path: root/runtime/syntax/lua.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/lua.vim')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/lua.vim b/runtime/syntax/lua.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bcda6202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/lua.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Lua 4.0 and Lua 5.0
+" Maintainer: Marcus Aurelius Farias <>
+" First Author: Carlos Augusto Teixeira Mendes <>
+" Last Change: 2003 May 04
+" Options: lua_version = 4 or 5 [default]
+" Still has some syncing problems (long [[strings]])...
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+if !exists("lua_version")
+ let lua_version = 5
+syn case match
+" Comments
+syn keyword luaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
+syn match luaComment "--.*$" contains=luaTodo
+if lua_version > 4
+ syn region luaComment matchgroup=luaComment start="--\[\[" end="\]\]" contains=luaTodo,luaInnerComment
+ syn region luaInnerComment contained transparent start="\[\[" end="\]\]"
+" First line may start with #!
+syn match luaComment "\%^#!.*"
+" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis and wrong curly brackets or
+" keywords placed outside their respective blocks
+syn region luaParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,luaError,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaCondStart,luaBlock,luaRepeatBlock,luaRepeat,luaStatement
+syn match luaError ")"
+syn match luaError "}"
+syn match luaError "\<\(end\|else\|elseif\|then\|until\|in\)\>"
+" Function declaration
+syn region luaFunctionBlock transparent matchgroup=luaFunction start="\<function\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaRepeat
+" if then else elseif end
+syn keyword luaCond contained else
+" then ... end
+syn region luaCondEnd contained transparent matchgroup=luaCond start="\<then\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaRepeat
+" elseif ... then
+syn region luaCondElseif contained transparent matchgroup=luaCond start="\<elseif\>" end="\<then\>" contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaRepeat
+" if ... then
+syn region luaCondStart transparent matchgroup=luaCond start="\<if\>" end="\<then\>"me=e-4 contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaRepeat nextgroup=luaCondEnd skipwhite skipempty
+" do ... end
+syn region luaBlock transparent matchgroup=luaStatement start="\<do\>" end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaRepeat
+" repeat ... until
+syn region luaRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=luaRepeat start="\<repeat\>" end="\<until\>" contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaRepeat
+" while ... do
+syn region luaRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=luaRepeat start="\<while\>" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaRepeat nextgroup=luaBlock skipwhite skipempty
+" for ... do and for ... in ... do
+syn region luaRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=luaRepeat start="\<for\>" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd nextgroup=luaBlock skipwhite skipempty
+" Following 'else' example. This is another item to those
+" contains=ALLBUT,... because only the 'for' luaRepeatBlock contains it.
+syn keyword luaRepeat contained in
+" other keywords
+syn keyword luaStatement return local break
+syn keyword luaOperator and or not
+syn keyword luaConstant nil
+if lua_version > 4
+ syn keyword luaConstant true false
+" Pre processor doesn't exist since Lua 4.0
+" syn match luaPreProc "^\s*$\(debug\|nodebug\|if\|ifnot\|end\|else\|endinput\)\>"
+" Strings
+syn match luaSpecial contained "\\[\\abfnrtv\'\"[\]]\|\\\d\{,3}"
+syn region luaString start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=luaSpecial
+syn region luaString start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=luaSpecial
+" Nested strings
+syn region luaString2 matchgroup=luaString start=+\[\[+ end=+\]\]+ contains=luaString2
+" integer number
+syn match luaNumber "\<[0-9]\+\>"
+" floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+syn match luaFloat "\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]*\(e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>"
+" floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
+syn match luaFloat "\.[0-9]\+\(e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>"
+" floating point number, without dot, with exponent
+syn match luaFloat "\<[0-9]\+e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\>"
+" tables
+syn region luaTableBlock transparent matchgroup=luaTable start="{" end="}" contains=ALLBUT,luaTodo,luaSpecial,luaCond,luaCondElseif,luaCondEnd,luaCondStart,luaBlock,luaRepeatBlock,luaRepeat,luaStatement
+syn keyword luaFunc assert collectgarbage dofile error gcinfo next
+syn keyword luaFunc print rawget rawset tonumber tostring type _VERSION
+if lua_version == 4
+ syn keyword luaFunc _ALERT _ERRORMESSAGE
+ syn keyword luaFunc call copytagmethods dostring
+ syn keyword luaFunc foreach foreachi getglobal getn
+ syn keyword luaFunc gettagmethod globals newtag
+ syn keyword luaFunc setglobal settag settagmethod sort
+ syn keyword luaFunc tag tinsert tremove
+ syn keyword luaFunc _INPUT _OUTPUT _STDIN _STDOUT _STDERR
+ syn keyword luaFunc openfile closefile flush seek
+ syn keyword luaFunc setlocale execute remove rename tmpname
+ syn keyword luaFunc getenv date clock exit
+ syn keyword luaFunc readfrom writeto appendto read write
+ syn keyword luaFunc PI abs sin cos tan asin
+ syn keyword luaFunc acos atan atan2 ceil floor
+ syn keyword luaFunc mod frexp ldexp sqrt min max log
+ syn keyword luaFunc log10 exp deg rad random
+ syn keyword luaFunc randomseed strlen strsub strlower strupper
+ syn keyword luaFunc strchar strrep ascii strbyte
+ syn keyword luaFunc format strfind gsub
+ syn keyword luaFunc getinfo getlocal setlocal setcallhook setlinehook
