# Contributing to Vim Patches are welcome in whatever form. Discussions about patches happen on the vim-dev maillist. If you create a pull request on GitHub it will be forwarded to the vim-dev maillist. You can also send your patch there directly. An attachment with a unified diff format is preferred. Information about the maillist can be found [on the Vim website]. [on the Vim website]: http://www.vim.org/maillist.php#vim-dev Please consider adding a test. Test coverage isn't very good yet, this needs to improve. Look through recent patches for examples. The tests are located under "src/testdir". # Reporting issues We use GitHub issues, but that is not a requirement. Writing to the Vim maillist is also fine. Please use the GitHub issues only for actual issues. If you are not 100% sure that your problem is a Vim issue, please first discuss this on the Vim user maillist. Try reproducing the problem without any plugins or settings: vim -N -u NONE If you report an issue, please describe exactly how to reproduce it. For example, don't say "insert some text" but say what you did exactly: "ahere is some text". Ideally, the steps you list can be used to write a test to verify the problem is fixed. Feel free to report even the smallest problem, also typos in the documentation. You can find known issues in the todo file: ":help todo". Or open [the todo file] on GitHub to see the latest version. [the todo file]: https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/runtime/doc/todo.txt