/* avahi-common.vala * * Copyright (C) 2009 Sebastian Noack * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, if you use inline functions from this file, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU Lesser General Public License. * * Author: * Sebastian Noack */ [CCode(cprefix="Ga", lower_case_cprefix="ga_")] namespace Avahi { /* Network addresses */ [SimpleType] [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/address.h", cname="AvahiProtocol", cprefix="AVAHI_PROTO_", lower_case_cprefix="avahi_proto_", has_type_id = false)] public enum Protocol { INET, INET6, UNSPEC; [CCode(cname="avahi_af_to_proto")] public static Protocol from_af(int af); public unowned string to_string(); public int to_af(); [CCode(cname="AVAHI_PROTO_VALID")] public bool is_valid(); } [SimpleType] [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/address.h", cname="AvahiIfIndex", has_type_id = false)] public struct Interface { [CCode(cname="AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC")] public static Interface UNSPEC; [CCode(cname="AVAHI_IF_VALID")] public bool is_valid(); } [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/address.h", cname="AvahiAddress", cprefix="avahi_address_", has_type_id = false)] public struct Address { public Protocol proto; [CCode(cname="AVAHI_ADDRESS_STR_MAX")] public static size_t STR_MAX; [CCode(cname="avahi_address_parse", instance_pos=-1)] public Address.parse(string s, Protocol proto=Protocol.UNSPEC); [CCode(cname="avahi_address_snprint", instance_pos=-1)] public unowned string to_string(char[] dest=new char[STR_MAX]); public int cmp(Address other); } /* Linked list of strings used for DNS TXT record data */ [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/defs.h", cname="AVAHI_SERVICE_COOKIE_INVALID")] public const uint32 SERVICE_COOKIE_INVALID; [Compact] [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/strlst.h", cname="AvahiStringList", cprefix="avahi_string_list_", dup_function="avahi_string_list_copy", free_function="avahi_string_list_free")] public class StringList { public StringList next; [CCode(array_length_cname="size")] public char[] text; public StringList(string? txt=null, ...); public StringList.from_array(string[] array); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void add(string text); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] [PrintfFormat] public void add_printf(string format, ...); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void add_arbitrary(char[] text); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void add_anonymous(size_t size); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void add_many(...); public string to_string(); public int equal(StringList other); public StringList copy(); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void reverse(); public uint length(); public unowned StringList find(string key); public bool get_pair(out string key, out char[] value); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void add_pair(string key, string? value); [ReturnsModifiedPointer()] public void add_pair_arbitrary(string key, char[] value); public uint32 get_service_cookie(); [CCode(cname="avahi_string_list_serialize")] private size_t _serialize(char[] dest); [CCode(cname="avahi_string_list_serialize_dup")] public char[] serialize() { char[] dest = new char[this.length() * 256]; dest.length = (int) _serialize(dest); return dest; } [CCode(cname="avahi_string_list_parse")] public static int deserialize (char[] data, out StringList dest); } /* Domain name utility functions */ [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/domain.h", lower_case_cprefix="avahi_")] namespace Domain { public const size_t DOMAIN_NAME_MAX; public const size_t LABEL_MAX; [CCode(cname="avahi_normalize_name_strdup")] public string normalize_name(string s); [CCode(cname="avahi_domain_equal")] public bool equal(string a, string b); [CCode(cname="avahi_domain_hash")] public uint hash(string name); public unowned string? get_type_from_subtype(string s); public unowned string? unescape_label(ref unowned string name, char[] dest=new char[LABEL_MAX]); [CCode (cname="avahi_escape_label")] private string? _escape_label(char* src, size_t src_len, ref char* dest, ref size_t dest_len); [CCode (cname = "_vala_avahi_escape_label")] public string? escape_label(string s) { size_t len = LABEL_MAX * 4; char* dest = new char[len]; return _escape_label(s, s.length, ref dest, ref len); } [CCode (cname = "avahi_service_name_join")] public int _service_name_join ([CCode (array_length_type = "size_t")] uint8[] dest, string name, string type, string domain); [CCode (cname = "_avahi_service_name_join")] public int join_service_name (out string? dest, string name, string type, string domain) { uint8[] dest_data = new uint8[DOMAIN_NAME_MAX]; int errno = _service_name_join (dest_data, name, type, domain); dest = (errno >= 0) ? (string) dest_data : null; return errno; } [CCode (cname = "avahi_service_name_split")] public int _service_name_split(string src, [CCode (array_length_type = "size_t")] uint8[] name, [CCode (array_length_type = "size_t")] uint8[] type, [CCode (array_length_type = "size_t")] uint8[] domain); [CCode(cname = "_vala_avahi_service_name_split")] public int split_service_name (string src, out string name, out string type, out string domain) { uint8[] name_data = new uint8[LABEL_MAX]; uint8[] type_data = new uint8[DOMAIN_NAME_MAX]; uint8[] domain_data = new uint8[DOMAIN_NAME_MAX]; int errno = _service_name_split (src, name_data, type_data, domain_data); if (errno >= 0) { name = (string) name_data; type = (string) type_data; domain = (string) domain_data; } return errno; } public bool is_valid_service_type_generic(string s); public bool is_valid_service_type_strict(string s); public bool is_valid_service_subtype(string s); public bool is_valid_domain_name(string s); public bool is_valid_service_name(string s); public bool is_valid_host_name(string s); public bool is_valid_fqdn(string s); [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/address.h")] public unowned string reverse_lookup_name(Address addr, char[] dest=new char[DOMAIN_NAME_MAX]); } [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/alternative.h", lower_case_cprefix="avahi_alternative_")] namespace Alternative { public string host_name(string s); public string service_name(string s); } /* Entry group */ [Flags] [CCode(cheader_filename="avahi-common/defs.h", cname="AvahiPublishFlags", cprefix="AVAHI_PUBLISH_", has_type_id = false)] public enum PublishFlags { UNIQUE, NO_PROBE, NO_ANNOUNCE, ALLOW_MULTIPLE, NO_REVERSE, NO_COOKIE, UPDATE, USE_WIDE_AREA, USE_MULTICAST } }