path: root/src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.vim
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1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.vim b/src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..807b6ad31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+" Test for linebreak and list option in utf-8 mode
+set encoding=utf-8
+scriptencoding utf-8
+if !exists("+linebreak") || !has("conceal") || !has("signs")
+ finish
+source view_util.vim
+function s:screen_lines(lnum, width) abort
+ return ScreenLines(a:lnum, a:width)
+function! s:compare_lines(expect, actual)
+ call assert_equal(a:expect, a:actual)
+function s:screen_attr(lnum, chars, ...) abort
+ let line = getline(a:lnum)
+ let attr = []
+ let prefix = get(a:000, 0, 0)
+ for i in range(a:chars[0], a:chars[1])
+ let scol = strdisplaywidth(strcharpart(line, 0, i-1)) + 1
+ let attr += [screenattr(a:lnum, scol + prefix)]
+ endfor
+ return attr
+function s:test_windows(...)
+ call NewWindow(10, 20)
+ setl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 linebreak sbr=+ wrap
+ exe get(a:000, 0, '')
+function s:close_windows(...)
+ call CloseWindow()
+ exe get(a:000, 0, '')
+func Test_linebreak_with_fancy_listchars()
+ call s:test_windows("setl list listchars=nbsp:\u2423,tab:\u2595\u2014,trail:\u02d1,eol:\ub6")
+ call setline(1, "\tabcdef hijklmn\tpqrstuvwxyz\u00a01060ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP ")
+ redraw!
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "▕———abcdef ",
+\ "+hijklmn▕——— ",
+\ "+pqrstuvwxyz␣1060ABC",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_nolinebreak_with_list()
+ call s:test_windows("setl nolinebreak list listchars=nbsp:\u2423,tab:\u2595\u2014,trail:\u02d1,eol:\ub6")
+ call setline(1, "\tabcdef hijklmn\tpqrstuvwxyz\u00a01060ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP ")
+ redraw!
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "▕———abcdef hijklmn▕—",
+\ "+pqrstuvwxyz␣1060ABC",
+\ "~ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_linebreak_with_nolist()
+ call s:test_windows('setl nolist')
+ call setline(1, "\t*mask = nil;")
+ redraw!
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ " *mask = nil; ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_list_and_concealing1()
+ call s:test_windows('setl list listchars=tab:>- cole=1')
+ call setline(1, [
+\ "#define ABCDE\t\t1",
+\ "#define ABCDEF\t\t1",
+\ "#define ABCDEFG\t\t1",
+\ "#define ABCDEFGH\t1",
+\ "#define MSG_MODE_FILE\t\t\t1",
+\ "#define MSG_MODE_CONSOLE\t\t2",
+\ "#define MSG_MODE_FILE_AND_CONSOLE\t3",
+\ ])
+ vert resize 40
+ syn match Conceal conceal cchar=>'AB\|MSG_MODE'
+ redraw!
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 7], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "#define ABCDE>-->---1 ",
+\ "#define >CDEF>-->---1 ",
+\ "#define >CDEFG>->---1 ",
+\ "#define >CDEFGH>----1 ",
+\ "#define >_FILE>--------->--->---1 ",
+\ "#define >_CONSOLE>---------->---2 ",
+\ "#define >_FILE_AND_CONSOLE>---------3 ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_list_and_concealing2()
+ call s:test_windows('setl nowrap ts=2 list listchars=tab:>- cole=2 concealcursor=n')
+ call setline(1, "bbeeeeee\t\t;\tsome text")
+ vert resize 40
+ syn clear
+ syn match meaning /;\s*\zs.*/
+ syn match hasword /^\x\{8}/ contains=word
+ syn match word /\<\x\{8}\>/ contains=beginword,endword contained
+ syn match beginword /\<\x\x/ contained conceal
+ syn match endword /\x\{6}\>/ contained
+ hi meaning guibg=blue
+ hi beginword guibg=green
+ hi endword guibg=red
+ redraw!
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 1], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "eeeeee>--->-;>some text ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_screenattr_for_comment()
+ call s:test_windows("setl ft=c ts=7 list listchars=nbsp:\u2423,tab:\u2595\u2014,trail:\u02d1,eol:\ub6")
+ call setline(1, " /*\t\t and some more */")
+ norm! gg0
+ syntax on
+ hi SpecialKey term=underline ctermfg=red guifg=red
+ redraw!
+ let line = getline(1)
+ let attr = s:screen_attr(1, [1, 6])
+ call assert_notequal(attr[0], attr[1])
+ call assert_notequal(attr[1], attr[3])
+ call assert_notequal(attr[3], attr[5])
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_visual_block_and_selection_exclusive()
+ call s:test_windows('setl selection=exclusive')
+ call setline(1, "long line: " . repeat("foobar ", 40) . "TARGETÃ' at end")
+ exe "norm! $3B\<C-v>eAx\<Esc>"
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 10], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar foobar ",
+\ "+foobar TARGETÃx' ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_multibyte_sign_and_colorcolumn()
+ call s:test_windows("setl nolinebreak cc=3 list listchars=nbsp:\u2423,tab:\u2595\u2014,trail:\u02d1,eol:\ub6")
+ call setline(1, ["", "a b c", "a b c"])
+ exe "sign define foo text=\uff0b"
+ exe "sign place 1 name=foo line=2 buffer=" . bufnr('%')
+ redraw!
+ norm! ggj0
+ let signwidth = strdisplaywidth("\uff0b")
+ let attr1 = s:screen_attr(2, [1, 3], signwidth)
+ let attr2 = s:screen_attr(3, [1, 3], signwidth)
+ call assert_equal(attr1[0], attr2[0])
+ call assert_equal(attr1[1], attr2[1])
+ call assert_equal(attr1[2], attr2[2])
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 3], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ " ¶ ",
+\ "+a b c¶ ",
+\ " a b c¶ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()