language: c env: global: - BUILD=yes TEST=test CONFOPT= LEAK_CFLAGS="-DEXITFREE" SHADOWOPT= SRCDIR=./src CHECK_AUTOCONF=no LOG_DIR="$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/logs" _anchors: envs: - &tiny-nogui FEATURES=tiny TEST=testtiny CONFOPT="--disable-gui" - &tiny FEATURES=tiny TEST=testtiny - &small FEATURES=small TEST=testtiny - &normal FEATURES=normal - &linux-huge FEATURES=huge TEST="scripttests test_libvterm" CONFOPT="--enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-python3interp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-luainterp --enable-tclinterp" - &osx-huge # macOS build FEATURES=huge CONFOPT="--enable-perlinterp --enable-python3interp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-luainterp --enable-tclinterp" - &unittests BUILD=no TEST=unittests FEATURES=huge CHECK_AUTOCONF=yes - &coverage CFLAGS="--coverage -DUSE_GCOV_FLUSH" LDFLAGS=--coverage - &asan # ASAN build SANITIZER_CFLAGS="-g -O1 -DABORT_ON_INTERNAL_ERROR -DEXITFREE -fsanitize-recover=all -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ASAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1 log_path=$LOG_DIR/asan" UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1 log_path=$LOG_DIR/ubsan" LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/src/testdir/lsan-suppress.txt" - &shadowopt SHADOWOPT="-C src/shadow" SRCDIR=./src/shadow linux: &linux os: linux dist: bionic addons: apt: packages: &apt-packages - autoconf - clang - lcov - gettext - libcanberra-dev - libperl-dev - python-dev - python3-dev - liblua5.3-dev - lua5.3 - ruby-dev - tcl-dev - cscope - libgtk2.0-dev - desktop-file-utils - libtool-bin services: - xvfb before_install: - rvm reset # Use llvm-cov instead of gcov when compiler is clang. - | if [[ "${CC}" = "clang" ]]; then ln -sf "$(command -v llvm-cov)" /home/travis/bin/gcov fi # Setup lua5.3 manually since its package doesn't provide alternative. # - | if [[ "${CONFOPT}" =~ luainterp ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/lua lua /usr/bin/lua5.3 10 fi before_script: - sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=0 # It appears we can load "snd-dummy" on only amd64. - | if [[ "${TRAVIS_CPU_ARCH}" = amd64 ]]; then sudo bash ci/ || true fi - sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER - do_test() { sg audio "sg $(id -gn) '$*'"; } osx: &osx os: osx before_script: - do_test() { "$@"; } homebrew: &osx-homebrew addons: homebrew: packages: - lua update: true cache: directories: - /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/ - /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/ before_install: - rvm reset # Lua is not installed on macOS - export LUA_PREFIX=/usr/local coverage: &eval-coverage # needed for https support for coveralls building cffi only works with gcc, # not with clang - CC=gcc pip install --user cpp-coveralls pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1 - ~/.local/bin/coveralls -b "${SRCDIR}" -x .xs -e "${SRCDIR}"/if_perl.c -e "${SRCDIR}"/xxd -e "${SRCDIR}"/libvterm --encodings utf-8 - (cd "${SRCDIR}" && bash <(curl -s asan_symbolize: &asan_symbolize # Update pyenv to fix the error "/opt/pyenv/libexec/pyenv: line 43: cd: asan_symbolize-6.0: Not a directory". # - (cd "${PYENV_ROOT}" && git fetch -p origin && git checkout "$(git rev-list --tags -n1)") &>/dev/null || true - for f in $(grep -l '#[[:digit:]]* *0x[[:digit:]a-fA-F]*' "$LOG_DIR"/*); do asan_symbolize-11 -l "$f"; done branches: except: - /^v[0-9]/ script: - mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" - NPROC=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) - set -o errexit - echo -e "\\033[33;1mConfiguring Vim\\033[0m" && echo -en "travis_fold:start:configure\\r\\033[0K" - | if [[ "${CHECK_AUTOCONF}" = "yes" ]] && [[ "${CC}" = "gcc" ]]; then