/* valacodecontext.vala * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; /** * The root of the code tree. */ public class Vala.CodeContext { /** * Enable run-time checks for programming errors. */ public bool assert { get; set; } /** * Enable additional run-time checks such as type checks. */ public bool checking { get; set; } /** * Do not warn when using deprecated features. */ public bool deprecated { get; set; } /** * Hide the symbols marked as internal */ public bool hide_internal { get; set; } /** * Do not check whether used symbols exist in local packages. */ public bool since_check { get; set; } /** * Do not warn when using experimental features. */ public bool experimental { get; set; } /** * Enable experimental enhancements for non-null types. */ public bool experimental_non_null { get; set; } /** * Enable GObject creation tracing. */ public bool gobject_tracing { get; set; } /** * Output C code, don't compile to object code. */ public bool ccode_only { get; set; } /** * Command to run pkg-config. */ public string pkg_config_command { get; set; default = "pkg-config"; } /** * Enable support for ABI stability. */ public bool abi_stability { get; set; } /** * Output C header file. */ public string? header_filename { get; set; } /** * Output internal C header file. */ public string? internal_header_filename { get; set; } public bool use_header { get; set; } /** * Base directory used for header_filename in the VAPIs. */ public string? includedir { get; set; } /** * Output symbols file. */ public string? symbols_filename { get; set; } /** * Compile but do not link. */ public bool compile_only { get; set; } /** * Output filename. */ public string output { get; set; } /** * Base source directory. */ public string basedir { get; set; } /** * Code output directory. */ public string directory { get; set; } /** * List of directories where to find .vapi files. */ public string[] vapi_directories { get; set; default = {}; } /** * List of directories where to find .gir files. */ public string[] gir_directories { get; set; default = {}; } /** * List of directories where to find .metadata files for .gir files. */ public string[] metadata_directories { get; set; default = {}; } /** * Produce debug information. */ public bool debug { get; set; } /** * Optimization level. */ public int optlevel { get; set; } /** * Enable memory profiler. */ public bool mem_profiler { get; set; } /** * Specifies the optional module initialization method. */ public Method module_init_method { get; set; } /** * Keep temporary files produced by the compiler. */ public bool save_temps { get; set; } public Profile profile { get; set; } public bool verbose_mode { get; set; } public bool version_header { get; set; } public bool nostdpkg { get; set; } public bool use_fast_vapi { get; set; } /** * Continue as much as possible after an error. */ public bool keep_going { get; set; } /** * Include comments in generated vapi. */ public bool vapi_comments { get; set; } /** * Returns true if the target version of glib is greater than or * equal to the specified version. */ public bool require_glib_version (int major, int minor) { return (target_glib_major > major) || (target_glib_major == major && target_glib_minor >= minor); } public bool save_csources { get { return save_temps; } } public Report report { get; set; default = new Report ();} public Method? entry_point { get; set; } public string entry_point_name { get; set; } public bool run_output { get; set; } public string[] gresources { get; set; default = {}; } public string[] gresources_directories { get; set; default = {}; } private List source_files = new ArrayList (); private Map source_files_map = new HashMap (str_hash, str_equal); private List c_source_files = new ArrayList (); private Namespace _root = new Namespace (null); private List packages = new ArrayList (str_equal); private Set defines = new HashSet (str_hash, str_equal); static StaticPrivate context_stack_key = StaticPrivate (); int target_glib_major; int target_glib_minor; /** * The root namespace of the symbol tree. */ public Namespace root { get { return _root; } } public SymbolResolver resolver { get; private set; } public SemanticAnalyzer analyzer { get; private set; } public FlowAnalyzer flow_analyzer { get; private set; } /** * The selected code generator. */ public CodeGenerator codegen { get; set; } /** * Mark attributes used by the compiler and report unused at the end. */ public UsedAttr used_attr { get; set; } public CodeContext () { add_default_defines (); resolver = new SymbolResolver (); analyzer = new SemanticAnalyzer (); flow_analyzer = new FlowAnalyzer (); used_attr = new UsedAttr (); } /** * Return the topmost context from the context stack. */ public static CodeContext get () { List* context_stack = context_stack_key.get (); if (context_stack == null || context_stack->size == 0) { error ("internal: No context available to get"); } return context_stack->get (context_stack->size - 1); } /** * Push the specified context to the context stack. */ public static void push (CodeContext context) { ArrayList* context_stack = context_stack_key.get (); if (context_stack == null) { context_stack = new ArrayList (); context_stack_key.set (context_stack, null); } context_stack->add (context); } /** * Remove the topmost context from the context stack. */ public static void pop () { List* context_stack = context_stack_key.get (); if (context_stack == null || context_stack->size == 0) { error ("internal: No context available to pop"); } context_stack->remove_at (context_stack->size - 1); } /** * Returns the list of source files. * * @return list of source files */ public unowned List get_source_files () { return source_files; } /** * Returns the list of C source files. * * @return list of C source files */ public unowned List get_c_source_files () { return c_source_files; } /** * Adds the specified file to the list of source files. * * @param file a source file */ public void add_source_file (SourceFile file) { if (source_files_map.contains (file.filename)) { Report.warning (null, "Ignoring source file `%s', which was already added to this context".printf (file.filename)); return; } source_files.add (file); source_files_map.set (file.filename, file); } /** * Returns the source file for a given path. * * @param filename a path to a source file * @return the source file if found */ public unowned Vala.SourceFile? get_source_file (string filename) { return source_files_map.get (filename); } /** * Adds the specified file to the list of C source files. * * @param file a C source file */ public void add_c_source_file (string file) { c_source_files.add (file); } /** * Returns the list of used packages. * * @return list of used packages */ public unowned List get_packages () { return packages; } /** * Returns whether the specified package is being used. * * @param pkg a package name * @return true if the specified package is being used */ public bool has_package (string pkg) { return packages.contains (pkg); } /** * Adds the specified package to the list of used packages. * * @param pkg a package name */ public void add_package (string pkg) { packages.add (pkg); } /** * Pull the specified package into the context. * The method is tolerant if the package has been already loaded. * * @param pkg a package name * @return false if the package could not be loaded * */ public bool add_external_package (string pkg) { if (has_package (pkg)) { // ignore multiple occurrences of the same package return true; } // first try .vapi var path = get_vapi_path (pkg); if (path == null) { // try with .gir path = get_gir_path (pkg); } if (path == null) { Report.error (null, "Package `%s' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories".printf (pkg)); return false; } add_package (pkg); add_source_file (new SourceFile (this, SourceFileType.PACKAGE, path)); if (verbose_mode) { stdout.printf ("Loaded package `%s'\n", path); } var deps_filename = Path.build_path ("/", Path.get_dirname (path), pkg + ".deps"); if (!add_packages_from_file (deps_filename)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Read the given filename and pull in packages. * The method is tolerant if the file does not exist. * * @param filename a filename * @return false if an error occurs while reading the file or if a package could not be added */ public bool add_packages_from_file (string filename) { if (!FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return true; } try { string contents; FileUtils.get_contents (filename, out contents); foreach (string package in contents.split ("\n")) { package = package.strip (); if (package != "") { add_external_package (package); } } } catch (FileError e) { Report.error (null, "Unable to read dependency file: %s".printf (e.message)); return false; } return true; } /** * Add the specified source file to the context. Only .vala, .vapi, .gs, * and .c extensions are supported. * * @param filename a filename * @param is_source true to force adding the file as .vala or .gs * @param cmdline true if the file came from the command line. * @return false if the file is not recognized or the file does not exist */ public bool add_source_filename (string filename, bool is_source = false, bool cmdline = false) { if (!FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { Report.error (null, "%s not found".printf (filename)); return false; } var rpath = realpath (filename); if (is_source || filename.has_suffix (".vala") || filename.has_suffix (".gs")) { var source_file = new SourceFile (this, SourceFileType.SOURCE, rpath, null, cmdline); source_file.relative_filename = filename; if (profile == Profile.POSIX) { // import the Posix namespace by default (namespace of backend-specific standard library) var ns_ref = new UsingDirective (new UnresolvedSymbol (null, "Posix", null)); source_file.add_using_directive (ns_ref); root.add_using_directive (ns_ref); } else if (profile == Profile.GOBJECT) { // import the GLib namespace by default (namespace of backend-specific standard library) var ns_ref = new UsingDirective (new UnresolvedSymbol (null, "GLib", null)); source_file.add_using_directive (ns_ref); root.add_using_directive (ns_ref); } add_source_file (source_file); if (rpath != filename) { source_files_map.set (filename, source_file); } } else if (filename.has_suffix (".vapi") || filename.has_suffix (".gir")) { var source_file = new SourceFile (this, SourceFileType.PACKAGE, rpath, null, cmdline); source_file.relative_filename = filename; add_source_file (source_file); if (rpath != filename) { source_files_map.set (filename, source_file); } } else if (filename.has_suffix (".c")) { add_c_source_file (rpath); } else if (filename.has_suffix (".h")) { /* Ignore */ } else { Report.error (null, "%s is not a supported source file type. Only .vala, .vapi, .gs, and .c files are supported.".printf (filename)); return false; } return true; } /** * Visits the complete code tree file by file. * It is possible to add new source files while visiting the tree. * * @param visitor the visitor to be called when traversing */ public void accept (CodeVisitor visitor) { root.accept (visitor); // support queueing new source files int index = 0; while (index < source_files.size) { var source_file = source_files[index]; source_file.accept (visitor); index++; } } /** * Resolve and analyze. */ public void check () { resolver.resolve (this); if (!keep_going && report.get_errors () > 0) { return; } analyzer.analyze (this); // Don't run the FlowAnalyzer if we have semantic errors, since // the messages from FlowAnalyzer will usually be nonsensical. if (report.get_errors () > 0) { return; } flow_analyzer.analyze (this); if (report.get_errors () > 0) { return; } used_attr.check_unused (this); } public void add_define (string define) { if (is_defined (define)) { Report.warning (null, "`%s' is already defined".printf (define)); if (/VALA_0_\d+/.match_all (define)) { Report.warning (null, "`VALA_0_XX' defines are automatically added up to current compiler version in use"); } else if (/GLIB_2_\d+/.match_all (define)) { Report.warning (null, "`GLIB_2_XX' defines are automatically added up to targeted glib version"); } } defines.add (define); } public bool is_defined (string define) { return (define in defines); } void add_default_defines () { int api_major = 0; int api_minor = 0; if (API_VERSION.scanf ("%d.%d", out api_major, out api_minor) != 2 || api_major > 0 || api_minor % 2 != 0) { Report.error (null, "Invalid format for Vala.API_VERSION"); return; } for (int i = 2; i <= api_minor; i += 2) { defines.add ("VALA_0_%d".printf (i)); } target_glib_major = 2; target_glib_minor = 48; for (int i = 16; i <= target_glib_minor; i += 2) { defines.add ("GLIB_2_%d".printf (i)); } } /** * Set the target version of glib for code generation. * * This may be called once or not at all. * * @param target_glib a string of the format "%d.%d" */ public void set_target_glib_version (string target_glib) { int glib_major = 0; int glib_minor = 0; if (target_glib == "auto") { var available_glib = pkg_config_modversion ("glib-2.0"); if (available_glib != null && available_glib.scanf ("%d.%d", out glib_major, out glib_minor) >= 2) { glib_minor -= ++glib_minor % 2; set_target_glib_version ("%d.%d".printf (glib_major, glib_minor)); return; } } glib_major = target_glib_major; glib_minor = target_glib_minor; if (target_glib != null && target_glib.scanf ("%d.%d", out glib_major, out glib_minor) != 2 || glib_minor % 2 != 0) { Report.error (null, "Only a stable version of GLib can be targeted, use MAJOR.MINOR format with MINOR as an even number"); } if (glib_major != 2) { Report.error (null, "This version of valac only supports GLib 2"); } if (glib_minor <= target_glib_minor) { // no additional defines needed return; } for (int i = target_glib_major + 2; i <= glib_minor; i += 2) { defines.add ("GLIB_2_%d".printf (i)); } target_glib_major = glib_major; target_glib_minor = glib_minor; } public string? get_vapi_path (string pkg) { var path = get_file_path (pkg + ".vapi", "vala" + Config.PACKAGE_SUFFIX + "/vapi", "vala/vapi", vapi_directories); if (path == null) { /* last chance: try the package compiled-in vapi dir */ var filename = Path.build_path ("/", Config.PACKAGE_DATADIR, "vapi", pkg + ".vapi"); if (FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { path = filename; } } return path; } public string? get_gir_path (string gir) { return get_file_path (gir + ".gir", "gir-1.0", null, gir_directories); } public string? get_gresource_path (string gresource, string resource) { var filename = get_file_path (resource, null, null, { Path.get_dirname (gresource) }); if (filename == null) { filename = get_file_path (resource, null, null, gresources_directories); } return filename; } /* * Returns the .metadata file associated with the given .gir file. */ public string? get_metadata_path (string gir_filename) { var basename = Path.get_basename (gir_filename); var metadata_basename = "%s.metadata".printf (basename.substring (0, basename.length - ".gir".length)); // look into metadata directories var metadata_filename = get_file_path (metadata_basename, null, null, metadata_directories); if (metadata_filename != null) { return metadata_filename; } // look into the same directory of .gir metadata_filename = Path.build_path ("/", Path.get_dirname (gir_filename), metadata_basename); if (FileUtils.test (metadata_filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return metadata_filename; } return null; } string? get_file_path (string basename, string? versioned_data_dir, string? data_dir, string[] directories) { string filename = null; if (directories != null) { foreach (unowned string dir in directories) { filename = Path.build_path ("/", dir, basename); if (FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return filename; } } } if (data_dir != null) { foreach (unowned string dir in Environment.get_system_data_dirs ()) { filename = Path.build_path ("/", dir, data_dir, basename); if (FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return filename; } } } if (versioned_data_dir != null) { foreach (unowned string dir in Environment.get_system_data_dirs ()) { filename = Path.build_path ("/", dir, versioned_data_dir, basename); if (FileUtils.test (filename, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return filename; } } } return null; } public void write_dependencies (string filename) { var stream = FileStream.open (filename, "w"); if (stream == null) { Report.error (null, "unable to open `%s' for writing".printf (filename)); return; } stream.printf ("%s:", filename); foreach (var src in source_files) { if (src.file_type == SourceFileType.FAST && src.used) { stream.printf (" %s", src.filename); } } stream.printf ("\n\n"); } public void write_external_dependencies (string filename) { var stream = FileStream.open (filename, "w"); if (stream == null) { Report.error (null, "unable to open `%s' for writing".printf (filename)); return; } bool first = true; foreach (var src in source_files) { if (src.file_type != SourceFileType.SOURCE && src.used) { if (first) { first = false; stream.printf ("%s: ", filename); } else { stream.puts (" \\\n\t"); } stream.printf ("%s", src.filename); } } stream.puts ("\n\n"); } private static bool ends_with_dir_separator (string s) { return Path.is_dir_separator (s.get_char (s.length - 1)); } /** * Returns canonicalized absolute pathname * ported from glibc * * @param name the path being checked * @return a canonicalized absolute pathname */ public static string realpath (string name) { string rpath; // start of path component weak string start; // end of path component weak string end; if (!Path.is_absolute (name)) { // relative path rpath = Environment.get_current_dir (); start = end = name; } else { // set start after root start = end = Path.skip_root (name); // extract root rpath = name.substring (0, (int) ((char*) start - (char*) name)); } long root_len = (long) ((char*) Path.skip_root (rpath) - (char*) rpath); for (; start.get_char () != 0; start = end) { // skip sequence of multiple path-separators while (Path.is_dir_separator (start.get_char ())) { start = start.next_char (); } // find end of path component long len = 0; for (end = start; end.get_char () != 0 && !Path.is_dir_separator (end.get_char ()); end = end.next_char ()) { len++; } if (len == 0) { break; } else if (len == 1 && start.get_char () == '.') { // do nothing } else if (len == 2 && start.has_prefix ("..")) { // back up to previous component, ignore if at root already if (rpath.length > root_len) { do { rpath = rpath.substring (0, rpath.length - 1); } while (!ends_with_dir_separator (rpath)); } } else { if (!ends_with_dir_separator (rpath)) { rpath += Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S; } // don't use len, substring works on bytes rpath += start.substring (0, (long)((char*)end - (char*)start)); } } if (rpath.length > root_len && ends_with_dir_separator (rpath)) { rpath = rpath.substring (0, rpath.length - 1); } if (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR != '/') { // don't use backslashes internally, // to avoid problems in #include directives string[] components = rpath.split ("\\"); rpath = string.joinv ("/", components); } return rpath; } public bool pkg_config_exists (string package_name) { string pc = pkg_config_command + " --exists " + package_name; int exit_status; try { Process.spawn_command_line_sync (pc, null, null, out exit_status); return (0 == exit_status); } catch (SpawnError e) { Report.error (null, e.message); return false; } } public string? pkg_config_modversion (string package_name) { string pc = pkg_config_command + " --silence-errors --modversion " + package_name; string? output = null; int exit_status; try { Process.spawn_command_line_sync (pc, out output, null, out exit_status); if (exit_status != 0) { output = output[0:-1]; if (output == "") { output = null; } } } catch (SpawnError e) { output = null; } return output; } public string? pkg_config_compile_flags (string package_name) { string pc = pkg_config_command + " --cflags"; if (!compile_only) { pc += " --libs"; } pc += package_name; string? output = null; int exit_status; try { Process.spawn_command_line_sync (pc, out output, null, out exit_status); if (exit_status != 0) { Report.error (null, "%s exited with status %d".printf (pkg_config_command, exit_status)); return null; } } catch (SpawnError e) { Report.error (null, e.message); output = null; } return output; } }