using GLib; [CCode (has_target = false)] public delegate void Delegate (); public struct RealStruct { public int field; } public class NonPrivAccess : Object { [NoAccessorMethod] public RealStruct real_struct { owned get; set; } } public class Sample : Object { private string automatic { get; set; } public Delegate deleg { get; owned set; } private string _name; public string name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } private string _read_only; public string read_only { get { return _read_only; } } public int public_prop { get; set; } private int private_prop { get; set; } public Sample (string name) { = name; } construct { _automatic = "InitialAutomatic"; _read_only = "InitialReadOnly"; } public void run() { notify.connect ((s, p) => { stdout.printf("property `%s' has changed!\n",; }); automatic = "TheNewAutomatic"; name = "TheNewName"; // The following statement would be rejected // read_only = "TheNewReadOnly"; stdout.printf("automatic: %s\n", automatic); stdout.printf("name: %s\n", name); stdout.printf("read_only: %s\n", read_only); stdout.printf("automatic: %s\n", automatic); this.deleg = null; lock (public_prop) { public_prop = 42; } lock (private_prop) { private_prop = 42; } } public static int main () { var test = new Sample("InitialName");; (); stdout.printf ("Interface Properties Test: 1"); Maman.Ibaz ibaz = new Maman.Baz (); ibaz.simple_method (); stdout.printf (" 3\n"); var nonpriv = new NonPrivAccess (); nonpriv.real_struct = { 10 }; assert (nonpriv.real_struct.field == 10); return 0; } } abstract class Maman.Foo : Object { private int _public_base_property = 2; public int public_base_property { get { return _public_base_property; } set { _public_base_property = value; } } public abstract int abstract_base_property { get; set; } } enum FooEnum { FOO } abstract class Maman.EnumDefault { public abstract FooEnum bar { get; default = FooEnum.FOO; } } class Maman.Bar : Foo { public int public_property { get; set; default = 3; } public override int abstract_base_property { get; set; } void do_action () { stdout.printf (" %d %d", public_base_property, public_property); public_base_property = 4; public_property = 5; stdout.printf (" %d %d", public_base_property, public_property); } public static void run () { stdout.printf ("Property Test: 1"); var bar = new Bar (); bar.do_action (); Foo foo = bar; foo.abstract_base_property = 6; stdout.printf (" %d", foo.abstract_base_property); stdout.printf (" 7\n"); } } interface Maman.Ibaz : Object { public abstract int number { get; } public void simple_method () { int n = number; stdout.printf (" %d", n); } } class Maman.Baz : Object, Ibaz { public int number { get { return 2; } } } interface Maman.IBiz : Object { public abstract int number { get; construct; } } abstract class Maman.ABiz : Object, IBiz { public int number { get; construct; } public abstract int number2 { get; construct; } } class Maman.Biz : ABiz { public override int number2 { get; construct; } }