/* curses.vala * * Copyright (c) 2007 Ed Schouten * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using GLib; [CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "", cheader_filename = "curses.h")] namespace Curses { public const int COLORS; public const int COLOR_PAIRS; public enum Color { BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE } public enum Acs { ULCORNER, LLCORNER, URCORNER, LRCORNER, LTEE, RTEE, BTEE, TTEE, HLINE, VLINE, PLUS, S1, S9, DIAMOND, CKBOARD, DEGREE, PLMINUS, BULLET, LARROW, RARROW, DARROW, UARROW, BOARD, LANTERN, BLOCK, S3, S7, LEQUAL, GEQUAL, PI, NEQUAL, STERLING, BSSB, SSBB, BBSS, SBBS, SBSS, SSSB, SSBS, BSSS, BSBS, SBSB, SSSS } public const Window stdscr; public const Window curscr; public const Window newscr; public const int LINES; public const int COLS; public const int TABSIZE; public const int ESCDELAY; [CCode (copy_function = "dupwin", free_function = "delwin", cname = "WINDOW", cprefix = "")] public class Window { public int box(ulong verch, ulong horch); public int clearok(bool bf); public int copywin(Window dstwin, int sminrow, int smincol, int dminrow, int dmincol, int dmaxrow, int dmaxcol, int overlay); public Window derwin(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); [CCode (cname = "dupwin")] public Window copy(); public ulong getbkgd(); public static Window getwin(FileStream filep); public void idcok(bool bf); public int idlok(bool bf); public void immedok(bool bf); public int intrflush(bool bf); public bool is_linetouched(int line); public bool is_wintouched(); public int keypad(bool bf); public int leaveok(bool bf); public int meta(bool bf); public int mvderwin(int par_y, int par_x); [CCode (cname = "mvwaddch")] public int mvaddch(int y, int x, ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "mvwaddchnstr")] [NoArrayLength] public int mvaddchnstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr, int n); [CCode (cname = "mvwaddchstr")] [NoArrayLength] public int mvaddchstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr); [CCode (cname = "mvwaddnstr")] public int mvaddnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "mvwaddstr")] public int mvaddstr(int y, int x, string str); [CCode (cname = "mvwchgat")] public int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, ulong attr, short color); [CCode (cname = "mvwdelch")] public int mvdelch(int y, int x); [CCode (cname = "mvwgetch")] public int mvgetch(int y, int x); [CCode (cname = "mvwgetnstr")] public int mvgetnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "mvwgetstr")] public int mvgetstr(int y, int x, string str); [CCode (cname = "mvwhline")] public int mvhline(int y, int x, ulong ch, int n); public int mvwin(int y, int x); [CCode (cname = "mvwinch")] public ulong mvinch(int y, int x); [CCode (cname = "mvwinchnstr")] [NoArrayLength] public int mvinchnstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr, int n); [CCode (cname = "mvwinchstr")] [NoArrayLength] public int mvinchstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr); [CCode (cname = "mvwinnstr")] public int mvinnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "mvwinsch")] public int mvinsch(int y, int x, ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "mvwinsnstr")] public int mvinsnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "mvwinsstr")] public int mvinsstr(int y, int x, string str); [CCode (cname = "mvwinstr")] public int mvinstr(int y, int x, string str); [CCode (cname = "mvwprintw")] [PrintfLike] public int mvprintw(int y, int x, string str, ...); [CCode (cname = "mvwscanw")] [PrintfLike] public int mvscanw(int y, int x, string str, ...); [CCode (cname = "mvwvline")] public int mvvline(int y, int x, ulong ch, int n); [CCode (cname = "newwin")] public Window(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); public int nodelay(bool bf); public int notimeout(bool bf); public int overlay(Window win); public int overwrite(Window win); public int putwin(FileStream filep); public int redrawwin(); public int scroll(); public int scrollok(bool bf); public Window subpad(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); public Window subwin(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); public int syncok(bool bf); public int touchline(int start, int count); public int touchwin(); public int untouchwin(); [CCode (cname = "waddch")] public int addch(ulong ch); [NoArrayLength] public int waddchnstr(ulong[] chstr, int n); [NoArrayLength] public int waddchstr(ulong[] chstr); public int waddnstr(string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "waddstr")] public int addstr(string str); [CCode (cname = "wattron")] public int attron(ulong attrs); [CCode (cname = "wattroff")] public int attroff(ulong attrs); [CCode (cname = "wattrset")] public int attrset(ulong attrs); [CCode (cname = "wattr_get")] public int attr_get(ref ulong attrs, ref ulong pair); [CCode (cname = "wattr_on")] public int attr_on(ulong attrs); [CCode (cname = "wattr_off")] public int attr_off(ulong attrs); [CCode (cname = "wattr_set")] public int attr_set(ulong attrs, short pair); [CCode (cname = "wbkgd")] public int bkgd(ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "wbkgdset")] public void bkgdset(ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "wborder")] public int border(ulong ls, ulong rs, ulong ts, ulong bs, ulong tl, ulong tr, ulong bl, ulong br); [CCode (cname = "wchgat")] public int chgat(int n, ulong attr, short color); [CCode (cname = "wclear")] public int clear(); [CCode (cname = "wclrtobot")] public int clrtobot(); [CCode (cname = "wclrtoeol")] public int clrtoeol(); [CCode (cname = "wcolor_set")] public int color_set(short color_pair_number); [CCode (cname = "wcursyncup")] public void cursyncup(); [CCode (cname = "wdelch")] public int delch(); [CCode (cname = "wdeleteln")] public int deleteln(); [CCode (cname = "wechochar")] public int echochar(ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "werase")] public int erase(); [CCode (cname = "wgetch")] public int getch(); [CCode (cname = "wgetnstr")] public int getnstr(string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "wgetstr")] public int getstr(string str); [CCode (cname = "whline")] public int hline(ulong ch, int n); [CCode (cname = "winch")] public ulong inch(); [CCode (cname = "winchnstr")] [NoArrayLength] public int inchnstr(ulong[] chstr, int n); [CCode (cname = "winchstr")] [NoArrayLength] public int inchstr(ulong[] chstr); [CCode (cname = "winnstr")] public int innstr(string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "winsch")] public int insch(ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "winsdelln")] public int insdelln(int n); [CCode (cname = "winsertln")] public int insertln(); [CCode (cname = "winsnstr")] public int insnstr(string str, int n); [CCode (cname = "winsstr")] public int insstr(string str); [CCode (cname = "winstr")] public int instr(string str); [CCode (cname = "wmove")] public int move(int y, int x); [CCode (cname = "wnoutrefresh")] public int noutrefresh(); [CCode (cname = "wprintw")] [PrintfLike] public int printw(string str, ...); [CCode (cname = "wredrawln")] public int redrawln(int beg_line, int num_lines); [CCode (cname = "wrefresh")] public int refresh(); [CCode (cname = "wscanw")] [PrintfLike] public int scanw(string str, ...); [CCode (cname = "wscrl")] public int scrl(int n); [CCode (cname = "wsetscrreg")] public int setscrreg(int top, int bot); [CCode (cname = "wstandout")] public int standout(); [CCode (cname = "wstandend")] public int standend(); [CCode (cname = "wsyncdown")] public void syncdown(); [CCode (cname = "wsyncup")] public void syncup(); [CCode (cname = "wtimeout")] public void timeout(int delay); [CCode (cname = "wtouchln")] public int touchln(int y, int n, int changed); [CCode (cname = "wvline")] public int vline(ulong ch, int n); } [CCode (copy_function = "dupwin", free_function = "delwin", cname = "WINDOW", cprefix = "")] public class Pad : Window { [CCode (cname = "newpad")] public Pad(int nlines, int ncols); [CCode (cname = "pechochar")] public int echochar(ulong ch); [CCode (cname = "pnoutrefresh")] public int noutrefresh(int pminrow, int pmincol, int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol); [CCode (cname = "prefresh")] public int refresh(int pminrow, int pmincol, int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol); } [CCode (free_function = "delscreen", cname = "SCREEN", cprefix = "")] public class Screen { [CCode (cname = "newterm")] public Screen(string str, FileStream outfd, FileStream infd); public weak Screen set_term(); } public int addch(ulong ch); [NoArrayLength] public int addchnstr(ulong[] chstr, int n); [NoArrayLength] public int addchstr(ulong[] chstr); public int addnstr(string str, int n); public int addstr(string str); public int attroff(ulong attr); public int attron(ulong attr); public int attrset(ulong attr); public int attr_get(ref ulong attrs, ref short pair); public int attr_off(ulong attrs); public int attr_on(ulong attrs); public int attr_set(ulong attrs, short pair); public int baudrate(); public int beep(); public int bkgd(ulong ch); public void bkgdset(ulong ch); public int border(ulong ls, ulong rs, ulong ts, ulong bs, ulong tl, ulong tr, ulong bl, ulong br); public bool can_change_color(); public int cbreak(); public int chgat(int n, ulong attr, short color); public int clear(); public int clrtobot(); public int clrtoeol(); public int color_content(short color, ref short r, ref short g, ref short b); public int color_set(short color_pair_number); public int COLOR_PAIR(int n); public int curs_set(int visibility); public int def_prog_mode(); public int def_shell_mode(); public int delay_output(int ms); public int delch(); public int deleteln(); public int doupdate(); public int echo(); public int echochar(ulong ch); public int erase(); public int endwin(); public char erasechar(); public void filter(); public int flash(); public int flushinp(); public int getch(); public int getnstr(string str, int n); public int getstr(string str); public int halfdelay(int tenths); public bool has_colors(); public bool has_ic(); public bool has_il(); public int hline(ulong ch, int n); public ulong inch(); [NoArrayLength] public int inchnstr(ulong[] chstr, int n); [NoArrayLength] public int inchstr(ulong[] chstr); public weak Window initscr(); public int init_color(short color, short r, short g, short b); public int init_pair(short pair, Color f, Color b); public int innstr(string str, int n); public int insch(ulong ch); public int insdelln(int n); public int insertln(); public int insnstr(string str, int n); public int insstr(string str); public int instr(string str); public bool isendwin(); public string keyname(int c); public char killchar(); public string ulongname(); public int move(int y, int x); public int mvaddch(int y, int x, ulong ch); [NoArrayLength] public int mvaddchnstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr, int n); [NoArrayLength] public int mvaddchstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr); public int mvaddnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); public int mvaddstr(int y, int x, string str); public int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, ulong attr, short color); public int mvcur(int oldrow, int oldcol, int newrow, int newcol); public int mvdelch(int y, int x); public int mvgetch(int y, int x); public int mvgetnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); public int mvgetstr(int y, int x, string str); public int mvhline(int y, int x, ulong ch, int n); public ulong mvinch(int y, int x); [NoArrayLength] public int mvinchnstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr, int n); [NoArrayLength] public int mvinchstr(int y, int x, ulong[] chstr); public int mvinnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); public int mvinsch(int y, int x, ulong ch); public int mvinsnstr(int y, int x, string str, int n); public int mvinsstr(int y, int x, string str); public int mvinstr(int y, int x, string str); [PrintfLike] public int mvprintw(int y, int x, string str, ...); [PrintfLike] public int mvscanw(int y, int x, string str, ...); public int mvvline(int y, int x, ulong ch, int n); public int napms(int ms); public int nl(); public int nocbreak(); public int noecho(); public int nonl(); public void noqiflush(); public int noraw(); public int pair_content(short pair, ref Color f, ref Color b); public int PAIR_NUMBER(int attrs); [PrintfLike] public int printw(string str, ...); public void qiflush(); public int raw(); public int refresh(); public int resetty(); public int reset_prog_mode(); public int reset_shell_mode(); public delegate int RipofflineInitFunc(Window win, int n); public int ripoffline(int line, RipofflineInitFunc init); public int savetty(); [PrintfLike] public int scanw(string str, ...); public int scr_dump(string str); public int scr_init(string str); public int scrl(int n); public int scr_restore(string str); public int scr_set(string str); public int setscrreg(int top, int bot); public int slk_attroff(ulong attrs); public int slk_attr_off(ulong attrs); public int slk_attron(ulong attrs); public int slk_attr_on(ulong attrs); public int slk_attrset(ulong attrs); public ulong slk_attr(); public int slk_attr_set(ulong attrs, short pair); public int slk_clear(); public int slk_color(short color_pair_number); public int slk_init(int fmt); public string slk_label(int labnum); public int slk_noutrefresh(); public int slk_refresh(); public int slk_restore(); public int slk_set(int labnum, string label, int fmt); public int slk_touch(); public int standout(); public int standend(); public int start_color(); public ulong termattrs(); public string termname(); public void timeout(int delay); public int typeahead(int fd); public int ungetch(int ch); public void use_env(bool bf); public int vidattr(ulong attrs); public delegate int VidputsPutcFunc(char ch); public int vidputs(ulong attrs, VidputsPutcFunc putc); public int vline(ulong ch, int n); /* no vwprintw, vw_printw, vwscanw, vw_scanw - va_list */ [CCode (cprefix = "A_")] public enum Attribute { NORMAL, ATTRIBUTES, CHARTEXT, COLOR, STANDOUT, UNDERLINE, REVERSE, BLINK, DIM, BOLD, ALTCHARSET, INVIS, PROTECT, HORIZONTAL, LEFT, LOW, RIGHT, TOP, VERTICAL } public enum Key { CODE_YES, MIN, BREAK, SRESET, RESET, DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, HOME, BACKSPACE, F0, /* XXX F(n), */ DL, IL, DC, IC, EIC, CLEAR, EOS, EOL, SF, SR, NPAGE, PPAGE, STAB, CTAB, CATAB, ENTER, PRINT, LL, A1, A3, B2, C1, C3, BTAB, BEG, CANCEL, CLOSE, COMMAND, COPY, CREATE, END, EXIT, FIND, HELP, MARK, MESSAGE, MOVE, NEXT, OPEN, OPTIONS, PREVIOUS, REDO, REFERENCE, REFRESH, REPLACE, RESTART, RESUME, SAVE, SBEG, SCANCEL, SCOMMAND, SCOPY, SCREATE, SDC, SDL, SELECT, SEND, SEOL, SEXIT, SFIND, SHELP, SHOME, SIC, SLEFT, SMESSAGE, SMOVE, SNEXT, SOPTIONS, SPREVIOUS, SPRINT, SREDO, SREPLACE, SRIGHT, SRSUME, SSAVE, SSUSPEND, SUNDO, SUSPEND, UNDO, MOUSE, RESIZE, EVENT, MAX } /* TODO: mouse + wide char support */ }