/* libesmtp.vapi * * Copyright (C) 2010 Adrien Bustany * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, if you use inline functions from this file, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU Lesser General Public License. * * Author: * Adrien Bustany */ [CCode (cheader_filename="libesmtp.h")] namespace Smtp { [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="smtp_session_t", free_function="smtp_destroy_session", has_type_id = false)] public struct Session { [CCode (cname="smtp_create_session")] public Session (); [CCode (cname="smtp_add_message")] public Smtp.Message add_message (); [CCode (cname="smtp_enumerate_messages")] public int enumerate_message (EnumerateMessageCb cb); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_server")] public int set_server (string hostport); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_hostname")] public int set_hostname (string hostname); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_eventcb")] public int set_eventcb (EventCb cb); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_monitorcb", instance_pos="1.5")] public int set_monitorcb (MonitorCb cb, int headers); [CCode (cname="smtp_start_session")] public int start_session (); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_application_data")] public void* set_application_data (void *data); [CCode (cname="smtp_get_application_data")] public void* get_application_data (); [CCode (cname="smtp_option_require_all_recipients")] public int option_require_all_recipients (int state); [CCode (cname="smtp_auth_set_context")] public int auth_set_context (Smtp.AuthContext context); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_timeout")] public long set_timeout (int which, long value); /* Will be enabled if there are SSL bindings [CCode (cname="smtp_starttls_set_ctx")] public int starttls_set_ctx (SSL.Ctx ctx); */ [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_add_node")] public EtrnNode etrn_add_node (int option, string node); [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_enumerate_nodes")] public int etrn_enumerate_nodes (EtrnEnumerateNodeCb cb); } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="smtp_message_t", free_function="g_free", has_type_id = false)] public struct Message { [CCode (cname="smtp_set_reverse_path")] public int set_reverse_path (string mailbox); [CCode (cname="smtp_add_recipient")] public Smtp.Recipient add_recipient (string mailbox); [CCode (cname="smtp_enumerate_recipients")] public int enumerate_recipients (EnumerateRecipientCb cb); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_header", sentinel="")] public int set_header (string header, ...); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_header_option")] public int set_header_option (string header, Smtp.HeaderOption option, ...); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_resent_headers")] public int set_resent_headers (int onoff); [CCode (cname="smtp_set_messagecb")] public int set_messagecb (MessageCb cb); [CCode (cname="smtp_message_transfer_status")] public Smtp.Status transfer_status (); [CCode (cname="smtp_reverse_path_status")] public Smtp.Status reverse_path_status (); [CCode (cname="smtp_message_reset_status")] public static int reset_status (Smtp.Recipient recipient); [CCode (cname="smtp_dsn_set_ret")] public int dsn_set_ret (Smtp.RetFlags flags); [CCode (cname="smtp_dsn_set_envid")] public int dsn_set_envid (string envid); [CCode (cname="smtp_dsn_set_notify")] public int dsn_set_notify (NotifyFlags flags); [CCode (cname="smtp_dsn_set_orcpt")] public int dsn_set_orcpt (string address_type, string address); [CCode (cname="smtp_size_set_estimate")] public int smtp_size_set_estimate (ulong size); [CCode (cname="smtp_8bitmime_set_body")] public int @8bitmime_set_body (E8BitMimeBody body); [CCode (cname="smtp_deliverby_set_mode")] public int deliverby_set_mode (long time, ByMode mode, int trace); [CCode (cname="smtp_starttls_enable")] public int starttls_enable (StartTlsOption how); } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="smtp_session_t", free_function="g_free", has_type_id = false)] public struct Recipient { [CCode (cname="smtp_recipient_check_complete")] public int check_complete (); [CCode (cname="smtp_recipient_reset_status")] public int reset_status (); [CCode (cname="smtp_recipient_set_application_data")] public void set_application_data (void *data); [CCode (cname="smtp_recipient_get_application_data")] public void get_application_data (); } [CCode (cname="smtp_status_t", has_type_id = false)] public struct Status { int code; string text; int enh_struct; int enh_subject; int enh_detail; } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_node_t", has_type_id = false)] public struct EtrnNode { [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_node_status")] public Smtp.Status node_status (); [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_set_application_data")] public void* set_application_data (void *data); [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_get_application_data")] public void* get_application_data (); } [SimpleType] [CCode (cname="auth_context_t", cheader_filename="auth-client.h", free_function="auth_destroy_context", has_type_id = false)] public struct AuthContext { [CCode (cname="auth_set_mechanism_flags")] public int set_mechanism_flags (uint @set, uint clear); [CCode (cname="auth_set_mechanism_ssf")] public int set_mechanism_ssf (int min_ssf); [CCode (cname="auth_set_interact_cb")] public int set_interact_cb (AuthInteract interact); [CCode (cname="auth_client_enabled")] public int client_enabled (); [CCode (cname="auth_set_mechanism")] public int set_mechanism (string name); [CCode (cname="auth_mechanism_name")] public string mechanism_name (); [CCode (cname="auth_response")] public string response (string challenge, int len); [CCode (cname="auth_get_ssf")] public int get_ssf (); [CCode (cname="auth_set_external_id")] public int set_external_id (string identity); } [CCode (cname="auth_client_request_t", cheader_filename="auth-client.h", has_type_id = false)] public struct AuthClientRequest { string name; uint flags; string prompt; uint size; } // the "what" parameter must be 0 // if buf_len is not enough, SMTP_ERR_INVAL error will be set. 32 is generally enough [CCode (cname="smtp_version")] public static int version (string buf, string buf_len, int what); [CCode (cname="smtp_errno")] public static int errno (); [CCode (cname="smtp_strerror")] public static string strerror (int error, string buf, string buflen); [CCode (cname="auth_client_init", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static void auth_client_init (); [CCode (cname="auth_client_exit", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static void auth_client_exit (); [CCode (cname="auth_encode", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static void auth_encode (out string dstbuf, out int dstlen, string srcbuf, int srclen, void *arg); [CCode (cname="auth_decode", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static void auth_decode (out string dstbuf, out int dstlen, string srcbuf, int srclen, void *arg); [CCode (cname="auth_create_context", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static AuthContext auth_create_context (); [CCode (cname="smtp_enumerate_messagecb_t")] public delegate void EnumerateMessageCb (Smtp.Message message); [CCode (cname="smtp_enumerate_recipientcb_t")] public delegate void EnumerateRecipientCb (Smtp.Recipient recipient, string mailbox); [CCode (cname="smtp_messagecb_t")] public delegate unowned string MessageCb (out string buf, out int len); [CCode (cname="smtp_eventcb_t", instance_pos="2.5")] public delegate void EventCb (Smtp.Session session, int event_no, ...); [CCode (cname="smtp_monitorcb_t")] public delegate void MonitorCb (string buf, int buflen, int writing); [CCode (cname="smtp_starttls_passwordcb_t")] public delegate int StartTlsPasswordCb (string buf, int buflen, int rwflag); [CCode (cname="smtp_etrn_enumerate_nodecb_t")] public delegate void EtrnEnumerateNodeCb (Smtp.EtrnNode node, int option, string domain); [CCode (cname="auth_interact_t", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public delegate int AuthInteract (AuthClientRequest request, out string result, int fields); [CCode (cname="auth_response_t", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public delegate string AuthResponse (void *ctx, string challenge, int len, AuthInteract interact); [CCode (cname="auth_recode_t", cheader_filename="auth-client.h", has_target=false)] public delegate int AuthRecode (void *ctx, out string dstbuf, out int dstlen, string srcbuf, int srclen); [CCode (cname="header_option", cprefix="Hdr_", has_type_id = false)] public enum HeaderOption { OVERRIDE, PROHIBIT } [CCode (cname="ret_flags", cprefix="Ret_", has_type_id = false)] public enum RetFlags { NOTSET, FULL, HDRS } [CCode (cname="notify_flags", cprefix="Notify_", has_type_id = false)] public enum NotifyFlags { NOTSET, NEVER, SUCCESS, FAILURE, DELAY } [CCode (cname="e8bitmime_body", cprefix="E8bitmime_", has_type_id = false)] public enum E8BitMimeBody { NOTSET, @7BIT, @8BITMIME, BINARYMIME } [CCode (cname="by_mode", cprefix="By_", has_type_id = false)] public enum ByMode { NOTSET, NOTIFY, RETURN } [CCode (cname="starttls_option", cprefix="Starttls_", has_type_id = false)] public enum StartTlsOption { DISABLED, ENABLED, REQUIRED } [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_CONNECT")] public static const uint EV_CONNECT; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_MAILSTATUS")] public static const uint EV_MAILSTATUS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_RCPTSTATUS")] public static const uint EV_RCPTSTATUS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_MESSAGEDATA")] public static const uint EV_MESSAGEDATA; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_MESSAGESENT")] public static const uint EV_MESSAGESENT; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_DISCONNECT")] public static const uint EV_DISCONNECT; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_ETRNSTATUS")] public static const uint EV_ETRNSTATUS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_EXTNA_DSN")] public static const uint EV_EXTNA_DSN; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_EXTNA_8BITMIME")] public static const uint EV_EXTNA_8BITMIME; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_EXTNA_STARTTLS")] public static const uint