" netrwFileHandlers: contains various extension-based file handlers for " netrw's browsers' x command ("eXecute launcher") " Author: Charles E. Campbell " Date: Mar 14, 2012 " Version: 11a " Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Charles E. Campbell {{{1 " Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " netrwFileHandlers.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no " warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no " event will the copyright holder be liable for any damages " resulting from the use of this software. " " Rom 6:23 (WEB) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God {{{1 " is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Load Once: {{{1 if exists("g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers= "v11a" if v:version < 702 echohl WarningMsg echo "***warning*** this version of netrwFileHandlers needs vim 7.2" echohl Normal finish endif let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " netrwFileHandlers#Invoke: {{{1 fun! netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten,fname) " call Dfunc("netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten<".a:exten."> fname<".a:fname.">)") let fname= a:fname " list of supported special characters. Consider rcs,v --- that can be " supported with a NFH_rcsCOMMAv() handler if a:fname =~ '[@:,$!=\-+%?;~]' let specials= { \ '@' : 'AT', \ ':' : 'COLON', \ ',' : 'COMMA', \ '$' : 'DOLLAR', \ '!' : 'EXCLAMATION', \ '=' : 'EQUAL', \ '-' : 'MINUS', \ '+' : 'PLUS', \ '%' : 'PERCENT', \ '?' : 'QUESTION', \ ';' : 'SEMICOLON', \ '~' : 'TILDE'} let fname= substitute(a:fname,'[@:,$!=\-+%?;~]','\=specials[submatch(0)]','ge') " call Decho('fname<'.fname.'> done with dictionary') endif if a:exten != "" && exists("*NFH_".a:exten) " support user NFH_*() functions " call Decho("let ret= netrwFileHandlers#NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")') exe "let ret= NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")' elseif a:exten != "" && exists("*s:NFH_".a:exten) " use builtin-NFH_*() functions " call Decho("let ret= netrwFileHandlers#NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")') exe "let ret= s:NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")' endif " call Dret("netrwFileHandlers#Invoke 0 : ret=".ret) return 0 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_html: handles html when the user hits "x" when the {{{1 " cursor is atop a *.html file fun! s:NFH_html(pagefile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_html(".a:pagefile.")") let page= substitute(a:pagefile,'^','file://','') if executable("mozilla") " call Decho("executing !mozilla ".page) exe "!mozilla ".shellescape(page,1) elseif executable("netscape") " call Decho("executing !netscape ".page) exe "!netscape ".shellescape(page,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_html 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_html 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_htm: handles html when the user hits "x" when the {{{1 " cursor is atop a *.htm file fun! s:NFH_htm(pagefile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_htm(".a:pagefile.")") let page= substitute(a:pagefile,'^','file://','') if executable("mozilla") " call Decho("executing !mozilla ".page) exe "!mozilla ".shellescape(page,1) elseif executable("netscape") " call Decho("executing !netscape ".page) exe "!netscape ".shellescape(page,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_htm 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_htm 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_jpg: {{{1 fun! s:NFH_jpg(jpgfile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_jpg(jpgfile<".a:jpgfile.">)") if executable("gimp") exe "silent! !gimp -s ".shellescape(a:jpgfile,1) elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE") " call Decho("silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".escape(a:jpgfile," []|'")) exe "!".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".shellescape(a:jpgfile,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_jpg 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_jpg 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_gif: {{{1 fun! s:NFH_gif(giffile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_gif(giffile<".a:giffile.">)") if executable("gimp") exe "silent! !gimp -s ".shellescape(a:giffile,1) elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE") exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".shellescape(a:giffile,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_gif 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_gif 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_png: {{{1 fun! s:NFH_png(pngfile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_png(pngfile<".a:pngfile.">)") if executable("gimp") exe "silent! !gimp -s ".shellescape(a:pngfile,1) elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE") exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".shellescape(a:pngfile,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_png 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_png 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_pnm: {{{1 fun! s:NFH_pnm(pnmfile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_pnm(pnmfile<".a:pnmfile.">)") if executable("gimp") exe "silent! !gimp -s ".shellescape(a:pnmfile,1) elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE") exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".shellescape(a:pnmfile,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_pnm 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_pnm 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_bmp: visualize bmp files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_bmp(bmpfile) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_bmp(bmpfile<".a:bmpfile.">)") if executable("gimp") exe "silent! !gimp -s ".a:bmpfile elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE") exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".shellescape(a:bmpfile,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_bmp 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_bmp 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_pdf: visualize pdf files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_pdf(pdf) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_pdf(pdf<".a:pdf.">)") if executable("gs") exe 'silent! !gs '.shellescape(a:pdf,1) elseif executable("pdftotext") exe 'silent! pdftotext -nopgbrk '.shellescape(a:pdf,1) else " call Dret("s:NFH_pdf 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_pdf 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_doc: visualize doc files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_doc(doc) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_doc(doc<".a:doc.">)") if executable("oowriter") exe 'silent! !oowriter '.shellescape(a:doc,1) redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_doc 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_doc 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_sxw: visualize sxw files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_sxw(sxw) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_sxw(sxw<".a:sxw.">)") if executable("oowriter") exe 'silent! !oowriter '.shellescape(a:sxw,1) redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_sxw 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_sxw 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_xls: visualize xls files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_xls(xls) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_xls(xls<".a:xls.">)") if executable("oocalc") exe 'silent! !oocalc '.shellescape(a:xls,1) redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_xls 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_xls 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_ps: handles PostScript files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_ps(ps) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_ps(ps<".a:ps.">)") if executable("gs") " call Decho("exe silent! !gs ".a:ps) exe "silent! !gs ".shellescape(a:ps,1) redraw! elseif executable("ghostscript") " call Decho("exe silent! !ghostscript ".a:ps) exe "silent! !ghostscript ".shellescape(a:ps,1) redraw! elseif executable("gswin32") " call Decho("exe silent! !gswin32 ".shellescape(a:ps,1)) exe "silent! !gswin32 ".shellescape(a:ps,1) redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_ps 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_ps 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_eps: handles encapsulated PostScript files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_eps(eps) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_eps()") if executable("gs") exe "silent! !gs ".shellescape(a:eps,1) redraw! elseif executable("ghostscript") exe "silent! !ghostscript ".shellescape(a:eps,1) redraw! elseif executable("ghostscript") exe "silent! !ghostscript ".shellescape(a:eps,1) redraw! elseif executable("gswin32") exe "silent! !gswin32 ".shellescape(a:eps,1) redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_eps 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_eps 0") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_fig: handles xfig files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_fig(fig) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_fig()") if executable("xfig") exe "silent! !xfig ".a:fig redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_fig 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_fig 1") return 1 endfun " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " s:NFH_obj: handles tgif's obj files {{{1 fun! s:NFH_obj(obj) " call Dfunc("s:NFH_obj()") if has("unix") && executable("tgif") exe "silent! !tgif ".a:obj redraw! else " call Dret("s:NFH_obj 0") return 0 endif " call Dret("s:NFH_obj 1") return 1 endfun let &cpo= s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Modelines: {{{1 " vim: fdm=marker