/* valaflowanalyzer.vala * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; /** * Code visitor building the control flow graph. */ public class Vala.FlowAnalyzer : CodeVisitor { private class JumpTarget { public bool is_break_target { get; set; } public bool is_continue_target { get; set; } public bool is_return_target { get; set; } public bool is_exit_target { get; set; } public bool is_error_target { get; set; } public ErrorDomain? error_domain { get; set; } public ErrorCode? error_code { get; set; } public Class? error_class { get; set; } public bool is_finally_clause { get; set; } public BasicBlock basic_block { get; set; } public BasicBlock? last_block { get; set; } public CatchClause? catch_clause { get; set; } public JumpTarget.break_target (BasicBlock basic_block) { this.basic_block = basic_block; is_break_target = true; } public JumpTarget.continue_target (BasicBlock basic_block) { this.basic_block = basic_block; is_continue_target = true; } public JumpTarget.return_target (BasicBlock basic_block) { this.basic_block = basic_block; is_return_target = true; } public JumpTarget.exit_target (BasicBlock basic_block) { this.basic_block = basic_block; is_exit_target = true; } public JumpTarget.error_target (BasicBlock basic_block, CatchClause catch_clause, ErrorDomain? error_domain, ErrorCode? error_code, Class? error_class) { this.basic_block = basic_block; this.catch_clause = catch_clause; this.error_domain = error_domain; this.error_code = error_code; this.error_class = error_class; is_error_target = true; } public JumpTarget.any_target (BasicBlock basic_block) { this.basic_block = basic_block; is_break_target = true; is_continue_target = true; is_return_target = true; is_exit_target = true; is_error_target = true; } public JumpTarget.finally_clause (BasicBlock basic_block, BasicBlock last_block) { this.basic_block = basic_block; this.last_block = last_block; is_finally_clause = true; } } private CodeContext context; private BasicBlock current_block; private bool unreachable_reported; private List jump_stack = new ArrayList (); Map> var_map; Set used_vars; Map phi_functions; public FlowAnalyzer () { } /** * Build control flow graph in the specified context. * * @param context a code context */ public void analyze (CodeContext context) { this.context = context; /* we're only interested in non-pkg source files */ var source_files = context.get_source_files (); foreach (SourceFile file in source_files) { if (file.file_type == SourceFileType.SOURCE) { file.accept (this); } } } public override void visit_source_file (SourceFile source_file) { source_file.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_class (Class cl) { cl.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_struct (Struct st) { st.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_interface (Interface iface) { iface.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_enum (Enum en) { en.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_error_domain (ErrorDomain ed) { ed.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_field (Field f) { if (f.is_internal_symbol () && !f.used) { if (!f.is_private_symbol () && (context.internal_header_filename != null || context.use_fast_vapi)) { // do not warn if internal member may be used outside this compilation unit } else { Report.warning (f.source_reference, "field `%s' never used".printf (f.get_full_name ())); } } } public override void visit_lambda_expression (LambdaExpression le) { var old_current_block = current_block; var old_unreachable_reported = unreachable_reported; var old_jump_stack = jump_stack; mark_unreachable (); jump_stack = new ArrayList (); le.accept_children (this); current_block = old_current_block; unreachable_reported = old_unreachable_reported; jump_stack = old_jump_stack; } public override void visit_method (Method m) { if (m.is_internal_symbol () && !m.used && !m.entry_point && !m.overrides && (m.base_interface_method == null || m.base_interface_method == m) && !(m is CreationMethod)) { if (!m.is_private_symbol () && (context.internal_header_filename != null || context.use_fast_vapi)) { // do not warn if internal member may be used outside this compilation unit } else { Report.warning (m.source_reference, "method `%s' never used".printf (m.get_full_name ())); } } visit_subroutine (m); } public override void visit_signal (Signal sig) { if (sig.default_handler != null) { visit_subroutine (sig.default_handler); } } void visit_subroutine (Subroutine m) { if (m.body == null) { return; } m.entry_block = new BasicBlock.entry (); m.return_block = new BasicBlock (); m.exit_block = new BasicBlock.exit (); m.return_block.connect (m.exit_block); if (m is Method) { // ensure out parameters are defined at end of method foreach (var param in ((Method) m).get_parameters ()) { if (param.direction == ParameterDirection.OUT) { var param_ma = new MemberAccess.simple (param.name, param.source_reference); param_ma.symbol_reference = param; m.return_block.add_node (param_ma); } } } current_block = new BasicBlock (); m.entry_block.connect (current_block); current_block.add_node (m); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.return_target (m.return_block)); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.exit_target (m.exit_block)); m.accept_children (this); jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); if (current_block != null) { // end of method body reachable if (m.has_result) { Report.error (m.source_reference, "missing return statement at end of subroutine body"); m.error = true; } current_block.connect (m.return_block); } analyze_body (m.entry_block); } void analyze_body (BasicBlock entry_block) { var block_list = get_depth_first_list (entry_block); build_dominator_tree (block_list, entry_block); build_dominator_frontier (block_list, entry_block); insert_phi_functions (block_list, entry_block); check_variables (entry_block); } // generates reverse postorder list List get_depth_first_list (BasicBlock entry_block) { var list = new ArrayList (); depth_first_traverse (entry_block, list); return list; } void depth_first_traverse (BasicBlock current, List list) { if (current.postorder_visited) { return; } current.postorder_visited = true; foreach (BasicBlock succ in current.get_successors ()) { depth_first_traverse (succ, list); } current.postorder_number = list.size; list.insert (0, current); } void build_dominator_tree (List block_list, BasicBlock entry_block) { // immediate dominators var idoms = new BasicBlock[block_list.size]; idoms[entry_block.postorder_number] = entry_block; bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; foreach (BasicBlock block in block_list) { if (block == entry_block) { continue; } // new immediate dominator BasicBlock new_idom = null; bool first = true; foreach (BasicBlock pred in block.get_predecessors ()) { if (idoms[pred.postorder_number] != null) { if (first) { new_idom = pred; first = false; } else { new_idom = intersect (idoms, pred, new_idom); } } } if (idoms[block.postorder_number] != new_idom) { idoms[block.postorder_number] = new_idom; changed = true; } } } // build tree foreach (BasicBlock block in block_list) { if (block == entry_block) { continue; } idoms[block.postorder_number].add_child (block); } } BasicBlock intersect (BasicBlock[] idoms, BasicBlock b1, BasicBlock b2) { while (b1 != b2) { while (b1.postorder_number < b2.postorder_number) { b1 = idoms[b2.postorder_number]; } while (b2.postorder_number < b1.postorder_number) { b2 = idoms[b2.postorder_number]; } } return b1; } void build_dominator_frontier (List block_list, BasicBlock entry_block) { for (int i = block_list.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var block = block_list[i]; foreach (BasicBlock succ in block.get_successors ()) { // if idom(succ) != block if (succ.parent != block) { block.add_dominator_frontier (succ); } } foreach (BasicBlock child in block.get_children ()) { foreach (BasicBlock child_frontier in child.get_dominator_frontier ()) { // if idom(child_frontier) != block if (child_frontier.parent != block) { block.add_dominator_frontier (child_frontier); } } } } } Map> get_assignment_map (List block_list, BasicBlock entry_block) { var map = new HashMap> (); foreach (BasicBlock block in block_list) { var defined_variables = new ArrayList (); foreach (CodeNode node in block.get_nodes ()) { node.get_defined_variables (defined_variables); } foreach (Variable variable in defined_variables) { var block_set = map.get (variable); if (block_set == null) { block_set = new HashSet (); map.set (variable, block_set); } block_set.add (block); } } return map; } void insert_phi_functions (List block_list, BasicBlock entry_block) { var assign = get_assignment_map (block_list, entry_block); int counter = 0; var work_list = new ArrayList (); var added = new HashMap (); var phi = new HashMap (); foreach (BasicBlock block in block_list) { added.set (block, 0); phi.set (block, 0); } foreach (Variable variable in assign.get_keys ()) { counter++; foreach (BasicBlock block in assign.get (variable)) { work_list.add (block); added.set (block, counter); } while (work_list.size > 0) { BasicBlock block = work_list.get (0); work_list.remove_at (0); foreach (BasicBlock frontier in block.get_dominator_frontier ()) { int blockPhi = phi.get (frontier); if (blockPhi < counter) { frontier.add_phi_function (new PhiFunction (variable, frontier.get_predecessors ().size)); phi.set (frontier, counter); int block_added = added.get (frontier); if (block_added < counter) { added.set (frontier, counter); work_list.add (frontier); } } } } } } void check_variables (BasicBlock entry_block) { var_map = new HashMap>(); used_vars = new HashSet (); phi_functions = new HashMap (); check_block_variables (entry_block); // check for variables used before initialization var used_vars_queue = new ArrayList (); foreach (Variable variable in used_vars) { used_vars_queue.add (variable); } while (used_vars_queue.size > 0) { Variable used_var = used_vars_queue[0]; used_vars_queue.remove_at (0); PhiFunction phi = phi_functions.get (used_var); if (phi != null) { foreach (Variable variable in phi.operands) { if (variable == null) { if (used_var is LocalVariable) { Report.error (used_var.source_reference, "use of possibly unassigned local variable `%s'".printf (used_var.name)); } else { // parameter Report.warning (used_var.source_reference, "use of possibly unassigned parameter `%s'".printf (used_var.name)); } continue; } if (!(variable in used_vars)) { variable.source_reference = used_var.source_reference; used_vars.add (variable); used_vars_queue.add (variable); } } } } } void check_block_variables (BasicBlock block) { foreach (PhiFunction phi in block.get_phi_functions ()) { Variable versioned_var = process_assignment (var_map, phi.original_variable); phi_functions.set (versioned_var, phi); } foreach (CodeNode node in block.get_nodes ()) { var used_variables = new ArrayList (); node.get_used_variables (used_variables); foreach (Variable var_symbol in used_variables) { var variable_stack = var_map.get (var_symbol); if (variable_stack == null || variable_stack.size == 0) { if (var_symbol is LocalVariable) { Report.error (node.source_reference, "use of possibly unassigned local variable `%s'".printf (var_symbol.name)); } else { // parameter Report.warning (node.source_reference, "use of possibly unassigned parameter `%s'".printf (var_symbol.name)); } continue; } var versioned_variable = variable_stack.get (variable_stack.size - 1); if (!(versioned_variable in used_vars)) { versioned_variable.source_reference = node.source_reference; } used_vars.add (versioned_variable); } var defined_variables = new ArrayList (); node.get_defined_variables (defined_variables); foreach (Variable variable in defined_variables) { process_assignment (var_map, variable); } } foreach (BasicBlock succ in block.get_successors ()) { int j = 0; foreach (BasicBlock pred in succ.get_predecessors ()) { if (pred == block) { break; } j++; } foreach (PhiFunction phi in succ.get_phi_functions ()) { var variable_stack = var_map.get (phi.original_variable); if (variable_stack != null && variable_stack.size > 0) { phi.operands.set (j, variable_stack.get (variable_stack.size - 1)); } } } foreach (BasicBlock child in block.get_children ()) { check_block_variables (child); } foreach (PhiFunction phi in block.get_phi_functions ()) { var variable_stack = var_map.get (phi.original_variable); variable_stack.remove_at (variable_stack.size - 1); } foreach (CodeNode node in block.get_nodes ()) { var defined_variables = new ArrayList (); node.get_defined_variables (defined_variables); foreach (Variable variable in defined_variables) { var variable_stack = var_map.get (variable); variable_stack.remove_at (variable_stack.size - 1); } } } Variable process_assignment (Map> var_map, Variable var_symbol) { var variable_stack = var_map.get (var_symbol); if (variable_stack == null) { variable_stack = new ArrayList (); var_map.set (var_symbol, variable_stack); var_symbol.single_assignment = true; } else { var_symbol.single_assignment = false; } Variable versioned_var; if (var_symbol is LocalVariable) { versioned_var = new LocalVariable (var_symbol.variable_type.copy (), var_symbol.name, null, var_symbol.source_reference); } else { // parameter versioned_var = new Parameter (var_symbol.name, var_symbol.variable_type.copy (), var_symbol.source_reference); } variable_stack.add (versioned_var); return versioned_var; } public override void visit_creation_method (CreationMethod m) { visit_method (m); } public override void visit_property (Property prop) { prop.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_property_accessor (PropertyAccessor acc) { visit_subroutine (acc); } public override void visit_block (Block b) { b.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_declaration_statement (DeclarationStatement stmt) { stmt.accept_children (this); if (unreachable (stmt)) { stmt.declaration.unreachable = true; return; } if (!stmt.declaration.used) { Report.warning (stmt.declaration.source_reference, "local variable `%s' declared but never used".printf (stmt.declaration.name)); } current_block.add_node (stmt); var local = stmt.declaration as LocalVariable; if (local != null && local.initializer != null) { handle_errors (local.initializer); } } public override void visit_local_variable (LocalVariable local) { if (local.initializer != null) { local.initializer.accept (this); } } public override void visit_expression_statement (ExpressionStatement stmt) { stmt.accept_children (this); if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } current_block.add_node (stmt); handle_errors (stmt); if (stmt.expression is MethodCall) { var expr = (MethodCall) stmt.expression; var ma = expr.call as MemberAccess; if (ma != null && ma.symbol_reference != null && ma.symbol_reference.get_attribute ("NoReturn") != null) { mark_unreachable (); return; } } } bool always_true (Expression condition) { var literal = condition as BooleanLiteral; return (literal != null && literal.value); } bool always_false (Expression condition) { var literal = condition as BooleanLiteral; return (literal != null && !literal.value); } public override void visit_if_statement (IfStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } // condition current_block.add_node (stmt.condition); handle_errors (stmt.condition); // true block var last_block = current_block; if (always_false (stmt.condition)) { mark_unreachable (); } else { current_block = new BasicBlock (); last_block.connect (current_block); } stmt.true_statement.accept (this); // false block var last_true_block = current_block; if (always_true (stmt.condition)) { mark_unreachable (); } else { current_block = new BasicBlock (); last_block.connect (current_block); } if (stmt.false_statement != null) { stmt.false_statement.accept (this); } // after if/else var last_false_block = current_block; // reachable? if (last_true_block != null || last_false_block != null) { current_block = new BasicBlock (); if (last_true_block != null) { last_true_block.connect (current_block); } if (last_false_block != null) { last_false_block.connect (current_block); } } } public override void visit_switch_statement (SwitchStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } var after_switch_block = new BasicBlock (); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.break_target (after_switch_block)); // condition current_block.add_node (stmt.expression); var condition_block = current_block; handle_errors (stmt.expression); bool has_default_label = false; foreach (SwitchSection section in stmt.get_sections ()) { current_block = new BasicBlock (); condition_block.connect (current_block); foreach (Statement section_stmt in section.get_statements ()) { section_stmt.accept (this); } if (section.has_default_label ()) { has_default_label = true; } if (current_block != null) { // end of switch section reachable // we don't allow fall-through Report.error (section.source_reference, "missing break statement at end of switch section"); section.error = true; current_block.connect (after_switch_block); } } if (!has_default_label) { condition_block.connect (after_switch_block); } // after switch // reachable? if (after_switch_block.get_predecessors ().size > 0) { current_block = after_switch_block; } else { mark_unreachable (); } jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); } public override void visit_loop (Loop stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } var loop_block = new BasicBlock (); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.continue_target (loop_block)); var after_loop_block = new BasicBlock (); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.break_target (after_loop_block)); // loop block var last_block = current_block; last_block.connect (loop_block); current_block = loop_block; stmt.body.accept (this); // end of loop block reachable? if (current_block != null) { current_block.connect (loop_block); } // after loop // reachable? if (after_loop_block.get_predecessors ().size == 0) { // after loop block not reachable mark_unreachable (); } else { // after loop block reachable current_block = after_loop_block; } jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); } public override void visit_foreach_statement (ForeachStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } // collection current_block.add_node (stmt.collection); handle_errors (stmt.collection); var loop_block = new BasicBlock (); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.continue_target (loop_block)); var after_loop_block = new BasicBlock (); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.break_target (after_loop_block)); // loop block var last_block = current_block; last_block.connect (loop_block); current_block = loop_block; current_block.add_node (stmt); stmt.body.accept (this); if (current_block != null) { current_block.connect (loop_block); } // after loop last_block.connect (after_loop_block); if (current_block != null) { current_block.connect (after_loop_block); } current_block = after_loop_block; jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); } public override void visit_break_statement (BreakStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } current_block.add_node (stmt); for (int i = jump_stack.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var jump_target = jump_stack[i]; if (jump_target.is_break_target) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); mark_unreachable (); return; } else if (jump_target.is_finally_clause) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); current_block = jump_target.last_block; } } Report.error (stmt.source_reference, "no enclosing loop or switch statement found"); stmt.error = true; } public override void visit_continue_statement (ContinueStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } current_block.add_node (stmt); for (int i = jump_stack.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var jump_target = jump_stack[i]; if (jump_target.is_continue_target) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); mark_unreachable (); return; } else if (jump_target.is_finally_clause) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); current_block = jump_target.last_block; } } Report.error (stmt.source_reference, "no enclosing loop found"); stmt.error = true; } public override void visit_return_statement (ReturnStatement stmt) { stmt.accept_children (this); if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } current_block.add_node (stmt); if (stmt.return_expression != null) { handle_errors (stmt.return_expression); } for (int i = jump_stack.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var jump_target = jump_stack[i]; if (jump_target.is_return_target) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); mark_unreachable (); return; } else if (jump_target.is_finally_clause) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); current_block = jump_target.last_block; } } Report.error (stmt.source_reference, "no enclosing loop found"); stmt.error = true; } private void handle_errors (CodeNode node, bool always_fail = false) { if (node.tree_can_fail) { var last_block = current_block; // exceptional control flow foreach (DataType error_data_type in node.get_error_types()) { var error_type = error_data_type as ErrorType; current_block = last_block; unreachable_reported = true; for (int i = jump_stack.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var jump_target = jump_stack[i]; if (jump_target.is_exit_target) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); mark_unreachable (); break; } else if (jump_target.is_error_target) { if (jump_target.error_domain == null || (jump_target.error_domain == error_type.error_domain && (jump_target.error_code == null || jump_target.error_code == error_type.error_code))) { // error can always be caught by this catch clause // following catch clauses cannot be reached by this error current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); mark_unreachable (); break; } else if (error_type.error_domain == null || (error_type.error_domain == jump_target.error_domain && (error_type.error_code == null || error_type.error_code == jump_target.error_code))) { // error might be caught by this catch clause // unknown at compile time // following catch clauses might still be reached by this error current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); } } else if (jump_target.is_finally_clause) { current_block.connect (jump_target.basic_block); current_block = jump_target.last_block; } } } // normal control flow if (!always_fail) { current_block = new BasicBlock (); last_block.connect (current_block); } } } public override void visit_yield_statement (YieldStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } stmt.accept_children (this); } public override void visit_throw_statement (ThrowStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } current_block.add_node (stmt); handle_errors (stmt, true); } public override void visit_try_statement (TryStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } var before_try_block = current_block; var after_try_block = new BasicBlock (); BasicBlock finally_block = null; if (stmt.finally_body != null) { finally_block = new BasicBlock (); current_block = finally_block; // trap all forbidden jumps var invalid_block = new BasicBlock (); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.any_target (invalid_block)); stmt.finally_body.accept (this); if (invalid_block.get_predecessors ().size > 0) { // don't allow finally blocks with e.g. return statements Report.error (stmt.source_reference, "jump out of finally block not permitted"); stmt.error = true; return; } jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.finally_clause (finally_block, current_block)); } int finally_jump_stack_size = jump_stack.size; var catch_clauses = stmt.get_catch_clauses (); for (int i = catch_clauses.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var catch_clause = catch_clauses[i]; if (catch_clause.error_type != null) { var error_type = (ErrorType) catch_clause.error_type; jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.error_target (new BasicBlock (), catch_clause, catch_clause.error_type.data_type as ErrorDomain, error_type.error_code, null)); } else { jump_stack.add (new JumpTarget.error_target (new BasicBlock (), catch_clause, null, null, null)); } } current_block = before_try_block; stmt.body.accept (this); if (current_block != null) { if (finally_block != null) { current_block.connect (finally_block); current_block = finally_block; } current_block.connect (after_try_block); } // remove catch clauses from jump stack List catch_stack = new ArrayList (); for (int i = jump_stack.size - 1; i >= finally_jump_stack_size; i--) { var jump_target = jump_stack[i]; catch_stack.add (jump_target); jump_stack.remove_at (i); } foreach (JumpTarget jump_target in catch_stack) { foreach (JumpTarget prev_target in catch_stack) { if (prev_target == jump_target) { break; } if (prev_target.error_domain == jump_target.error_domain && prev_target.error_code == jump_target.error_code) { Report.error (stmt.source_reference, "double catch clause of same error detected"); stmt.error = true; return; } } if (jump_target.basic_block.get_predecessors ().size == 0) { // unreachable Report.warning (jump_target.catch_clause.source_reference, "unreachable catch clause detected"); } else { current_block = jump_target.basic_block; current_block.add_node (jump_target.catch_clause); jump_target.catch_clause.body.accept (this); if (current_block != null) { if (finally_block != null) { current_block.connect (finally_block); current_block = finally_block; } current_block.connect (after_try_block); } } } if (finally_block != null) { jump_stack.remove_at (jump_stack.size - 1); } // after try statement // reachable? if (after_try_block.get_predecessors ().size > 0) { current_block = after_try_block; } else { stmt.after_try_block_reachable = false; mark_unreachable (); } } public override void visit_lock_statement (LockStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } } public override void visit_unlock_statement (UnlockStatement stmt) { if (unreachable (stmt)) { return; } } public override void visit_expression (Expression expr) { // lambda expression is handled separately if (!(expr is LambdaExpression)) { expr.accept_children (this); } } private bool unreachable (CodeNode node) { if (current_block == null) { node.unreachable = true; if (!unreachable_reported) { Report.warning (node.source_reference, "unreachable code detected"); unreachable_reported = true; } return true; } return false; } void mark_unreachable () { current_block = null; unreachable_reported = false; } }