make -C src autoconf fi - | if [[ -n "${SHADOWOPT}" ]]; then make -C src shadow fi # "./configure" changes its working directory into "$SRCDIR". - ./configure --with-features=${FEATURES} ${CONFOPT} --enable-fail-if-missing - echo -en "travis_fold:end:configure\\r\\033[0K" - echo -e "\\033[33;1mBuilding Vim\\033[0m" && echo -en "travis_fold:start:build\\r\\033[0K" - | if [[ "${BUILD}" = "yes" ]]; then # Append various warning flags to CFLAGS. # BSD sed needs backup extension specified. sed -i.bak -f ci/ ${SRCDIR}/auto/ if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]] || [[ "${CC}" = "clang-11" ]]; then # On macOS, the entity of gcc is clang. sed -i.bak -f ci/ ${SRCDIR}/auto/ else sed -i.bak -f ci/${CC}.sed ${SRCDIR}/auto/ fi make ${SHADOWOPT} -j${NPROC} fi - echo -en "travis_fold:end:build\\r\\033[0K" - set +o errexit # Show Vim version and also if_xx versions. - | if [[ "${BUILD}" = "yes" ]]; then "${SRCDIR}"/vim --version "${SRCDIR}"/vim -u NONE -i NONE --not-a-term -esNX -V1 -S ci/if_ver-1.vim -c quit "${SRCDIR}"/vim -u NONE -i NONE --not-a-term -esNX -V1 -S ci/if_ver-2.vim -c quit fi - echo -e "\\033[33;1mTesting Vim\\033[0m" && echo -en "travis_fold:start:test\\r\\033[0K" - do_test make ${SHADOWOPT} ${TEST} && FOLD_MARKER=travis_fold - echo -en "${FOLD_MARKER}:end:test\\r\\033[0K" - | # Not all sanitizers will cause the tests to fail. This helps since we can # see all the failures instead of just the first one, but we still want the # test phase to fail if any sanitizer issues are detected. if [[ -n "${ASAN_OPTIONS}" ]]; then if grep -q '#[[:digit:]]* *0x[[:digit:]a-fA-F]*' "$LOG_DIR"/*; then false fi fi # Instead of using all environments with both compilers on both systems, # exclude some builds on mac os x and linux. # On mac os x "tiny" is always without GUI, use 2 compilers in 2 environments. # Linux: 2 compilers on some of the environments + gcc on os390 jobs: include: - <<: *osx name: tiny-nogui/clang compiler: clang env: *tiny-nogui - <<: *osx name: tiny-nogui/gcc compiler: gcc env: *tiny-nogui - <<: *osx <<: *osx-homebrew name: huge/clang compiler: clang env: *osx-huge - <<: *osx <<: *osx-homebrew name: huge/gcc compiler: gcc env: *osx-huge - <<: *linux name: tiny-nogui/clang compiler: clang env: *tiny-nogui - <<: *linux name: tiny-nogui/gcc compiler: gcc env: *tiny-nogui - <<: *linux name: tiny/clang compiler: clang env: *tiny - <<: *linux name: tiny/gcc compiler: gcc env: *tiny - <<: *linux name: small/gcc compiler: gcc env: *small - <<: *linux name: normal+shadow/clang compiler: clang env: - *normal - *shadowopt - <<: *linux name: normal+shadow/gcc compiler: gcc env: - *normal - *shadowopt - <<: *linux arch: s390x name: huge/gcc-s390x compiler: gcc env: *linux-huge services: [] - <<: *linux arch: arm64 name: huge/gcc-arm64 compiler: gcc env: *linux-huge services: [] - <<: *linux name: huge+coverage/clang compiler: clang env: - *linux-huge - *coverage # Clang cannot compile test_libvterm with "--coverage" flag. - TEST=scripttests after_success: *eval-coverage - <<: *linux name: huge+coverage/gcc compiler: gcc env: - *linux-huge - *coverage after_success: *eval-coverage - <<: *linux # ASAN name: huge+asan/clang compiler: clang-11 addons: apt: sources: - sourceline: 'deb llvm-toolchain-bionic-11 main' key_url: '' packages: - *apt-packages - clang-11 env: - *linux-huge - *asan after_failure: *asan_symbolize - <<: *linux name: huge-testgui+coverage/gcc compiler: gcc env: - *linux-huge - *coverage - TEST="-C src testgui" after_success: *eval-coverage - <<: *linux name: unittests+coverage/gcc compiler: gcc env: - *unittests - *coverage after_success: *eval-coverage - <<: *linux name: vimtags/gcc compiler: gcc env: - *normal - TEST="-C runtime/doc vimtags VIMEXE=../../${SRCDIR}/vim" # vim:set sts=2 sw=2 tw=0 et: