/* valascanner.vala * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter * Jukka-Pekka Iivonen */ using GLib; /** * Lexical scanner for Vala source files. */ public class Vala.Scanner { public SourceFile source_file { get; private set; } TokenType previous; char* current; char* end; int line; int column; Comment _comment; Conditional[] conditional_stack; struct Conditional { public bool matched; public bool else_found; public bool skip_section; } State[] state_stack; enum State { PARENS, BRACE, BRACKET, TEMPLATE, TEMPLATE_PART, REGEX_LITERAL } public Scanner (SourceFile source_file) { this.source_file = source_file; char* begin = source_file.get_mapped_contents (); end = begin + source_file.get_mapped_length (); current = begin; line = 1; column = 1; } public void seek (SourceLocation location) { current = location.pos; line = location.line; column = location.column; conditional_stack = null; state_stack = null; } bool in_template () { return (state_stack.length > 0 && state_stack[state_stack.length - 1] == State.TEMPLATE); } bool in_template_part () { return (state_stack.length > 0 && state_stack[state_stack.length - 1] == State.TEMPLATE_PART); } bool in_regex_literal () { return (state_stack.length > 0 && state_stack[state_stack.length - 1] == State.REGEX_LITERAL); } bool is_ident_char (char c) { return (c.isalnum () || c == '_'); } SourceReference get_source_reference (int offset, int length = 0) { return new SourceReference (source_file, SourceLocation (current, line, column + offset), SourceLocation (current + length, line, column + offset + length)); } public TokenType read_regex_token (out SourceLocation token_begin, out SourceLocation token_end) { TokenType type; char* begin = current; token_begin = SourceLocation (begin, line, column); int token_length_in_chars = -1; if (current >= end) { type = TokenType.EOF; } else { switch (current[0]) { case '/': type = TokenType.CLOSE_REGEX_LITERAL; current++; state_stack.length--; var fl_i = false; var fl_s = false; var fl_m = false; var fl_x = false; while (current[0] == 'i' || current[0] == 's' || current[0] == 'm' || current[0] == 'x') { switch (current[0]) { case 'i': if (fl_i) { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "modifier 'i' used more than once"); } fl_i = true; break; case 's': if (fl_s) { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "modifier 's' used more than once"); } fl_s = true; break; case 'm': if (fl_m) { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "modifier 'm' used more than once"); } fl_m = true; break; case 'x': if (fl_x) { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "modifier 'x' used more than once"); } fl_x = true; break; } current++; token_length_in_chars++; } break; default: type = TokenType.REGEX_LITERAL; token_length_in_chars = 0; while (current < end && current[0] != '/') { if (current[0] == '\\') { current++; token_length_in_chars++; if (current >= end) { break; } switch (current[0]) { case '\'': case '"': case '\\': case '/': case '^': case '$': case '.': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '?': case '*': case '+': case '-': case '#': case '&': case '~': case ':': case ';': case '<': case '>': case '|': case '%': case '=': case '@': case '0': case 'b': case 'B': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case 'a': case 'A': case 'p': case 'P': case 'e': case 'd': case 'D': case 's': case 'S': case 'w': case 'W': case 'G': case 'z': case 'Z': current++; token_length_in_chars++; break; case 'x': // hexadecimal escape character current++; token_length_in_chars++; while (current < end && current[0].isxdigit ()) { current++; token_length_in_chars++; } break; default: Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid escape sequence"); break; } } else if (current[0] == '\n') { break; } else { unichar u = ((string) current).get_char_validated ((long) (end - current)); if (u != (unichar) (-1)) { current += u.to_utf8 (null); token_length_in_chars++; } else { current++; Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid UTF-8 character"); } } } if (current >= end || current[0] == '\n') { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "syntax error, expected \""); state_stack.length--; return read_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } break; } } if (token_length_in_chars < 0) { column += (int) (current - begin); } else { column += token_length_in_chars; } token_end = SourceLocation (current, line, column - 1); return type; } public static TokenType get_identifier_or_keyword (char* begin, int len) { switch (len) { case 2: switch (begin[0]) { case 'a': if (matches (begin, "as")) return TokenType.AS; break; case 'd': if (matches (begin, "do")) return TokenType.DO; break; case 'i': switch (begin[1]) { case 'f': return TokenType.IF; case 'n': return TokenType.IN; case 's': return TokenType.IS; } break; } break; case 3: switch (begin[0]) { case 'f': if (matches (begin, "for")) return TokenType.FOR; break; case 'g': if (matches (begin, "get")) return TokenType.GET; break; case 'n': if (matches (begin, "new")) return TokenType.NEW; break; case 'o': if (matches (begin, "out")) return TokenType.OUT; break; case 'r': if (matches (begin, "ref")) return TokenType.REF; break; case 's': if (matches (begin, "set")) return TokenType.SET; break; case 't': if (matches (begin, "try")) return TokenType.TRY; break; case 'v': if (matches (begin, "var")) return TokenType.VAR; break; } break; case 4: switch (begin[0]) { case 'b': if (matches (begin, "base")) return TokenType.BASE; break; case 'c': if (matches (begin, "case")) return TokenType.CASE; break; case 'e': switch (begin[1]) { case 'l': if (matches (begin, "else")) return TokenType.ELSE; break; case 'n': if (matches (begin, "enum")) return TokenType.ENUM; break; } break; case 'l': if (matches (begin, "lock")) return TokenType.LOCK; break; case 'n': if (matches (begin, "null")) return TokenType.NULL; break; case 't': switch (begin[1]) { case 'h': if (matches (begin, "this")) return TokenType.THIS; break; case 'r': if (matches (begin, "true")) return TokenType.TRUE; break; } break; case 'v': if (matches (begin, "void")) return TokenType.VOID; break; case 'w': if (matches (begin, "weak")) return TokenType.WEAK; break; } break; case 5: switch (begin[0]) { case 'a': if (matches (begin, "async")) return TokenType.ASYNC; break; case 'b': if (matches (begin, "break")) return TokenType.BREAK; break; case 'c': switch (begin[1]) { case 'a': if (matches (begin, "catch")) return TokenType.CATCH; break; case 'l': if (matches (begin, "class")) return TokenType.CLASS; break; case 'o': if (matches (begin, "const")) return TokenType.CONST; break; } break; case 'f': if (matches (begin, "false")) return TokenType.FALSE; break; case 'o': if (matches (begin, "owned")) return TokenType.OWNED; break; case 't': if (matches (begin, "throw")) return TokenType.THROW; break; case 'u': if (matches (begin, "using")) return TokenType.USING; break; case 'w': if (matches (begin, "while")) return TokenType.WHILE; break; case 'y': if (matches (begin, "yield")) return TokenType.YIELD; break; } break; case 6: switch (begin[0]) { case 'd': if (matches (begin, "delete")) return TokenType.DELETE; break; case 'e': if (matches (begin, "extern")) return TokenType.EXTERN; break; case 'i': if (matches (begin, "inline")) return TokenType.INLINE; break; case 'p': switch (begin[1]) { case 'a': if (matches (begin, "params")) return TokenType.PARAMS; break; case 'u': if (matches (begin, "public")) return TokenType.PUBLIC; break; } break; case 'r': if (matches (begin, "return")) return TokenType.RETURN; break; case 's': switch (begin[1]) { case 'e': if (matches (begin, "sealed")) return TokenType.SEALED; break; case 'i': switch (begin[2]) { case 'g': if (matches (begin, "signal")) return TokenType.SIGNAL; break; case 'z': if (matches (begin, "sizeof")) return TokenType.SIZEOF; break; } break; case 't': switch (begin[2]) { case 'a': if (matches (begin, "static")) return TokenType.STATIC; break; case 'r': if (matches (begin, "struct")) return TokenType.STRUCT; break; } break; case 'w': if (matches (begin, "switch")) return TokenType.SWITCH; break; } break; case 't': switch (begin[1]) { case 'h': if (matches (begin, "throws")) return TokenType.THROWS; break; case 'y': if (matches (begin, "typeof")) return TokenType.TYPEOF; break; } break; } break; case 7: switch (begin[0]) { case 'd': switch (begin[1]) { case 'e': if (matches (begin, "default")) return TokenType.DEFAULT; break; case 'y': if (matches (begin, "dynamic")) return TokenType.DYNAMIC; break; } break; case 'e': if (matches (begin, "ensures")) return TokenType.ENSURES; break; case 'f': switch (begin[1]) { case 'i': if (matches (begin, "finally")) return TokenType.FINALLY; break; case 'o': if (matches (begin, "foreach")) return TokenType.FOREACH; break; } break; case 'p': if (matches (begin, "private")) return TokenType.PRIVATE; break; case 'u': if (matches (begin, "unowned")) return TokenType.UNOWNED; break; case 'v': if (matches (begin, "virtual")) return TokenType.VIRTUAL; break; } break; case 8: switch (begin[0]) { case 'a': if (matches (begin, "abstract")) return TokenType.ABSTRACT; break; case 'c': if (matches (begin, "continue")) return TokenType.CONTINUE; break; case 'd': if (matches (begin, "delegate")) return TokenType.DELEGATE; break; case 'i': if (matches (begin, "internal")) return TokenType.INTERNAL; break; case 'o': if (matches (begin, "override")) return TokenType.OVERRIDE; break; case 'r': if (matches (begin, "requires")) return TokenType.REQUIRES; break; case 'v': if (matches (begin, "volatile")) return TokenType.VOLATILE; break; } break; case 9: switch (begin[0]) { case 'c': if (matches (begin, "construct")) return TokenType.CONSTRUCT; break; case 'i': if (matches (begin, "interface")) return TokenType.INTERFACE; break; case 'n': if (matches (begin, "namespace")) return TokenType.NAMESPACE; break; case 'p': if (matches (begin, "protected")) return TokenType.PROTECTED; break; } break; case 11: if (matches (begin, "errordomain")) return TokenType.ERRORDOMAIN; break; } return TokenType.IDENTIFIER; } TokenType read_number () { var type = TokenType.INTEGER_LITERAL; // integer part if (current < end - 2 && current[0] == '0' && current[1] == 'x' && current[2].isxdigit ()) { // hexadecimal integer literal current += 2; while (current < end && current[0].isxdigit ()) { current++; } } else { // decimal number while (current < end && current[0].isdigit ()) { current++; } } // fractional part if (current < end - 1 && current[0] == '.' && current[1].isdigit ()) { type = TokenType.REAL_LITERAL; current++; while (current < end && current[0].isdigit ()) { current++; } } // exponent part if (current < end && current[0].tolower () == 'e') { type = TokenType.REAL_LITERAL; current++; if (current < end && (current[0] == '+' || current[0] == '-')) { current++; } while (current < end && current[0].isdigit ()) { current++; } } // type suffix if (current < end) { bool real_literal = (type == TokenType.REAL_LITERAL); switch (current[0]) { case 'l': case 'L': if (type == TokenType.INTEGER_LITERAL) { current++; if (current < end && current[0].tolower () == 'l') { current++; } } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (type == TokenType.INTEGER_LITERAL) { current++; if (current < end && current[0].tolower () == 'l') { current++; if (current < end && current[0].tolower () == 'l') { current++; } } } break; case 'f': case 'F': case 'd': case 'D': type = TokenType.REAL_LITERAL; current++; break; } if (!real_literal && is_ident_char (current[0])) { // allow identifiers to start with a digit // as long as they contain at least one char while (current < end && is_ident_char (current[0])) { current++; } type = TokenType.IDENTIFIER; } } return type; } public TokenType read_template_token (out SourceLocation token_begin, out SourceLocation token_end) { TokenType type; char* begin = current; token_begin = SourceLocation (begin, line, column); int token_length_in_chars = -1; if (current >= end) { type = TokenType.EOF; } else { switch (current[0]) { case '"': type = TokenType.CLOSE_TEMPLATE; current++; state_stack.length--; break; case '$': token_begin.pos++; // $ is not part of following token current++; if (current[0].isalpha () || current[0] == '_') { int len = 0; while (current < end && is_ident_char (current[0])) { current++; len++; } type = TokenType.IDENTIFIER; state_stack += State.TEMPLATE_PART; } else if (current[0] == '(') { current++; column += 2; state_stack += State.PARENS; return read_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } else if (current[0] == '$') { type = TokenType.TEMPLATE_STRING_LITERAL; current++; state_stack += State.TEMPLATE_PART; } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (1), "unexpected character"); return read_template_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } break; default: type = TokenType.TEMPLATE_STRING_LITERAL; token_length_in_chars = 0; while (current < end && current[0] != '"' && current[0] != '$') { if (current[0] == '\\') { current++; token_length_in_chars++; if (current >= end) { break; } switch (current[0]) { case '\'': case '"': case '\\': case '0': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': current++; token_length_in_chars++; break; case 'x': // hexadecimal escape character current++; token_length_in_chars++; while (current < end && current[0].isxdigit ()) { current++; token_length_in_chars++; } break; default: Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid escape sequence"); break; } } else if (current[0] == '\n') { current++; line++; column = 1; token_length_in_chars = 1; } else { unichar u = ((string) current).get_char_validated ((long) (end - current)); if (u != (unichar) (-1)) { current += u.to_utf8 (null); token_length_in_chars++; } else { current++; Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid UTF-8 character"); } } } if (current >= end) { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "syntax error, expected \""); state_stack.length--; return read_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } state_stack += State.TEMPLATE_PART; break; } } if (token_length_in_chars < 0) { column += (int) (current - begin); } else { column += token_length_in_chars; } token_end = SourceLocation (current, line, column - 1); return type; } public TokenType read_token (out SourceLocation token_begin, out SourceLocation token_end) { if (in_template ()) { return read_template_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } else if (in_template_part ()) { state_stack.length--; token_begin = SourceLocation (current, line, column); token_end = SourceLocation (current, line, column - 1); return TokenType.COMMA; } else if (in_regex_literal ()) { return read_regex_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } space (); TokenType type; char* begin = current; token_begin = SourceLocation (begin, line, column); int token_length_in_chars = -1; if (current >= end) { type = TokenType.EOF; } else if (current[0].isalpha () || current[0] == '_') { int len = 0; while (current < end && is_ident_char (current[0])) { current++; len++; } type = get_identifier_or_keyword (begin, len); } else if (current[0] == '@') { if (current < end - 1 && current[1] == '"') { type = TokenType.OPEN_TEMPLATE; current += 2; state_stack += State.TEMPLATE; } else { token_begin.pos++; // @ is not part of the identifier current++; int len = 0; while (current < end && is_ident_char (current[0])) { current++; len++; } type = TokenType.IDENTIFIER; } } else if (current[0].isdigit ()) { type = read_number (); } else { switch (current[0]) { case '{': type = TokenType.OPEN_BRACE; current++; state_stack += State.BRACE; break; case '}': type = TokenType.CLOSE_BRACE; current++; if (state_stack.length > 0) { state_stack.length--; } break; case '(': type = TokenType.OPEN_PARENS; current++; state_stack += State.PARENS; break; case ')': type = TokenType.CLOSE_PARENS; current++; if (state_stack.length > 0) { state_stack.length--; } if (in_template ()) { type = TokenType.COMMA; } break; case '[': type = TokenType.OPEN_BRACKET; current++; state_stack += State.BRACKET; break; case ']': type = TokenType.CLOSE_BRACKET; current++; if (state_stack.length > 0) { state_stack.length--; } break; case '.': type = TokenType.DOT; current++; if (current < end - 1) { if (current[0] == '.' && current[1] == '.') { type = TokenType.ELLIPSIS; current += 2; } } break; case ':': type = TokenType.COLON; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == ':') { type = TokenType.DOUBLE_COLON; current++; } break; case ',': type = TokenType.COMMA; current++; break; case ';': type = TokenType.SEMICOLON; current++; break; case '#': type = TokenType.HASH; current++; break; case '?': type = TokenType.INTERR; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '?') { type = TokenType.OP_COALESCING; current++; } break; case '|': type = TokenType.BITWISE_OR; current++; if (current < end) { switch (current[0]) { case '=': type = TokenType.ASSIGN_BITWISE_OR; current++; break; case '|': type = TokenType.OP_OR; current++; break; } } break; case '&': type = TokenType.BITWISE_AND; current++; if (current < end) { switch (current[0]) { case '=': type = TokenType.ASSIGN_BITWISE_AND; current++; break; case '&': type = TokenType.OP_AND; current++; break; } } break; case '^': type = TokenType.CARRET; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.ASSIGN_BITWISE_XOR; current++; } break; case '~': type = TokenType.TILDE; current++; break; case '=': type = TokenType.ASSIGN; current++; if (current < end) { switch (current[0]) { case '=': type = TokenType.OP_EQ; current++; break; case '>': type = TokenType.LAMBDA; current++; break; } } break; case '<': type = TokenType.OP_LT; current++; if (current < end) { switch (current[0]) { case '=': type = TokenType.OP_LE; current++; break; case '<': type = TokenType.OP_SHIFT_LEFT; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT; current++; } break; } } break; case '>': type = TokenType.OP_GT; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.OP_GE; current++; } break; case '!': type = TokenType.OP_NEG; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.OP_NE; current++; } break; case '+': type = TokenType.PLUS; current++; if (current < end) { switch (current[0]) { case '=': type = TokenType.ASSIGN_ADD; current++; break; case '+': type = TokenType.OP_INC; current++; break; } } break; case '-': type = TokenType.MINUS; current++; if (current < end) { switch (current[0]) { case '=': type = TokenType.ASSIGN_SUB; current++; break; case '-': type = TokenType.OP_DEC; current++; break; case '>': type = TokenType.OP_PTR; current++; break; } } break; case '*': type = TokenType.STAR; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.ASSIGN_MUL; current++; } break; case '/': switch (previous) { case TokenType.ASSIGN: case TokenType.COMMA: case TokenType.MINUS: case TokenType.OP_AND: case TokenType.OP_COALESCING: case TokenType.OP_EQ: case TokenType.OP_GE: case TokenType.OP_GT: case TokenType.OP_LE: case TokenType.OP_LT: case TokenType.OP_NE: case TokenType.OP_NEG: case TokenType.OP_OR: case TokenType.OPEN_BRACE: case TokenType.OPEN_PARENS: case TokenType.PLUS: case TokenType.RETURN: type = TokenType.OPEN_REGEX_LITERAL; state_stack += State.REGEX_LITERAL; current++; break; default: type = TokenType.DIV; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.ASSIGN_DIV; current++; } break; } break; case '%': type = TokenType.PERCENT; current++; if (current < end && current[0] == '=') { type = TokenType.ASSIGN_PERCENT; current++; } break; case '\'': case '"': if (begin[0] == '\'') { type = TokenType.CHARACTER_LITERAL; } else if (current < end - 6 && begin[1] == '"' && begin[2] == '"') { type = TokenType.VERBATIM_STRING_LITERAL; token_length_in_chars = 6; current += 3; while (current < end - 4) { if (current[0] == '"' && current[1] == '"' && current[2] == '"' && current[3] != '"') { break; } else if (current[0] == '\n') { current++; line++; column = 1; token_length_in_chars = 3; } else { unichar u = ((string) current).get_char_validated ((long) (end - current)); if (u != (unichar) (-1)) { current += u.to_utf8 (null); token_length_in_chars++; } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid UTF-8 character"); } } } if (current[0] == '"' && current[1] == '"' && current[2] == '"') { current += 3; } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "syntax error, expected \"\"\""); } break; } else { type = TokenType.STRING_LITERAL; } token_length_in_chars = 2; current++; while (current < end && current[0] != begin[0]) { if (current[0] == '\\') { current++; token_length_in_chars++; if (current >= end) { break; } switch (current[0]) { case '\'': case '"': case '\\': case '0': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case '$': current++; token_length_in_chars++; break; case 'x': // hexadecimal escape character current++; token_length_in_chars++; while (current < end && current[0].isxdigit ()) { current++; token_length_in_chars++; } break; default: Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid escape sequence"); break; } } else if (current[0] == '\n') { current++; line++; column = 1; token_length_in_chars = 1; } else { unichar u = ((string) current).get_char_validated ((long) (end - current)); if (u != (unichar) (-1)) { current += u.to_utf8 (null); token_length_in_chars++; } else { current++; Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid UTF-8 character"); } } if (current < end && begin[0] == '\'' && current[0] != '\'') { // multiple characters in single character literal Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "invalid character literal"); } } if (current < end) { current++; } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (token_length_in_chars), "syntax error, expected %c".printf (begin[0])); } break; default: unichar u = ((string) current).get_char_validated ((long) (end - current)); if (u != (unichar) (-1)) { current += u.to_utf8 (null); Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, unexpected character"); } else { current++; Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "invalid UTF-8 character"); } column++; return read_token (out token_begin, out token_end); } } if (token_length_in_chars < 0) { column += (int) (current - begin); } else { column += token_length_in_chars; } token_end = SourceLocation (current, line, column - 1); previous = type; return type; } static bool matches (char* begin, string keyword) { char* keyword_array = (char*) keyword; long len = keyword.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (begin[i] != keyword_array[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool pp_whitespace () { bool found = false; while (current < end && current[0].isspace () && current[0] != '\n') { found = true; current++; column++; } return found; } void pp_space () { while (pp_whitespace () || comment ()) { } } void pp_directive () { // hash sign current++; column++; if (line == 1 && column == 2 && current < end && current[0] == '!') { // hash bang: #! // skip until end of line or end of file while (current < end && current[0] != '\n') { current++; } return; } pp_space (); char* begin = current; int len = 0; while (current < end && current[0].isalnum ()) { current++; column++; len++; } if (len == 2 && matches (begin, "if")) { parse_pp_if (); } else if (len == 4 && matches (begin, "elif")) { parse_pp_elif (); } else if (len == 4 && matches (begin, "else")) { parse_pp_else (); } else if (len == 5 && matches (begin, "endif")) { parse_pp_endif (); } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (-len, len), "syntax error, invalid preprocessing directive"); } if (conditional_stack.length > 0 && conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].skip_section) { // skip lines until next preprocessing directive bool bol = false; while (current < end) { if (bol && current[0] == '#') { // go back to begin of line current -= (column - 1); column = 1; return; } if (current[0] == '\n') { line++; column = 0; bol = true; } else if (!current[0].isspace ()) { bol = false; } current++; column++; } } } void pp_eol () { pp_space (); if (current >= end || current[0] != '\n') { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, expected newline"); } } void parse_pp_if () { pp_space (); bool condition = parse_pp_expression (); pp_eol (); conditional_stack += Conditional (); if (condition && (conditional_stack.length == 1 || !conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 2].skip_section)) { // condition true => process code within if conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].matched = true; } else { // skip lines until next preprocessing directive conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].skip_section = true; } } void parse_pp_elif () { pp_space (); bool condition = parse_pp_expression (); pp_eol (); if (conditional_stack.length == 0 || conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].else_found) { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, unexpected #elif"); return; } if (condition && !conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].matched && (conditional_stack.length == 1 || !conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 2].skip_section)) { // condition true => process code within if conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].matched = true; conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].skip_section = false; } else { // skip lines until next preprocessing directive conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].skip_section = true; } } void parse_pp_else () { pp_eol (); if (conditional_stack.length == 0 || conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].else_found) { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, unexpected #else"); return; } if (!conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].matched && (conditional_stack.length == 1 || !conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 2].skip_section)) { // condition true => process code within if conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].matched = true; conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].skip_section = false; } else { // skip lines until next preprocessing directive conditional_stack[conditional_stack.length - 1].skip_section = true; } } void parse_pp_endif () { pp_eol (); if (conditional_stack.length == 0) { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, unexpected #endif"); return; } conditional_stack.length--; } bool parse_pp_symbol () { int len = 0; while (current < end && is_ident_char (current[0])) { current++; column++; len++; } if (len == 0) { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, expected identifier"); return false; } string identifier = ((string) (current - len)).substring (0, len); bool defined; if (identifier == "true") { defined = true; } else if (identifier == "false") { defined = false; } else { defined = source_file.context.is_defined (identifier); } return defined; } bool parse_pp_primary_expression () { if (current >= end) { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, expected identifier"); } else if (is_ident_char (current[0])) { return parse_pp_symbol (); } else if (current[0] == '(') { current++; column++; pp_space (); bool result = parse_pp_expression (); pp_space (); if (current < end && current[0] == ')') { current++; column++; } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, expected `)'"); } return result; } else { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, expected identifier"); } return false; } bool parse_pp_unary_expression () { if (current < end && current[0] == '!') { current++; column++; pp_space (); return !parse_pp_unary_expression (); } return parse_pp_primary_expression (); } bool parse_pp_equality_expression () { bool left = parse_pp_unary_expression (); pp_space (); while (true) { if (current < end - 1 && current[0] == '=' && current[1] == '=') { current += 2; column += 2; pp_space (); bool right = parse_pp_unary_expression (); left = (left == right); } else if (current < end - 1 && current[0] == '!' && current[1] == '=') { current += 2; column += 2; pp_space (); bool right = parse_pp_unary_expression (); left = (left != right); } else { break; } } return left; } bool parse_pp_and_expression () { bool left = parse_pp_equality_expression (); pp_space (); while (current < end - 1 && current[0] == '&' && current[1] == '&') { current += 2; column += 2; pp_space (); bool right = parse_pp_equality_expression (); left = left && right; } return left; } bool parse_pp_or_expression () { bool left = parse_pp_and_expression (); pp_space (); while (current < end - 1 && current[0] == '|' && current[1] == '|') { current += 2; column += 2; pp_space (); bool right = parse_pp_and_expression (); left = left || right; } return left; } bool parse_pp_expression () { return parse_pp_or_expression (); } bool whitespace () { bool found = false; bool bol = (column == 1); while (current < end && current[0].isspace ()) { if (current[0] == '\n') { line++; column = 0; bol = true; } found = true; current++; column++; } if (bol && current < end && current[0] == '#') { pp_directive (); return true; } return found; } bool comment (bool file_comment = false) { if (current == null || current > end - 2 || current[0] != '/' || (current[1] != '/' && current[1] != '*')) { return false; } if (current[1] == '/') { SourceReference source_reference = null; if (file_comment) { source_reference = get_source_reference (0); } // single-line comment current += 2; char* begin = current; // skip until end of line or end of file while (current < end && current[0] != '\n') { current++; } if (source_reference != null) { push_comment (((string) begin).substring (0, (long) (current - begin)), source_reference, file_comment); } } else { SourceReference source_reference = null; if (file_comment && current[2] == '*') { return false; } if (current[2] == '*' || file_comment) { source_reference = get_source_reference (0); } current += 2; char* begin = current; while (current < end - 1 && (current[0] != '*' || current[1] != '/')) { if (current[0] == '\n') { line++; column = 0; } current++; column++; } if (current == end - 1) { Report.error (get_source_reference (0), "syntax error, expected */"); return true; } if (source_reference != null) { push_comment (((string) begin).substring (0, (long) (current - begin)), source_reference, file_comment); } current += 2; column += 2; } return true; } void space () { while (whitespace () || comment ()) { } } public void parse_file_comments () { while (whitespace () || comment (true)) { } } void push_comment (string comment_item, SourceReference source_reference, bool file_comment) { if (comment_item[0] == '*') { if (_comment != null) { // extra doc comment, add it to source file comments source_file.add_comment (_comment); } _comment = new Comment (comment_item, source_reference); } if (file_comment) { source_file.add_comment (new Comment (comment_item, source_reference)); _comment = null; } } /** * Clears and returns the content of the comment stack. * * @return saved comment */ public Comment? pop_comment () { if (_comment == null) { return null; } var comment = _comment; _comment = null; return comment; } }