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diff --git a/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt b/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt
index 65148224c..718a229eb 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*if_lua.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2010 Jul 22
+*if_lua.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Jan 16
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ The Lua Interface to Vim *lua* *Lua*
1. Commands |lua-commands|
2. The vim module |lua-vim|
-3. Buffer userdata |lua-buffer|
-4. Window userdata |lua-window|
+3. List userdata |lua-list|
+4. Dict userdata |lua-dict|
+5. Buffer userdata |lua-buffer|
+6. Window userdata |lua-window|
+7. The luaeval function |lua-luaeval|
{Vi does not have any of these commands}
@@ -88,11 +91,9 @@ Examples:
All these commands execute a Lua chunk from either the command line (:lua and
:luado) or a file (:luafile) with the given line [range]. Similarly to the Lua
interpreter, each chunk has its own scope and so only global variables are
-shared between command calls. Lua default libraries "table", "string", "math",
-and "package" are available, "io" and "debug" are not, and "os" is restricted
-to functions "date", "clock", "time", "difftime", and "getenv". In addition,
-Lua "print" function has its output redirected to the Vim message area, with
-arguments separated by a white space instead of a tab.
+shared between command calls. All Lua default libraries are available. In
+addition, Lua "print" function has its output redirected to the Vim message
+area, with arguments separated by a white space instead of a tab.
Lua uses the "vim" module (see |lua-vim|) to issue commands to Vim
and manage buffers (|lua-buffer|) and windows (|lua-window|). However,
@@ -108,9 +109,9 @@ input range are stored in "vim.firstline" and "vim.lastline" respectively. The
module also includes routines for buffer, window, and current line queries,
Vim evaluation and command execution, and others.
- vim.isbuffer(value) Returns 'true' (boolean, not string) if
- "value" is a buffer userdata and 'false'
- otherwise (see |lua-buffer|).
+ vim.list() Returns an empty list (see |List|).
+ vim.dict() Returns an empty dictionary (see |Dictionary|).
vim.buffer([arg]) If "arg" is a number, returns buffer with
number "arg" in the buffer list or, if "arg"
@@ -121,16 +122,21 @@ Vim evaluation and command execution, and others.
'true' returns the first buffer in the buffer
list or else the current buffer.
- vim.iswindow(value) Returns 'true' (boolean, not string) if
- "value" is a window userdata and
- 'false' otherwise (see |lua-window|).
vim.window([arg]) If "arg" is a number, returns window with
number "arg" or 'nil' (nil value, not string)
if not found. Otherwise, if "toboolean(arg)"
is 'true' returns the first window or else the
current window.
+ vim.type({arg}) Returns the type of {arg}. It is equivalent to
+ Lua's "type" function, but returns "list",
+ "dict", "buffer", or "window" if {arg} is a
+ list, dictionary, buffer, or window,
+ respectively. Examples: >
+ :lua l = vim.list()
+ :lua print(type(l), vim.type(l))
+ :" userdata list
vim.command({cmd}) Executes the vim (ex-mode) command {cmd}.
Examples: >
:lua vim.command"set tw=60"
@@ -141,7 +147,7 @@ Vim evaluation and command execution, and others.
Vim strings and numbers are directly converted
to Lua strings and numbers respectively. Vim
lists and dictionaries are converted to Lua
- tables (lists become integer-keyed tables).
+ userdata (see |lua-list| and |lua-dict|).
Examples: >
:lua tw = vim.eval"&tw"
:lua print(vim.eval"{'a': 'one'}".a)
@@ -157,7 +163,72 @@ Vim evaluation and command execution, and others.
-3. Buffer userdata *lua-buffer*
+3. List userdata *lua-list*
+List userdata represent vim lists, and the interface tries to follow closely
+Vim's syntax for lists. Since lists are objects, changes in list references in
+Lua are reflected in Vim and vice-versa. A list "l" has the following
+properties and methods:
+ o "#l" is the number of items in list "l", equivalent to "len(l)"
+ in Vim.
+ o "l[k]" returns the k-th item in "l"; "l" is zero-indexed, as in Vim.
+ To modify the k-th item, simply do "l[k] = newitem"; in
+ particular, "l[k] = nil" removes the k-th item from "l".
+ o "l()" returns an iterator for "l".
+ o "l:add(item)" appends "item" to the end of "l".
+ o "l:insert(item[, pos])" inserts "item" at (optional)
+ position "pos" in the list. The default value for "pos" is 0.
+ :let l = [1, 'item']
+ :lua l = vim.eval('l') -- same 'l'
+ :lua l:add(vim.list())
+ :lua l[0] = math.pi
+ :echo l[0] " 3.141593
+ :lua l[0] = nil -- remove first item
+ :lua l:insert(true, 1)
+ :lua print(l, #l, l[0], l[1], l[-1])
+ :lua for item in l() do print(item) end
+4. Dict userdata *lua-dict*
+Similarly to list userdata, dict userdata represent vim dictionaries; since
+dictionaries are also objects, references are kept between Lua and Vim. A dict
+"d" has the following properties:
+ o "#d" is the number of items in dict "d", equivalent to "len(d)"
+ in Vim.
+ o "d.key" or "d['key']" returns the value at entry "key" in "d".
+ To modify the entry at this key, simply do "d.key = newvalue"; in
+ particular, "d.key = nil" removes the entry from "d".
+ o "d()" returns an iterator for "d" and is equivalent to "items(d)" in
+ Vim.
+ :let d = {'n':10}
+ :lua d = vim.eval('d') -- same 'd'
+ :lua print(d, d.n, #d)
+ :let d.self = d
+ :lua for k, v in d() do print(d, k, v) end
+ :lua d.x = math.pi
+ :lua d.self = nil -- remove entry
+ :echo d
+5. Buffer userdata *lua-buffer*
Buffer userdata represent vim buffers. A buffer userdata "b" has the following
properties and methods:
@@ -209,7 +280,7 @@ Examples:
-4. Window userdata *lua-window*
+6. Window userdata *lua-window*
Window objects represent vim windows. A window userdata "w" has the following
properties and methods:
@@ -241,4 +312,29 @@ Examples:
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
+7. The luaeval function *lua-luaeval*
+The (dual) equivalent of "vim.eval" for passing Lua values to Vim is
+"luaeval". "luaeval" takes an expression string and an optional argument and
+returns the result of the expression. It is semantically equivalent in Lua to:
+ local chunkheader = "local _A = select(1, ...) return "
+ function luaeval (expstr, arg)
+ local chunk = assert(loadstring(chunkheader .. expstr, "luaeval"))
+ return chunk(arg) -- return typval
+ end
+Note that "_A" receives the argument to "luaeval". Examples: >
+ :echo luaeval('math.pi')
+ :lua a = vim.list():add('newlist')
+ :let a = luaeval('a')
+ :echo a[0] " 'newlist'
+ :function Rand(x,y) " random uniform between x and y
+ : return luaeval('(_A.y-_A.x)*math.random()+_A.x', {'x':a:x,'y':a:y})
+ : endfunction
+ :echo Rand(1,10)
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: