "\n", 'g' ) " Now strip off the newline + blank space + contained let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '\%(^\|\n\)\@<=\s*\<\('. \ 'contained\)' \ , "", 'g' ) " There are a number of items which have non-word characters in " them, *'T_F1'*. vim.vim is one such file. " This will replace non-word characters with spaces. let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '[^0-9A-Za-z_ ]', ' ', 'g' ) else let syn_list = '' endif return syn_list endfunction