+ syn keyword luaFunc _G getfenv getmetatable ipairs loadfile
+ syn keyword luaFunc loadlib loadstring pairs pcall rawequal
+ syn keyword luaFunc require setfenv setmetatable unpack xpcall
+ syn keyword luaFunc LUA_PATH _LOADED _REQUIREDNAME
+" Not sure if all these functions need to be highlighted...
+ syn match luaFunc /coroutine\.create/
+ syn match luaFunc /coroutine\.resume/
+ syn match luaFunc /coroutine\.status/
+ syn match luaFunc /coroutine\.wrap/
+ syn match luaFunc /coroutine\.yield/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.byte/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.char/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.dump/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.find/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.len/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.lower/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.rep/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.sub/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.upper/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.format/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.gfind/
+ syn match luaFunc /string\.gsub/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.concat/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.foreach/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.foreachi/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.getn/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.sort/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.insert/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.remove/
+ syn match luaFunc /table\.setn/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.abs/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.acos/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.asin/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.atan/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.atan2/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.ceil/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.cos/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.deg/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.exp/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.floor/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.log/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.log10/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.max/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.min/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.mod/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.pow/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.rad/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.sin/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.sqrt/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.tan/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.frexp/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.ldexp/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.random/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.randomseed/
+ syn match luaFunc /math\.pi/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.stdin/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.stdout/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.stderr/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.close/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.flush/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.input/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.lines/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.open/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.output/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.popen/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.read/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.tmpfile/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.type/
+ syn match luaFunc /io\.write/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.clock/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.date/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.difftime/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.execute/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.exit/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.getenv/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.remove/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.rename/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.setlocale/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.time/
+ syn match luaFunc /os\.tmpname/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.debug/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.gethook/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.getinfo/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.getlocal/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.getupvalue/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.setlocal/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.setupvalue/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.sethook/
+ syn match luaFunc /debug\.traceback/
+"syncing method
+syn sync minlines=100
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lua_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_lua_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink luaStatement Statement
+ HiLink luaRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink luaString String
+ HiLink luaString2 String
+ HiLink luaNumber Number
+ HiLink luaFloat Float
+ HiLink luaOperator Operator
+ HiLink luaConstant Constant
+ HiLink luaCond Conditional
+ HiLink luaFunction Function
+ HiLink luaComment Comment
+ HiLink luaTodo Todo
+ HiLink luaTable Structure
+ HiLink luaError Error
+ HiLink luaSpecial SpecialChar
+ " HiLink luaPreProc PreProc
+ HiLink luaFunc Identifier
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "lua"
+" vim: noet ts=8