EV_EXTNA_STARTTLS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_EXTNA_ETRN")] public static const uint EV_EXTNA_ETRN; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_EXTNA_CHUNKING")] public static const uint EV_EXTNA_CHUNKING; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_EXTNA_BINARYMIME")] public static const uint EV_EXTNA_BINARYMIME; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_DELIVERBY_EXPIRED")] public static const uint EV_DELIVERBY_EXPIRED; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_WEAK_CIPHER")] public static const uint EV_WEAK_CIPHER; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_STARTTLS_OK")] public static const uint EV_STARTTLS_OK; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_INVALID_PEER_CERTIFICATE")] public static const uint EV_INVALID_PEER_CERTIFICATE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_NO_PEER_CERTIFICATE")] public static const uint EV_NO_PEER_CERTIFICATE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_WRONG_PEER_CERTIFICATE")] public static const uint EV_WRONG_PEER_CERTIFICATE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_NO_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE")] public static const uint EV_NO_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_UNUSABLE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE")] public static const uint EV_UNUSABLE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_EV_UNUSABLE_CA_LIST")] public static const uint EV_UNUSABLE_CA_LIST; [CCode (cname="Timeout_OVERRIDE_RFC2822_MINIMUM")] public static const long TIMEOUT_OVERRIDE_RFC2822_MINIMUM; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_NOTHING_TO_DO")] public static const uint ERR_NOTHING_TO_DO; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_DROPPED_CONNECTION")] public static const uint ERR_DROPPED_CONNECTION; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_SYNTAX")] public static const uint ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_SYNTAX; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_STATUS_MISMATCH")] public static const uint ERR_STATUS_MISMATCH; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_STATUS")] public static const uint ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_STATUS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_INVAL")] public static const uint ERR_INVAL; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EXTENSION_NOT_AVAILABLE")] public static const uint ERR_EXTENSION_NOT_AVAILABLE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_HOST_NOT_FOUND")] public static const uint ERR_HOST_NOT_FOUND; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_NO_ADDRESS")] public static const uint ERR_NO_ADDRESS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_NO_RECOVERY")] public static const uint ERR_NO_RECOVERY; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_TRY_AGAIN")] public static const uint ERR_TRY_AGAIN; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_AGAIN")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_AGAIN; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_FAIL")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_FAIL; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_MEMORY")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_MEMORY; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_ADDRFAMILY")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_ADDRFAMILY; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_NODATA")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_NODATA; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_FAMILY")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_FAMILY; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_BADFLAGS")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_BADFLAGS; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_NONAME")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_NONAME; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_SERVICE")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_SERVICE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_EAI_SOCKTYPE")] public static const uint ERR_EAI_SOCKTYPE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_UNTERMINATED_RESPONSE")] public static const uint ERR_UNTERMINATED_RESPONSE; [CCode (cname="SMTP_ERR_CLIENT_ERROR")] public static const uint ERR_CLIENT_ERROR; [CCode (cname="SMTP_CB_READING")] public static const uint CB_READING; [CCode (cname="SMTP_CB_WRITING")] public static const uint CB_WRITING; [CCode (cname="SMTP_CB_HEADERS")] public static const uint CB_HEADERS; [CCode (cname="AUTH_USER", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static uint AUTH_USER; [CCode (cname="AUTH_REALM", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static uint AUTH_REALM; [CCode (cname="AUTH_PASS", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static uint AUTH_PASS; [CCode (cname="AUTH_PLUGIN_ANONYMOUS", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static uint AUTH_PLUGIN_ANONYMOUS; [CCode (cname="AUTH_PLUGIN_PLAIN", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static uint AUTH_PLUGIN_PLAIN; [CCode (cname="AUTH_PLUGIN_EXTERNAL", cheader_filename="auth-client.h")] public static uint AUTH_PLUGIN_EXTERNAL; }