/* valacallabletype.vala * * Copyright (C) 2017 Rico Tzschichholz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Rico Tzschichholz */ using GLib; /** * A callable type, i.e. a delegate, method, or signal type. */ public abstract class Vala.CallableType : DataType { public weak Callable callable_symbol { get { return (Callable) symbol; } } protected CallableType (Symbol symbol, SourceReference? source_reference = null) { base.with_symbol (symbol, source_reference); } public override bool is_invokable () { return true; } public override unowned DataType? get_return_type () { return callable_symbol.return_type; } public override unowned List? get_parameters () { return callable_symbol.get_parameters (); } public override string to_prototype_string (string? override_name = null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); unowned DelegateType? delegate_type = this as DelegateType; unowned MethodType? method_type = this as MethodType; unowned SignalType? signal_type = this as SignalType; if (method_type != null && method_type.method_symbol.coroutine) { // Only methods can be asynchronous builder.append ("async "); } else if (delegate_type != null) { builder.append ("delegate "); } else if (signal_type != null) { builder.append ("signal "); } // Append return-type, but omit return-type for creation methods if (method_type == null || !(method_type.method_symbol is CreationMethod)) { builder.append (get_return_type ().to_prototype_string ()); } // Append name builder.append_c (' '); builder.append (override_name ?? this.to_string ()); builder.append_c (' '); // Append parameter-list builder.append_c ('('); int i = 1; // add sender parameter for internal signal-delegates if (delegate_type != null) { unowned Delegate delegate_symbol = delegate_type.delegate_symbol; if (delegate_symbol.parent_symbol is Signal && delegate_symbol.sender_type != null) { builder.append (delegate_symbol.sender_type.to_qualified_string ()); i++; } } foreach (Parameter param in get_parameters ()) { if (i > 1) { builder.append (", "); } if (param.ellipsis) { builder.append ("..."); continue; } if (param.params_array) { builder.append ("params "); } if (param.direction == ParameterDirection.IN) { if (param.variable_type.value_owned) { builder.append ("owned "); } } else { if (param.direction == ParameterDirection.REF) { builder.append ("ref "); } else if (param.direction == ParameterDirection.OUT) { builder.append ("out "); } if (!param.variable_type.value_owned && param.variable_type is ReferenceType) { builder.append ("weak "); } } builder.append (param.variable_type.to_qualified_string ()); if (param.initializer != null) { builder.append (" = "); builder.append (param.initializer.to_string ()); } i++; } builder.append_c (')'); // Append error-types var error_types = new ArrayList (); callable_symbol.get_error_types (error_types); if (error_types.size > 0) { builder.append (" throws "); bool first = true; foreach (DataType type in error_types) { if (!first) { builder.append (", "); } else { first = false; } builder.append (type.to_string ()); } } return builder.str; } }