/* gstreamer-audio-1.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */ [CCode (cprefix = "Gst", gir_namespace = "GstAudio", gir_version = "1.0", lower_case_cprefix = "gst_")] namespace Gst { namespace Audio { [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_base_sink_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioBaseSink")] public class BaseSink : Gst.Base.Sink { public bool eos_rendering; public uint64 next_sample; public Gst.Clock provided_clock; public weak Gst.Audio.RingBuffer ringbuffer; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected BaseSink (); public virtual unowned Gst.Audio.RingBuffer create_ringbuffer (); public Gst.ClockTime get_alignment_threshold (); public Gst.ClockTime get_discont_wait (); public int64 get_drift_tolerance (); public bool get_provide_clock (); public Gst.Audio.BaseSinkSlaveMethod get_slave_method (); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.Buffer payload (Gst.Buffer buffer); [Version (since = "1.6")] public void report_device_failure (); public void set_alignment_threshold (Gst.ClockTime alignment_threshold); [Version (since = "1.6")] public void set_custom_slaving_callback (owned Gst.Audio.BaseSinkCustomSlavingCallback callback); public void set_discont_wait (Gst.ClockTime discont_wait); public void set_drift_tolerance (int64 drift_tolerance); public void set_provide_clock (bool provide); public void set_slave_method (Gst.Audio.BaseSinkSlaveMethod method); public uint64 alignment_threshold { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public int64 buffer_time { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public bool can_activate_pull { get; set; } public uint64 discont_wait { get; set; } public int64 drift_tolerance { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public int64 latency_time { get; set; } public bool provide_clock { get; set; } public Gst.Audio.BaseSinkSlaveMethod slave_method { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_base_src_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioBaseSrc")] public class BaseSrc : Gst.Base.PushSrc { public weak Gst.Clock clock; public uint64 next_sample; public weak Gst.Audio.RingBuffer ringbuffer; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected BaseSrc (); public virtual unowned Gst.Audio.RingBuffer create_ringbuffer (); public bool get_provide_clock (); public Gst.Audio.BaseSrcSlaveMethod get_slave_method (); public void set_provide_clock (bool provide); public void set_slave_method (Gst.Audio.BaseSrcSlaveMethod method); [NoAccessorMethod] public int64 actual_buffer_time { get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public int64 actual_latency_time { get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public int64 buffer_time { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public int64 latency_time { get; set; } public bool provide_clock { get; set; } public Gst.Audio.BaseSrcSlaveMethod slave_method { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_cd_src_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioCdSrc")] public class CdSrc : Gst.Base.PushSrc, Gst.URIHandler { public weak Gst.TagList tags; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected CdSrc (); public bool add_track (Gst.Audio.CdSrcTrack track); [NoWrapper] public virtual void close (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool open (string device); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.Buffer read_sector (int sector); [NoAccessorMethod] public string device { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Gst.Audio.CdSrcMode mode { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public uint track { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_clock_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioClock")] public class Clock : Gst.SystemClock { [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GstClock*")] public Clock (string name, owned Gst.Audio.ClockGetTimeFunc func); public static Gst.ClockTime adjust (Gst.Clock clock, Gst.ClockTime time); public static Gst.ClockTime get_time (Gst.Clock clock); public static void invalidate (Gst.Clock clock); public void reset (Gst.ClockTime time); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_decoder_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioDecoder")] public abstract class Decoder : Gst.Element { public weak Gst.Segment input_segment; public weak Gst.Segment output_segment; public weak Gst.Pad sinkpad; public weak Gst.Pad srcpad; public GLib.RecMutex stream_lock; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Decoder (); public Gst.Buffer allocate_output_buffer (size_t size); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool close (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool decide_allocation (Gst.Query query); public Gst.FlowReturn finish_frame (Gst.Buffer buf, int frames); [NoWrapper] public virtual void flush (bool hard); public void get_allocator (out Gst.Allocator allocator, out Gst.AllocationParams @params); public Gst.Audio.Info get_audio_info (); public