/* * libgvc.vapi * * Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Olsson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Martin Olsson */ [CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "", cheader_filename = "graphviz/gvc.h")] namespace Gvc { [CCode (cname = "aginitlib", cheader_filename="gvc.h")] public void initlib ( size_t graphinfo, size_t nodeinfo, size_t edgeinfo); [CCode (cname = "aginit")] #if WITH_CGRAPH public void init (Graph g, int kind, char[] rec_name, bool move_to_front); #else public void init (); #endif #if WITH_CGRAPH [SimpleType] [CCode (cname = "Agdesc_t")] public struct Desc { } public Desc Agdirected; // Desc.DIRECTED | Desc.MAINGRAPH; public Desc Agstrictdirected; // Desc.DIRECTED | Desc.STRICT | Desc.MAINGRAPH; public Desc Agundirected; // Desc.MAINGRAPH; public Desc Agstrictundirected; // Desc.STRICT | Desc.MAINGRAPH; #else [CCode (cprefix = "", has_type_id = false)] public enum GraphKind { AGRAPH, AGRAPHSTRICT, AGDIGRAPH, AGDIGRAPHSTRICT, AGMETAGRAPH, } #endif [CCode (cname = "agerrlevel_t", cheader_filename = "gvc.h", cprefix = "", has_type_id = false)] public enum ErrorLevel { AGWARN, AGERR, AGMAX, AGPREV } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "GVC_t", free_function = "gvFreeContext")] public class Context { [CCode (cname = "gvContext")] public Context (); [CCode (cname = "gvParseArgs")] public int parse_args ( [CCode (array_length_pos = 0.9)] string[] argv ); [CCode (cname = "gvLayout")] public int layout (Graph graph, [CCode (type = "char*")] string layout_engine); [CCode (cname = "gvFreeLayout")] public int free_layout (Graph graph); [CCode (cname = "gvRender")] public int render (Graph graph, [CCode (type = "char*")] string file_type, GLib.FileStream? file); [CCode (cname = "gvRenderFilename")] public int render_filename (Graph graph, [CCode (type = "char*")] string file_type, [CCode (type = "char*")] string filename); [CCode (cname = "gvLayoutJobs")] public int layout_jobs (Graph graph); [CCode (cname = "gvRenderJobs")] public int render_jobs (Graph graph); [CCode (cname = "gvRenderData")] public int render_data (Graph graph, [CCode (type = "char*")] string file_type, [CCode (array_length_type = "unsigned int", type = "char**")] out uint8[] output_data); } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "Agnode_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "", free_function = "")] public class Node { [CCode (cname = "agnameof")] public unowned string name (); [CCode (cname = "agget")] public unowned string? get ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name); [CCode (cname = "agset")] public int set ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name, [CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_value); [CCode (cname = "agsafeset")] public void safe_set ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name, [CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_value, [CCode (type = "char*")] string? default_value); } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "Agedge_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "", free_function = "")] public class Edge { [CCode (cname = "agget")] public unowned string? get ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name); [CCode (cname = "agset")] public int set ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name, [CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_value); [CCode (cname = "agsafeset")] public int safe_set ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name, [CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_value, [CCode (type = "char*")] string? default_value); } [Compact] [CCode (cname = "Agraph_t", free_function = "agclose")] public class Graph { [CCode (cname = "agopen")] #if WITH_CGRAPH public Graph ([CCode (type = "char*")] string graph_name, Desc desc, int disc = 0); #else public Graph ([CCode (type = "char*")] string graph_name, GraphKind kind); #endif [CCode (cname = "agread")] public static Graph read (GLib.FileStream file); [CCode (cname = "agmemread")] public static Graph read_string (string str); [CCode (cname = "agnode")] #if WITH_CGRAPH public unowned Node create_node ([CCode (type = "char*")] string node_name, int createflag = 1); #else public unowned Node create_node ([CCode (type = "char*")] string node_name); #endif [CCode (cname = "agedge")] #if WITH_CGRAPH public unowned Edge create_edge (Node from, Node to, string? name = null, int createflag = 1); #else public unowned Edge create_edge (Node from, Node to); #endif [CCode (cname = "agfindedge")] public unowned Edge? find_edge (Node from, Node tO); [CCode (cname = "agsubg")] #if WITH_CGRAPH public unowned Graph create_subgraph ([CCode (type = "char*")] string? name, int createflag = 1); #else public unowned Graph create_subgraph ([CCode (type = "char*")] string? name); #endif [CCode (cname = "agfindsubg")] public unowned Graph? find_subgraph ([CCode (type = "char*")] string name); [CCode (cname = "agidsubg")] #if WITH_CGRAPH public unowned Graph create_subgraph_id (ulong id, int createflag = 1); #else public unowned Graph create_subgraph_id (ulong id); #endif [CCode (cname = "agfstsubg")] public unowned Graph? get_first_subgraph (); [CCode (cname = "agnxtsubg")] public unowned Graph? get_next_subgraph (); [CCode (cname = "agparent")] public unowned Graph? get_parent_graph (); [CCode (cname = "agdelsubg")] public int delete_subgraph (Graph subgraph); [CCode (cname = "agfindnode")] public unowned Node? find_node ([CCode (type = "char*")] string node_name); [CCode (cname = "agfstnode")] public unowned Node? get_first_node (); [CCode (cname = "agnxtnode")] public unowned Node? get_next_node (Node node); [CCode (cname = "agget")] public unowned string? get ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name); [CCode (cname = "agset")] public int set ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name, [CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_value); [CCode (cname = "agsafeset")] public int safe_set ([CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_name, [CCode (type = "char*")] string attribute_value, [CCode (type = "char*")] string? default_value); [CCode (cname = "AG_IS_DIRECTED")] public bool is_directed (); [CCode (cname = "AG_IS_STRICT")] public bool is_strict (); } [CCode (cname = "char", copy_function = "agdupstr_html", free_function = "agstrfree")] public class HtmlString : string { [CCode (cname = "agstrdup_html")] public HtmlString (string markup); } [CCode(cprefix = "ag")] namespace Error { [CCode (cname = "agerrno")] public static ErrorLevel errno; [CCode (cname = "agerr")] [PrintfFormat] public static int error (ErrorLevel level, string fmt, ...); [CCode (cname = "agerrors")] public static int errors (); [CCode (cname = "agseterr")] public static void set_error (ErrorLevel err); [CCode (cname = "aglasterr")] public static string? last_error (); [CCode (cname = "agerrorf")] [PrintfFormat] public static void errorf (string format, ...); [CCode (cname = "agwarningf")] [PrintfFormat] void warningf (string fmt, ...); } }