int get_delay (); public bool get_drainable (); public int get_estimate_rate (); public void get_latency (out Gst.ClockTime min, out Gst.ClockTime max); public int get_max_errors (); public Gst.ClockTime get_min_latency (); public bool get_needs_format (); public void get_parse_state (bool sync, bool eos); public bool get_plc (); public int get_plc_aware (); public Gst.ClockTime get_tolerance (); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.Caps getcaps (Gst.Caps filter); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.FlowReturn handle_frame (Gst.Buffer buffer); public void merge_tags (Gst.TagList? tags, Gst.TagMergeMode mode); public virtual bool negotiate (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool open (); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.FlowReturn parse (Gst.Base.Adapter adapter, int offset, int length); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.FlowReturn pre_push (Gst.Buffer buffer); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool propose_allocation (Gst.Query query); [Version (since = "1.6")] public Gst.Caps proxy_getcaps (Gst.Caps? caps, Gst.Caps? filter); public void set_drainable (bool enabled); public void set_estimate_rate (bool enabled); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool set_format (Gst.Caps caps); public void set_latency (Gst.ClockTime min, Gst.ClockTime max); public void set_max_errors (int num); public void set_min_latency (Gst.ClockTime num); public void set_needs_format (bool enabled); public bool set_output_format (Gst.Audio.Info info); public void set_plc (bool enabled); public void set_plc_aware (bool plc); public void set_tolerance (Gst.ClockTime tolerance); [Version (since = "1.6")] public void set_use_default_pad_acceptcaps (bool use); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool sink_event (Gst.Event event); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool sink_query (Gst.Query query); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool src_event (Gst.Event event); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool src_query (Gst.Query query); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool start (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool stop (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool transform_meta (Gst.Buffer outbuf, Gst.Meta meta, Gst.Buffer inbuf); public int64 min_latency { get; set; } public bool plc { get; set; } public int64 tolerance { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_encoder_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioEncoder")] public abstract class Encoder : Gst.Element, Gst.Preset { public weak Gst.Segment input_segment; public weak Gst.Segment output_segment; public weak Gst.Pad sinkpad; public weak Gst.Pad srcpad; public GLib.RecMutex stream_lock; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Encoder (); public Gst.Buffer allocate_output_buffer (size_t size); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool close (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool decide_allocation (Gst.Query query); public Gst.FlowReturn finish_frame (Gst.Buffer buffer, int samples); [NoWrapper] public virtual void flush (); public void get_allocator (out Gst.Allocator allocator, out Gst.AllocationParams @params); public Gst.Audio.Info get_audio_info (); public bool get_drainable (); public int get_frame_max (); public int get_frame_samples_max (); public int get_frame_samples_min (); public bool get_hard_min (); public bool get_hard_resync (); public void get_latency (out Gst.ClockTime min, out Gst.ClockTime max); public int get_lookahead (); public bool get_mark_granule (); public bool get_perfect_timestamp (); public Gst.ClockTime get_tolerance (); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.Caps getcaps (Gst.Caps filter); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.FlowReturn handle_frame (Gst.Buffer buffer); public void merge_tags (Gst.TagList? tags, Gst.TagMergeMode mode); public virtual bool negotiate (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool open (); [NoWrapper] public virtual Gst.FlowReturn pre_push (Gst.Buffer buffer); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool propose_allocation (Gst.Query query); public Gst.Caps proxy_getcaps (Gst.Caps? caps, Gst.Caps? filter); public void set_drainable (bool enabled); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool set_format (Gst.Audio.Info info); public void set_frame_max (int num); public void set_frame_samples_max (int num); public void set_frame_samples_min (int num); public void set_hard_min (bool enabled); public void set_hard_resync (bool enabled); public void set_headers (owned GLib.List headers); public void set_latency (Gst.ClockTime min, Gst.ClockTime max); public void set_lookahead (int num); public void set_mark_granule (bool enabled); public bool set_output_format (Gst.Caps caps); public void set_perfect_timestamp (bool enabled); public void set_tolerance (Gst.ClockTime tolerance); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool sink_event (Gst.Event event); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool sink_query (Gst.Query query); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool src_event (Gst.Event event); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool src_query (Gst.Query query); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool start (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool stop (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool transform_meta (Gst.Buffer outbuf, Gst.Meta meta, Gst.Buffer inbuf); public bool hard_resync { get; set; } public bool mark_granule { get; } public bool perfect_timestamp { get; set; } public int64 tolerance { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_filter_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioFilter")] public abstract class Filter : Gst.Base.Transform { public weak Gst.Audio.Info info; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Filter (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool setup (Gst.Audio.Info info); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gst_audio_info_get_type ()")] [Compact] [GIR (name = "AudioInfo")] public class Info { public int bpf; public int channels; public Gst.Audio.FormatInfo finfo; public Gst.Audio.Flags flags; public Gst.Audio.Layout layout; [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] public weak Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] position; public int rate; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] public Info (); public bool convert (Gst.Format src_fmt, int64 src_val, Gst.Format dest_fmt, int64 dest_val); public Gst.Audio.Info copy (); public void free (); public bool from_caps (Gst.Caps caps); public void init (); [Version (since = "1.2")] public bool is_equal (Gst.Audio.Info other); public void set_format (Gst.Audio.Format format, int rate, int channels, Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition position); public Gst.Caps to_caps (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_ring_buffer_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioRingBuffer")] public abstract class RingBuffer : Gst.Object { public bool acquired; public weak GLib.Cond cond; public uint8 empty_seg; public uint8 memory; public bool open; public int samples_per_seg; public int segbase; public int segdone; public size_t size; public Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec; public int state; public Gst.ClockTime timestamps; public int waiting; [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected RingBuffer (); public virtual bool acquire (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec); public virtual bool activate (bool active); public void advance (uint advance); public void clear (int segment); public virtual void clear_all (); public virtual bool close_device (); public virtual uint commit (uint64 sample, uint8 data, int in_samples, int out_samples, int accum); public bool convert (Gst.Format src_fmt, int64 src_val, Gst.Format dest_fmt, int64 dest_val); public static void debug_spec_buff (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec); public static void debug_spec_caps (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec); public virtual uint delay (); public bool device_is_open (); public bool is_acquired (); public bool is_active (); public bool is_flushing (); public void may_start (bool allowed); public virtual bool open_device (); public static bool parse_caps (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec, Gst.Caps caps); public virtual bool pause (); public bool prepare_read (int segment, uint8 readptr, int len); public uint read (uint64 sample, uint8 data, uint len, Gst.ClockTime timestamp); public virtual bool release (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool resume (); public uint64 samples_done (); public void set_callback ([CCode (scope = "async")] Gst.Audio.RingBufferCallback cb); public void set_channel_positions (Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition position); public void set_flushing (bool flushing); public void set_sample (uint64 sample); public void set_timestamp (int readseg, Gst.ClockTime timestamp); public virtual bool start (); public virtual bool stop (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_sink_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioSink")] public class Sink : Gst.Audio.BaseSink { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Sink (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool close (); [NoWrapper] public virtual uint delay (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool open (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool prepare (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec); [NoWrapper] public virtual void reset (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool unprepare (); [NoWrapper] public virtual int write ([CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint", type = "gpointer")] uint8[] data); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", type_id = "gst_audio_src_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioSrc")] public class Src : Gst.Audio.BaseSrc { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] protected Src (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool close (); [NoWrapper] public virtual uint delay (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool open (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool prepare (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec); [NoWrapper] public virtual uint read ([CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint", type = "gpointer")] uint8[] data, Gst.ClockTime timestamp); [NoWrapper] public virtual void reset (); [NoWrapper] public virtual bool unprepare (); } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GstStreamVolume", lower_case_cprefix = "gst_stream_volume_", type_cname = "GstStreamVolumeInterface", type_id = "gst_stream_volume_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "StreamVolume")] public interface StreamVolume : GLib.Object { public static double convert_volume (Gst.Audio.StreamVolumeFormat from, Gst.Audio.StreamVolumeFormat to, double val); public bool get_mute (); public double get_volume (Gst.Audio.StreamVolumeFormat format); public void set_mute (bool mute); public void set_volume (Gst.Audio.StreamVolumeFormat format, double val); [ConcreteAccessor] public abstract bool mute { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public abstract double volume { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", has_type_id = false)] [GIR (name = "AudioCdSrcTrack")] public struct CdSrcTrack { public bool is_audio; public uint num; public uint start; public uint end; public weak Gst.TagList tags; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", has_type_id = false)] [GIR (name = "AudioDownmixMeta")] public struct DownmixMeta { public Gst.Meta meta; public Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition from_position; public Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition to_position; public int from_channels; public int to_channels; public float matrix; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", has_type_id = false)] [GIR (name = "AudioFormatInfo")] public struct FormatInfo { public Gst.Audio.Format format; public weak string name; public weak string description; public Gst.Audio.FormatFlags flags; public int endianness; public int width; public int depth; [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] public weak uint8[] silence; public Gst.Audio.Format unpack_format; public weak Gst.Audio.FormatUnpack unpack_func; public weak Gst.Audio.FormatPack pack_func; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", has_type_id = false)] [GIR (name = "AudioRingBufferSpec")] public struct RingBufferSpec { public weak Gst.Caps caps; public Gst.Audio.RingBufferFormatType type; public weak Gst.Audio.Info info; public uint64 latency_time; public uint64 buffer_time; public int segsize; public int segtotal; public int seglatency; } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_BASE_SINK_DISCONT_REASON_", has_type_id = false)] [GIR (name = "AudioBaseSinkDiscontReason")] [Version (since = "1.6")] public enum BaseSinkDiscontReason { NO_DISCONT, NEW_CAPS, FLUSH, SYNC_LATENCY, ALIGNMENT, DEVICE_FAILURE } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_BASE_SINK_SLAVE_", type_id = "gst_audio_base_sink_slave_method_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioBaseSinkSlaveMethod")] public enum BaseSinkSlaveMethod { RESAMPLE, SKEW, NONE, CUSTOM } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_BASE_SRC_SLAVE_", type_id = "gst_audio_base_src_slave_method_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioBaseSrcSlaveMethod")] public enum BaseSrcSlaveMethod { RESAMPLE, [CCode (cname = "GST_AUDIO_BASE_SRC_SLAVE_RETIMESTAMP")] RE_TIMESTAMP, SKEW, NONE } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "", type_id = "gst_audio_cd_src_mode_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioCdSrcMode")] public enum CdSrcMode { [CCode (cname = "Stream consists of a single track")] NORMAL, [CCode (cname = "Stream consists of the whole disc")] CONTINUOUS } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_", type_id = "gst_audio_channel_position_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioChannelPosition")] public enum ChannelPosition { NONE, MONO, INVALID, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, FRONT_CENTER, LFE1, REAR_LEFT, REAR_RIGHT, FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER, FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER, REAR_CENTER, LFE2, SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT, TOP_FRONT_LEFT, TOP_FRONT_RIGHT, TOP_FRONT_CENTER, TOP_CENTER, TOP_REAR_LEFT, TOP_REAR_RIGHT, TOP_SIDE_LEFT, TOP_SIDE_RIGHT, TOP_REAR_CENTER, BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER, BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT, BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT, WIDE_LEFT, WIDE_RIGHT, SURROUND_LEFT, SURROUND_RIGHT } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_FLAG_", type_id = "gst_audio_flags_get_type ()")] [Flags] [GIR (name = "AudioFlags")] public enum Flags { NONE, UNPOSITIONED } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_FORMAT_", type_id = "gst_audio_format_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioFormat")] public enum Format { UNKNOWN, ENCODED, S8, U8, S16LE, S16BE, U16LE, U16BE, S24_32LE, S24_32BE, U24_32LE, U24_32BE, S32LE, S32BE, U32LE, U32BE, S24LE, S24BE, U24LE, U24BE, S20LE, S20BE, U20LE, U20BE, S18LE, S18BE, U18LE, U18BE, F32LE, F32BE, F64LE, F64BE, S16, U16, S24_32, U24_32, S32, U32, S24, U24, S20, U20, S18, U18, F32, F64 } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_FORMAT_FLAG_", type_id = "gst_audio_format_flags_get_type ()")] [Flags] [GIR (name = "AudioFormatFlags")] public enum FormatFlags { INTEGER, FLOAT, SIGNED, COMPLEX, UNPACK } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_LAYOUT_", type_id = "gst_audio_layout_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioLayout")] public enum Layout { INTERLEAVED, NON_INTERLEAVED } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_PACK_FLAG_", type_id = "gst_audio_pack_flags_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioPackFlags")] public enum PackFlags { NONE } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_RING_BUFFER_FORMAT_TYPE_", type_id = "gst_audio_ring_buffer_format_type_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioRingBufferFormatType")] public enum RingBufferFormatType { RAW, MU_LAW, A_LAW, IMA_ADPCM, MPEG, GSM, IEC958, AC3, EAC3, DTS, MPEG2_AAC, MPEG4_AAC } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cprefix = "GST_AUDIO_RING_BUFFER_STATE_", type_id = "gst_audio_ring_buffer_state_get_type ()")] [GIR (name = "AudioRingBufferState")] public enum RingBufferState { STOPPED, PAUSED, STARTED, ERROR } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GstStreamVolumeFormat", cprefix = "GST_STREAM_VOLUME_FORMAT_", has_type_id = false)] [GIR (name = "StreamVolumeFormat")] public enum StreamVolumeFormat { LINEAR, CUBIC, DB } [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", instance_pos = 5.9)] [Version (since = "1.6")] public delegate void BaseSinkCustomSlavingCallback (Gst.Audio.BaseSink sink, Gst.ClockTime etime, Gst.ClockTime itime, Gst.ClockTimeDiff requested_skew, Gst.Audio.BaseSinkDiscontReason discont_reason); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", instance_pos = 1.9)] public delegate Gst.ClockTime ClockGetTimeFunc (Gst.Clock clock); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", has_target = false)] public delegate void FormatPack (Gst.Audio.FormatInfo info, Gst.Audio.PackFlags flags, [CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] src, [CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, int length); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", has_target = false)] public delegate void FormatUnpack (Gst.Audio.FormatInfo info, Gst.Audio.PackFlags flags, [CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] dest, [CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, int length); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", instance_pos = 2.9)] public delegate void RingBufferCallback (Gst.Audio.RingBuffer rbuf, [CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_CHANNELS_RANGE")] public const string CHANNELS_RANGE; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_DECODER_MAX_ERRORS")] public const int DECODER_MAX_ERRORS; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_DECODER_SINK_NAME")] public const string DECODER_SINK_NAME; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_DECODER_SRC_NAME")] public const string DECODER_SRC_NAME; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_DEF_CHANNELS")] public const int DEF_CHANNELS; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_DEF_FORMAT")] public const string DEF_FORMAT; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_DEF_RATE")] public const int DEF_RATE; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_ENCODER_SINK_NAME")] public const string ENCODER_SINK_NAME; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_ENCODER_SRC_NAME")] public const string ENCODER_SRC_NAME; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_FORMATS_ALL")] public const string FORMATS_ALL; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_META_TAG_AUDIO_CHANNELS_STR")] [Version (since = "1.2")] public const string META_TAG_AUDIO_CHANNELS_STR; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_META_TAG_AUDIO_STR")] [Version (since = "1.2")] public const string META_TAG_AUDIO_STR; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "GST_AUDIO_RATE_RANGE")] public const string RATE_RANGE; [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_buffer_clip")] public static Gst.Buffer audio_buffer_clip (owned Gst.Buffer buffer, Gst.Segment segment, int rate, int bpf); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_buffer_reorder_channels")] public static bool audio_buffer_reorder_channels (Gst.Buffer buffer, Gst.Audio.Format format, int channels, [CCode (array_length = false)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] from, [CCode (array_length = false)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] to); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_channel_positions_from_mask")] public static bool audio_channel_positions_from_mask (uint64 channel_mask, [CCode (array_length_cname = "channels", array_length_pos = 0.5)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] position); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_channel_positions_to_mask")] public static bool audio_channel_positions_to_mask ([CCode (array_length_cname = "channels", array_length_pos = 1.5)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] position, bool force_order, [CCode (array_length = false)] uint64[] channel_mask); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order")] public static bool audio_channel_positions_to_valid_order ([CCode (array_length_cname = "channels", array_length_pos = 1.1)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] position); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_check_valid_channel_positions")] public static bool audio_check_valid_channel_positions ([CCode (array_length_cname = "channels", array_length_pos = 1.5)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] position, bool force_order); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_downmix_meta_api_get_type")] public static GLib.Type audio_downmix_meta_api_get_type (); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_downmix_meta_get_info")] public static unowned Gst.MetaInfo? audio_downmix_meta_get_info (); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_format_build_integer")] public static Gst.Audio.Format audio_format_build_integer (bool sign, int endianness, int width, int depth); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_format_fill_silence")] public static void audio_format_fill_silence (Gst.Audio.FormatInfo info, [CCode (array_length_cname = "length", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] uint8[] dest); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_format_from_string")] public static Gst.Audio.Format audio_format_from_string (string format); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_format_get_info")] public static unowned Gst.Audio.FormatInfo? audio_format_get_info (Gst.Audio.Format format); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_format_info_get_type")] public static GLib.Type audio_format_info_get_type (); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_format_to_string")] public static unowned string audio_format_to_string (Gst.Audio.Format format); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_get_channel_reorder_map")] public static bool audio_get_channel_reorder_map (int channels, [CCode (array_length = false)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] from, [CCode (array_length = false)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] to, [CCode (array_length = false)] int[] reorder_map); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_iec61937_frame_size")] public static uint audio_iec61937_frame_size (Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_iec61937_payload")] public static bool audio_iec61937_payload ([CCode (array_length_cname = "src_n", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] src, [CCode (array_length_cname = "dst_n", array_length_pos = 2.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] dst, Gst.Audio.RingBufferSpec spec, int endianness); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_audio_reorder_channels")] public static bool audio_reorder_channels ([CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "gsize")] uint8[] data, Gst.Audio.Format format, int channels, [CCode (array_length = false)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] from, [CCode (array_length = false)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] to); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_buffer_add_audio_downmix_meta")] public static unowned Gst.Audio.DownmixMeta? buffer_add_audio_downmix_meta (Gst.Buffer buffer, [CCode (array_length_cname = "from_channels", array_length_pos = 2.5)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] from_position, [CCode (array_length_cname = "to_channels", array_length_pos = 3.5)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] to_position, float matrix); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_buffer_get_audio_downmix_meta_for_channels")] public static unowned Gst.Audio.DownmixMeta? buffer_get_audio_downmix_meta_for_channels (Gst.Buffer buffer, [CCode (array_length_cname = "to_channels", array_length_pos = 2.1)] Gst.Audio.ChannelPosition[] to_position); [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/audio/audio.h", cname = "gst_stream_volume_convert_volume")] public static double stream_volume_convert_volume (Gst.Audio.StreamVolumeFormat from, Gst.Audio.StreamVolumeFormat to, double val); } }